



1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?第四课时 Section B(2a-2e)、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. We can share _ (beautiful)in common things in our daily lives.2. Every country has _(it) own special culture.3. There are many _ (form)of traditional art in China.4. Sky lanterns _ (cover) with paper.5. Teachers must make th

2、eir lessons _(live).1 .It often takes me one hour to c_ my homework.2. These small p_ of clay art show the love beauty.3. I like a Chinese f_ tale called Niulang zhinv very much.4. We can use s_ to cut paper.5 .We always put paper cutting on doors and walls as s_ of wishesfor good luck.、单项选择。around

3、for over 1 , 500 years.A. is fold ;is cut B. is fold ;is cutted C. are fold;is cutted)3. The ground issnow in winter.sky with their wishes.A. cover with B. covering withC. covered withD. covers with)4. (2014 嘉兴中考模拟 Today people light the Ian terns andwatch themthe)1. Paper cuttingA. isB. wasC. wereD

4、. has been)2. The red paperbefore itwith scissors.D. is folded ; is cutA. rise intoB. rised intoC. to rise intoD. rising()5. It takes several weekseverything.A. completeB. completingC. to completeD. completed四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 铁路尚未完工。The railway _ not _ yet.2.晚饭后,请把我的鞋子擦光好吗?After supper , could you ple

5、ase _ my _ ?3.吹干之后,这些陶土制品要被放在高温下烘烤。After_ , these clay pieces _ _ at a very high heat.4.剪纸艺术听起来容易但做起来难。Paper cutting _ very easy but _ can be difficult to_5.当灯笼点燃时,就像我们看见的小热气球一样慢慢地升空。When the lanterns_ _ , they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air_ we see.Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?第四课时 Section B (2a-2e)、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. beauty 2. its 3. forms 4. are covered 5. lively、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. complete 2. pieces 3. fairy 4. scissors 5. symbols三、单项选择。 1-5 D D C A C四、根据汉语意思完成句子


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