



1、Unit 3 Lan guage in useI单项选择1 Alice , speak loudly , please.The others_ hear you clearly.A. cant B must ntC. should ntD . may not2. Could you please go to the cin ema with me this after noon?Sorry , I_ _take a pia no less on at 2 pm.A. could nt ; have to B . cant ; wouldC. cant ; have to D . could n

2、t ; will3.We_ to go into the school uni ess we are in school uni forms.A. allowB. are allowedC. are not allowe d D . allowed4.Which of the following sig ns means“ No smoking ”? _ABCD5. Where is Mr Zhao?He_ to Mount Fanj in g.Hell come back_ a week.A. has been ; inB. has gone ;afterC. has gone ; inD.

3、 has been ;after6. rm busy now.lto you after school this after noon.A. talkB.talkedC. will talk D.have talked7. How can we protect ourselvesthe earthquake?We should stay calm first.A. withB.aboutC. forD.from8. A pers ons lifeis like a roadlots of difficulties.Yes, so we need positive energy.A. byB.w

4、ithC. alongD.duri ng9. What a goodyouve give n me!Tha nks a lot.My pleasure.2A. informationB. newsC. suggestionD. advice10. Wha_will global warming(全球变暖) bring us ? Scientists have given us aclear list.A. n ewsB . dan gersC. courses D . advantagesn.完形填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空限填一词。On July 2,19

5、37, Amelia Earhart ( an American pil ot) and Fred Noonan left New Guineafor Howla nd Isla nd in the Pacific.This was the Ion gest and most dan gerous part of theirt_ 1_around the world.Earhart had trouble soon after the plane took off.The weather wasvery bad, so she had to f_ 2_ at 3,000 metres.Goin

6、g this high, the plane used fuel quickly.After about 20 h_3_,Earhart and Noonan got close to Howland Island.Theisland waso_4_about 65 miles(英里) away, but the bright sun was shining in their faces so theycould nt see it.Near Howla nd,a shi p was w_5_for the pla ne.Earhartcon tacted the ship:“ We dont

7、 have eno ugh fuel,” she said.The ship tried to stay in touch with her b_6_got no an swer.F inally , the ship called for help.People looked for Earhart and Noonan for days.However, they found nothing.What happened to Amelia Earhart ? No one knows for sure.D_7_ the flight ,she probably moved in thewr

8、ong direct ion (方向) because the sun was bright and it was d_8_ to see.So she got lost ; soon after , herplane ran out of fuel , and she died at the sea.Another idea is that she survived (幸存)the plane crash (飞机失事), s 9 to a Ionely island, andlater died there.Still others think she survived the crash

9、and secretly returned to theUS with a new ide ntity(身份).Till now, none of these i_1_0_ has been proved.People are stillwonderin g about them.(Noonans body has never been found either.) No matter what happened, Earhart probablydied as she wished.“When I go,” she said ,“ Id like best to go in my plane

10、.”1 . _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6 . _ 7. _8._ 9. _ 10. _3参考答案I.1. A 要求她大声说话,因为“别人听不清她说话”,故选 A 项。2 . C 由于“下午两点必须上钢琴课”这一客观事实,导致“不能一块去看电影”。故选C 项3. Cbe notallowed to dosth.“不被允许做某事”。句意:如果我们不穿校服就不能进入4学校。4.B 句意指“禁止吸烟”,只有B 项图片与句意相符。5.C 句中提到赵先生去了梵净山(还没有回来 ),故用 has gone to ;在将来时态中表达“多长时间以后”时介词用in,故选 C 项。6.C 句意:我

11、现在很忙,下午放学后再和你谈话,可知用一般将来时,故选C 项。7 . D protect.from sth. 意为“保护.不受.的损害,结合句意“我们怎样才能保护自己不受地震的损害? ”故选 D 项。8.B 此处 with 意为“具有,带有”。9.C 由句意“你给了我多好的一条建议! ”且应用可数名词可知选C 项。10 . B 由句意“全城变暖将带给我们什么危害? ”故选 B 项。n. 1 . travel/tour/trip环游世界,且这里表示旅行,且以t 开头的单词都可以。2 . fly首先此空应填一个动词,再根据前面一句“. the pla ne took off.”得知这个空应填 fly。3 . hours这里应该填一个表示时间的名词,所以此空填hours。4 . only“but. ”分句说明他们离岛不远,所以此空填 only。5 . waitingwait for sb./sth.“等待某人/某物”,前面有be 动词,所以这里应填waiting。6 . but 根据语境得知这里应表示转折关系,所以此处填but。7 . During 首先此空应填一个介词,根据后文表达在飞行过程中,所以应填During。8 . difficult太阳光太强所以很难看见,并且第二段的第二句也说了看不见,所以此空应填d


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