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1、Unit 1 Text: A. dB. 1. c2. dC. 1. d2. bFast Reading: 1. c 2. d 11. c 12. cHome Reading: 1. d 2. b3. d4. a3. d4. d3. b4. c13. b14. c3. b4. c5. d6. c,5. a6. d5. c 6. d15. d5. c 6. b7. a8. c7. c 8. b7. a8. c7. a 8. b9. d9. d 10. d9. d 10. c9. d 10.cUnit 2Text:A. dB. 1. b2. c3. cC. 1. a2. d3. dFast Read

2、ing:I. b2. d3.dII. d12. d13.dHome Reading:I. c2. d3.dII. b12. a4. d 5. c 6. c,4. b 5. a 6. b4. a5.c6. c14. c15.d4. c5.c6. d7. a 8. c7. b 8. b 9. c7. d8. b9. c7. d8. d9. d10. a10. a10. bUnit 3Text:A cB1 c2 d10.d11, dC 1 b2 a10 aFast Reading:1 b 2 c3 c3 b4 c12 c3 a4 d4 d5 b5 c6、 d7 c5 b6 a7 a6 c7 b8 a

3、8c9b8 d9a9 c10c11.d12.d13.d14.d15.bHome Reading:1 c2 d3 c4 b5 b6 a 7 d8 bUnit 4Text:A cB 1 b2 d10 cC 1 a2 a3c4d5c3b4d5a6b7d6d7b8 b8 d9 d9 c3,d4a5。 b6b7d8、 b9 cFast Reading:1 c2 c10a 11 c12a13c14c15bHome Reading:1 d2b 3 b4、c5c6b7a8、b9、d10cUnit 5Text:A: cB: 1.d2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.d 10.dC: 1.

4、b2.b3.a4.d5.c6.c7.d8.d9.a10.d11. d 12.aReading SkillsA. b c8.1. Computer networks/A network links computers together and allows people to communicate.2.Forest/The forest preserves water protects the soil 3.Sound/Vibration produces sound.Fast Reading:1 .a 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.c 10.b 11.c 12.

5、a 13.b 14.b 15.bHome Reading:2 .b 2.c 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.aUnit6Text:A. dB1 cC 1 a 2.bFast Reading:I d2 cII c12 dHome Reading:1 a2 b2 c3 c3 a4 d4 c4 a13 c3 c4 c4 a5 a5 a6. b5 b6 c14 c15 d5 d6 c6 c77 b8 c7 d 8 b7 b8 dd 8. b9 c10 d9 c10 a9 b10 bUnit7Text:A. bB. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. d 6.c7. c 8. dC

6、. 1. d 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. b 7.d8. a 9. b 10. aReading Skills:A. 1. noun/decisions2. noun / estimation of income and expense3. noun / one in name onlyB. 1. c 2, a 3, aFast Reading:10. dI. d2. a3. b4. d 5. d 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. bII. d12. a 13. a 14. b 15. aHome Reading:1 b 2. d 3. c 4. b 5, b 6. b 7

7、. d 8. bUnit 8Text:A cB1b28b9dC 1 d2d 310. db3445。c5 d6c6 a7 c7 a8 b 9 d10b11 a 12 aReading Skills:A 1 Forefathers2 a year that contains 366 days3 An athlete who has never competed for payment or for a monetary prizeB 1 noun a stick used to support people2. noun a tool to cut trees3. noun journeys o

8、n or in a vehicle, etc4. noun a small quantity taken by sippingFast Reading:1 d2d 3. a9 d10b 11 dHome Reading:1 c 2 c 3 b4。b12 b4 b5 c13 c5 d6 c7b814, c15 d6b7. b8UNIT 9Text:A. dB1b2.8 c9C 1d2b9 c10Fast Reading:1. c2c9d10Home Reading:1 d2dc3b3 a4d4ad 11 c12, a3 d4ca 11 c 12a3 b4d5ad 5. a 6. b5c6a13b

9、14c5 c6d6 b7。c7 b8c7b8c15d7d8bUnit10Text:A dB. 1. d2. b3. a4, b5. d6. c7. d8. b9. dC. 1. c2. d3. a4, c5. b6. c7. a8. b9. d10.Reading Skills:A. 1. Announcement of a unit test2. Failure to prepare for the test3. Cheating in the test4. Mental sufferings5. Confessions to father and the teacherB.1. space

10、 order 2. time orderFast Reading:I. c 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. dII. b 12. d 13. cHome Reading:1. a 2. b 3. a14. c 15. a4. a 5. d3. space order6. b 7. a 8. d6. c 7. a 8. d9. b 10. bUnit 11Text:A dB 1 c2 b 3 cC 1. b 2 a3 a4 b5 d6 d7 c 8 b4。 d5 a 6 a7 a8 d9 a10 c 11.a12 dReading Skills:1 Coates-Wright's o

11、bsession with Napoleon rules his life2 A Bill to stop cats from going out at night was vetoed by StevensonFast Reading:I d2c3a4。b5c6d7c 8. d9c10cII .a12.c13.d14.a15.bHome Reading:1.c2.d3.d4. c 5.b6.d7.b8.d9.dUnit 12Text:A d8 1. d 2.aC 1.b 2.a 3.cFast Reading:1 d 2 d9 b10Home Reading:1 b2a3 .c4.b5.d4

12、 .d 5.b 6.a 7.b3 d 4, a c 11 d12。 a3 a 4 d6.d7.b8.a8.d 9.a 10.b 11.a5d6a13c14b5a6b12.c7b8b15 b7d8d9b 10 cUnit13Text:A. aB. 1. c 2.a3. d 4. a 5. c 6, c 7. c 8, d 9, cC. 1. d 2. a 3, b 4. c 5. a 6, a 7. d 8, d 9, a 10. b 11. d 12. aReading Skills:1. a contemporary of Shakespeare/thenarrator is still i

13、mpressed by the excitement of his early experience in London, and is emotionally involved in what he is telling.2. an omniscient narrator who tells a story he knows well / the narrator doesn't comment much but tells the beginning of a story objectively.3. a boy who has cheated in a test / the na

14、rrator is analytic, serious about what he has done.4. one who has a good knowledge of energy / he is objective, scientific about his subject.Fast Reading:I. d2. c 3. cII. a12. c13. dHome Reading:1. c 2. d 3. b4. d 5. d6. d14. d15. c4. b 5. c 6. c7. b 8. a 9.d7. d 8, c10. dUnit 14Text:AaB 1. c2d8b9dC

15、1d2a8a9c3b4a10b11 b3a4d10a11 d5c6d12 b5b6a12 c13 d7714 dReading Skills:A 1 conversion3 acronym5 shortening2 affixation (Suffixation)4 compounding6.shodening7 affixation (prefixation)9 affixation( prefixation)pounding10 conversion(also suffixation)11 conversion12 compounding13 affixation( prefixation and suffixation)Fast Reading:1 c 2 b3d 4 c5b 6 d7b 89d10Home Reading:1 b2 dc 11 b12 c3d 4 c13 a5 b14 d6 c15 d7 a8d9d 10 cUnit 15Text:A.


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