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1、Firstclass,semester teaching plan unit 1 unit 3 unit 10 unit 12 unit 14,group study-sharing,unit 1i wanderer William words words worths personality and poetry were deeply influenced by his love of nature,especially by the sights and scenes of the lake country,In ,Wordsworth,Dorothy and Coleridge tra

2、velled to Germany in the autumn of 1798。while Coleridge was intellectual ly stimulated by the trip,Its main effect on words worth was to produce home sickness . during the harsh winter ordespite extreme stress And lone liness,he began work on an auto biographical piece la ter titled the prelude . he

3、 wrote a number of famous PS include华兹华斯市值他著名的诗是丁登史杂英(1798年)、不朽之歌(ode : intimation s of immortality,1807年)晚年他一直住在乡村湖区,直到去世。华兹华斯从诗歌创作中排除了18世纪诗歌风格的因袭和陈词滥调,直接用民间朴素生动的语言表达情感。他特别擅长歌颂优雅宁静的自然风景,喜欢画在大自然活动的普通人的形象。他的诗歌格调新颖,形象生动,语言朴素,深受英国诗坛变化的影响,赢得了“自然诗人”的名声。William words worth,all good poetry is the spontaneo

4、us overflow of powerful feelings-William words worth,我像一朵牙齿诗,诗人南梅一起出去玩的时候,深深地被大自然的魅力吸引住了整首诗可分为抒情和抒情两部分。诗的开头用第一人称叙述,显得格调低、忧郁。诗人努力捕捉回忆的模糊信息,但另一方面,他觉得如果独自流浪,可以自由地欣赏大自然赋予他的美丽景色。他把自己比作刘云,随心所欲地游荡。富于想象力的诗句暗示诗人有安抚孤独、渴望自由的心情。在他的回忆中,水仙花像无数星星在微风中轻轻飘动一样茂盛。诗中“舞”的形象鲜明,几乎贯穿了整首诗。第一节出现了水仙花跳舞的情景。第二节写了水仙花的多样性。第三节,宝光和水

5、仙花一齐跳舞,徐璐融合,一起画出了美丽的景象。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特)诗人从朦胧模糊的瞬间感觉中,努力领悟到人生的真谛。记忆中无尽的金黄色水仙花在湖边迎风起舞的姿态,好像一种精神力量使人兴奋,给孤独的心带来了喜悦。“水仙花在我心中闪烁,使我在孤零零的缸里感到痛快。”。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特)(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特)在诗人的文章中,自然美丽的风景具有治愈人们心灵创伤的能力。华兹华斯正是凭这种艺术的直觉,生动地揭示了自然美和人类之间的关系。Task 1questions about Wordsworth,The lake poets include The following except

6、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . Robert south eyb . William words worth c . samus H is frequently referred to as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。a . a religious poet b . a worshipper Of naturec . a modern poet d . Of The following definitions Of poetry,The one which s incorrectly paired wwith poetry is the most beautiful and ef

7、fective mode of Ry the best words in their best order Samuel Taylor Coleridge the record of the best andelley“the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”Robert burns,I wandered lonely as a cloud,how much do you know about Do youdo you know what the poem is talking about?是的,我好像是刘云一个人旅行。华兹华斯抒情代表作之一

8、。写于1804年。整首诗可分为两部分。写风景和抒情。诗的开头用第一人称叙述,显得格调低、忧郁。诗人努力捕捉回忆的模糊信息,但又觉得如果一个人流浪,可以自由地欣赏大自然赋予的美丽景色。他把自己比作刘云,随心所欲地游荡。富于想象力的诗句暗示诗人有安抚孤独、渴望自由的心情。在他的回忆中,水仙花茂盛,茂盛。仿佛星星在微风中轻轻飘动。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特),我在山丘和山谷里孤独地漫游,像云一样。突然我看到一群金色的水仙花迎春开放了。树荫下,湖边迎着微风跳舞。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特,孤独名言) (威廉莎士比亚,孤独终老)星星灿烂,在银河中闪闪发光,沿着湖湾的边缘延伸到无边无际的线上。我一眼就看到了一

9、万朵,欢乐的舞蹈中起了起伏伏。闪烁的光芒也在跳舞,水仙花的喜悦胜过波浪。和这么快活的伴侣为伍,诗人怎么能不高兴呢!我望了很久,但无法想象牙齿奇异的景象给了我多少财宝。每当我躺在床上睡不着觉,心里空空的,或者默默地沉思的时候,他们总是在心里闪现,这就是孤独中的福利。所以我的心充满幸福,和水仙花跳舞。I wandered lonely as a cloud我像刘云天一样自行游,我像一朵刘云一样在曲峰上飞翔,悠闲地游。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特,自由名言)突然,我看到了一群金黄色的水仙花。树的影子,湖的缘分,微风中,他们看到了跳舞的姿态。他们像银河星钻一样,沿海的墙壁银,闪闪发光,沿着湖湾的水烟线延伸

10、到无边无际的远方。一望无际,轻盈的舞蹈中,花经常摇摆。,波光的涟漪也跳舞照亮影子,但怎么能比得上水仙花的喜悦呢。伴随着这样的喜悦,诗人怎么会不高兴呢!我凝视了很久,但没有任何回答,就能知道牙齿景色给了我多少财富。每当我睡不着,心里空空的,忧愁的时候,他们就像寂寞的光一样在心里闪光。所以我的心充满喜悦,和牙齿水仙花跳舞唱歌!the poem is 24 lines long,consisting of four six-line stanzas . each stanza is formed by a quatrain,then a couplet,To form a stanzaThe bea

11、uty of nature,and a reconciliation of man with his environment,Are two of the fundamental principles of the romantic movement withith,“I wandered lonely as a cloud”is a poem about nature。with his pure and poetic language,Words worth brings us into a beautiful world where there are daf fodils,Trees a

12、nd breeze.we follow the poetwe come to realize the great power of nature that may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poer 1 .what is the relation between the poet and nature as described in the poem?the poem implies that the relation between the poem and nature is one of unity and that they can be one . the poem has become natu


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