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1、第 PAGE17 页 共 NUMPAGES17 页三年级吃元宵的英语日记总分值范文三年级吃元宵的英语日记1Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month is called “Little Year”. On the 15th and 16th, people visited temple fairs and solve riddles on the lanterns. At night, people celebrate with fireworks.The most popular custom of Lantern Fes

2、tival is to eat Lantern Festival. No matter the southeast and northwest of the motherland, whether at home or abroad, as long as it is the descendants of the Chinese people, they will never forget it.On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, we are no exception-cooking and eating Lantern Festiv

3、al. When the water boils, Lantern Festivals cant wait to jump in one by one. When they lie leisurely on it, it means that Lantern Festivals are ripe and they eat them.When the Lantern Festival is ready, I will eat it with relish. I picked out a Lantern Festival with a spoon and bit a small mouth. It

4、 was so hot. The black sesame seeds in it couldnt stop flowing out. I couldnt wait. I blew it with my mouth and swallowed it in one bite. Hush while eating the chewiness of rice and the sweetness of sesame are all melted in the mouth, which tastes great! When its cool, Ill gobble it up, a bowl of La

5、ntern Festival, and soon Ill eat it all up.However, everyone should go out while eating, which is good for health, so as to have a happier life!翻译:正月十五元宵节,被人们称为“小年”。十五、十六这两天,人们逛庙会、猜灯谜。到了晚上,人们还会放放烟花来庆贺呢。元宵节最广为流传的风俗,非吃元宵莫属了。无论祖国的东南西北,无论在海内还是海外,只要是炎黄子孙都不会忘记的。正月十五元宵节,我们也不例外煮元宵,吃元宵。等水开了,元宵就一个个迫不及待地跳进去,等他

6、们在上面悠闲地躺着的时候说明元宵熟了,吃元宵喽。元宵盛好了,我就津津有味地吃起来。我用勺子挑出一个元宵,咬开一个小口,好烫哟里面黝黑发亮的黑芝麻就止不住地流出来,我实在等不及了,用嘴吹吹,一口吞了下去。一边吃一边嘘嘘米的嚼劲、芝麻的香甜都融化在了嘴里,味道好极了!等凉一点,我就狼吞虎咽地吃起来,一碗元宵,不一会儿就被我吃了个精光。不过,大家在吃的同时也要出去逛逛,才有利于安康,这样才能过得更开心嘛!三年级吃元宵的英语日记2Eating Lantern Festival is the custom of Lantern Festival. When it es to eating Lantern

7、 Festival, my mouth water is almost out, because it is my favorite food.When my mother got off work, she bought a big bag of Lantern Festival in the supermarket, which was also made of rain flower stones. This is my favorite food, so I ran to the kitchen and waited for the Lantern Festival to e out.

8、I think when my mother cooks, she puts the Yuhua Stone Lantern Festival slowly into the pot with the spoon leaking from the bottom, and it takes half an hour to cook, because the skin of Yuhua Stone Lantern Festival is a bit thick, so I waited for 10 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes I really want to

9、 eat Yuhua Stone Lantern Festival quickly.Finally, I can put the Lantern Festival in a colander first, then a bowl of water with a spoon, and put the Yuhua Stone Lantern Festival in a bowl. I wanted to eat it with chopsticks, but when my mother saw it, she stopped me and said, “Now the Yuhua Stone L

10、antern Festival is very hot and I need to eat it slowly with a spoon.”I was so anxious that I couldnt eat hot tofu. I endured it. I picked up a small spoon, gently filled one, then blew it slowly, carefully put the rain flower stone Lantern Festival in my mouth, and ate it. It was really delicious,

11、really delicious. Looking at this beautiful and delicious rain flower stone Lantern Festival, I want to eat another one.After a while, I had eaten more than a dozen Lantern Festivals, and I wanted to eat them again, but my mother stopped me from saying that I couldnt eat them any more. Lantern Festi

12、vals are not easy to digest, so I reluctantly put down the delicious Lantern Festivals.I dont know after todays Lantern Festival翻译:吃元宵是元宵节的风俗,说到吃元宵我口水都快流出来了,因为这是我最喜欢吃的东西了。妈妈下班的时候在超市买了一大袋元宵,而且还是雨花石元宵,这个是我最喜欢吃的,于是我跑到厨房,等待元宵出锅。我看妈妈煮时用下面漏的勺子先把雨花石元宵渐渐地放到锅里,而且煮时要用热水煮,煮的时间要半个小时,因为雨花石元宵皮有点厚,等了10分钟、5分钟、3分钟我很


14、三年级吃元宵的英语日记3When I got up this morning, my mother said that I would eat at night. I listened to it, and I was so happy that I jumped three feet high-I loved the Lantern Festival best!Mother poured more than half of the water into the pot to boil, and then put the Lantern Festival babies into the pot

15、 one after another to “soak in hot springs”. It didnt take long for my mother to lift the lid of the pot, and a hot air came head-on. One Lantern Festival baby danced “ballet” in boiling water. My mother filled a bowl for me and put it on the table. I grabbed a spoon and couldnt wait to sit at the t

16、able.The white and flawless Lantern Festival babies in the bowl are big and small, all of them poked their heads out of the water and looked at the colorful world curiously. I scooped a small one, leaned against my mouth, blew it, put it into my mouth, and bit it again. Ah! Soft, fragrant, sweet, an

17、d the full thick juice inside flowed out. Its really Nestle coffee-its delicious!I ate a bowl of Lantern Festival in a “fragile way” and felt very satisfied with my full stomach.翻译:今天早上起床,妈妈说要下元宵吃。我听了,心花怒放,快乐得一蹦三尺高我可是最爱吃元宵的啊!妈妈先往锅里倒上一大半的水烧开,再接二连三地将元宵宝宝们放进锅里“泡温泉”。没过多久,妈妈掀开锅盖,一股热气便迎面扑来,一个个元宵宝宝在沸腾的水里跳起

18、了“芭蕾舞”妈妈给我盛了一碗放到桌子上,我抄起一个勺子,迫不及待地坐到桌子旁。碗里那洁白无瑕的元宵宝宝们有大有小,个个都从水里探出小脑袋,好奇地望着这五彩缤纷的世界。我舀了一个小的,靠在嘴边,吹了吹,送进嘴里,再一咬。啊!软软的,香香的,甜甜的,里面那饱满的浓汁都流了出来。可真是雀巢咖啡味道好极了!我“风卷残云”般地吃完了一碗元宵,摸着饱饱的肚子,满意极了!三年级吃元宵的英语日记4The fifteenth day of the first month is the Lantern Festival. Eating Lantern Festival means being round and

19、round. Its time for dinner. My family gathered around the table. After a while, Dad served warm and chubby bowls of Lantern Festival. We began to eat it. We shouldnt be too anxious to eat it, because the freshly cooked Lantern Festival is too hot, so we should taste it slowly.The Lantern Festival co

20、oked by Dad is so delicious that it tastes very sweet. The Lantern Festival is filled with bean paste, black sesame seeds, peanuts and so on. The Lantern Festival is very delicious with soft, sticky and sweet skin. After eating one bowl, I want to eat another bowl until my stomach swells. After eati

21、ng it, I have to go out for a walk. This is done for good digestion. Who calls Yuanxiao so delicious? Every time I eat the Lantern Festival, I will get bloated. Now my living standard has really improved. I can eat the Lantern Festival whenever I want, and it is delicious every year.翻译:正月十五是元宵节,元宵节吃

22、元宵就是团团聚圆的意思。该到吃晚饭的时候了,我们一家人围在桌子旁边,不一会儿,爸爸端上了热乎乎、圆胖胖的一碗碗元宵,我们开场吃了,吃元宵不能太着急了,因为刚煮熟的元宵太烫了,所以我们要渐渐地品味元宵。爸爸煮的元宵太好吃了,味道非常香甜,元宵馅有豆沙、黑芝麻、花生等等,元宵非常好吃的,皮软软的、粘粘的、甜香香的,吃完一碗还想再吃一碗,一直吃到肚子胀胀的,吃完了就得出去散漫步。这样做是为了好消化,谁叫元宵那么好吃呢!每次吃元宵,我都会吃得胀胀的,如今的生活程度真的进步了,什么时候想吃元宵都可以吃的上,而且一年比一年的好吃。三年级吃元宵的英语日记5Today is the 15th Lantern

23、Festival of the first month, on which every household will eat dumplings, set off firecrackers and celebrate the Lantern Festival in solve riddles on the lanterns.Today, my father taught me how to make dumplings. First, I prepared black sesame and glutinous rice. Then knead the glutinous rice noodle

24、s into small balls, press the balls with your thumb, and finally put in a little black sesame seeds, and then knead them round and round without a crack. A small dumpling is made.I did a lot according to the method my father taught me. So, we began to cook dumplings, and the hot dumplings gave off b

25、ursts of fragrance. I cant wait to take a big bite. Tangyuan is soft, sweet and fragrant, which makes people have endless aftertaste.Lantern Festival represents a round and round family. In the new year, I wish everyone all the best!翻译:今天是正月十五元宵节,这天家家户户要吃汤圆、放鞭炮、猜灯谜欢庆元宵节。今天爸爸教我包汤圆,首先准备好黑芝麻和糯米。然后把糯米面捏

26、成一个个小圆球,再把圆球用大拇指一按,最后把黑芝麻放进去一点点,再把它捏的很圆很圆,没有一条缝。一个小汤圆就做成了。按照爸爸教我的方法我做了好多。于是,我们开场煮汤圆了,热腾腾的汤圆散发出阵阵香味。我迫不急待的咬了一大口汤圆又软、又甜、又香让人回味无穷。元宵节代表一家人团团聚圆,新的一年中我祝大家心想事成、万事如意!三年级吃元宵的英语日记6The fifteenth day of the first month is Lantern Festival. In the evening, my mother went home and bought me a paper lantern for l

27、ighting candles. I used to play with battery lanterns, but this time I lit candles, so I especially like it.I went downstairs with my father in high spirits carrying lanterns. We enjoy the night scene of Lantern Festival while playing with lanterns. The moon in the sky is round, colorful lights surr

28、ound the munity like a long queue, and there are crackling firecrackers everywhere. But these scenery are not as beautiful as my lanterns. I played with lanterns excitedly for a long time, and we didnt go home until the candles burned out.As soon as I entered the door, my mother cooked dumplings for

29、 my father and me. The delicious dumplings looked like table tennis balls. I took a bite, sweet, and felt the taste of home. Mom and Dad told me that dumplings symbolize round and round.I had a great time today. I must keep this Lantern Festival firmly in mind.翻译:正月十五是元宵节,晚上妈妈回家给我买了一个纸灯笼,是点蜡烛的。我以前玩的

30、都是电池灯笼,这次的灯笼是点蜡烛的,所以我特别喜欢它。我提着灯笼兴高采烈的和爸爸下楼了。我们一边打着灯笼玩,一边欣赏元宵节的夜景。天上的月亮圆圆的,五彩的灯光像一条长龙在小区里环绕,到处都是噼里啪啦的鞭炮声。但是这些风光都比不上我的灯笼漂亮,我兴奋的打着灯笼玩了好久,直到蜡烛烧完,我们才回家了。一进门,妈妈给我和爸爸煮了汤圆,香喷喷的汤圆像个乒乓球。我吃了一口,甜甜的,感到了家的味道。爸爸、妈妈告诉我,汤圆象征着团团聚圆。今天过得真开心,我一定把这个元宵节牢牢的记在心间。三年级吃元宵的英语日记7“At 15 oclock in the first month, every household eats Lantern Festival.” I like eating dumplings, and today I want to make dumplings!When making dumplings, my mother patiently taught me: “First pinch a nest in the middle of the dough, put it in your favorite black


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