



1、高二年级第一学期英语学科教学案(第12案)BookV Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema(Period 1)Teaching aim: learn and remember the new words.1.connection 关系connection (between A and B)/ (with sth)have connection with 与有联系/有关联Scientists have established a connection between the two facts.His resignation must h

2、ave some connection with the recent scandal(闻).His death had no connection with drugs.She did not make the connection between her diet and her poor health.in connection with 与 关系be related to与有联系have something to do with与有联系be involved in 与有关联be connected with与有关,涉及【即学即练】完成句子(1) The terrible fire ma

3、y (与有关)the thunderstorm.(2) The problems(与有关)agriculture are being discussed heatedly.2. solve vt.解决,解答answer a question/ solve a problem 回答问题 /解决问题an answer to a question/ a solution to a problem问题的答案 /问题的解决方案 Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste dispos瞰理废品).You can ' t solve a

4、nything by just running away.to solve a crime / mysteryWe hope the difficulty can be solved by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.3. account n.记述;帐(户);解释vi.(for)说明;占;计算The diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in Chinffi述to have an account at / with a

5、bankto open / close an accoun帐(户)He gave us a clear account of the incident.解释Don' t always believe newspaper accounts of political events.道on account of sth = because of sth: She retired early on account of ill health.We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.The increase ca

6、n be fully accounted for.【即学即练】完成句子(1) My name must(决不能)be mentioned to anyone.(2) You must the boy ' s long 川ness(考虑).4. pour vt.灌,倒,注 vi.倾泻,流出Tears poured down his cheek颈泻I ' ve poured a cup of tea for you. / I've poured you a cup of tea.The rain continued to pour down. / It' s pou

7、而g outside.The government has poured millions into the education system 注/倒入She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffeeK 诉They were pouring into the station.涌入【即学即练】完成句子(1) He watched the rain 1向下流)the windows.(2) Our country has been旌入)money into university.5. lie vi.躺,平放;位于;伸展;lie 躺(lie

8、s, lying, lay, lain )to lie on your back / side / front/The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.The book lay open on his desk.Snow was lying thick on the ground.I ' d rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank.The town lies on the coast.lie back (do nothing except relax) You don '

9、 t have to do anythinjgst lie back and enjoy the ride.v.说谎 n.谎话(lies, lying, lied, lied)lie (to sb) (about sth) You could see from his face that he was lying.Don't lie to me!She lies about her age.to tell a lie /The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies.【即学即练】翻译句子(1)他像医生指导的那样躺着 (2)湖东有一座城。6.

10、panic n.恐(惊)慌v.(使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措Office workers fled in panic as the fire came about.She went into a mad panicwhen she couldn ' t find the exit.The thought of having to be in chargethrew him into a mild panicHer mind went blank with panic.We will not be panicked into making a decision before we have

11、considered all the evidence.【即学即练】完成句子(1)The crowd (吃惊)at the sound of the guns.(2)The roof is falling down, and the students(慌忙逃 离).7. tie vt. (ties, tying, tied, tied)L;系;连接 vi.不分胜负 n.领带;联系I tie back my hair when I'm cooking.She tied a label on to the suitcase.He left his dog tied up to a tree

12、.There is a strongtie between her and her daughters.The girl was pushed in, her handstied back.8. curious a.好奇的,好求知的;奇特的,稀奇的They were very curious abou the people who lived upstairs.It was curious that she didn't tell anyone.Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again.【即

13、学即练】完成句子(1)Children are naturally 附感至 U好奇)everything around them.(2)He is C 艮想知道)what was in the box.(3)The boy was dying of 好奇)。9. disturb vt.打扰,妨碍;使不安,使烦恼;弄乱I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment?Only the cry of seabirds disturbed the silence.It disturbed her to realize t

14、hat she was missing him.disturb主动指无意的干扰;被动指程度较深的烦恼,甚至表示心理精神方面失常0bother在主动语态里指有意地烦扰;被动指暂时的无意的打扰。trouble比bother更近一层,指麻烦;使人苦恼;还可指所有概念的烦恼。upset指打乱,打扰也指心烦意乱的情绪或精神状态。【即学即练】完成句子(1) He put his finger in the water and the smooth surface of the lake.A. disturbed B. interrupted C. stopped D. made(2) However, a

15、t times this balance in nature is resulting a number ofpossibly unforeseen effects.A. troubled B. disturbed C. puzzled D. mixed10. resemble vt.像,类似于;与相似(不和with连用)(没有进行时,没有 被动语态)resemble sb./ sth. in在方面与 相似She resembles her sister in appearance, but not in characte 她的外表像她姐姐, 但个性不像。He does not resembl

16、e his brother in any way.I have never seen anything remotely resembling the horrors of that day.The plant 像)flower(在方面)appearance.11. warn v.警告,告诫 (sb) (of sth) If you ' re thinking of getting a dog, be war-tedy take a lot of time and money.Police have warned the citizens of possible delays. (sb

17、) (against / about sthThe guidebook warns against walking alone at night.No one had warned us about the unbearable heat.He warned us against pickpockets.warn sb. (not) to doHe warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.warn sb off sth /

18、 doing The farmer warned us off his land when we tried to camp there.She wanted to ask him about it but the look in his eyes warned her off.We were warned off buying the house.I her not to walk on the thin ice, but she wouldn ' t listen.A. suggested B. hoped C. warned D. persuaded12. determined

19、a.坚决的;确定的I'm determined to succeed.The opposition to her scheme made her more determined than ever.They were quite determined that he wasn ' t going to do it.determine vt.确定;决定;使下决心vi.下决心They determined to start early.We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.The court determi

20、ned (that) the defendant should pay the legal costs.determine to do (动作)决定做表示客观事实促成决心或主观决定做。be determined to do (状态)决心做decide to do指经过考虑商议后做出抉择,打定主意做make up one ' s mi瑚示下决心(与迟疑相对),有下定决心不再动摇之义。determine on (doing ) sth 决定做某事(1)He left the place,决定)never to come back.(2)I ' m袂定找出)who is respon

21、sible for this.13. establish vt.建立,创办,设立;确定,确立,证实The school has established a successful relationship with the local community.The exhibition helped her establish herself as an artist.He has now established his reputation aa popular musician.14. force n. pl.军队;暴力vt.强迫;用力推动The release of the hostages

22、 could not be achieved without the use of force.The rioters were taken away by force.She hits the ball with amazing force for someone so e into force 生效 bring sth into force 使生效 in force 有效The new law comes into force as from midnight tomorrow.Some laws relating to obsolete customs are stil

23、l in force. sb (into sth / into doing sth)The President was forced into resigning. =The President was forced to resign.Ill health forced him into early retirement. sb to do sth I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.She forced herself to be polite to them.He didn ' t force r-Iewanted to go.Exercises: Word spelling1. The two boys p slowly upstream in their canoe.2. Jimmy s 10 mont


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