高考英语提分秘籍:高考英语“读后续写”专项突破 -亲情故事_第1页
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1、高考英语提分秘籍:高考英语“读后续写”专项突破一亲情故事亲情故事篇的续写文章主题亲情感悟一般属于人与社会中的主题语境,亲情感悟类话题主要涉及到 亲人之间发生的日常生活事件,一般分为两个大类,一类是相亲相爱的锦上 添花,比方纪念重要日子(如举办惊喜生日派对,送生日礼物,母亲节,父 亲节等)和父亲教孩子学习新技能,孩子为长辈解决困难。这一类整体基调是快乐的,积极的,充满爱的。如果是纪念重要节日的, 比方是生日惊喜派对,往往会是派对的描写,热闹,充满欢笑的场面描写最 后加上收获,开心,感恩等。第二类是解决小误会小矛盾的握手言和,如:亲子之间缺乏沟通,父母 把自己的意志强加给子女,子女觉得父母做法不对

2、,孩子想要帮父母却帮倒 忙等。此类通常会涉及到矛盾冲突产生的原因,如性格原因,环境原因,经济 原因等。接下去是想方法解决矛盾冲突,续写原文往往会用较多笔墨交代冲突解 决过程,为续写冲突的解决埋下伏笔。续写往往要求考生能够用续写原文的伏笔,让冲突得到化解,化解可以 是弥补,解释,抱歉,回忆等。如果是亲人间的矛盾、误会,结尾往往会亲人间冰释前嫌,握手言和。亲情感悟类文章的结尾可能会有主题提升,包括亲情感悟,事件评论等。高考英语专项突破“读后续写”一亲情故事01阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。Its hard to talk to dads sometim

3、es. The roles we often expect our fathers to playprotector, provider-can make them seem impenetrable(不可理解的).Thats how it was with my dad. He came to Canada at the age of ten and settled in an immigrant情绪类高兴:joy/delight兴奋的:excited/thrilled【点睛】高分句型 lWhen the two brothers reached an agreement, they qui

4、ckly ran back to their grandfather house, got the tools they needed to make the cane, and ran back to the woods.(由when引导的时间状语从句)高分句型 2It was a wonderful tree, which was smooth and was just of the right size.(由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)04A vacation with my motherI had an interesting childhood: It was fill

5、ed with surprises and amusements, all because of my mother - loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her.My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota, and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to

6、those states and seeing all the sights along the way. As the first day of our trip approached, David, my eight-year-old brother, and I unwillingly said good-bye to all of our friends. Who knew if wed ever see them again? Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcases, books, g

7、ames, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. We bravely drove off again two hours later after wed returned home to get the purse and travelers checks Mom had forgotten.David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad sl

8、ept: You stand outside the door and play lookout while I go, and ril stand outside the door and play lookout while you go. I had terrible pictures in my mind: Honey, where are the kids?” What?! Oh, Gosh. I thought they were being awfully quiet. We were never actually left behind in a strange city, b

9、ut we werent about to take any chances.On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why didnt we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there? David and I became n

10、ervous. To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea. Mom never could understand our objections. If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep, Mom would have been delighted. She thinks everyone in the world is as nice as she is. We finally found a vacancy in the next town.注意:.所续写短文的词数应为150左右

11、;.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;.续写局部分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.Paragraph 2:We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.【答案】Paragraph 1:The next day wa remembered the brand-new tent we

12、 had brought with us. But then we were half an hour away from the hotel, where the tent was left behind. Dad recommended buying a new one, while Mom insisted on our going back to fetch it, saying Forgetful people like me may lose things repeatedly, so its unwise to give up the tent.” Finally, we got

13、 back the tent and hit the road again. If Mom hadnt been that abseat-minded, it would have saved us the trouble of going back again and again.Paragraph 2:We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. One day, towards evening, we found a great camping site at the foot of

14、 a high mountain. David and I helped Dad put up the tent, and Mom was busy preparing supper. When the setting sun cast an orange light over the mountains, the tent was set up and the meal was ready. Sitting around the camp fire, we talked and laughed. Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of t

15、he journey a pleasant smile would spread over Moms face.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者11岁的一次家庭旅行让作者了解了自己的 母亲。在路上作者和弟弟一直担忧遇到危险,而妈妈却坚持要在外面搭帐篷睡觉,最 后他们搭好了帐篷,在外面度过了美好的一个假期。【详解】.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“第二天,我们想起了我们带来的新帐篷。”可知,第一段可 描写他们回去取帐篷的经过。由第二段首句内容“我们开车经过了几个州,沿途看到了许多美丽的景色。” 可知,第二段可描写他们在户外搭帐篷做饭的事情。.续写线索:想起带来的新帐篷妈妈坚持回去取帐篷看见美

16、丽的风景 搭帐篷准备饭菜作者感悟.词汇激活行为类建议:recommend/suggest回去:go back/return发现:find/discover情绪类准备好的:ready /prepared令人愉快的:pleasant /pleasing【点睛】高分句型 1 But then we were half an hour away from the hotel, where the tent was left behind.(运用了 where引导非限制性定语从句)高分句型 2 If Mom hadnt been that absent-minded, it would have sav

17、ed us the trouble of going back again and again.(运用 了 虚拟语气)05Two months to save my girFs lifeAs my feet pounded the pavement, sweat dripped down my forehead and back. “Just a little bit further/9 I told myself, determined to push forward. Though Id never been much of a runner, I had a crucial motiva

18、tion to save my little girl, Birdie. Born in January 2017, she had beautiful big blue eyes. But shortly after her arrival, doctors pointed out that her head was measuring quite large. Within days, she was diagnosed with sagittal craniosynostosis. Doctors explained that shed need surgery. They also n

19、oticed that her limbs and fingers were measuring quite short, so Birdie went through genetic testing to find out why. When the results came back, my wife and I met with the specialist. Birdie has Mainzer-Saldino syndrome J he said. He also revealed the rare condition would cause reinal (视网膜的)degener

20、ation, meaning she could go blind and develop kidney (肾) disease.So, when Birdie fell ill in 2019 with common flu, it caused a loss to her little body. Sadly, the medications she needed to help her recover weakened her kidneys even further. By December that year, her specialist revealed they were on

21、ly functioning at 30 percent. “If it gets any worse, she will need to start dialysis (透析)he admitted, adding that a transplant might be required sooner than we first thought.It broke my heart, and I knew I had to step up to help save my girl. So I volunteered to give her one of my kidneys right away

22、. After undergoing multiple tests, I was declared a match. But there were still several barriers I had to overcome before I had the all-clear to donate.“Youll have to lose 15 kilos before we consider you fit to transplant,“ the specialist told me in June. He gave me two months to get into shape. At

23、96.5 kilos, I wasnt overweight, but I needed to lower my BMI to be fit for the surgery.注意:.续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I was determined to do whatever it took to save my little girl.In November, the big day finally arrived.【答案】I was determined to do whatever it took to save my little girl. I cut

24、backon beer and pub meals, such as fried chicken and chips, and stuck to eating healthier options, such as lean meat and vegetables instead. I also invested in a new pair of joggers and went running every day. Incredibly, by August, I had managed to lose weight and was given the all-clear to go ahea

25、d.In November, the big day finally arrived. Wheeled into operating theatre around 8 am, my nerves were very tense. When I came to several hours later, my wife was there by my side, smiling. Thankfully, Birdies surgety was also believed to be a success. After two days, I was finally well enough to vi

26、sit my precious daughter. I felt so good to see a smile on her face. Our brave girl had more energy with each day that passed. Seeing the smile on our beautiful Birdies face makes it all worthwhile.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者的女儿患有肾病,需要移植手术,作者自愿 马上给她一个肾,但是必须在两个月之内减掉15公斤。【详解】.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“我下定决心要不惜一切代价救我的小女儿

27、。”可知,第一段 可描写作者如何努力减肥。由第二段首句内容“11月,这个大日子终于到来了。”可知,第二段可描写做 手术及手术的效果。.续写线索:健康饮食跑步做手术手术成功.词汇激活行为类减少:cut back on/cut down on跑步:go running/go jogging进手术室: wheel into operating theatre/enter the operating room看望:visit/pay a visit to情绪类难以置信地:incredibly/unbelievably感激地:thankfully/gratefully【点睛】高分句型 lWhen I c

28、ame to several hours later, my wife was there by my side, smiling.(由when引导的时间状语从句和现在分词作状语)高分句型 2Our brave girl had more energy with each day that passed.(由关系代词 that引导的限制性定语从句)06It was six oclock when Breanne heard her mothers phone receive a text message as its at on the kitchen bench. “Mum, I bet i

29、ts Dad!” Breanne said and jumped up from the sofa, books spilling out in front of her. She had been deciding which story her dad would read in one of his funny voices fbr the night. Briannas mum rubbed her temples (太阳穴) and sighed softly. Honey, would you mind seeing if thaf s Daddy? Ive got a bad h

30、eadache but I want to start cooking a lovely meal fbr us to enjoy tonight.”“Sure, mum J Breanne skipped into the kitchen to check the phone. Her dad had been away for two whole nights working on a malfunction (故障)at his companys warehouse that was at risk of theft. Breanne felt sure hed been able to

31、 act like a superhero and save the day - but did it have to take so long? She picked up the phone and read the message, “Just leaving now cant wait to see you both. Breanne confirmed excitedly, Its from Daddy! Hes on his way home!”Her mother managed a weak smile as her daughter clapped her hands wit

32、h joy. It had been four months since shed lost her job and with only one income to support the family. Her husband had taken on as many shifts and extra duties as he could to make ends meet. Times were tough and he was working long hours, but it made the time Breanne spent with her daddy even more s

33、pecial. Oh, thats wonderful news. Now lets see what I can find to eat J her mother rose painfully from the sofa and added.注意:.续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“Great! Mums got a bad headache but Im going to help her cook dinner. See you soon!” Breanne sent her dad a quick reply.Another message from he

34、r father drew Briannas attention.【答案】(Great! Mums got a bad headache but Im going to help her cook dinner. See you soon!” Breanne send her dad a quick reply. As Breanne opened the door of the refrigerator, she heard her mother sigh again. The shelves of the refrigerator had been almost empty for too

35、 long. Her mother said, “Oh, I think maybe we have tomatoes and carrots tonight, honey. Could you get those out fbr me?” While her mother pushed two more headache tablets into her hand, Breanne started cutting the carrots, just the way her mother had shown her.Another message from her father drew Br

36、ianna fs attention. She stared at the new message: Red, round and sweet, Seed of love and what I love to eat. Her dad loved entertaining her with riddles and rhymes! Was this about dinner? Breanne went through all the fruits she could think of that were red. Suddenly, Breanne remembered a story her

37、father told her about a fruit regarded as a vegetable. It used to be called a love apple and now it is called tomato. Breanne felt very delighted that she got her father real message.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了 Breanne的爸爸外出加班赚钱,她的妈妈在家准 备晚餐,而她又开始头疼了,Breanne的爸爸发来了短信说很快会回来,她很开心, 妈妈痛苦地从沙发上站起来准备做晚餐。【详解】.段落续写:由第一段

38、首句内容“太好了!妈妈头痛得厉害,但我要帮她做饭。再见! ”布 里安娜很快给她爸爸回了信。”可知,第一段可描写Breanne帮妈妈准备做晚饭的食 材。由第二段首句内容“她父亲的另一条信息引起了布里安娜的注意。”可知,第二 段可描写Breanne的爸爸发来的是谜题,Breanne猜谜题。.续写线索:翻开冰箱切胡萝卜看到谜题猜中谜题.词汇激活行为类翻开:open/unfold切:cut/chop盯着:stare at/gaze at得到:get/receive情绪类叹气:sigh/suspire高兴的:delighted/happy【点睛】高分句型 1While her mother pushed

39、 two more headache tablets into her hand, Breanne started cutting the carrots, just the way her mother had shown her.(由连接词 while引导的时间状语从句和that引导的定语从句,省略了引导词that)高分句型 2Breanne went through all the fruits she could think of that were red.(由 关系代词that引导的定语从句)community. He was never much of a talker. He

40、rarely drank, so we didnt get to see him loosen up after a few beers. He didnt tell stories about himself at the dinner table or when we went for walks in the park. He was a private person and seemed to want to stay that way.Bringing up the many questions I had about life before I was bom-his early

41、hopes and dreams, loves and heartbreaks-let alone sharing my own feelings, felt like too much for us to handle. I didnt want to threaten the integrity(完整)of his hard shell. I had gotten used to it, and it made me feel secure.But when my relationship and career took a hit a year ago at the same time,

42、 things had to change. I was facing serious questions about my own nature, and I wanted to know that he had faced them, too. I needed to know how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine.In a severe moment of desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key. An

43、email can be crafted(精心制作)slowly and carefully. I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to adjust. Hed be up in his office-a comfortable place filled with bookshelves, dusty CD-ROMs and piles of old newspapers. Id be at my desk in an apartment 20 minutes away.So I wrote to him. I t

44、old him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relationship and career.Para 1: Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box.Para 2:1 clo

45、sed the email and started to cry.【答案Para 1: Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box. It was a scanned threedocument. Apparently, my dad had carefully considered my message, reached back into his memory and crafted a response. In the letter, he shared his history of love, longing, sel

46、f-doubt, fears and struggles in life. He also offered me some practical suggestions on how to handle my relationship and career. While reading, I got the sense that it must have been really tough for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age. I was also impressed by the great perseveran

47、ce he showed in the face of difficulty.Para 2: I closed the email and started to cry. I cried because I wished I had opened up earlier but was grateful it wasnt too late. I cried because in the midst of my own struggles, his letter instantly put me at ease. And I cried because in the end, it was so

48、simple: I just had to hit “Send”. Weve since had many exchanges. My problems havent been magically solved, but getting to know my dad better-and learning to love him more-has made the tough stuff more manageable and life sweeter. Its hard to talk to dads sometimes, but Im glad that I found a way to

49、talk to mine.【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者的父亲是一个少言少语的 人,作者习惯这样的父亲,也觉得这样很平安。但当作者的婚姻和职业受到打击时, 他/她感到迷失了自我,想到父亲也可能曾经面临这样的问题,于是决定通过写邮件 向他求助。【详解】.段落续写根据第一段首句内容“两周后,他的回信出现在我的邮箱里“可知,下文可描写 父亲在信里真诚地提供了自己的经历,以及作者的感受。根据第二段首句内容“我关了邮件开始哭起来”可知,下文可描写作者哭的原因, 以及庆幸找到了和父亲进行交流的方式。.续写线索:受到回信父亲提供自己的经历对父亲有了更多了解哭 起来为什么哭庆幸能和父

50、亲交流.词类激活行为类思考:consider/think提供:offer/supply/give/provide解决:solve/settle情绪类艰难的:hard/tough/difficult感激的:grateful/thankful高兴的:glad/del ighted/pleased【点睛】高分句型 1While reading, I got the sense that it must have been really tough for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age.(运用 了 状语从句的省略)高分句型

51、 2I cried because I wished I had opened up earlier but was grateful it wasn too late.(运用了 because引导的原因状语从句,和虚拟语气)02“Has Priya not come home as yet?” Surya asked. He had just returned from work. He was a cashier in the State Bank of Hyderabad, while his wife, Shared a lab assistant in Reddy College f

52、or Women. Their daughter, Priya, was a Class X student in Saint Annes School around six kilometers away. There was a direct bus from Priyas school.“She should have been here by 4.30. It is 5:30 now and she still has not come, “Shared replied. n Yesterday too she was late. In fact, since the last few

53、 weeks she has been coming home late.“Did you ask her?”“Yes, I did, last week.“What did she say?”“She numbed something about spending time with her best friend, then she kept quiet. You know she is not very forthcoming. One day she would be become an engineer or doctor.nPriya was to appear for the C

54、lass X examination in April the next year. This was the month of July and her studies had started in real earnest. Morning six to eight she went fbr Maths and Physics tuition, and in the evening seven to eight for Chemistry.The next day, Surya happened to discuss Priyas strange behavior with his col

55、league,Dorgan, who too had a teenaged daughter.“Surya, you should not take it so lightly. I have an idea. My brother, Ajay, works in a Detective Agency. I will tell him. I am sure he will agree to follow her. Since Priya does not know him, she will not get suspicious.”Surya kept silent for a while,

56、finally agreed.On Wednesday, Surya got a call in the office.Hello! Surya? This is Ajay?“Yes, Ajay. Any news?”“Plenty. Can you come to Arts College at 4.30 in the evening?”“Why?”“I will explain when we meet.”Sharp at 4.30, Surya parked his scooter in front of the Arts College Building. Ajay was waiti

57、ng for him. “Come with me, “he said. They went behind the building and took a path which led to a small Hanuman Temple. Surya had been there with Priya a couple of times and they both quite liked the serenity of the place. When they reached the place, Ajay asked him to quietly look from behind a bou

58、lder.续写词数应为150左右;.请按如下格式作答。As Surya looked, he was surprised“I left my paintings in the temple. I want to become a painter/9 Priya answered on the sofa.【答案】 As Surya looked, he was surprised. He saw Priya sitting in the small courtyard in front of the temple. There was a canvas in front of her and s

59、he was busy painting. A few paint bottles, brushes and drawing sheets were lying around. Beside her were several canvases, Surya was struck by the beauty, the raw energy, of his daughters art. Then he left, determined not to disturb her. But why did she spend so much time painting at the approach of

60、 the Class X examination? Surya kept wondering until Priya came home that evening. Why are you late again? Spending time painting? Where are your paintings?” he asked directly.“I left my paintings in the temple. I want to become a painter. Priya answered on the sofa. 6CI do not mind struggling, even


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