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1、Which one do you prefer?, Work to Live? 为了活而工作?, Live to Work? 为了工作而活?,Why People Work?,The first type is people who work for money.,Everyone likes it.,If you only work for money, money for house, Of course, it would be quite boring.,The second type is people who work for self-realization.,Stephen H

2、awking. Help us better understand the universe.,Academician Qian. promote the development of our country.,Work is the opportunity to realize ones Value.,His work Solve the problem of feeding millions of people.,Their work changed the world and affect future generations.,The third type is people who

3、work for Unclear target.,Work every day. But did not know Why go to work.,When they work they are very Confusion. They have noclear target.,A variety of work,Scientist,physician,farmer,policeman,No matter what kind of work, Work seriously, It would be fun.,No matter what you are, please remember:,Ev

4、ery profession produces its own leading authority.,行行出状元。,How to balance work and life?,Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,1.Start with a plan.,Focus on your family plan first and then on your business plan. I suggest the family plan first because your ability to keep everything going will dep

5、end on a solid foundation at home.,Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,2.Answer these questions for yourself:,Why you are working? What type of lifestyle do you really want and will this lifestyle make you and your family happy? When you are 80 years old, how do you want to remember your life?,

6、Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,3.Build a team.,Let them know what part they have in the plan. Practice your plan with your teams on a regular basis which can contribute the most to the effectiveness of the team.,Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,4. Use the concept of Family Meetings

7、.,The family dinner is a very important time for everyone to reconnect and express themselves.,Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,5. Keep work at work, Keep home at home.,This is a really difficult one for most of us. If you worry about your home situation while you are working, your productivity will be significantly reduced.,Six Ways To Balance Work And Family Life,6. Use a time management system.,So far you have some plans, teams, the separation of home and


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