



1、新高考英语书面表达层级突破(应用文部分)中国文学名著专题优质语百素材积累2020年8月修订版单词/词组1. perceive v.感知2. enlighten v.启发3. suspicion v.猜疑4. surge n.急剧上升5. ultimately adv.最终6. collaboration n.合作7. profound adj.深远的8. spontaneous adj.自然而然的9. 更了解 offer us a glimpse of 10. * 复兴 enjoy a revival/comeback11. 与不一致 be at odds with 12. *时代之声voic

2、e of a generation13. 更深刻理解Give us an insight into 14. 不容错过It is a not to be missed.15. 历史悠久的文化a time-honored culture16. 更好地欣赏Gain a better appreciation of 17. 在中备受瞩目 among the most high-profile of 18. * 追溯至 date back to/be traced back to/originate from/stretch back to19. 尽管它看起来很复杂 /抽象 complicated/ab

3、stract as it may seem,.20. 一部兼具洞察力租娱乐性的作品an insightful and entertaining work句子21. *传统中餐是文化和社会生活的重要部分。Traditional Chinese foods are an important aspect of culture and social life.22. 中国文学在世界范围内越来越受欢迎。Chinese literature has gained more popularity worldwide.23. 这个故事基本上是关于试图打破社会的束缚;是追求真爱的勇气和毅力。This stor

4、y is basically about trying to break the societal strictures. It about courage and perseverance to pursue true love.24. (评西厢记)它融合了中国历史上唐宋时期的诗歌之美。It incorporates much of the beauty of the poetry from the Tang and Song eras in Chinese history.25. (评平凡的世界)小说突出了中国农村人民的生活,反映了从1975年到1985年巨大的政治和经济变化。The no

5、vel highlights the lives of people from rural China and reflects the massive political and economic changes from 1975 to 1985.26. *(评三国演义)不仅有来自中国古代的故事穿越时间的长河,而且美丽的语言也已经吸引了世界的注意。Not only have the stories from China s past made their way thrchugtlheneeauty ofthelanguage has drawn the world s attention

6、.27. (评西厢记)尽管发音逐渐变化,全国各地方言不同,但即便追溯至3000年前,中国文学都始终保持着一个坚定不移的身份。Dating back at least 3,000 years , Chinese literature has retained a single, unwavering identity despite gradual pronunciation changes and various dialects throughout the country.28. 正如雨果写给巴黎圣母院的三行情书:“伟大的建筑,宛如山峦巍峨,是时间的杰作。尽管在创作中,艺术常会被改变时光是

7、建筑师,国家是建设者。”As Victor Hugo wrote in the a three-lines love-letter to the cathedral (大教堂):“Great edifices(建 筑),like great mountains, are the work of centuries. Art is often transformed as it is being madeTime is the architect, the nation is the builder.”29. *(评老舍)老舍还擅长用他独特的幽默感和京城粗犷的方言来描绘本地生活的闪光点。Lao

8、She was also good at portraying the sparkle of local life through the use of his unique sense of humor and the raw dialect(方言)of the capital.30. (评鲁迅)鲁迅的故事揭露了人性丑恶的一面,从而改变了人们的思想这位杰出的文人,不 仅被尊为国家的建设者,但,也许最重要的是,他被尊为国家良知的代言人。”Lu Xun stories exposed the ugly side of human nature and transformed people min

9、ds as a result The preeminent man of letters , revered not only as a nation-builder but also , and perhaps most importantly, as the voice ofthe nation conscience/, s31. *(评徐霞客)追溯长江之源,探索石灰岩溶洞,去穿越梦里村庄,去攻克山巅峰顶,作家和地理 学家徐霞客,一阜至致力于探索中国的壮美景观的他,是所有旅行者羡慕的对孩Tracing the Yangtze River; exploring limestone(石灰岩的)

10、caves, passing through sleepy villages, tackling mountain peaks, writer and geographer Xu Xiake is the envy of all travelers, a man who dedicated his life to uncovering China majestic landscape.成语/名言32. 如坐针毡be on pins and needles33. 日久生情。Familiarity breeds affection.34. 笑里藏刀knife hidden under the sm

11、iling face35. (刘禹锡)山不在高,有仙则名。Renowned is a mountain not for its height but for the immortal who lives in it.36. *(罗曼罗兰)世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后,依然热爱生活。There is only one heroism in the world , to see the world as it is , and to love it.37. (曹雪芹)假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。When false is taken for true , true become

12、s false ; if non-being turns into being , being becomes nonbeing.38. (徐霞客)大丈夫当朝游碧海而暮苍梧,非研无用之经史以老于户牖之下。A real man should wake up in clouds at sunrise, and spend the evening on Cangwu(苍梧山), instead ofapplying himselfto useless pursuits in his room.39. (路遥)获奖并不等于一部作品的成功。作家的作品不仅要接受当今人们的评价,还要经受时间 的考验。Win

13、ning a prize is not equivalent to the success of a work. Writers work not only the judgement of today s peutEeso has to endure time.中国文学名著专题 第1页(共6页)附录部分文学名著的英文名三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms是历史又是神话,这部史诗跨越了一个多世纪。Part history and myth, this epic spans over a century.西厢记Romance of the Western Chamb

14、erThis Kunqu opera(昆曲)shows that love can begin in your dreams.牡丹亭The Peony Pavilion徐霞客游记Travels of Xu Xiake带着中国最好的旅游指南去冒险吧。Go on an adventure with the best travel guide in China.红楼梦Dream of the Red Chamber呐喊Call to Arms茶馆Teahouse围城Fortress Besieged射雕英雄传The Legend of the Condor Heroes平凡的世界Ordinary W

15、orld(作文素材选自 TEENS Senior & China Daily & Internet)模拟彳M练应用文写作:本大题共1小题,15分。请从A、B两个题目中任选一题,写在第4页的作文卡上A假设你是红星中学学生李华,你的英国朋友 Linda对中国古代四大名著很感兴趣,希望你能推荐其中一部供她阅读。请你给Linda回封邮件,内容包括:(1)推荐其中一本名著;(2)推荐的理由;(3)邀请她来中国体验文化。注意:(1)词数120左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇: 四大名著 Four Great Classical Novels of

16、Chinese Literature.Dear Linda,Best wishes!Yours ,Li HuaB假定你是红星中学学生会主席李华。为了让学校的交换生更好地学习和使用汉语成语,学生会将组织“汉语成语听写比赛( Chinese Idioms Dictation Competition )。请你根据下表内容写一封邮 件给英国交换生 Thomas,邀请他参赛。听写范围汉语成语词典( The Dictionary of Chinese Idioms )比赛时间2020年9月1日奖品设置中国古典四大名著一套报名方式扫描二维码填写表格注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文

17、连贯中国文学名著专题 第3页(共6页)写作(满分15分)应用文写作:本大题共 1小题,15分。请从A、B两个题目中任选一题按要求写作。请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!A参考例文Dear Linda,Glad to receive your letter where you mention that you are interested in the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, so I am writing to introduce my favorite book, A Dream of

18、 Red Maisons .Firstly, this book is an encyclopedia of Chinese culture, in which you can see the rise and decline of a famous royal family and understand the complicated relationships between people from all walks and classes of life in ancient China. In addition to that, the writing style of Cao Xu

19、eqin, the author of this book, has a deep effect on writers of his times and later generation. It will be helpful for you to understand other books of the same type if you can fully understand this masterpiece.It will be appreciated if my recommendation is considered. And I hope that you can come to China, because I can show you around, visiting places of interest concerning Chinese culture. Looking forward to your arrival!Best wishes!Yours ,Li Hua B 参考例文Dear Thomas,In ord


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