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博彦科技 2022 软件面试题(应聘 求职 面试准备资料)_第5页




1、 博彦科技 2022 软件面试题第1题: a, b, c : wear cap(black or white, but not all white), a and b can see, but c is blink; a,b,c in turn answer whether he can know what color he is wearing, a said no , b said no ,c said is :Q: why c know, and what color his is? 第2题: 100个和尚吃100个馒头,大和尚一人吃4个,小和尚4人吃一个,问:大,小和尚各多少人? 第3

2、题: 扩展名为DLL的动态链接文件的特点是_A. 可以自由的插入到其他的源程序中使用B. 本身是一个数据文件,可以与其他程序动态的链接使用C. 本身可以*运行,也可以供其他程序在运行是调用D. 本身不能*运行,但可以供其他程序在运行时调用 第4题: 面对对象技术中,对象是类的实例,对象有三种成分_、属性和方法(或操作)A.标识 B、规章 C、封装 D、消息 第5题: 程序设计语言引入“类”的概念是为了解决数据爱护问题,C+语言将类的成员封装在类体之中,使之具有肯定的存取规章,这些规章规定了存取类的成员的权力,其中,对于用private说明的成员,它_A. 既能被该类的成员函数访问,又能被外界直

3、接访问B. 只能被该类的成员函数访问,外界不能直接访问C不能被该类的成员函数访问,只能外界直接访问D既不能被该类成员函数访问,也不能外界直接访问 第6题: _ is a set of specifications and software that allow small programs or software components to work together.A. ActiveX B. XML C. HTML D. DAMS 第7题 请简要说明如何测试下面的程序? templateclass T void OutputRoots(T a, T b , T c)T d=b * b 4*

4、a*c;if(d0)float sqrtd=sqrt(d);count ”there are two real roots”(-b+sqrtd)/(2*a)”and”(-b-sqrtd)/(2*a)endl ;Else if (d= =0) Cout”there is only one distinct root”-b(2*a)endl;elsecout ”The roots are complex”endl”The real part is”-b/(2*a)”The imaginary part is”sqrt (-d)/ (2*a)endl; 第8题: 以下是一段用C编写的函数,请指出其中

5、存在的问题:1 int PtintDigit(void)2 3 char*p;4 int i=0;5 p=(char*) malloc (256*sizeof (char);6 for (I=0;I=256;I+,p+)*p=I;7 printf(Here is the numbers you need; %dn”,i)8 第9题: 请翻译下面这段文字For Chinese applicants,the first step in applying for a visa is to make an appointment by calling 65325305 or 65322228. The

6、 problem is that the two numbers are so busy that often they cant get through . Mr Bennet explained :“Since all embassies have to use 6532 telephone prefix and the number of lines is limited, the US embassy is only allotted two lines for our appointment system. Insgroupsto solve the problem, we plan

7、 to work through a contractor. Contractors dont have to use the 6532 prefix , so they can be assigned move lines and hire lots of people to answer calls . Applicants will also be able to use faxes and the Internet to make appointments, which will greatly enhance flexibility and convenience, Since the contact has no


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