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1、冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版1Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚 成冰2This icy force both foul and fair.冰雪严寒只等闲3Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘4Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚5Strike for love And Strike for fear.战胜恐惧求真爱6See the beauty Sharp and

2、Sheer.冰雪美人冷艳又危险7Split the ice apart.掘开寒冰勇向前8 And break the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!9Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去10 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去11Beautiful! Powerful!美丽又强大!12Dangerous! Cold!寒冷又危险!13Ice has a magic Cant be controlled.冰雪的魔力难驾驭14Stronger than one, Str

3、onger than ten.一当十 一当百15Stronger than a hundred men!谁人能挡寒冬至?16Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚 成冰17This icy force both Foul and Fair.冰雪严寒只等闲18 Has a frozen heart worth mining.誓破坚冰续奇缘19Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚20Strike for love and strike for f

4、ear.战胜恐惧求真爱21Theres beauty and theres Danger here.冰雪美人冷艳又危险22 Split the ice apart!掘开寒冰勇向前23Beware the frozen heart.用爱融化冰封的心!24Come on, Sven!快跟上 斯特!25 Elsa. Psst 艾莎 喂26 Elsa!艾莎!27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒 快醒醒28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 快回去睡觉29I just cant. The skys awake, so Im awake,我睡不着 天还醒着 我也醒

5、着 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快! 快! 姐姐快!34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法! 用魔法!35Ready? - Uhhm.准备好哦! - 喔.冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 36This is amazing!哇!好神奇!37Watch this!看好了!38Hi, Im Olaf and I like warm

6、hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!39I love you, Olaf.我爱你 雪宝40Alright. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦!41Again! Wait!再来一次! -等下!42Slow down!慢一点!43Anna!安娜!44Anna?安娜?45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的 安娜 姐姐抱47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎 你做了什么?你又乱用魔法 了!48It was an accident. Im s

7、orry, Anna.都是我不小心 对不起 安娜49- Shes ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉! -我知道怎样救她 50Ice?雪?51Faster, Sven!快点 斯特!52Sven!斯特!53Please. Help!请帮帮我们!54My daughter!救救我的女儿!55He is the King!哦!是国王!56Trolls.?地精?57Shush. Im trying to listen.嘘 听听他们在说什么58Cuties. Im gonna keep you.小可爱 干脆留下来别走了590Your Majesty!

8、陛下!60Born with the powers or cursed?她的魔力是天生的还是受到了诅咒?61Born. And theyre getting stronger.天生的 而且越来越强了62You are lucky it wasnt her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏63The heart is not so easily changed,冰封的心 很难融化64But the head can be persuaded.打在头上,我还有办法65Do what you must.快救救她吧66I recommend we remove all magic,我会消除魔法的效果6

9、7even memories of magic to be safe.还有关于魔法的记忆,也一同抹去68But dont worry, Ill leave the fun.别担心 我会留下快乐的记忆69She will be okay.她会好的70But she wont remember I have powers?她会忘记我有魔法?71- Its for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,这样才安全 - 听着 艾莎72your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大73There is beauty in it.它会带来幸福74But

10、also great danger.也会带来灾难75You must learn to control it.一定要学会掌控你的魔力76Fear will be your enemy.记住,恐惧是你的敌人冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 77No. Well protect her. She can learn to control it. Im sure.不 我们会保护她 她能做到的 相信我78Until then,在那之前79well lock the gates. Well reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门 削减人手 80We will limit her contact w

11、ith people 减少她与外界的交往81and keep her powers hidden from everyone.她的魔力决不能被别人知道 82including Anna.包括安娜83Elsa?艾莎?84Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?85Come on lets go and play.快来我们一起玩86I never see you anymore. Come out the door.好久没有见到你了 出来吧 87Its like youve gone away.你就像消失了一样88We used to be best bud

12、dies.我们曾是最好的伙伴89And now were not. I wish you would tell me why.现在你却不理我 你能告诉我原因吗 90Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?91It doesnt have to be a snowman.玩什么都可以呀92Go away, Anna.走开 安娜93.Okay bye.好吧 拜94The gloves will help. See.这幅手套可以控制你的魔力.95- Conceal it. - Dont feel it.隐藏好 -别去想96Dont let it show.别让

13、别人发现97Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?98Or ride our bike around the hall?还是在城堡里骑车?99I think some company is overdue.我一个人烦闷又无聊.100Ive started talking to the pictures on the walls.每天跟墙上的画像讲话 101Hang in there, Joan.坚持住 贞德102It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.这些房子空得让人好寂寞 103Just watch

14、ing the hours tick by.只能盯着钟表数着一秒一秒104Im scared. Its getting stronger.我很害怕 我的魔力越来越强大了105Getting upset only makes it worse.你越害怕就越难控制它106Calm down.冷静下来107No. Dont touch me. Please. I dont want to hurt you.别碰我 我怕伤着你 108See you in two weeks.两周后见109- Do you have to go? - Youll be fine, Elsa.你们真的要去吗? -你会没事

15、的 艾莎 110Elsa?艾莎?111Please, I know youre in there.艾莎 我知道你在里面112People are asking where youve been,大家都在问你去哪了113They say have courage and Im trying to.他们叫我要坚强 我会的 114Im right out here for you. Just let me in.我在外面等你 让我进来吧115We only have each other.现在只剩我和你116Its just you and me.姐妹相依为命117What are we gonna

16、 do?我们该怎么办?冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 118Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?119 (三年后)120Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到阿伦戴尔 欢迎!121Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下 大门马上要打开了 122Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗?123Because the Queen has come of age.今天城门就要打开了124Its Coronati

17、on Day!女王的加冕日!125Thats not my fault.跟我有什么关系126- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么 斯特? -给我点吃的! 127Whats the magic word? Please!先说口令! -求你了!128A.a. a. a! Share!喂!给我留点!129I cant believe theyre finally opening up the gates!真不敢相信,城门终于打开了! 130And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!131Faster, Persi!快 亲爱

18、的!132Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.阿伦戴尔 我们最神秘的贸易伙伴 133Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets 打开大门,让我揭开你的秘密 134and exploit your riches.榨干你的财富135.Did I just say that out loud?我是不是说的太大声了?136Oh, me sore eyes cant wait to.我已经等不急要进去了137See the Queen and the Princess.拜见女王和公主!138I

19、bet theyre absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了139I bet they are beautiful.她们一定是大美女140Princess Anna.?安娜公主?141.Huh? Yeah?恩?142- Sorry to wake you, maam but. - No, no, no. You didnt很.抱歉叫醒您 -哦,没,没 事143Ive been up for hours.我早就起来了.呵欠144Who is it?嗯?谁在外面?145Its still me, maam. The gates will open soon.呃,还是我,城门马上

20、就要打开了 146Time to get ready. Of course!您该起床做准备了! -哦,当然!147Ready for what?准备什么?148Your sisters coronation, maam.您姐姐的加冕典礼,殿下149My sisters cor-neration.我姐姐的加冕.150Its coronation day!今天是加冕日!151Its coronation day!今天是加冕日!152The window is open! Sos that door!所有的门窗都打开了!153I didnt know they did that anymore.真不

21、敢相信门开了!154Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates.?宴会的盘子足有八千个155For years I have roamed these empty halls.空荡荡大厅独徘徊156Why have a ballroom with no balls?不举办舞会好寂寞157Finally, theyre opening up the gates!今天终于把门打开了!158Therell be real, actual people四方宾客汇聚一堂冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 159Itll be totally strange.这是多么奇妙的事160B

22、ut wow am I so ready for this change!为了今天的改变,我已准备多时了!161For the first time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次162Therell be music, therell be light.引吭高歌 点亮希望163For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次164Ill be dancing through the night.热舞狂欢 彻夜不眠165Dont know if Im elated or gassy,也许我太激动了166But Im somewhere in that

23、zone.但我真的好开心167Cause for the first time in forever,因为这将是我生命里第一次168I wont be alone. I cant wait to meet everyone.我不会再寂寞! 我已等不及见大家了169What if I meet the one?对了,如果遇到那个他?170Tonight, imagine me gown and all.想象今夜穿着新晚装171Fetchingly draped against the wall.优雅妩媚倚着墙172The picture of sophisticated Grace.美丽端庄又大

24、方173I suddenly see him standing there,有个帅哥站一旁174a beautiful stranger tall and fair.身材高大眼睛亮175I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!我心跳加速小鹿撞,想把巧克力全吃光!176But then we laugh and talk all evening,我们整晚欢笑聊不停177Which is totally bizarre.这感觉美妙又奇异178Nothing like the life Ive led so far.我的生活此刻才开放179For the fi

25、rst time in forever,这将是我生命里第一次180Therell be magic, Therell be fun.感受惊喜 充满乐趣181For the first time in forever,这是我生命里第一次182I could be noticed by someone.邂逅爱情 不再孤单183And I know it is totally crazy.这种想法也许很疯狂184To dream Id find romance.幻想就要遇到真爱185But for the first time in forever,但这至少是我第一次186At least Ive

26、got a chance!改变人生的好机遇!187Dont let them in. Dont let them see.别让人知道 别让人发现188Be the good girl You always have to be.做个好女孩,就像你的从前189Conceal. Dont feel.躲藏 收敛190Put on a show.在众人面前191Make one wrong move and everyone will know.一出错会让大家都发现192But its only for today.但是只有在今天193Its only for today! Its agony to

27、wait.-只有在今天! -跟痛苦说再见 194Its agony to wait.-跟痛苦说再见195Tell the guards to open up the.让守卫把大门全打开!196The gate!-打开!197For the first time in forever.这是我生命里第一次198Dont let them in dont let them see-别让人知道 别让人发现冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 199Im getting what Im dreaming of.多年梦想终实现200Be the good girl you always have to be.-做

28、个好女孩,就像你的从前 201A chance to change my Only world.改变我孤单的世界202Conceal. Conceal. Dont feel.-藏好,别去想203- A chance to find true love - Dont See, Dont Feel, Dont Let them know. 找到真爱的机遇 -躲藏 收敛 不要被发现204I know it all ends tomorrow,明天起一切将结束205So it has to be today!从今天开始改变!206Cause for the first time in forever.

29、这将是我第一次.207For the first time in forever!这是我生命里第一次!208Nothings in my way!幸福前路无人挡!209Hey! -Im so sorry. Are you hurt?喂! -对不起!你没事吧?210Hey!嘿!211 I-ya, no. No. Im okay. - Are you sure?哦 我.没事 -真的吗?212 Yeah, I just wasnt looking where I was going.我刚刚走路没看路.213- But Im great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.

30、但是我没事,真的 - 哦!谢天谢地 214Oh. Umm. 喔.嗯.215Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南艾尔斯的汉斯王子216Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess.?我是阿伦戴尔的安娜公主 -公主? 217My Lady.殿下!218Hi. again.嗨.呵呵219Oh boy.噢.欸220Ha. This is awkward. Not youre awkward,嗯.这有点尴尬,呃.我不是说你 221but just because were.Im awkward.但我们确实.我是说我挺尴尬的 222You

31、re gorgeous. Wait, what?你很.优雅.呃,什么?223Id like to formally apologize for 我正式的为我不小心224hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse.骑马撞上了美丽的阿伦戴尔公主以及. 225And for every moment after.之后所有的事情道歉!226No. No-no. Its fine. Im not THAT Princess.哦.没关系的,我不是“那种”公主 227I mean, if youd hit my sister Elsa, that woul

32、d be.如.果你撞到的是我姐姐艾莎,喔 那可惨了.228Cuz, you know.你懂的,哈哈.229Hello.你好啊230But, lucky you, its- its just me.还好,你.撞到的是我231Just you?你?232.The bells. The coronation.哦!敲钟了,典礼要开始了233 I. I.我.哎呀 我.234 I better go. I have to.I better go.我要走了,我要.我真的得走了. 235 Bye!再见!236Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下,手套!237(formal, in Old N

33、orse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok诵经 238krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear.诵经冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 239.Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎240Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎241Queen Elsa of Arendelle.阿伦戴尔女王艾莎242Princess Anna of Arendelle!阿伦戴尔公主安娜243Here? Are you sure?

34、 I do not think I suppose to.Oka .这儿?你确定?我觉得有点. 好吧244 Hi.嗨245Hi me.? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我说吗? 噢.嗨246You look beautiful.Thank you.你很今天漂亮 -谢谢247You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更“泡亮”.哦,不是“泡亮” 248You dont look Fuller, but more beautiful.不是“胖”.我是说.你更漂亮一些 249Thank you.谢谢250So, this is what a party look

35、s like?原来,舞会就是这样的啊?251Its warmer than I thought.比我想的还要热闹一点252And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香253. Chocolate.巧克力!254Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下 猥琐屯公爵求见255Weselton. The Duke of Weselton.威斯顿!我是威斯顿公爵.256Your Majesty,陛下257As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴258 It seems only

36、fitting that I offer you.我想邀请您跳加冕后的第一支舞 259Your first dance as Queen.望陛下赏光260Thank you. Only I dont dance.谢谢.但我不会跳舞261But my sister does.不过我妹妹会262 Lucky you. -Oh, I dont think.你真幸运 -我可不觉得.263 If you swoon, let me know, Ill catch you.如果你被我转晕了,我会接着你的264 Sorry.不好意思265 Like an agile peacock.看我像只灵活的孔雀266

37、 Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.你们能打开城门真是太好了 267Why did they shut them in the first place?以前干嘛要关上呢?268 Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 嗯?269 No. -No.不知道 -不知道?270Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧,我们继续271They dont call me the little dipper for nothing.我可是个“舞林高手”哦! 272Like a chicken.with the

38、face of a monkey. I fly.看我跳“鸡舞”. “猴子舞”. 飞起来啦!273Let me know when youre ready for another round, MLady希.望下次还能有幸邀您 公主殿 下274Well, he was sprightly.哈!他真是活跃275Especially for a man in heels.穿了高跟鞋还这么能蹦跶276Are you okay? - Ive never been better.你还好吗? -我好得很呢!277This is so nice.我今天好开心冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 278I wish i

39、t could be like this all the time.真希望永远都能像今天一样279 Me too.我也希望.280 But it cant.但是不行281Why not? -If.It just cant.为什么不行? -就是.不行282Excuse me for a minute.对不起 我失陪一会儿283Glad I caught you. - Hans!又接住你了 -汉斯!284I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide.Oops. Sorry.经常只有我一个人在大厅里滑.哦 不好意思285. Your physique

40、 helps Im sure too.你这么强壮肯定没问题 286Whats this? I was born with it,这是什么? -哦,生下来就长了 287Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.其实,我曾梦到被一个地精吻过 288 I like it.真有趣289Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.对!整个都吞下去!哈哈,你做到了 290Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?对了,你有多少兄弟来着? 291Twelve older brothers.十

41、二个哥哥292Three of them pretended I was invisible.其中三个哥哥在过去两年里. 293literally. for two years.完全把我当透明的294- Thats horrible. - Its what brothers do.太可怕了 -兄弟之间就是这样 295. And sisters.姐妹之间也是296Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟艾莎小时候玩的可好了297But then, one day she just shut me out, and.可是有一天,她突然把

42、我关在门外不理我 了298And I never knew why.直到现在我都不知道为什么299 I would never shut you out.我的门永远向你敞开300Okay, can I just say something crazy?呃,我能不能说点“疯话”?301 I love crazy.你说什么我都爱听302All my life has been a series of doors in my face.我的一生总有很多门挡着我 303And then suddenly I bump into you.直到今天遇见你304I was thinking the same

43、 thing, because like.我也是这么想的,因为.305Ive been searching my whole life to find my own place.我也用我的一生寻找新天地 306And maybe its the party talking,大概是舞会上的偶遇307Or the chocolate fondue.不知是否有意义308But with you.直到遇见你.309I found my place.我看到新天地310I see your face. 我找到新感觉311 And its nothing like Ive ever known before

44、. 这种感觉我从来未有过 312Love is an open. door!爱的门打开了!313Love is an open. door.Door. 爱的门打开了冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 314Love is an open. door. 爱的门打开了315With you! With you!遇见你!遇见你!316Love is an open door. 爱的门打开了317I mean its crazy. What?我们很疯狂 -怎么了?318We finish each others.Sandwiches!我们吃彼此的. -三明治!319Thats what I was gonn

45、a say!你抢了我的词!320Ive never met someone.Who thinks so much like me. 我从未见过谁想法和我一致 321 Jinx. jinx again. 巧合.你看多巧!322Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation,我们心有灵犀,这只有一种 解释323You and I were just meant to be. 我和你注定在一起324Say goodbye. 跟昨天325To the pain of the past. 的痛苦说再见 326We dont have to

46、feel it anymore!不用再感受它的折磨327Love is an open. door!爱的门打开了!328Love is an open door!爱的门打开了!329Life can be so much more.with you! With you!生活有多快乐.能够跟你一起! 330Love is an open. door. 爱的门打开了331 Can I say something crazy.?我能不能说句“疯话”?332Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?333Can I just say something even crazier?我能说句更疯

47、狂的吗?334Yes. 我愿意335Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?哦!不好意思,借过!336Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢.哦,她在这儿337Elsa! I mean. Queen.艾莎! 我是说.陛下.338 Me again. May I present,我又来了 我想向您介绍冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 339Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南艾尔斯的汉斯王子340Your Majesty.女王陛下341We would like.your bl

48、essing.希望您能.祝福我们的.342of. our marriage!婚礼!343Marriage.? Yes!婚礼?! -是的!344 Im sorry, Im confused.不好意思.我有点晕345Well, We havent worked out all the details ourselves好.吧 我们确实还有一些细节需要 商量346Well need a few days to plan the ceremony.得花上几天好好策划一下我们的婚礼347Of course well have soup,宴会上要有鲜汤348roast, and ice cream and

49、 then.烤肉,冰淇淋还有.349Wait. Would we live here?等下 我们可以住在这里吗?350Here? -Absolutely!这里? -当然!351Anna.安娜.352Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us.也可以把你的十二个 哥哥都请来住.353What? No, no, no, no, no.什么? 不 不,等一下354Of course we have the room. I dont know. Some of them must.这里的房间足够给他们 住,而且.355Wa

50、it. Slow down.不,等一下356No ones brothers are staying here.他们不能住在这儿357No one is getting married.你也不能和他结婚358Wait, what?什么?359May I talk to you, please. Alone.我能单独跟你谈谈吗? 就我们俩360No. Whatever you have to say, you.不 无论你想说什么.361you can say to both of us.跟我们两人一起说好了362Fine. You cant marry a man you just met.好吧

51、 你不能嫁给一个你才刚认识的人363You Can if its true love.我能,如果是真爱就可以364Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜 你知道什么是真爱吗?365More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你清楚,你只会把人拒之门外 366You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你要我祝福你们两人的婚礼 我的答案是 不可以367Now, Excuse me.不好意思,我失陪了368Your Majesty, if

52、I may ease your.陛下,请允许我.369No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.我不允许 而且我想.你该走了370The party is over. Close the gates.舞会结束了 把门关上371Yes, Your Majesty.是,陛下372What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 艾莎 不!不!别.373Give me my glove!把手套还给我!374Elsa, please. Please. I cant live like this anymore.艾莎,求你了! 我不能再忍受这 样的

53、生活了375. Then leave.那就.离开吧冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 376. What did I ever do to you?!我到底哪里招惹你了?377Enough, Anna.别说了.安娜378No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 为什么?为什么要把我拒之门外?379Why do you shut the world out?!为什么要把自己和整个世界隔绝?!380What are you so afraid of?!你到底在害怕什么?381I said, enough!别说了!382 Sorcery. I knew there was 妖术

54、 我早知道383something dubious going on here.这里一定藏着不可告人的内幕384Elsa.?艾莎.?385There she is.女王来了386-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa.-陛下! -女王万岁! -女王陛下.387-Come drink with us.-来跟我们一起喝酒388-Queen Elsa.-女王陛下389Your Majesty? Are you all right?陛下? 你没事吧?390There she is! Stop her!她在那! 抓住她!391Please, ju

55、st stay away from me.求你们,离我远一点.392Stay away!远一点!393Monster. Monster!妖怪.她是个妖怪!394Elsa!艾莎!395Elsa.艾莎.396Wait, Please!请等一下!397Elsa, Stop!艾莎 不要走!398Anna! -No.安娜! -不!399The Fjord.看!峡湾.400Snow?下雪了?401Yes, snow!是雪!402Are you all right? -No.你没事吧? -有事403Did you know? -No.你以前知道吗? -不知道404Look! Its snowing! Its

56、 snowing!看! 下雪了!下雪了!405The Queen has cursed this land!女王诅咒了这片土地!406She must be stopped!一定要阻止她!407You have to go after her. -Wait, no!你们快去追她 -等等,不要!408You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你!你也会使妖法吗?409Are you a monster, too?你也是个妖怪吗?410No. No. Im completely ordinary.不 不 我只是个普通人411Thats right she is.当然,她很

57、普通412. In the best way.我是说.很正常的人413And my sisters not a monster.我姐姐也不是妖怪414She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我!415You slipped on ice.-Her ice!你自己在冰上滑倒了. -那可是她变出来的! 416It was an accident. She was scared.这只是一次意外 她被吓坏了417She didnt mean it. She didnt mean any of this.她不是有意的,不是有意造成这一切.冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 418Tonight w

58、as my fault. I pushed her.今晚全是我的错 惹恼了她419So Im the one that needs to go after her.我一定要把她追回来420-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.什么? -把我的马牵来421Anna, no. Its too dangerous.安娜 别去 太危险了422Elsas not dangerous.艾莎一点也不危险423Ill bring her back, And Ill make this right.我会带她回来 把一切恢复原样 424Im coming with yo

59、u. -No.我跟你一起去. -不425 I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留守阿伦戴尔426On my honor.十分荣幸!427I leave Prince Hans in charge!我授权汉斯王子暂时负责这里!428Are you sure you can trust her?你真的信任她吗?429 I dont want you getting hurt.我不能让你受伤430 Shes my sister,她是我的姐姐431 She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我432The Snow glows

60、 white on the mountain tonight, 白雪发亮今夜铺满山上433Not a footprint to be seen. 与世隔绝的地方434A kingdom of isolation. 孤寂的王国很荒凉435And it looks like Im the Queen. 我是这里的女王436The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. 狂风呼啸就像心里的风暴一样 437Couldnt keep it in, Heaven knows I tried. 只有天知道我受过的伤.438Dont let them


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