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1、the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects i n the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and ruralconstruction land increase and decre ase, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrativecharg

2、es and preferential policies. In t he areaof taxation, and settled in areas of industry and itsproductioncompany, within 5 years after thecompl etionof fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit

3、+ business credit credit system, establishme nt of marketization, commercialization and modernizationof the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterpri se docking, e ncouragesprivate capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize theenvironment and service ind

4、ustries. To create policy lowlands,Highlands, integrity of service lathe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areasdedi cated tocoordinating and solving problems associatedwith businesse s in this sector.Wh

5、en there are substantial issues, se ctor leaders arrange d to personally intervene, in-per son, in-personpush tangi ble areabuilding a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency

6、; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds andpracticing three Suns, a nd che ck thespirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstandingproble

7、ms checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection.Willnow check re port is as follows: first, adherence to the partyspolitical di sci pline, eight in the central provision, change the styleof the basic situation of 1, in compliance with thepartys politicaldisciplines.Conscie ntiously abideby the pa

8、rtys political disci pline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of theparty, in thepolitical, ideological a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the acti on, there is no violation of the partys politicaldisciprimary first-hand an inade quate grasp of

9、 theproblem, whi ch is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provi sions to streamline and improve the quality of meetingsof the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs,cult ure involves all aspectsof propaganda and ideol ogy, sometimes due to th

10、e practical nee dsof invention notifications, this area needs further农三师医院传染性非典型肺炎防治预案为了加强传染性非典型肺炎的防治工作,根据各级部门的要求、部署,按照卫生部传染性非典型肺炎的防治要求,贯彻以预防为主,加强预防、治疗和控制,保证我院的传染性非典型肺炎防治工作统一、高效、有序的进行,结合我院的实际情况,特制定此预案。一、农三师医院防治传染性非典型肺炎组织机构:(一)、农三师医院防治传染性非典型肺炎领导小组:组长:周方副组长:郭万修成员:宋润菊、张力、艾海提、杨明善农三师医院防治传染性非典型肺炎领导小组下设办公室

11、:成员:鲁安怀、方先荣、邓杰、李对红、白路庆、史维奇、赵云、阎玉玲办室室设在医务处。(二)、医院人防治传染性非典型肺炎医疗专家小组:组长:周方副组长:张力成员:姚丽、苗楠、吴宏、周克明、张新生康智奇streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d toparticipate in training, no other a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, forpropaganda work strictly according to t he regulations.

12、Six is strictly yourprese ntation publishedstrictly according to the regulations.Seven is strictly thrift, required theuseof vehicles and officespa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge thestyle.Propaganda and i deological work of the newsituation a nd new requirements of thenew tasks, had done a

13、 lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements,but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality,close to the masses and also inadequate innovation mustcontinue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat hedidnt, with lessclose contac

14、t.The oretical study of consciousness isEspecially based on rational thinkingon major issues, applying the ory to guide the workdone isnot good enough,not reallyunderstand and grasp the spirit and essence of thescie ntific Outlook on development, di d not truly achieve mastery, to appl y, to a certa

15、in extent, affect the development and impl ementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and lesssupervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal work is theobjective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, lesssupervision. F or example, colorwe

16、ekends in thesummer theatrical activities, city squareperformances,urging townships, communitiesand rural areasshows the implementation i s inadequate, insufficient cultural an e ducational role to play. Thir d base enough, master grass-less real. Propaga nda and i deological work in thenew situatio

17、n of characteristics a nd regularity of enough, deep e nough for grassless. For example, ruralculture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to takeup, the lackof spiritof daring to, resulti ng in some job had a lotof power,but no tangible results. Third,innovation, lackof motivation. Em

18、ancipation did not end, innovationdoes not exist.In practicalwork, not yourhead,previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on thechara cteristics of propaganda and ideological w ork under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a ndcha nges arenot deep,

19、to promote new initiativesand explorenew methods of ideological and cultural work isnot much, and some la ck of relevance a nd timeliness. 4,discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking.While working and e nterprising spirit down.No realsolution to treat yourself right, correctly treatpast honors

20、, theircom placency, atypical, and la ck of high standards and stri ct requirements, the effect is real. Second harddrive less. On hard and精品文档(三)、医院防治传染性非典型肺炎护理专家小组:组长:李对红副组长:米冬花成员:倪爱民、马玲、裴华(四)、医疗救护组第一组:组长:姚丽成 员:张大勇、肖红英、蒋功平、薛征宇第二组:组长:苗楠成 员:李卫星、徐隽莹、陈 昆、刘丽萍第三组:组长:吴宏成员:云晓焱、艾比布拉江、张丽娟、王少勇(五)、医院防治传染性非典型肺


22、动态以及疫情的上报工作,检查我院各部门防治染性非典型肺炎的工作,起草医院防治传染性非典型肺炎的文件;医疗专家小组负责对传染性非典型肺炎工作中的诊断、治疗工作进行指导及医疗人员的安排,对医务人员进行传染性非典型肺炎相关知识的培训;护理专家小组负责对传染性非典型肺炎工作中的护理、消毒、隔离工作进行指导以及护理人员的安排和发热门诊、隔离留观室的消毒、隔离措施的管理,对护理人员、后勤人员进行传染性非典型肺炎感相关知识的培训;医技专家小组负责对传染性非典型肺炎工作中的医学检查工作进行指导以及医技人员的安排,对医技人员进行传染性非典型肺炎相关知识的培训;后勤保障小组负责后勤保障、环境消毒工作的安排、 指导

23、以及抢救仪器的调配、 维护。领导小组全体负责医院防治传染性非典型肺炎工作,其余各小组组长为小组责任人。三、传染病分诊点、隔离留观室的设置和职责:.精品文档1、传染病分诊点设置和职责:依据我院的实际情况在医院一楼中段大厅设传染病分诊点(原电工房) ,由急诊科负责,主要对体温超过 38,伴有呼吸道的发热患者进行预检分诊,要详细询问病史、职业、接触史。凡有触史、不明原因发热、不明原因肺炎的患者及陪同人员应当立即转入隔离留观室并报告院防治传染性非典型肺炎办公室。2、隔离留观室的设置和职责:依据我院的实际情况在医院一楼中段急诊科病房设立一间隔离留观室,主要对传染病分诊点预检的有有接触史、不明原因发热、不


25、性非典型肺炎防治应急措施的,领导小组宣布启动医院防治传染性非典型肺炎预案并进入应急状态,传染病分诊点、隔离留观室严格执行相应的防护级别并认真流行自己的指责,传染病分诊点对所有就诊的患者进行预检,医院各科室加强个人防护和医院公共场所、病区的消毒工作,保障医护人员及患者的健康。六、出现SARS患者或疑似患者处理:(一)、急救车辆接诊SARS患者程序及消毒1、接到可疑患者的求救电话后,应立即派出急救小组出车,小组 3 人,驾驶员、医师、护士各 1 人,并做好防护工作。2、到达现场后,医师、护士带急救箱到患者身边,问诊及简单的查体,对可疑“非典”的患者进行隔离(包括给患者戴口罩、手套、鞋套、帽子及隔离

26、服) ,尔后抬担架或搀扶患者上车。对患者所在的位置进行消毒处理。3、来到医院后,车辆停在发热门诊楼下边,由医师、护士将患者送至诊室,车厢内的设施及物品由司机进行消毒,关闭门窗1h,对患者经过的路段进行消毒,尔后急救小组人员进行个人消毒。.精品文档(二)、门诊接诊发热病人工作流程发热患者挂号室导医人员分诊,给患者戴口罩用灭菌干棉球塞鼻翼发热门诊由医护一员为其戴口罩用灭菌干棉球塞鼻翼医师接诊(问诊、查体、建病历)专职人员引导做三大常规检验及X线胸片初步诊断排除可疑临床诊断病例或疑似病例病例病例退出发热留观室治疗专用车辆门诊观察 45d转定点医院住普通病房排除或院外诊疗病例(三)、病房发现确诊或疑似SARS患者的工作组织预案1、疫情报告:医护人员报告科主任、护士长。科主任、护士长上报医务处。2、医护人员做好病区患者思想工作,服从医院安排。3、切断传播途径,护士长(传染病防治办)确


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