已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Geetings and introduction:Good afteroon, my name is , Now I ll say, My topic is made of five parts. Itincludes Teaching material analysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design.一 Teaching material analysis.Status and functionToday I m going to talk aboutThis is a

2、n important lesson. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain “ four skills ” request of listsepneinagk,ing, reading and writing. To start listing “Word Bank ” and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write the English sentences

3、 well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.Teaching aimsAims on the knowledgeTo enable the Ss to underst

4、and and speak: Makesure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.To help Ss to finish Aims on the abilitiesTo develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking.To train the Ss abioliftyworking in groups.To foster Ss abilities of communication .Aims on the emotionTo foster Ss consciousness of

5、good co-operation and proper competition.To enable Ss toKey-points of this lessonTo help SsTo enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.To develop Ss interest in English.Difficult pointsTo help the Ss and make sure they can use correctly.(2 )How toTeaching aidsIn this lesson, the multi-

6、media will be used to make the class lively and improve my teaching result.二 .Teaching methodsAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I ll mainly u

7、se -bas“edT” astkeaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and hav

8、ing a competition. And in thislesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed. Students should prepare some school things.Study methodsTeach the Ss how to be successful language learners.Get the Ss to form good learning habits.Teach the Ss how to communicate with others and t

9、ake competition methods to develop the Ss interest in English.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.I ll finish this lesson in five steps.Step 1. Warm-up and previewPurpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical r

10、esponse and at the same timeit provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2. PresentationNow I ll mainly talk about this step.Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss

11、interest in English learning.Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better. Tell the Ss we should show our loveliness to the Ss.Step 3. PracticePurpose: Task- based teaching method is used here to develop Ss ability of com

12、munication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4. ProductionPurpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.Step 5. HomeworkPurpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as theyas in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss

13、 to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.Blackboard designUnit 9 Reading: Have you ever been to Singapore?教学设计一、教材分析教材的地位及作用本节课为人教社出版的 Go for it! 八年级下第九单元的 reading, 本单元围绕阅读中有关新加坡介绍的文章开展多种教学活动,让学生学会使用 Have you ever been to ? 这个句型。本节课是一堂读写课,它通过前几节课学习的句型,进一步

14、加深对目标语言的理解和运用,从而能够运用文章中的好词好句介绍自己去过的地方。.教学目标(知识目标、能力目标、情感目标、学习策略目标)知识目标:掌握重点句型 Have you ever been to ? It is a wonderful place to .能力目标:提高学生阅读文章,提炼文章主旨大意的能力,提高写作短文的能力。情感目标:通过形象、生动的网络英语教材使学生掌握如何去介绍具体的地点,增强学生对美好事物的追求和向往。培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感。确立教学目标的依据:根据英语课程标准规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语

15、的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。此外,根据我国国情和外语教学大纲的要求,现阶段外语教学的素质教育主要包括思想素质教育、目的语素质教育、潜在外语能力的培养、非智力因素的培养等四方面。.重点与难点在教师的引导下,理解文章结构,寻找好词好句,从而使学生在自己的写作过程中能够注重 结构,运用好词好句来丰富自己的文章。二、教学过程.总体设计及依据课前学生图片导入,新加坡图片展示(3分钟)一一整体阅读(5分钟)细节阅读(5分钟)写作(15分钟)展示修改(10分钟)作业布置(2分钟) 依据:(1)遵循人类认识过程的普遍规律和学生认识活动的特点。(2)教师为主导,学生为主体。2.分步设

16、计及依据步骤Steps教师活动Teachers Activities学生活动Students Activities设计意图IntentionsStep 1Before reading: _ead inShow pictures of Singapore and ask students to guess what country it is.Guess the country according to the pictures. Talk something about the country展示图片,通过让学 生猜国家,引出本节 课话题。网络教材的使用教师呈现自己编辑的网络教材课堂导入图片。

17、使用网络教材 的目的网络教材可以让使用教师自己编辑相关内容,具有开 放性。Step 2While reading:Find the main idea of each paragraphAsk students to match the main dea of each paragraph.Ask students to read the text quickly and underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.Match the main idea of it.Read the text quickly and underline the

18、 topic sentence in each paragraph.掌握文章结构,把握 每段主旨大意。网络教材的使用.在学生使用网络教材完成文章主旨大意的阅读理解 活动后,教师带领学生通过网络教室共享其他同学的活动 成果。.教师带领学生在电子白板上示范 标识主题句”,然 后学生在网络教材上完成 标识主题句”的个人活动。使用网络教材 的目的在本环节中,网络教材为学生的个人活动和集体活动 的有效结合开辟了 一种新的途径。Step 3While reading:Read for detailsAsk students to read the text again and fill in the bl

19、anks in 3a,.Ask students to do the exercise in 3c.Read the text again for details and fill in the blanks in 3a.Do the exercise in 3c.Check the answer.通过不同任务的练习 让学生把握文章细 节。网络教材的使用学生使用网络教材完成文章细节的两个读写活动,教 师使用网络教室检查、共享学生的活动成果。使用网络教材 的目的在本环节中,网络教材为教师管理学生学习进行了新 的尝试。Step 4After reading:Draw the conclusionD

20、raw the conclusion about the writing structures of a place ntroduction.Talk about the important things in a composition about place introduction总结地点介绍文章的 主要结构。网络教材的使用教师使用黑板复现学生关于 介绍一个地点”的观点,完 成从阅读环节到写作环节的过渡。使用网络教材 的目的这个环节体现了在利用网络教材的教学过程中,网络 资源和其他资源的有效结合。Step 5Before writing:Find useful phrases and s

21、entencesAsk students to find out useful phrases and sentences.Find out useful phrases and sentences in the passage.通过找好词好句,给 出学生写作细节部分 的语言支持网络教材的使用.学生在利用网络教材进行有声阅读后,完成 标识好词好句”的个人活动。2.教师在电子白板上呈现学生的活动成果。使用网络教材 的目的在此环节中,网络教材帮助学生提高自主学习的主动 性和功效性。Step 6Before writingShow the table about writing.Fill in th

22、e table and get to know how to write a place introduction.通过表格,掌握地点 介绍写作的脉络及写 作要求。网络教材的使用教师利用电子白板呈现 介绍一个地点”文段写作的结 构框架,学生使用网络教材完成相应活动。使用网络教材 的目的本环节教师带领学生强化 介绍一个地点”写作的框架, 为学生的后续写作活动作准备。Step 7While writingAsk students to write the place ntroduction.Write the place introduction写作练习网络教材的使用.学生使用网络教材完成各自的写

23、作任务。.教师利用网络教室实时监控学生的任务完成情况。使用网络教材 的目的在这一环节中,网络教室实现了教师监控学生具体学 习过程的可能性。Step 8After writingAsk students to share several compositions in the whole class.Ask students to find the useful sentences in the compositions.Ask students to give the suitable marks to the composition.Share the compositions in gro

24、ups.Share several compositions with all the studentsFind the important things and the useful sentences in the composition.根据评价要求(表 格),全班一起分析, 打分,从中学习。网络教材的使用1.教师利用电子白板和学生分学部分学生的写作成 果,并和学一起在电子白板上找出好词好句。2.学生利用网络教材对其他学生的习作进行评价。使用网络教材 的目的在本环节中,网络教材使课堂中他评、互评等多种评价能 够有效地结合。Step 9 HomeworkAsk students to po

25、lish their compositions.Polish the compositions after class修改作文,为下一节 课讲评作文做好铺垫 工作。板书设计Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore?Name of the placePlace of interestFood shopping .Weather课后小结:本课以素质教育为目的, 结合教材写作重点、 难点及英语学科特点,利用网络英语教材及多媒体教学, 从读、写等方面使学生得到锻炼, 让学生学会写作并审视修改自己的文章。在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到初步运用英语交际的能力。初中

26、英语优秀说课稿简介:Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material ( 一) ST初中英语优秀说课稿正文开始 Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material(一 ) STATUS AND FUNCTIONThis is an important lesson. To attain“ufeosutrosfklisllstening ”, spreeaqking, reading andwriting. Start with listing part and tell the Ss to remember the ne

27、w words. Ask the Ss to write theEnglish sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.This is t he first period of Unit7.It s the part-oinf.Sthoe iLf ethaed Ss can learn it well, it willbe helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.Such a topic i

28、s helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(二 )ANAL YSIS OF THE STUDENTSThe Ss have learned English for more than one year and a half so far. They can speak simple English very well. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

29、(三)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS1.Knowledge objectss best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake,To make the Ss know how to use Object Clauses.To study the new words and phrases: try one cheese, pie.To learn some phrases to about preparing for the food festival.Ability objectsTo develop the SsTo t

30、rain the SsTo develop the Ssmake biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set a table, write a song abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.ability of working in pairs and groups.abilitiesmoufncicoamtion by learning the useful structures.Moral objects (1)To make Ss know something about

31、 the western food culture and the traditional food of western countries.(2)Let Ss know they should help people in need.(四)TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS.Key points:.To help Ss grasp the new words and phrases.To help Ss master the Objective Clauses.To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate sk

32、illfully.2. Difficult points: How to use the Objective Clauses to express thoughts.(五 ) TEACHING AIDSTape recorder, Pictures, Software: Power pointPart Two: The Teaching MethodsCommunicative teaching methodAudio-visual teaching methodTask-based ” teaching methodinquiry learning teaching methodAs we

33、all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students a bilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I llmainly use “ Communicative t” eaching method, “ Audio-visual ” teaching meth

34、od and-b“asTeads”k teaching method. That is to say, I ll let the Ssto get a better understanding of the key structure of Section A. I lglive the Ss some tasks and arrange four kinds of activities: talking, watching CAI, listening to the tape, reading.Teaching special features:I lul se the Explorable

35、 teaching method to let Ss grasp the rules of the Object Clauses. I t s helpful to develop Ss thought and learning ability.Part Three: Studying Ways.Let the Ss pass“ Obs-e-rIvmaittiaotnion- Practice ” to study language.Teach Ss how to master the key structures and how to communicate with others.Teac

36、hing special features:Develop Ss abilities of Independent learning and cooperative learning.Part Four:Teaching ProcedureStep 1: Lead-in1. Show a picture of food festival, tell Ss in the picture are having a food festival now. And in this unit we are going to learn something about food festival, diff

37、erent kinds of delicious food and its culture.2.let Ss look at the different kinds of food in it. Then learn the new words: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie.Purpose of my designing: I think it is easy for Ss to remember words with pictures. It sIntuitive learning.According to knowledge of psychol

38、ogy, this method is useful to Ss memory.Step2. Presentation.Make Ss thing about what the food festival will be like. Learn the new word: imagine. Let Ss discuss it after the example in groups.Write these examples on the blackboard:I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival. I th

39、ink/guess/suppose (that)Purpose of my designing: Let Ss know how to use Object Clauses to express their own ideas.Inthis period, Explorable teaching method is used to train Ss discovering learning abilities.And theytalk in groups so it can develop their cooperative learning abilities. Show another p

40、icture to tell Ss Kang Kang and his friends are going to have a food festival. LetSs listen to the tape of 1a and answer the question : why are they going to have a food festival?.Use CAI to introduce Daniel Igali to Ss. Learn the new words :Nigeria, wrestling, successful.Then listen again and answe

41、r these questions: what does Jane/Maria say? What does Kangkang know? What does Michael think?Purpose of my designing: Task-based teaching met hod is used here to train Ss listening abilities.And it can make Ss go on to practice using Objective Clauses.Step3.Practice.First play the tape recorder. Le

42、t Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. In this step Ss are required to practice the Sample in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the Sample.Purpose: This step is employed to make Ss get the general idea

43、of the dialogue as a whole one. Atthe same time let Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.Do Part 2 pair workPurpose: Consolidate the new words and structures learnt. Also it practices their listening andspoken abilities.Step4.SummarizeReview new words and structures Ss lea

44、rnt .step5.Homework:Recite the words.Write a short passage of a helpful person you know and his/her good deeds.Purpose of my designing: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exerc

45、ises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.Blackboard DesignUnit 7 Food FestivalTopic 1 SectionAFood: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pieI imagine (that) I guess/think/suppos e(that) Jane says(that) for raising money-help-Daniel Igail-help-the poor villageNigeria wrestlingBeing a hel

46、pful person初中英语说课稿(英文版)一、说教材(教材分析)Analyzing teaching material. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision).本课在教材中的地位status and functionLesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Inten

47、tions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.说教学指导思想teaching guideline(Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book deve

48、loping reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)

49、.说教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands ( be intended for Ss in key schools)认知 目标 knowledge objectsEnable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn intoGet the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:If

50、 the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room leftGive the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.2)智能目标 ability objectsAsk the Ss to make u

51、p a similar dialogue.Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.Develop their ability of thinking independently.Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.Train them to collect information from the Internet.Train them with some effective learning met

52、hods to optimize Ss learning results.3)德育目标 moral objectsArouse their interest in learning English;Help them to understand the background of pollution.Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.Encourage the Ss t

53、o do something to save the earth.说教学重点teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能 )New words and phrasesSentence pattern: If- clauseimprove their reading skills.Talking about problems of the Earth.说教学难点teaching difficult points (语法;发展交际能力)functional item: Supposition.Develop their communicative ability.

54、 Act out their own dialogue. 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)The teaching syllabus says that itssanyeCer teachers to use modern teaching facilities.It s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understa

55、nding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss interest in learning English.二、说教法 Teaching methodsFive step method; audio-video; communicative approach;Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method.TBLT c

56、an stimulate Ss; initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.三、说学法 Study methodsTeach Ss how to be successful language learners.Teach Ss how to de

57、velop the reading skill skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;Get the Ss to form good learning habits.四、说教学过程 Teaching procedures复习 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 词?匚 diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)Activity 1: Imagination. Suppose

58、a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?). Suppose you catch a bad cold, what s to be done?. Suppose your bike is broken, what to be done?. And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what s to be done?What can you thin

59、k of when you see apollution this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate. Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.).呈现(Presentation) 5minActivity 2: PresentationPlay the song “Earth Song sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)A lot of pictures

60、 and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.Ss presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.* Activate their schemat


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