



1、员工外派合同Con tract of Labor Dispatch ing甲方:Party A :乙方:Party B:丙方:Party C:签订日期:年月日Date of sig nment:epog diz:黝田:ssajppv:aA!; e;uasajdaj pazuoq;nVo aAijejuasajday 闻芮:V Aped:epog diz:黝田:ssajppe juasajd:33U3piS3J p3J3; SI63J:聃丑加甘Jeqiur) N Gl:g Aped:RN:epog diz :删I:ssajppv:w:aA!; e;uasajdaj pazuoq;nVo aAij

2、ejuasajday 闻芮:V Aped:E乙方系丙方自甲方公司借用人员。根据中华人民共和国合同法,甲乙丙三方经友好协商,就借用期间各自的权 利、义务达成如下协议:Party B refers to the staff dispatched from Party A to Party C. According to the ContractLaw of the People 1 Rsepublic of China, Labor Law of the People Rsepublic of China, Labor Con tract Law of the People 1 s Republi

3、c of China and other releva nt laws and regulsa5tiaond in line with the prin ciple of equality and mutual ben efits, the two parties enter into this Labor Service Con tract (herei nafter referred to as “ this Con tract n ) through friendly consultation with regard to Party A 1 s labor service for Pa

4、rty B.一、乙方自 年 月日至 年 月 日被丙方派往甲方工作。Party B will be sent to Party C from PartY A(From to).二、乙方在甲方借用期间,须遵守甲方的劳动纪律和各项规章制度,服从甲方的管理、完成甲方交给的工作任务。乙方如有严 重违纪行为,甲方需及时通知丙方公司,由该公司对乙方进行处理Labour dispatch must follow the regulation of Party C strictly, obey the management andposition and working location arrangement

5、 of Party C. Any person who breaks the rules andregulations of Party C, will be punished in accordingly.三、丙方承担乙方的工资,标准为 元/月,每月日支付工资。丙方也承担支付乙方的社保公积金部分的单位部分应缴纳的费用。社保公积金单位应承担部分、个人应承担部 分(由丙方在发放工资时代扣), 个人应承担的个税由丙方每半年转账至由甲方上海百旭机械科技有限公司,由协助在上海缴纳,缴纳标准参照上海下限标准。Party C is response for the archives administrat

6、ion of labour dispatch, and insurance payment, salary grant, in dividual in come tax payment, etc.四、甲乙丙任何一方若解除本协议,均须提前30日书面通知对方。否则应向另两方支付一个月工资的代通知金(以乙方月工资 为标准)。After the expiration of the agreement,the con tract con tines voluntarily if both parties have noobjecti on. During the agreement, if one pa

7、rty n eeds early termi nation should be required to inform the other party one month in advance.五、因本协议的履行发生纠纷,三方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。Whatever is not described in this agreement, shall be subject to discussionbetwee n the two parties.六、本协议签字或盖章生效,一式三份,三方各执一份。This agreement is to be signed for three copies, Party A、Party B and Party C will hold onecopy each The agreement will take into effect after signing and sta


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