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1、Job interview,Made by Zhu Tingting,What do you need to do to get these things?,Job,How can we stand out from the crowd of job applicants?,Job Interview,A formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether he/she is suitable for a job.,Definition of Interview,interviewer,

2、interviewee,If you are unable to interview successfully, you wont get the job.,The process,页脚,求职英语面试,The Call,When you get “the call” for an interview, you should ask the following information: Time and location of interview. Who will I be meeting with? What is the persons job title. What type of in

3、terview (1 to 1 or panel),Reduce the Stress,Go to the location of the interview the day before Note the time it took you to get there Look for the closest bus stop Lay out your clothes the night before the interview,What do you think is the most important thing before an interview?,PREPARE attentive

4、ly is the key!,How to make a good preparation for a successful interview?,Job interview,Before you go to a job interview what should you prepare? what aspects should you pay attention to? have a discussion with each other,appearance attitude and manners,Company Research,Have a Great Resume!,The resu

5、me is usually received by the employer before the interview, but it never hurts to bring some extra copies. Your resume should include things like objective, education, working experience, and skills.,RESUME,Your advantages /strengths are ,What do you think about our corporation?,Your weakness ?,Sel

6、f-introduce,working individually or in a team atmosphere,Practice Interview Questions!,Get Ready,Research the company Review job posting, advertisement Review your resume Practice interview answers Prepare questions to ask the interviewer,Questions to ask the Interviewer,Can you tell me more about.?

7、 Do you have any training programs? Can you describe them? What would my schedule be like? How has this position become available?,During the Interview,Use positive statements, “I can, I will, I do” Use eye contact Facial Expressions Be aware of your body language (Posture and gesture) Provide inter

8、viewer with your references,You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it professional. 1/Eye Contact while listening, If you happen to look away, it displays to the interviewer a lack of interest and a short attention span. while speaking, If you do not maintain eye contact, it sho

9、ws a lack of confidence in what you are saying.,During the Interview,2/Facial Expressions Facial expressions are very important. such as a smile It can tell the interviewer that you are a happy person and delighted to be interviewed by the company.,During the Interview,3/Posture Posture sends out a

10、signal of your confidence When you are standing, stand up straight. When you are seated, sit at the front edge of the chair, leaning forward slightly.,4/Gestures Gestures should be very limited during an interview. 5/Space Recognize the boundaries of your personal space and that of others.,Be on tim

11、e!,Shake hands/hand shaking,Sweet smile,Keep fine seat posture,Keep calm,Self-confidence,Some “Dos”,Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early, not too early and NEVER late 10 minutes early is acceptable Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright, and interested at all t

12、imes. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator. Do show enthusiasm. If you are interested in the opportunity, enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.,Some “Donts”,Dont forget to bring a copy of your resume! Keep several copies in your briefcase if you are

13、 afraid you will forget. Dont smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette. Dont answer with a simple “yes” or “no”. Dont lie. Answer questions truthfully and frankly.,Some “Donts”,Dont over-answer questions. if the interviewer steers the conversation into politics or controversial

14、 issues, try to do more listening than speaking since this could be a sensitive situation. Dont inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, etc., on the initial interview unless you are sure the employer is interested in hiring you.,The clothes,blouse女衬衫,necklace,dress,high-heeled shoes,ha

15、ndbag 手袋,coat,To the girls,LOGO,面试着装要注意的N个细节,1、剪裁合适、简单大方的套装,比两件式上下身搭配或洋装更能体现庄重感与专业性。而女士下身应以裙装为主,如穿长裤,应选择质料柔软、剪裁合宜的西装裤。,LOGO,2、套装、西装颜色以中性为主,避免夸张、刺眼的颜色。以自己的“肤色属性”为前提(也就是选适合你皮肤色调的色彩),能让人看到你精力充沛、容光焕发、神采奕奕的清新形象。,LOGO,3、避免无袖、露背、迷你裙等性感装束。着这类装会给人一种轻佻、浮燥的感觉,裙长应至少盖住大腿的三分之二。,LOGO,4、不要穿露出脚趾的凉鞋,建议你穿素色素面的一寸半包鞋,自然


17、戴反光镜。假如你非戴眼镜不可,可选择隐形眼镜。,LOGO,9、发型 头发在整个仪容中是十分重要的组成部分。保证头发是干净清洁的,仔细梳理。如果是长发,就把它盘起来,或者其他看起来专业舒服的发型,不要让自己看起来好象刚刚起床或者从派对回来。,LOGO,10、注意手和指甲 女人的手通常是其气质外观的一个方面。为充分显示其魅力,应保持干净,指甲应修剪好,千万不要留长长的指甲,另外不要涂艳丽的指甲油。因为长指甲会使人联想起你是什么都不干的大小姐。,白衬衣:朴实 简单,黑与灰:成熟 稳重,小外套:知性气质,及膝裙:温婉女人味,To the boys,briefcase,watch,lighter,面试着

18、装要注意的细节,男士面试着装以西装为上选。推荐穿西装面试,颜色的选择。应聘者最好穿深色的西服,灰色、绿色和深蓝色都是不错的选择,它们给人以稳重、可靠,忠诚、朴实、干练的印象。,LOGO,衬衫要理想 如果说最保守的西装颜色是深色,最保守的衬衫颜色则是白色。白色易脏、难以保持清洁,白色衬衫应该多买几件,经常换洗。挑选衬衫应该注意领子不要太大,领口、袖口不要太宽,以刚好可以扣上并略有空隙为宜。面试的衬衫一定是长袖的,衬衫袖子应比西装袖子长出一厘米左右。,LOGO,头发要干净、自然 求职者去应聘时要保持头发整洁,精心梳理,不要给人油光发亮、湿淋淋的感觉;发型简单、朴素、稳重大方,不要留鬓角,最好不要留

19、中分头;头发也不能压着衬衣领子;胡须最好刮干净,不要留人络腮胡的印象。,LOGO,公文包要简单 简单细长的公文包是最佳选择。如果适合你的职业,携带一个整洁的文件夹。避免带任何会使人想起推销员的皮包。还要注意看看包带或扣是否好使,把包拉上,看看是否能开合自如。当然,别忘了把必备的简历等资料装进去。,Prepare for it .,Playing with your tie or decorations,uneasy,Compressing your lips,distress,Folding your arms,protecting yourself, anxiety,Putting your

20、 hands in the pocket and shrugging your shoulder,nervous,rising your head slightly, looking overhead-,handing on the brow,scratching your head,rubbing hands over and over again,looking around,biting fingernail-,curling ones lip,-hesitation,- shame,- lost your mind,- anxious,- afraid,- sense of insec

21、urity,- disdain,Questions of the interviewer,1.What do you think what is your biggest strength? 2.Talk about your greatest weakness? 3.Your views on overtime? 4.Talk about the salary (薪水) requirements?,Questions of the interviewer,5.How much do you know about our company? 6.Talk about your views on

22、the quit (跳槽)? 7.Why do you think we should employ you? 8. What are your goals for the future? Where do you see yourself in five years? 9. How do you handle pressure?,Answered Tip:,1. What do you think is your biggest strength?,2. Talk about your greatest weakness?,My biggest weakness is a perfectio

23、nist. My greatest weakness is that I value leisure time spent with my family and therefore I treasure(珍爱、珍藏) my weekends and free time in the evenings.,Reply Note:,Sample answer:,3. Your views on overtime?,有责任(义务)的,4. Talk about the salary requirements,sample :,5. How much do you know about our comp

24、any?,Sample:(应征计算机零件物流方面的工作 ),Replied that:,6. Talk about your views on the quit 跳槽?,7. Why do you think we should employ you?,Sample:(应征机械工程的工作),I am suitable for the position, not only because I have a degree in mechanical engineering, but also because I have worked in this field for more than two

25、 years. I believe that my experience can be put to use in further developing your business.,8. What are your goals for the future? Where do you see yourself in five years? Dont discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and could knock you out of contention for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for.,9. How do you handle pressure? I actually w


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