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1、 浙江省杭州市萧山区 2016 届高考英语命题比赛试卷 24 第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空 从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项 标号涂黑。 1. - You really appreciate Adams s performances, don t you? - - just like his soft voice. A. Not at all B. I can t say anything more C. Not exactly D. I couldn t agree more 2. Mr. Obama, _ Preside n

2、t of the Un ited States, must face _ reality that the country s economy is sliding backward. A. /; the B. the; the C. /;/ D. the; a 3. The polluti on in Beiji ng is expected to move, _ a series of measures aga inst air pollutio n. _ A. regardless of B. tha nks to C. but for D. such as 4. Apple VP Gr

3、eg Joswiak announced the new iPh one SE duri ng an special event at the Apple headquarters in California, on March 21,2016, say ing they will _ new smaller pho nes. A. issue B publish C.release D. delay 5. _ you re on your own, you may spend money on what your parents wouldn t let you have before. A

4、. In case B. Now that C. Even though D. If only 6. Researchers believe that since 2012 an average of n early 36,000 elepha nts _ annu ally on the continent. A. were killed B. shall be killed C. have bee n killed D. will be killed 7. The plane _ off when Jessica rushed to the airport to see her cousi

5、n off. What a pity for her. A. was tak ing B had take n 8. Because their gover nment did n remai n in Yeme n. A to be trapped B. trapp ing C. to have trapped D.trapped. 9. It s pure _ that Richard and Aileen have come up with the same approaches to the problem. A. in cide nt B. coin cide nee C. dile

6、mma D. occasi on 10. Reminded that her family would move out of the familiar neighbourhood, the little girl _ from head to toe the whole ni ght. A. was shak ing B. had shake n C. has shake n D. would shake 11. Being youn ger and thinner, Jones can eat super big hamburgers, _I have to give up in the

7、in terest of my weight. A. that B. who C. whom D. which 12. The nu rses are trying their best to reduce the patie nts fear _ he would dieC. was take n t help - 2 - of the disease. A. of which B. as 13. The acting is so _ that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted.

8、14. There is _ better tha n see ing a child sudde nly get what we teach. A. everyth ing B. nothing C. anything D. someth ing 15. Usually math in spires fear, but Mr. smith turns that fear into a unique kind of un dersta nding, and, _ progress and lear ning. A. differe ntly B. gen erally C. surpris i

9、n gly D. amus in gly 16. Some social scie ntists suggest that wester ners should take adva ntage of the ancient Chin ese wisdom to _ the drawbacks of Wester ners philosophy. A. make up for B. make use of C. make out D. make sense 17. Success just starts in your mind. _ doubting yourself, think posit

10、ively and you ll be surprised. A. For fear of B. In case of C. Regardless of D. In stead of 18. When you come across difficulties, it is _ of you to pla n for the worst. A. abno rmal B. con siderate C. resp on sible D. pessimistic 19. The lack of health facilities and n ecessary protect ion for medi

11、cal workers _ for the spreadi ng of the Ebola epidemic A. acco un ted B headed C. called D. sent 20. - Can I really get an iph one 6s as a reward if I win the race? - Absolutely! _ A. It all depends B. You ve got me there C. I mean it D. So will you 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D

12、)中,选 出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 Once upon a time, there lived a big mango tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He climbed to the tree top, ate the man goes, took a nap un der little boy grew, and he no Ion ger played around the tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree with 22

13、 _on his face. “ Come and play with me, ” the tree asked the boy. “ I am no Ion ger a kid, I don t play around trees 23_. ” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them. ” “Sorry, I don t have mon ey but you can pick all my man goes and sell them 24 you will have mon ey.” The boy was so e

14、xcited. He picked all the man goes on the tree and left happily. The boy didn t come back. The tree was 25 . One day, the boy grown into a man returned. Th I don t have time to play. I have to work for my Sorry, I don t have a house, but you can chop off my So the man cut them off and left 28 . The

15、tree was glad to see him happy but the boy did n sad. C. that D. which A. convincing B. en thusiastic C. fun dame ntal D. optimistic the shadow He loved the tree and the tree 21 to play with him. Time went by, The e tree was so excited. “ Come and play with me, ” the tree said. family. We n eed a ho

16、use 26 . Can you help me? ” 27 to build your house. t come back 29 . The tree was aga in Ion ely and - 3 - One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted. “ Come and play with me!” The tree said. “I am sad and 30 . I want to go sailing to 31 myself. Can you give me a boat? ” “ Use m

17、y trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy. ” So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and didn t come back for a long ti me. 32 , the man returned after he had bee n gone for so many years. “ Sorry, my boy, but I don t have 33 for you anymore. No more man go

18、es to 34 you. ” The tree said. “I don t have teeth to bite, ” the man replied. “No more trunk for you to climb on. ” “ I am too 35 for that now, ” the man said. “I really can t give you anything, the 36 thing left is my dying 37 _ , ” the tree said with sadness. “ I don t need 38 now, just a place t

19、o rest. I amtired after all these years, ” the man replied. “Good! Old t ree roots are the best place to 39 and rest. Come sit down with me and rest. ” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and 40 . 21. A. loved B. meant C. wan ted D.shook 22. A. dissatisfact ion B. a great pity C. a sad look D. a

20、con fused look 23. A. either B. any more C. further D. anyhow 24.A. so B. therefore C. thus D. and 25. A. disturbed B. sad C. bad-tempered D. con fused 26. A. for good B. for long C. for in sta nee D. for shelter 27. A. trunks B. leaves C. branches D. roots 28. A. immediately B. happily C. sudde nly

21、 D. urge ntly 29. A. afterward B. after all C. upward D. soon after 30. A. growing weak B. gett ing old C. tur ning bli nd D. going crazy 31. A. relax B. relieve C. renew D. remai n 32. A. Luckily B. Hopefully C. Con seque ntly D. Fi nally 33. A. everyth ing B. anything C. someth ing D. nothing 34.

22、A. spare B. leave C. share D. give 35. A. old B. desperate C. exhausted D. sick 36. A. sincere B. poor C. only D. next 37. A. heart B. roots C. branches D. leaves 38. A. you B. it C them D. much 39. A. live in B lea n on C. rely on D. sit dow n 40. A. died B. cried C. rested D. smiled 第二部分:阅读理解 第一节:

23、阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 A 2015 saw things heat up and get out of hand, and not just in politics. A record warmDecember raised average temperatures eno ugh to make 2015 the sec ond hottest year on record in the con tiguous Un ited States, accord ing to the Nati onal Oce

24、anic and Atmospheric Administrations National Climate Monitoring Annual Report, - 4 - which was released Thursday.- 5 - The Un ited Natio ns had previously reported that 2015 was shap ing up to be the warmest year on record for the whole pla net. Last year was also the third wettest on record in the

25、 U.S. and saw ten weather- or climate-related disasters that each caused at least $1 billio n in damage in the U.S. and killed a total of 155 people. These in clude a drought, two floods, five severe storms, a wildfire, and a wi nter storm. The average U.S. temperature was 54.4 F, 2.4 F above the 20

26、th century average, and second only to 2012s record warmth. This was also the 19th consecutive year with average temperatures above the average for the cen tury. Every state reported above-average annual temperatures. The warming was particularly pronoun ced across most of the easter n half of the c

27、ountry in December, whe n many places saw temperatures 30 degrees above no rmal and many records were set. This mirrored cha nges see n in the Arctic that mon th, whe n temperatures spiked to 50 degrees above normal. Part of this warming was driven by a strong El Ni?o , or periodic warming in the Pa

28、cific Ocean, but some of it can also be attributed to global warmi ng, says meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who was not in volved with the federal report. The analysis comes less than a month after the U.S. and 194 other countries signed an agreement in Paris to more aggressively counter the effects of

29、 climate change. “ Even if all the initial targets in Paris are met, we ll only be part of the way there whe n it comes to reduci ng carb on from the atmosphere, ” said Preside nt Barack Obama at the time. Still, the agreement represented “a turning point ” by setting up “ the architecture for doing

30、 so, he said. NOAAs climate mon itori ng cen ter does nt issue predict ions for future weather, but the agencys Climate Prediction Center does. That teams forecast for the next three mon ths calls for warmer-tha n-average temperatures in much of the coun try, although parts of Texas and the Southeas

31、t may be a little cooler tha n usual. As Lan caster Un iversity Professor Gail Whitema n told the Weather Chann el, climate cha nge means extreme weather is the new no rmal. 41. What s true about things that happened in the year 2015? A. 2015 was the sec ond hottest year on record in U.S B. 2015 was

32、 shaping up to be the warmest year on record for the USA C. 2015 was also the third wettest on record for the whole pla net. D. climate-related disasters caused at least 1billion dollars in damage in the U.S.in 2015 42. Which of the followi ng can be in ferred from Para.6&7? A. The analysis on the U

33、S agrees with what was achieved in Paris A. Every state except Texas and the Southeast reported above-average annual temperatures.B. Both Climate Prediction Cen ter and NOAA predict ion C. The Climate Prediction Center s forest D. “ The turning point ” was set up by 43. Which cha nge of weather has

34、bee n found out? s mon itori ng cen ter issued the same calls for warmer-than-ever temperatures the architecture ” - 6 - B. The warming was particularly pronounced across the eastern half of the country in the year C. This warming was mainly driven by a strong El Nino D. Some of the warm ing can als

35、o be attributed to global warm ing 44. What was achieved in the meet ing in Paris? A. All the in itial targets have bee n met B. Huma ns still have a long way to go whe n it comes to reduci ng carb on from the atmosphere C. Climate cha nge means extreme weather is the new no rmal D 2015was the 19 th

36、 con secutive year with average temperatures above the average B With fuel costs rising and airlines finding more fees to impose on travelers every day, airfare isn t getting any cheaper. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find the most affordable fares and also avoid pay ing as many extra charges

37、 as possible whe n you pla n ahead. Airli nes put out their fare sales on Tuesday morning, making this day the best day to book a flight for less. Fly duri ng the least popular times . Tuesday, Wedn esday and Saturday are the slowest days to fly, which means cheaper deals tha n the rest of the week.

38、 You can also find reduced rates on early morning flights, since manypeople don t like to get up before the sun to get to the airport. Earlier board ing times can also con siderably cut dow n your cha nces of gett ing bumped on an overbooked flight or delayed because of other delayed flights or mech

39、a ni cal issues. Choose your seat later . Someairlines charge you to pick your seat when you book online, addi ng eve n more to the bottom line of your ticket cost. If you show up early on your travel day, you can still get suitable seats. Some of the best seats get held back un til flight day, uni

40、ess others are willi ng to pay extra for them ahead of time, so you still have the cha nee at one of those. Fly on holidays . You already know that summer is the most expensive time to fly, and eve n though most other times are more affordable, the days surro unding holidays can be crazy. Save big i

41、f you re willing to travel on major holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don t wait until th e last-minute to book . Many travelers don t know that there s a sweet spot for booking and getting the best price on your tickets. Book too early or too late and you could end up pay ing more tha n

42、 you n eed to. The best time to book is betwee n three mon ths and six weeks from whe n you want to travel. Airli nes will charge for just about anything these days. Some have eve n toyed around with charg ing customers for using the restroom. All those extra fees can certai nly add up, but there s

43、no reason to pay them if you don t have to. Here are some tips to keep money in your wallet once you get to the airport. Avoid the upgrade its not n ecessary. Sometimes upgrades are free, but mostly you will be charged for - 7 - seek ing a last- minute bump to first class, and the cost can be hefty.

44、 Fly carry-on only. Baggage fees vary wildly, but almost all airli nes charge them and charge big. Whypay for your clothes to fly with you? If every one in your travel party checks a bag, your bill can be astronomical before you ever even get to your destination. It s easy to reduce the amount of st

45、uff you pack: Make sure all your clothing coord in ates, so you can take less and still make more outfit( 套装)comb in ati ons, take only two pair of shoes, plan to do a bit of laundry on your trip and bring only travel-sized toiletries. Pack your own snacks. Snacks on the plane are not cheap and almo

46、st n ever healthy. Don t rely on what s on the small menu and in stead tuck some of your own snacks - granola bars, homemade muffins, fruit and trail mix all make fantastic travel foods into your bag and eat a lot better, and cheaper, than other passe ngers. 45. If you want to reduce your flying cos

47、t, you had better _ . A. take a flight on Sun day B. book an airli ner on early morning C. choose earlier board ing time D. pick your seat whe n you book on li ne. 46. Which will you choose to do if you are going to travel? A. show up early on travel day B. pay extra for seats ahead of time C. choos

48、e a time in summer to fly D. find a day surrounding holidays to travel 47. How can a traveler avoid pay ing extra fees? A. Trying to seek a last-minute bump to first class B. Taking a carry-on and several other luggage C. Taking one pair of shoes and some outfit clothes D. bringing some of your own

49、sn acks to the airport 48. If a traveler in the USA wants to travel to China on 1st of August, which date is the best time to book his ticket on li ne? A. Jan. 1 B. Jun. 10 C. Apr. 20 D. Jul. 12 49. What s the purpose of this passage? A. to tell readers to avoid extra fees B. to inform readers of th

50、e ways to save big C. to warn readers aga in st fly ing duri ng the popular times D. to tell them to find the most affordable fees. C The relati on ship betwee n exercise and cancer has long puzzled exercise physiologists. Exercise is associated with lowered risks for many types of cancer. People wh

51、o exercise prove to be less likely to develop or die from the disease tha n people who do not. At the same time, exercise involves biological stress, which typically leads to a short-term in crease in in flammatio n( 炎症)throughout the body. In flammati on can con tribute to high risks for many cance

52、rs. Now, a new study in mice may offer some clues into the exercise-ca ncer paradox. _ It suggests that exercise may change how the immunesystem deals with cancer by raising adre nali ne, certa in immune cells and other chemicals that, together, can reduce the severity of cancer or fight it off alto

53、gether. - 8 - To try to un dersta nd how exercise can both in crease in flammati on and protect the body aga inst cancer, scie ntists in Denmark decided to exam ine what happe ns in side mice at high risk for the disease. So they began by gathering a group of adult lab mice. These ani mals gen erall

54、y like to run. The scie ntists the n put skin cancer cells into the mice before providi ng half of them with running wheels in their cages while the other animals remained sedentary(久坐的). After four weeks, far fewer of the runners had developed melanoma(黑色素瘤)than the sedentary mice and those diagnos

55、ed with the disease showed fewer and smaller injuries. They also were less likely to develop metastases ( 癌 转移). The scientists drew blood from both the exercising and sedentary animals and cells from any tumors in both groups. Then they looked at how the various samples were differe nt. They found

56、higher levels of in terleuk in-6 in the blood of the runn ers. This is a substa nee that can both in crease and decrease in flammati on in the body. They found much higher nu mbers in the bloodstreams of runners tha n in the sede ntary mice of a type of immune cell named natural killer cells that ar

57、e known to be effective can cer fighters. So the scientists repeated their original experiment multiple times, while allowing some mice to run and others to sit. But in the follow-up experiments, they injected the runners with a substa nee that blocked the product ion of adre nali ne ( 肾 上激素)and gav

58、e sedentary animals large doses of added adrenaline. Then they again Io oked at the animals blood .They found when running mice could not produce adrenaline, they developed cancer at the same rate as the sedentary, while the sede ntary injected with extra adre nali ne fought off their tumors better

59、tha n sitti ng mice. The scie ntists determ ined that adre nali ne seemed to be sending sig nals to some of the ani mals IL -6 cells, mak ing them more alert. Because the runners blood contained more adre nali ne, and more n atural killer cells tha n did the blood of the sedentary mice, this process

60、 was intensified. A larger number of natural killer cells were directed to tumors in the runn ers, allowi ng their immune systems, to more effectively beat the malig nancy (恶性肿瘤) But mice, obviously, are not people, and it is impossible to know from this study whether a similar process occurs in hum


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