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1、Lesson 49 At the butchers& Lesson 50 He likes.But he doesnt like. 单词篇 butcher n. 卖肉的 相关链接 n. 屠夫,屠户 v. 屠杀,屠宰 kill v. 杀害; kill the time 打发时间 murder v. 谋杀 Eg: She is at the butchers. meat n. 肉相关链接 beef 牛肉; lamb 羔羊肉; steak牛排; mince肉馅; chicken鸡肉 Eg: Do you want any meat today?husband n. 丈夫 wife n. 妻子 Eg:

2、 My husband likes steak. tell v. 告诉 相关链接【say / speak / talk / chat】 say:说,强调说话的内容 speak:讲话,强调说话的动作;讲某种语言 talk:谈话,侧重于交流; talk show chat:聊天; chat room 聊天室 Eg: Let me tell you a story.truth n. 实情 相关链接true adj. 真实的;对的 To tell you the truth 说实话 Eg: To tell you the truth, I dont like chicken. tomato n. 西红

3、柿 相关链接tomatoes (复数) 蔬菜类单词:potato-potatoes; cabbage, lettuce , pea,bean , Eg: I like tomatoes and potatoes.pear n. 梨 相关链接水果类单词:grape, peach, apple, orange, watermelon, banana Eg: Those are choice pears.将下列单词分为可数名词和不可数名词 【tomato, bean, potato, lettuces, pea, peach, grape, pear, cabbage, potato】 可数名词:

4、【tomato, bean, potato, pea, peach, grape, pear, potato】不可数名词: 【lettuces, cabbage, mutton, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, steak 】用所给动词的一般现在时形式完成下列句子。1. I _ (not like) English.2. She _ (feel) happy.3. I _ (want) some tea.4. It _ rains every day.5. He _ (not study) very hard.6. Do you _ (want) beef or lamb

5、?7. He often _ (go) to school by bus. 8. I _ (have) five goldfish.9. Jim _ (want) to go to Beijing. 10. My father often _(drink) milk .dont likefeelswantdoesntdoesnt studywantgoeshavewantsdrinks连词成句。1. swim sea I to the like in I like to swim in the sea.2. in I at morning teeth brush seven the my I brush my teeth at seven in the morning.3. He takes often coffee cup a with of him He often takes a cup of coffee with him.4. your give parents money Do to often you Do your parents often give money to you? Do you often give money to your parent


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