七年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B 学案 仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B 学案 仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B 学案 仁爱版_第3页




1、重庆市涪陵九中七年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B 学案 仁爱版 Section B课型:对话课课时:1课时学习目标:1.词汇:学习一些单词和短语。2.句型:Talk about likes(喜欢)and dislikes(不喜欢)and the reasons(原因).You must like English very much.I dont like it very much. Which subject do you like best? I like history best. Why do you like it? Because its easy and

2、interesting. What do you think of it? Sometimes its difficult and boring.3.语法:巩固现在进行时和一般现在时用法区别。学习重难点:学习目标第2点。Task 1 预习热身一、 过词汇、短语关:1. 试拼读125页P19-20的新单词,小组内相互拼读。2. 在家听写P19-20单词。3. 读1a,2、4,找出下列重点单词和短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。1) 一定_ 2) 难学而乏味_3) 容易而有趣_4) 最喜欢_ _5)哪一门课_ 6)最喜欢的科目_ 7)太难_二、过句型关:1. Whats your favorite su

3、bject? 意思是“_”, 用于对_提问。2. Which subject do you like best? 意思是“_”, 它相当于_。 用于对 _提问。3. What do you think of ? 意思是“_”, 它相当于_。 用于对 _提问。4. Why do you like it? 意思是“_”, 用于对_提问。5. Why dont you like art? 意思是“_”, 用于对_提问。 三、过语法关: 1.一般现在时态表示_,动词有两种形式的变化,当主语为第三人称单数时动词用_,当主语为非三单时,动词用_。2.现在进行时态表示_,谓语部分用_来表示。Task 2 活

4、动探究活动一:2 Pair work 1.多媒体演示。 2.look,and say 2 (individual, group work): 学习喜欢与不喜欢表达法。活动二:Look ,read and say (1a) 1.听磁带1a,模仿纯正语音语调,纠正错误发音。(individual) 2.分角色朗读。(group work) 3.释疑,小组总结1a中重点短语和句型。 4.Read 1a again and finish 1b.活动三:listening: Finish 3。活动四:Group workFinish 4:运用所学句型:Whats your favorite subjec

5、t? Why dont like it? 来了解小组成员喜爱喝不喜爱情况。Task 3 盘点提升小结板书。Task 4 当堂达标:问题检测(巩固练习)。(一) 填出所缺的单词。1.-What do you _ of this book? -Its not interesting, its_.2.He likes the movie because he thinks its _.3._ dont you like the subject? _ its difficult.4.Li Yang goes to the zoo to _ animals.5._ comes after Tuesday

6、 in a week.6. How _ do you have an English class? Every day. (三)选择填空。1. -What _ do you like best? -Biology. A. food B. subject C. it D. music2. She must _home now. A. goes B. to go C. go D. go to3. Listen. Lucy _ guitar in her room. A. is playing B. plays the C. is playing the D. to play the4.-_ do

7、you _the Stamp Collection Show? -I think its great.A. How, like of B. What, like C. How, think of D. What, think of5.Biology is easy and interesting, _ I like it very much.A. so B. because C. but D. or6.-Whats your favorite _? -Physics.A. color B. food C. subject D. teacher (四)对划线部分提问。1.They study E

8、nglish because its interesting. (划线提问)_ they study English?2. How do you like this school ?(同义句转换) do you this school?3. Why dont you like Chinese? (同义句转换) Why Chinese?4. English is my brothers favorite.(对划线部分提问) is brother s favorite? 5.Math is difficult and boring. (划线提问) do you math?6. Oranges are my favorite fruit


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