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1、The Imperfect Life 沒有完美的人生,昌黎六中,Dont expect perfection from yourself nor from any one else.,不要期待自己完美, 更不要期待別人。,Perfection does not exist in this imperfect world. 世界本身就不完美, 又如何能期待完美的存在。,A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times . 人的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼, 随时会发生,无法幸免。,Many

2、great things can be expressed in a simple word, such as freedom, justice, honour, duty, hope. 伟大的事物尽都可以用简单的文字來表达, 诸如自由、正义、荣誉、责任、希望。,The simple things are always hard. 单纯的事却往往难以达成。,He who hides reality, and always wants to be seen as perfect, easy-going, etc. will be accumulating tons of weight. 人往往跨

3、越他的真实面, 为了使人觉得他很完美很自如, 结果累积了沈重的负担。,Youve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your father was 无论你有多強的靠山, 都要凭自己的实力成长。,Look at life through the wind-shield, not the rear-view mirror. 透过挡风玻璃迈向人生, 不要由后视镜反观人生。,Dont look where you fall, but where you slipped. 不必在意跌落到那里, 而是要看在那儿滑倒。,If youre headi

4、ng in the wrong direction , you are allowed a U-turn! 当你往错误方向前进, 你应考虑廻转。,Be nice to people on your way up, because youll need them on your way down. 切记如意时善待他人, 因为失意时需要他们。,Care and take actions to those who look up to you for encouragement and to those who need you at their side. 对祈望你给予鼓励、 需要你支援的人付出关

5、怀与行动。,Always keep in mind of those who show you encouragement when you are down. 你沮丧时能带给勇气的人 要铭记在心。,While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself 有报复念头时, 先挖两个坟墓;其中一个为自己。 (伤了对方也伤了自己),Let all your words be kind, and you will always hear kind echoes. Kindness is the oil that takes the fricti

6、on out of life. 对人说好话, 必有善意的回应。 仁慈是最好的润滑剂,能消除生活中的摩擦。,People may doubt what you say or what you are. but they will believe what you do. 人们或许会怀疑你说的话或你的外表, 但他们将会相信你做的事。,While you meet something beautiful, the first thing you should do is to share it with your friends anywhere. 当你遇见美好的事物时所要做的第一件事,就是把它分享给你四周的人。 So that these beaut


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