



1、,Computer Concepts 2016,Chapter 1Computers and Digital Basics,Chapter Contents,Section A: All Things Digital 一切皆数字化 Section B: Digital Devices 数字设备 Section C: Digital Data Representation 数字数据表示 Section D: Digital Processing 数字处理 Section E: Password Security 密码安全,2,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Ba

2、sics,2,FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False,010100 Cloud computing characterized the first phase of the digital revolution. F 010200 A computers operating system is a type of application software. F 010300 Microcontrollers are special purpose microprocessors that can be emb

3、edded in devices such as refrigerators, cars, and washing machines. T 010400 A bit is a binary digit, such as a 1 or 0. T,3,3,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,3,FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False,010500 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange:美国信息

4、交换标准代码) and Unicode (广义二进制编码的十进制交换码:Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) are used to represent character data. T 010600 A megabyte(MB) is 1024 bits. F 010700 Microprocessors are a type of integrated circuit. T 010800 C, COBOL, and Java are examples of programming languages. T,4,4,Chapter

5、1: Computers and Digital Basics,4,FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False,010900 A compiler converts source code to object code. T 011000 The list of codes for a microprocessors instruction set is called machine language. T 011100 A microprocessor holds data in the interpreter

6、 register./微处理器把数据保存在解释(翻译)寄存器中. T 011200 A dictionary attack is a virus that hides out in the spelling checker for your word processing software./字典攻击是一种隐藏在字处理软件的拼写检查器中的病毒.F收集好密码可能包含的字符串,然后通过各种方式组合。即相当于从字典中查密码,逐一验证!,5,5,5,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Section A: All Things Digital,The Dig

7、ital Revolution 数字革命 Data Processing 数据处理 Personal Computing 个人计算 Network Computing 网络计算 Cloud Computing 云计算 Digital Society 数字社会,6,6,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Question,012100 Computers and the digital revolution have changed our lives in many fundamental ways. If you were on the front

8、 lines of the digital revolution when computers were first developed to break codes(破解密码) and calculate missile trajectories(计算导弹轨迹), you were most likely living in what time period?(计算机和数字化革命已经在许多基本方面改变了我们的生活。如果你在电脑最初被开发用破解密码和计算导弹轨迹的数字革命的最前线,你是最有可能生活在什么时间段?) A. World War I B. The Roaring Twenties (

9、咆哮的20年代) C. World War II D. The 1960s,7,7,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,The Digital Revolution,The digital revolution is an ongoing process of social, political, and economic change brought about by digital technology, such as computers and the Internet. /数字革命是一个由诸如计算机和互联网等数字化技术所带来的社会、政治和经

10、济的持续变化过程 The technology driving the digital revolution is based on digital electronics and the idea that electrical signals can represent data, such as numbers, words, pictures, and music /驱动数字革命的技术是建立在数字电子学和电子信号能表示诸如数字、字符、图形和音乐等数据的基础之上,8,8,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,The Digital Revolut

11、ion,Digitization is the process of converting text, numbers, sound, photos, and video into data that can be processed by digital devices The digital revolution has evolved(演化) through four phases, beginning with big, expensive, standalone(独立的) computers, and progressing to(进步成) todays digital world(

12、数字化世界) in which small, inexpensive digital devices are everywhere,9,9,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,The Digital Revolution,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics Expired 已过期 tired 疲倦 uninspired 平凡的 Desired 渴望的,10,Data Processing,Some historians mark the 1980s as the beginning of the digit

13、al revolution, but engineers built the first digital computers during World War II for breaking codes and calculating missile trajectories(导弹轨迹) Computers were operated by trained specialists Back then, processing components for computers were housed in closet-sized cabinets that did not usually inc

14、lude a keyboard or display device /那时,计算机处理组件被安置在衣柜大小的柜子,通常不包括键盘和显示装置,11,11,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Data Processing,Data processing is based on an input-processing-output cycle (输入-处理-输出循环) Data goes into a computer, it is processed, and then it is output,12,Chapter 1: Computers and

15、Digital Basics,Personal Computing,The model for the second phase of the digital revolution, personal computing is characterized(特征化为) by small, standalone computers powered by local software Local software refers to any software that is installed on a computers hard drive,13,Chapter 1: Computers and

16、 Digital Basics,Personal Computing,14,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Network Computing,The third phase of the digital revolution materialized as computers became networked and when the Internet was opened to public use/数字革命的第三阶段被具体化为大量的计算机被链接成网络以及互联网向公众开放使用 A computer network is a group of

17、computers linked together to share data and resources The Internet is a global computer network originally developed as a military project, and was then handed over to the National Science Foundation(NSF(美国)国家科学基金) for research and academic use,15,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Network Comp

18、uting,The Web (short for World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of linked documents, graphics, and sounds that can be accessed over the Internet During the period from 19952010, computing was characterized by the Web, e-mail, multiplayer games, music downloads, and enormous software applications, such

19、 as Microsoft Office, Nortons Internet Security Suite(安全套件), and Corel Digital Studio( 数字工作室 :加拿大Corel软件公司,出品的软件有CorelDraw等),16,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Local applications are being eclipsed(消失) by cloud computing, which characterizes the fourth phase of the digital re

20、volution Cloud computing provides access to information, applications, communications, and storage over the Internet The expansion(扩展) of cloud computing is due in part to convergence(聚合), a process by which several technologies with distinct functionalities evolve(演化) to form a single product,17,Ch

21、apter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing(云计算),18,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,In 2010, the average consumer owned more than 24 digital devices( 一般消费者拥有超过24种的数字设备) Convergence(聚合) is important to the digital revolution because it created sophisticated(复杂的) mobi

22、le devices whose owners demand access to the same services available from full-size computers on their desks Social media(社交媒体) are cloud-based applications designed for social interaction(社交网络) and consumer-generated content (用户生产内容),19,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,20,Cha

23、pter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,云计算相关概念 美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)定义、 云计算是由一个可配置的共享资源池组成,该资源池提供网络、服务器、存储、应用程序和服务等多种硬件和软件资源,具备自我管理能力,用户只需少量参与就可按需获取资源。,21,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers a

24、nd Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and D

25、igital Basics,Cloud Computing,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,云计算概念的几个核心要素 1、云计算为最终使用者提供的是一种服务,而这种服务是通过共享方式来提供的; 2、云计算的基础架构需要通过虚拟化来实现,并由系统进行自动化的监测和管理; 3、最终使用者将在互联网标准下通过网络来使用云计算服务,这个网络可以是国际互联网,也可以是企业内部网。,31,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,32,Chapter 1:

26、Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,架构即服务(IaaS): 向客户提供处理、存储、网络以及其他基础计算资源,客户可以在其上运行任意软件,包括操作系统和应用程序。用户不管理或者控制底层的云基础架构,但是可以控制操作系统、存储、发布应用程序,以及可能有限度地控制选择的网络组件。 IaaS服务商主要向企业、政府部门等机构客户提供IT基础设施服务,,33,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,平台即服务(PaaS): 客户使用云供应商支持的开发语言和工具,开发出应用程序,并

27、发布到云基础架构上。客户不管理或者控制底层的云基础架构,包括网络、服务器、操作系统或者存储设备,但是能控制发布应用程序和可能的应用程序运行环境配置。 PaaS服务商主要向开发者及独立软件公司ISV提供开发环境服务,34,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Cloud Computing,软件即服务(SaaS): 客户所使用的服务商提供的运行在云基础设施上的应用程序。这些应用程序可以通过各种各样的客户端设备所访问。客户不管理或者控制底层的云基础架构,包括网络、服务器、操作系统、存储设备,甚至独立的应用程序机能。 SaaS主要向企业及个人客户提供应用软件

28、服务。,35,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Digital Society,Digital technologies and communications networks make it easy to cross cultural and geographic boundaries Anonymous Internet sites, such as Freenet, and anonymizer tools that cloak(掩盖) a persons identity, even make it possible to exercis

29、e freedom of speech in situations where reprisals(报复行为) might repress it Citizens of free societies have an expectation of privacy(自由社会公民的隐私权) Intellectual property refers to the ownership of certain types of information, ideas, or representations(知识产权是指对某些类型的信息、创意的所有权或陈述),36,Chapter 1: Computers an

30、d Digital Basics,Digital Society,Digital technology is an important factor in global and national economies, in addition to affecting the economic status of individuals /数字技术在全球和国家经济的一个重要因素,还能影响个人的经济状况 Globalization can be defined as the worldwide economic interdependence of countries that occurs as

31、 cross-border commerce increases and as money flows more freely among countries /全球化可以被定义为全球各国经济的相互依存, 而这样的依存是由于发生跨境(电子)商务的增加,资金流动更加自由所引起的 Some individuals are affected by the digital divide, a term that refers to the gap between people who have access to technology and those who do not /个人受数字鸿沟的影响,

32、数字鸿沟是指存在在那些已经获得数字技术的和那些还不曾获得数字技术的人们之间的差距 Digital technology permeates the very core of modern life(数字技术渗透到现代生活的核心),37,37,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Section B: Digital Devices,Computer Basics 计算机基础 Computer Types and Uses 计算机分类和使用 Microcontrollers 微控制器,38,38,Chapter 1: Computers and Digi

33、tal Basics,Question,012200 Today, consumers can choose from a wide variety of digital devices, including personal computers, workstations, videogame consoles(游戏机), smartphones(智能手机), and iPods. Knowing the strengths of these devices helps you make the right choice. What is the fundamental difference

34、 between videogame consoles, personal computers, and smartphones? A. Video game consoles and smartphones are not classified as computers because they dont have stored program capabilities like real computers. B. Videogame consoles and smartphones fill specialized niches(商机)and are not replacements f

35、or personal computers.(填补了某种特殊的缺口,但是还是不能替代个人计算机) C. Personal computers and smartphones can be used to access the Internet, whereas videogame consoles cannot. D. Personal computers and smartphones have better graphics than videogame consoles.,39,39,39,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer

36、Basics,A computer is a multipurpose device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions,40,40,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Basics,Computer input is whatever is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a computer

37、 system(计算机输入是指可以通过打字、提交和传输而进入计算机的任何信息) Output is the result produced by a computer Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas(数据是指那些代表事实、对象和想法的符号) Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation(操作) is called processing(数据处理) Central Processing Unit (CPU) Micr

38、oprocessor,41,41,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Basics,Memory(内存) is an area of a computer that temporarily(暂时) holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output Storage(外)存储器) is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis(持久性材料) when it is not immediately needed for

39、processing A file is a named collection of data that exists on a storage medium The series of instructions that tells a computer how to carry out processing tasks is referred to as a computer program Software,42,42,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Basics,A stored program(存储程序) means

40、that a series of instructions for a computing task can be loaded into a computers memory Allows you to switch(调试) programs Distinguishes a computer from other simpler and less versatile digital devices(区分计算机与其他很少功能的数字设备),43,43,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Basics,Application softw

41、are is a set of computer programs that helps a person carry out a task Software applications are sometimes referred to as apps, especially in the context of handheld devices (手持设备) The primary purpose of system software is to help the computer system monitor itself in order to function efficiently O

42、perating system (OS),44,44,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,A personal computer is a microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing needs(计算需求) of an individual,45,45,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,The term worksta

43、tion(工作站) has two meanings: An ordinary personal computer that is connected to a network A powerful desktop computer used for high-performance tasks,46,46,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,A videogame console, such as Nintendos Wii, Sonys PlayStation, or Microsofts Xbox

44、, is not generally referred to as personal computer because of their history as dedicated game devices (专用的游戏设备),47,47,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,The purpose of a server is to serve computers on a network (such as the Internet or a home network) by supplying them

45、 with data A mainframe computer (or simply a mainframe) is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users /一台大型机是一个庞大而昂贵的计算机,能够同时处理数百或数千用户数据 A computer falls into the supercomputer category if it is, at the time of construction, one of the

46、 fastest computers in the world所谓超级计算机类是指在建造时它在世界上的最快的计算机之一 A compute-intensive problem is one that requires massive amounts of data to be processed using complex mathematical calculations一项计算密集型问题是一个需要使用复杂的数学计算模型来处理大量的数据,48,48,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,49,49,Ch

47、apter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Computer Types and Uses,Handheld digital devices include familiar gadgets(小玩意) such as iPhones, iPads, iPods, Garmin GPSs, Droids, and Kindles Handheld devices can be divided into two broad categories: those that allow users to install software applications (app

48、s) and those that do not Handheld computer,50,50,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Microcontrollers,A microcontroller is a special-purpose microprocessor that is built into the machine it controls Microcontrollers can be embedded in all sorts of everyday devices,51,51,Chapter 1: Computers and

49、Digital Basics,Section C: Digital Data Representation,Data Representation Basics(数据表示基础) Representing Numbers, Text, Images, and Sound(表示数字、文本、图像、声音) Quantifying Bits and Bytes(量化比特和字节) Circuits and Chips(电路和芯片),52,52,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Question,012300 When you shop for digital

50、devices, their capabilities are often touted in terms of speed and capacity. Suppose youre shopping for a USB Flash drive. A friend recommends one thats 64 GB. What does that mean? A. It operates at 64 gigabits per second. B. It holds 64 billion bytes of data. C. It holds 64 million 0s and 1s to rep

51、resent data. D. It uses 64-bit ASCII code to hold data.,53,53,53,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Data Representation Basics,Data representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted Digital data is text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video that has been conve

52、rted into discrete(离散的) digits such as 0s and 1s Analog(模拟) data is represented using an infinite scale of values,54,54,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Representing Numbers, Text, Images, and Sound,Numeric data Binary number system Character data ASCII, Extended ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode,55

53、,55,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Data Representation,56,十进制48 49 21,56,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Quantifying Bits and Bytes/位和字节的量,57,57,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Circuits and Chips,An integrated circuit (IC) is a super-thin slice of semiconducting material pac

54、ked with microscopic(微小的) circuit elements,58,58,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Circuits and Chips,The electronic components of most digital devices are mounted on a circuit board called a system board, motherboard, or main board,59,59,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Section D: Digi

55、tal Processing,Programs and Instruction Sets(程序与指令集) Processor Logic(处理器逻辑),60,60,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Question,012400 Programmers write computer programs for word processing, displaying photos, playing music, and showing movies. What programmers write, however, is not what a comp

56、uter actually processes. Why is this the case? A. Because programmers usually write programs using high-level programming languages that have to be converted into machine language that computers can work with. B. Because programs are basically outlines that programmers have to fill out using op code

57、s. C. Because high-level languages are too detailed for computers to process, so programs written in these languages have to be simplified. D. Because computer programmers make too many errors for programs to run successfully.,61,61,61,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Programs and Instruction

58、 Sets,Computers and dedicated(专用的) handheld devices all work with digital data under the control of a computer program Computer programmers create programs that control digital devices; these programs are usually written in a high-level programming language The human-readable version of a program cr

59、eated in a high-level language by a programmer is called source code,62,62,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Programs and Instruction Sets,63,编译器-编译源代码成机器代码,可执行代码,然后执行,解释器-解释执行指令,一句一句边解释边执行,63,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Programs and Instruction Sets,A microprocessor is hard-wired to perform a limited set of activities, such as addition, subtraction, counting, and comparisons, called an instruction set Each instruction has a corresponding sequence of 0s and 1s The end product is called machine code 1s and 0s,64,64,Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics,Programs and Ins


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