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1、2022年安徽省安庆市桐城香铺中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. every spring, mexico gulf turtles _ and bury their eggs in the warm and soft sand of the boggend beach.   a. lie      b. lay      c. lain      d. lift参考答案:b2. this machine _ it h

2、as worked for years.   a. didnt work      b .wasnt working    c. doesnt work    d. isnt working参考答案:c略3. most of the music he recorded from 1924 to 1971 is still _.a. optional          b. reasona

3、ble              c. available              d. complicated 参考答案:c4. ,they could find nobody in the house.a. search as they wouldb. as they would searchc.would search as theyd. as wo

4、uld they search参考答案:a5. the teachers are discussing the plan_they would like to see_next year.a. what, carry out    b. that, to carry out    c. what, carrying out    d. that, carried out参考答案:d【详解】考查关系代词和过去分词。句意:老师们正在讨论他们想明年实施的计划。分析句子可知,the plan为先行词,在定语从句中

5、做see的宾语,所以关系代词用that。the plan与carry out逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词 carried out。故d选项正确。6. it is our hope that more trees _ here next year.a. have been planted  b. will be plantedc. have planted  d. will plant参考答案:b7. - i dont suppose the police know who did it.- well, surprisingly they do. a man has be

6、en arrested and _ now.a. has been questioned       b. is being questioned     c. is questioning               d. has questioned参考答案:b略8. the teacher came to the classroom and demanded &

7、#160;      what had happened.    a. to be told    b. being told     c. telling him    d. his students to tell him参考答案:a略9. it cant be too worse.just _, things will turn out to be better so long as you dont stop tryi

8、ng.a. be all right       b. take your time   c. ignore it    d. take it easy参考答案:d10. lawrences novel was rejected at first, but it later came to be _ as a work of genius.a. acknowledgedb. permittedc. adaptedd. congratulated参考答案:a11. he hurried

9、to the station only _ that the train had left.a. to find     b. finding    c. found   d. to have found   参考答案:a12. when shall we attend the long-awaited optional courses this term?   as far as im concerned, optional courses are _ to st

10、art at the beginning of november.a. available   b. due       c. about            d. willing参考答案:b13. some more wine? thank you. _. i have to drive home. a. with pleasure      

11、        b. id rather not                  c. go ahead           d. its up to you.参考答案:b14. they overcome some difficulties and complete

12、d the work ahead of time, _ was something we had not expected.     a. that              b. which              c. it       

13、60;     d. what参考答案:b15. after a sleepy journey, i realized that i had been transported into the future of _ was still my hometown.    a. which             b. where        

14、60;       c. what          d. that参考答案:c16. _ round the city, we were impressed by the citys new look.a. taken       b. taking          

15、0;     c. to be taken          d. being taken  参考答案:a略17. if he takes on this work,he will have no choice but _ an even greater challenge.a. meets    b. meetingc. meet    d. to meet参考答案:d试题分析:考查固

16、定词组:have no choice but to do别无选择只好做,句意:如果他接受这个工作,他将只好接受一个更大的挑战。选d。考点:考查固定词组18. i congratulated them all             their results.a. on b.in c. about d. for 参考答案:a略19. is this the reason _at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?a. h

17、e explained               b. what he explainedc. how he explained           d. why he explained参考答案:a二、 书面表达20. 假如你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对“良好饮食习惯”这一话题进行讨论。请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容要点应包括: 部

18、分同学的饮食习惯良好的饮食习惯个人看法不吃早餐爱吃零食偏食饮食过量饮食多样化饮食定时定量重要性:有助于身体健康注意:1.发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;3词数:100左右。4参考词汇:偏食be particular about food     零食 snackdear friends,as we all know,we are what we eat.therefore,its very important for us to form healthy eating habits.  _th

19、ats all.thank you! 参考答案:dear friends,as we all know,we are what we eat.therefore,its very important for us to form healthy eating habits. however,bad eating habits are still very common among us students.some of us often go to school without breakfast;some like to have snacks; some others are p

20、articular about food;and still some eat or drink too much.all these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.to keep fit,we should have various healthy diets,which generally include proper amounts of fish,meat,vegetables,fruit as well as main food.besides,wed better have meals regularly.in my op

21、inion,we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.thats all.thank you! 三、 阅读理解21. repressiontoday, as i was relaxing at the beach, i couldn't help but eavesdrop(窃听,偷听) on a conversation four high school

22、kids were having on the beach blanket next to me. their conversation was about making a positive difference in the world. and it went something like this"it's impossible to make a difference unless you're a huge corporation or someone with lots of money and power," one of them said

23、."yeah man," another replied. "my mom keeps telling me to move mountains to speak up and stand up for what i believe. but what i say and do doesn't even get noticed. i just keep answering to the man and then i get slapped back(山谷回声) in place by him when i step out of line."&q

24、uot;repression" another snickered.i smiled because i knew exactly how they felt. when i was their age, i was certain i was being repressed and couldn't possibly make a difference in this world. and i actually almost got expelled from(驱逐,开除) school once because i openly expressed how repress

25、ed i felt in the middle of the principals office.i have a dreamsuddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling. he sat up, looked at me and said, "what? do you disagree?" then as he waited for a response, the other three kids turned around too.rather than arguing with them,

26、i took an old receipt(收据) out of my wallet, ripped(撕,扯) it into four pieces, and wrote a different word on each piece. then i crumbled the pieces into little paper balls and handed a different piece to each one of them."look at the word on the paper i just gave you and don't show it to anyo

27、ne else." the kids looked at the single word i had handed each of them and appeared confused. "you have two choices," i told them. "if your word inspired you to make a difference in this world, then hold onto it. if not, give it back to me so i can recycle the paper." they a

28、ll returned their words.i scooted(快走) over, sat down on the sand next to their beach blanket and laid out the four words that the students had returned to me so that the words combined to form the simple sentence, "i have a dream.""dude, that's martin luther king jr.," one of

29、 the kids said."how did you know that?" i asked."everyone knows martin luther king jr." the kid snarled. "he has his own national holiday, and we all had to memorize his speech in school a few years ago.""why do you think your teachers had you memorize his speech?&

30、quot; i asked."i don't really care!" the kid replied. his three friends shook their heads in agreement. "what does this have to do with us and our situation?""your teachers asked you to memorize those words, just like thousands of teachers around the world have asked stu

31、dents to memorize those words, because they have inspired millions of repressed people to dream of a better world and take action to make their dreams come true. do you see where i'm going with this?""man, i know exactly what you're trying to do and it's not going to work, alri

32、ght?" the fourth kid said, who hadn't spoken a word until now. "we're not going to get all inspired and emotional about something some dude said thirty years ago. our world is different now. and it's more screwed up than any us can even begin to imagine, and there's little

33、you or i can do about it. we're too small, we're nobody."togetheri smiled again because i once believed and used to say similar things. then after holding the smile for a few seconds i said, "on their own, i' or have or a or dream are just words. not very compelling or inspirin

34、g. but when you put them together in a certain order, they create a phrase that has been powerful enough to move millions of people to take action action that changed laws, perceptions, and lives. you don't need to be inspired or emotional to agree with this, do you?"the four kids shrugged

35、and struggled to appear totally indifferent, but i could tell they were listening intently. "and what's true for words is also true for people," i continued. "one person without help from anyone else can't do much to make a sizable difference in this crazy world - or to overco

36、me all of the various forms of repression(抑制,压抑) that exist today. but when people get together and unite to form something more powerful and meaningful then themselves, the possibilities are endless.together is how mountains are moved. together is how small people make a big difference.55. why were the kids repressed?a. because they were scolded by their teachersb. because they lacked confidence of making a difference in the world c. because they didnt have lots of money or power.d. because one of them almost got expelled from school.56. what did the writer do when one of the kids


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