



1、上海交通大学附属中学2020-2021学年度第二学期高二英语摸底考试卷I. Listening Comprehension (20')Part A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will

2、be spoken only once.1. A. A basketball player. B. A laundry worker.C. A window washer. D. A rock climber.2. A. To a stationery shop. B. To a gymnasium.C. To a paint store. D. To a news stand.3. A. 15 minutes. B. 45 minutes.C. An hour. D. An hour and a quarter.4. A. $6. B. $16. C. $30.D. $60.5. A. Lo

3、oking for a timetable. B. Buying some furniture.C. Reserving a table. D. Window shopping.6. A. Egyptian.B. Greek. C. German.D. American.7. A. The man blamed the woman for being careless.8. The man misunderstood the woman's apology.9. The woman offered to pay for the man's coffee.10. The woma

4、n made the man's jacket dirty with coffee.8. A. Dangerous. B. Brave. C. Rude. D. Modest.9. A. A job. B. A reader. C. A book. D. An author.10. A. More sleep can get the man back onto the right track.B. Tiredness is a typical symptom of lack of exercise.C. The man should spend more time outdoors.D

5、. People tend to work longer hours with artificial lighting.Part B PassagesDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passage and the conversations will be read twice, butthe que

6、stions will be spoken only once.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. One case. B. Two cases. C. Three cases. D. Four cases.12. A. They fled the scene in a white car. B. They ran off into a lane.C. They ran along the Seventh Ave. D. They left by the front entrance.13. A.

7、A safe. B. Cash. C. A bike. D. A metal pole.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. 50 million. B. 57 million. C. 120 million. D. 128 million15. A. For financial aid. B. For accurate policy making.C. For economic growth. D. For knowing the level of education.16. A. Some peo

8、ple are unwilling to be recorded.B. Most developing countries lack civil registration systems.C. All the developing countries have no registration system.D. The civil registration is accused by the public.17. A. Helping the developing countries.B. Establishing a partnership with the WHO.C. Improving

9、 people's health.D. Keeping correct records of births and deaths.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation.18. A. In a student dormitory. B. In a homestay family.C. In a quiet hotel room. D. In a lonely house.19. A. High expense. B. Noisy environment.C. Safety concern. D. D

10、ifficult transportation.20. A. He will be supported by a fund. B. His family can support him.C. He has saved some money. D. He can do part-time jobs.II Vocabulary (1(F)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one wo

11、rd more than you need.A. drive; B. minds; C. conservation; D. hint; E. politics; F address; G. review; H. checks; I. commercial; J. cracks;K. regularlyHe's the most famous businessman and die richest man in the world-worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997.Without a doubt. Bill Gates belongs in t

12、he same class as Thomas Edison. Alexander Graham Bell, and other greatL who changed the world. Gates' success stems from his personality: an unbelievable and at tmies frightening blend of high-voltage brilliance, 2 and competitiveness. When the chairman and CEO walks through the corridors of Mic

13、rosoft, it is like a switch being turned on; everything and everyone around him is charged with 10,000 volts of electricity. Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow. The schedule he keeps is one3. as to what he expects from his employees. It's not unusual for the "dean" o

14、f die 'Microsoft campus'' to put in 16-hour days. Indeed, it there s one tiling that distmgmshes the Gates style, it is his time niaiiagemeiit skills. His hallmarks are 4.of time, energy, and focus. He always tries getting the maximum amount of work possibleout of every minute. Always pu

15、nctual and always in high gear, he typically leaves only the tiniest 5 in the day for eating, talking to friends or recreation.On the subject of travel, he has become known for saving money and time as well. On business trips, he flies6 whenever possible and in the interest of time, he never 7 his b

16、aggage. There is no time in his schedule for tourism of any kind, no excursions or sightseeing trips are on his agenda. It's just work, work, work. Gates runs his company mainly through following methods: he meets every month or so with his top management panel of experts and advisers; and most

17、importantly, he holds two or three small & meetings a day with a procession of teams working on the company's vanous products. He doesnt 9 anyone by name or hand out too much praise, but he does go round the table clockwise and listens carefully to everyone who has an idea. When he is unclea

18、r about something, he quizzes and challenges his staff. "Educate me on that; he miglit say, lookmg to make clear a vague statement. Every decision he makes is based on his knowledge of its merits. He doesn't need to rely on personal 10.【答案】LB 2. A3. D4,C5. J 6.17.H8.G9. F10. E【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记

19、叙文。文章主要讲述比尔盖茨的个性,时间管理方式及经营公司的方式等。【1题详解】考查名词。句意:亳无疑问,比尔盖茨与托马斯爱迪生、亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔以及其他改变世 界的伟大思想家属于同一阶层。分析句子可知,设空处为as的宾语,应用名词,并且也是后面定语从句的 先行词,指人,根据上文提到的比尔盖茨与托马斯爱迪生、亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔,可知他们都 是有思想的人,应用mind,意为“有思想的人,思想家”,根据语境可知,应是复数形式。故选B。【2题详解】考查名词。句意:盖茨的成功源于他的个性:一种令人难以置信、有时甚至令人恐惧的个性,融合了过人 的才华、进取精神和竞争力。分析句子可知,设空处同high

20、-voltage brilliance过人的才华和competitiveness 竞争力共同作of的宾语,应用名词,并且都是积极向上的名词,由此推断是drive,意为“努力,进取”。 故选A。【3题详解】考查名词。句意:他所遵守的时间表是他对员工期望的一个提示。分析句子可知,设空处接在be动词之后 并且前面有one修饰,应用名词作表语,根据上文Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow,可 知本句意思为他所遵守的时间表是他对员工期望的一个提示,hint,意为“提示,暗示"。故选D。【4题详解】考查名词。句意:他的突出特点

21、是节约时间、精力充沛和专心致志。分析句子可知,设空处同energy和focus 共同作表语,应用名词,根据上文 He always tries getting the maximum amount of work possible out of every minute,可知设空处应是节约时间,conservation,意为“节约”。故选C。【5题详解】考查名词。句意:他总是准时,总是在高速运转,他通常只留下一天中最微小的空闲来吃饭、和朋友聊天 或娱乐。分析句子可知,设空处为leaves的宾语,应用名词,根据上文他总是准时,总是在高速运转,说 明只留一点空闲时间来吃饭、和朋友聊天或娱乐,cra

22、cks,意为“缝隙,空闲”。故选J【6题详解】考查名词。句意:出差时,他尽可能坐普通商用飞机;为了节省时间,他从不托运行李。分析句子可知, 设空处为flies的宾语,应用名词,出差时应该是他尽可能坐普通商用飞机,根据句意是commercial,意为“商业航班”。故选I。【7题详解】考查动词。句意:同上。分析句子可知,设空处为谓语动词,根据句意,为了节省时间,可知是从不托运 行李,check the luggage,意为“托运行李”,主语是第三人称,应用单数。故选H。【8题详解】考查名词。句意:最重要的是,他每天会召开两到三次小型评估会议,让负责公司各种产品的团队参加。 分析句子可知,设空处用来

23、修饰meetings作定语,根据下文让负责公司各种产品的团队参加,可知是评估 会议,可以用名词review,意为“评估,评审”。故选G。【9题详解】考查动词。句意:他不会直呼其名,也不会夸赞别人,但他会顺时针绕着桌子转,仔细倾听每个人的想法。 分析句子可知,设空处为谓语,根据上下文的转折关系可推断他不会直接叫某人名字,应用动词address, 意为“称呼”。故选F。【10题详解】考查名词。句意:他不需要依赖个人政治。分析句子可知,设空处为介词on的宾语,应用名词形式,根据 上文 Every decision he makes is based on his knowledge of its m

24、erits 可知,下文应是不依赖他的个人政治, politics,意为“政治”。故选&IIL Reading Comprehension (3O,+24,+8t) Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A)China's Chang'd ha

25、s been operating flawlessly since it landed on the far side of the Moon in January 2019. Its arrival was later followed by the appearance of Bcresheet, a probe built by the Israeli non-profit organization Spacell. It reached the Moon in April but crashed during its landing. Spacell has since announc

26、ed that it intends to take another1L . At the same time, the United States has promised to set up lunar laboratories in the near future, while Europe and Russia have also 12 plans to launch complex missions. Suddenly, everyone is going to the Moon.After the 13 excitement over Neil Armstrong and Buzz

27、 Aldrin's historic mission in July 1969, public interest in the future of human space flight gradually 14 .So what has suddenly made Earth's only permanent natural satellite so popular again?One reason for this 5 towards exploiting the Moon is that humankind has simply reached a stage of tec

28、hnological evolution that has enabled this progression, which is 16 to the other great trends of exploration throughout history.David Parker from the European Space Agency sees particular 17 with our conquest of Antarctica. The Earth's southernmost continent was opened up by technological advanc

29、es - motorized vehicles, air transport, radio and other developments - that are 18 in the new sciences of machine learning, sensor (传感器)technology, and robotics. These 19 to transform lunar exploration in one crucially important way: by reducing the need for the continual presence of humans in hosti

30、le environments. And the success of China's Chang*e-4 provides an example of what can be achieved without human 20.Mastering a harsh environment that is distant will require us to overcome all sorts of technological hurdles. Then we will be better 21 when we start looking at Mars, which is 400 m

31、illion kilometers away a million times farther from Earth than the ISS. For many space enthusiasts, the exploration and exploitation of the Moon is necessary if we are to send people to Mars. "That's the real goal for humanity;1 says Parker.There is, however, another more poignant (辛 酸的)rea

32、son for returning to the Moon. Six Apollo missions made it to the lunar surface, each crewed by two men. 22, only twelve humans have ever had first-handknowledge of standing on another world, only four of whom are still alive.-23their age, we could soonfind ourselves in a time when there are no huma

33、ns left with the first-hand memory of another world. L like millions of other people, feel that it would be a 24 should this reality one day come to pass.When the Apollo astronauts were flying to the Moon, it seemed like science fiction come tnie. It would be good if we could bring back that sense o

34、f25. if nothing else.11. A. luckB.riskC.lookD.shot12. A. revealedB.unlockedC.exposedD.demonstrated13. A. increasingB.initialC.ultimateD.genuine14. A. died outB.worn offC.passed downD.left behind15. A. shiftB.evolutionC.passionD.preference16. A. favorableB.availableC.comparableD.accountable17. A. ass

35、ociationB.harmonyC.agreementD.parallels18. A. importedB.mirroredC.transferredD.applied19. A. promiseB.contributeC.resolveD.intend20. A. interferenceB.destructionC.involvementD.emergence21. A. informedB.enlightenedC.armedD.converted22. A. ThusB.NeverthelessC.OtherwiseD.Furthermore23. A. DespiteB.Beyo

36、ndC.RegardingD.Given24. A. tragedyB.destinyC.blowD.revelation25. A. fulfillmentB.wonderC.dutyD.identity【答案】U.D12. A13. B 14. B15. A16. C 17. D18. B19.A20. C 21.C 22. A 23. D24. A 25. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了随着科技的发展,人类有可能计划重返月球。11题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:自那以后,Spacell就宣布打算再发射一次。A. luck走运;B.risk冒险做;C. look寻找:D

37、. shot 发射。根据上文 “It reached the Moon in April but crashed during its landing.M 可知,Spacell 制 造的探测器Beresheet在四月到达月球时坠毁了,所以Spacell打算再发射一次探测器。故选D项。【12题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,美国承诺在不久的将来建立月球实验室,而欧洲和俄罗斯也公布了 发射复杂任务的计划。A. revealed公布;B. unlocked揭开;C. exposed揭穿;D. demonstrated证明。根据下 文“plans t。launch complex missio

38、ns”可知,欧洲和俄罗斯主动公布了下一步计划,而非被揭穿。故选A项。【13题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1969年7月,Neil Annstrong和Buzz Aldrin最初完成的历史性任务让公众兴 奋不已,之后公众对未来人类太空飞行的兴趣逐渐消退。A. increasing增长:B. initial最初的;C. ultimate 最终的:D. genuine真诚的。根据上文“historic mission in July 1969”可知,1969年7月,最初完成了让公 众兴奋的历史性任务。故选B项。【14题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:1969年7月,Neil Armstrong和B

39、uzz Aldrin最初完成的历史性任务让公众兴奋 不已,之后公众对未来人类太空飞行的兴趣逐渐消退。A. died out灭绝:B. worn off消失:C. passed down 传递:D. left behind遗留。根据下文“so popular again”可知,地球唯一的永久天然卫星再次受到了欢迎, 所以大家之前对于未来人类太空飞行的兴趣应该是逐渐消失的。故选B项。【15题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:人类转向探索月球的一个原因是,人类已经达到了一个技术进化的阶段,使这 一进程成为可能,这可以与历史上其他伟大的探索趋势相媲美。A. shift变换:B. evolution进化:C

40、. passion 激情:D. preference 偏好。根据下文"reached a stage of technological evolution”可知,人类已经达到了一个 技术进化的阶段,所以转变了探索方向。故选A项。【16题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人类转向探索月球的一个原因是,人类已经达到了一个技术进化的阶段,使 这一进程成为可能,这可以与历史上其他伟大的探索趋势相媲美。A. favorable有利的:B. available可用的: C. comparable 可比较的;D. accountable 有责任的。根据下文 “to the other great t

41、rends of exploration throughout history”可知,此处拿人类探索月球的行为与历史上其他伟大的探索趋势相比较。故选C项。【17题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:欧洲航天局的David Parker认为这与我们征服南极洲有特殊的相似之处。A. association 协会:B. harmony 融洽:C. agreement 协议:D. parallels 相似特征。根据上文“sees particular” 可 推知,David Parker认为二者有特殊的相似之处。故选D项。【#题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:科技的进步一一机动车辆、航空运输、无线电和其他发展

42、一一使这个地球最南 端的大陆得以开放,这些进步反映在机器学习、传感器技术和机器人等新科学中。A. imported引入:B. mirrored 反映:C. transferred 转移;D. applied 申请。通过下文 “ in the new sciences of machine learning, sensor technology, and robotics"可知,机器学习、传感器技术和机器人等新科学反映了科技进步。故选B项。【19题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这预示着用一种至关重要方式改变月球探索:减少人类在恶劣环境中的持续存 在。A. promise 预示:B. c

43、ontribute 捐助:C. resolve 解决:D. intend 打算。根据后文 “by reducing the need for the continual presence of humans in hostile environmentsM可知,在目前进行月球探索,人们依旧在恶劣环境 中,而未来有可能改变这种现状,是一种预测。故选A项。【20题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:而中国嫦娥四号的成功提供了一个不需要人类参与就能实现的例子。A. interference 干涉:B. destruction 摧毁:C. involvement 参与;D. emergence 出现。根据上

44、文 “ without human” 可知,中国嫦娥四号的成功并没有人类参与。故选C项。(21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们开始观察4亿公里外的火星时,我们会有更好的装备一一它距离地球的 距离是国际空间站的一百万倍。A. informed 了解:B. enlightened启发;C. armed装备:D. converted转变。根据上文 “Mastering a harsh environment that is distant will require us to overcome all sorts of technological hurdles."可知,掌握一个遥远

45、的严酷环境将需要我们克服各种技术障碍,所以要求更好的装备。故选C项。【22题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,只有12个人曾经有过站在另一个世界的第一手知识,其中只有4人仍然 活着。A. Thus 因此;B. Nevertheless 尽管:C. Otherwise 否则:D. Furthermore 此外。根据上文 “Six Apo1。 missions made it to the lunar surface, each crewed by two men.M 可知,上文解释了原因,与下文呈因果关系。 故选A项。【23题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:考虑到他们的年龄,我们可能很快就会发现

46、自己处于一个没有人类留下对另一 个世界第一手记忆的时代。A. Despite尽管:B. Beyond除之外:C. Regarding关于:D. Given考虑到。 根据下文“their age”可推知,此处意思是考虑到他们的年龄。故选D项。【24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和千百万的人一样,觉得如果有一天这成为现实,那将是一场悲剧。A. tragedy 悲剧:B. destiny 命运:C. blow 挫折:D. revelation 启示。根据上文"no humans left with the first-hand memory of another world"

47、可推知,如果上文提到的情况发生,将是一场悲剧。故选A项。【25题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我们能找回那种惊奇的感觉,那就太好了。A. fulfillment满足感:B. wonder 奇妙;C. duty 责任;D. identity 身份。通过上文 “itseemcd likesciencefictionconie true” 作者将阿波罗号宇 航员飞向月球比作科幻小说成真,可推知,此处作者认为能找回那种奇妙的感觉是再好不过的了。故选B 项。(B)Today's cinema has improved a great deal in presentation. Gone ar

48、e the golden days when eager crowds were packed on wooden benches in poor buildings, which seemed to be about to 26 in the next minute. Audience were staring, with great interest, at the funny and amusing movements of silent figures on the screen. It was only through the body movements and facial ex

49、pressions that the character's feelings could be 27 to the audience. However, film goers all the same turned a blind eye to the 28 cinema surroundings and seemed crazy about almost all the films. Box office hits were a normal thing and stories about movie stars took full 29 of the newspapers. Th

50、ey were 30 on with almost all positive wordings compared with today*s pitiful stars who are all the time alert to such news as divorces or affairs.Nowadays, it is quite easy to find a cinema that exceeds the hotel luxury. Cinemas are spacious, well-lit places where one can kill time in comfort. Smal

51、l favors offered by modem cinemas such as the well-printed booklets, which arc 31 available, the mouth-watering snacks on sale and even the gifts are all sending the implied message to the audience that the film to watch will provide the equivalent 32 Audience, on the other hand, don*t always 33 the

52、 story. Before a film is released, the potential spectator is usually exposed to a(n)34 of advertisements. Film trailers are seen everywhere and crew interviews are televised. And in tempting people to enter cinemas, second to none is 35 .People rely much on friends1 advice in choosing films.Once th

53、e audience have settled on the chair, the cinema is learning from the theatre. The projectionists are to give the audience time to prepare themselves for the film. Talk first 36 to whisper then dies away altogether. Spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often in the 37

54、 of music, to reveal title of the film. Every detail has been designed so thoughtfully that the spectator will never actually see the38 screen, which will remind him all too sharply that what he is about to see is nothing but different shadows flashing on the white. However much the cinema tries to

55、39 iheatre. it fully succeeds. Nothing can 40 the awe (敬畏)and sense of expectation felt by the audience as the curtain is slowly raised26. A.disappearcollapseC.freezeD.rise27. A.interpretedB.respondedC.inventedD.applied28. A.specialB.inferiorC.standardD.loose【答案】26.B34. A 35. C 36.29.A.coverageB.adv

56、antageC.benefitD.responsibility30.A.exposedB.commentedC.overheardD.reviewed31.A.temporarilyB.carefullyC.readilyD.traditionally32.A.luxuryB.expenseC.convenienceD.information33.A.proveB.buyC.investigateD.convey34.A.explosionB.promotionC.shiftD.spread35.A.walls of earsB.seeing is believingC.word of mou

57、thD.grave of teeth36.A.declinesB.evolvesC.transfersD.degrades37.A.companyB.introductionC.benefitD.end38.A.decoratedB.distinctC.blankD.mechanical39.A.imitateB.guideC.exploitD.replace40.A.refer toB.compare withC.suffer fromD.persist in27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B31. C 32. A 33. BD 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍观影的历史变迁。以前的电影院观影环境不好,但人们依然趋之若鹫。 现在观影环境好了许多,电影院通过多种方式吸引观众。【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:热切的人们挤在似乎马上就要倒塌的破旧建筑里的木凳上的黄金时代已经一去 不复返了。A. disappear消失:B.collapse坍塌;C.freeze冷冻;D.rise升起°根据本句的“poor building” 可知,这样破旧的建筑物似乎很容易“坍塌”。故选B项。【27题详解】考查


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