七年级英语 Unit 7 What dose he look like SectionB 导学案 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语 Unit 7 What dose he look like SectionB 导学案 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语 Unit 7 What dose he look like SectionB 导学案 人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语 Unit 7 What dose he look like SectionB 导学案 人教新目标版_第4页




1、山东省日照经济开发区中学七年级英语 Unit 7 What dose he look like SectionB 导学案 人教新目标版1、知识目标:1)掌握本单元的单词、词组和句型 2)talk /speak/ tell/ say ; wear/ put on/ in/ dress用法;a little /a bit /a little bit;stop to do /stop doing 的用法3)能自如的写出喜欢的一个人的外貌2、情感目标:了解Everyone is special! 人人都很特别!Everyone is important! 人人都很重要!要做到:Help each ot

2、her; Cheer each other ;Love each other; And win together. 互助 互勉 互爱 共赢3、重难点:1)掌握词组和句型 2)学会如何询问别人的外貌及回答(两问,四答)3) talk /speak/ tell/ say ; wear/ put on/ in/ dress用法;a little /a bit /a little bit;stop to do /stop doing 的用法二、基础复习1、复习:Phrases 1戴眼镜 2短短的直发 3去游泳 4中等身高 5看起来像 6受欢迎的 7留着金黄色的卷发 8有点文静 9讲笑话 10停止说话

3、11有一个新形象12一个流行歌手 13长着胡须 14喜欢读书和下棋Drills:1他长的什么样子?(2种)2她中等体格,留着长长的黑发。3他又高又瘦,戴着眼睛。4你记得John Dean吗?一个戴着滑稽眼镜,留着长长卷发的流行歌手?5我朋友中等身高。6王林是篮球队队长。7她相貌好看,而且喜欢讲笑话。8她留着漂亮的长长的金发。9 Lucy总是说不停。10她总是穿着一条红色裙子和白鞋子。11 有人认识我。(变否定句)Drills:2、询问别人的外貌及回答(两问,四答)1)、What _? eg2)、What _? Eg回答: (可写例句)1)2)3)4)三、考点再现讨论下列知识点并做题1、talk

4、 /speak/ tell/ say ;1)I cant _ English well, but I can _ it in English.2) We are _ about the picture.3)Hello, May I _ to David ,please ?4)He often _ with his friends.5) Miss Wang _ us a story in class every day.2、wear/ put on/ in/ dress;1)We go to school _school clothes on weekdays.2)_ your coat. It

5、s cold.3)Little Tom can_ herself.4)Our teacher is _ a white blouse and skirt today.3、a little /a bit /a little bit、1)Its _hot today.2)There is _ water in the bottle.3) I feel _ tired today.4、stop to do /stop doing 1)His father wants to _ smoking.2)Im tired .So I _ have a rest. 四、达标检测一、单项选择1. _ does

6、your favorite singer look like? A. How B. What C. Who D. When2. My hair is long, but _ is short. A. hisB. her C. your D. its3. He _ tall and he _ a medium build. A. has;is B. is;has C. is;is D. has;has4. Do you know I have a new friend _ Class One? A. on B. at C. inD. to5. She always _ a white shirt

7、. A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. wears6. I _ you _ right. A. think;arentB. dont think;are C. dont think;arentD. not think;are7. Our math teacher is medium _ black curly hair. A. high atB. tall in C. height inD. height with8. He doesnt tell me _ the person _. A. what;looks like B. what;look like C.

8、that;looks like D. that;look like9. When you feel tired, you can stop _ rest. A. having B. to have a C. have had D. are having10. Jim has _ curly hair. A. a B. an C. theD. /11、Is he heavy?-No, he is a little bit _.A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet12、. -_?-He has big eyes and small nose.A. How old is

9、 he B. What does he do C. What does he look like D. How is he13、. -Is your friend quiet?-No, he never stops _.A. talk B talking C. to talk D. laughing14、. -Tom is not very heavy.-Yes, I think we can say he is _ heavy.A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C 二、首字母填词1、Lucy looks l_ her siste

10、r Lily.2. My dogs h_ is white and long.3. Her friend has a medium b_.4.My f_ football player is Owen.5.Her mother is h_, but she wants to be thin.6.Sun Ning is the c_ of our school basketball team.7. He doesnt wear g_.8. She is a p_ girl. We all like her.9. Some people dont like his new l_.句型转换1、My friend is thin and medium height. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your friend _ _?2、He wears funny sunglasses.(变为否定句) He _ _ funny sunglasses.3、He is tall.(用short把句子变成选择疑问句) _ he tall _ _?4、He has long curly hair.(变为一般疑问句) _ he _


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