七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let’s celebrate Reading 2导学案(新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let’s celebrate Reading 2导学案(新版)牛津版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let’s celebrate Reading 2导学案(新版)牛津版_第3页




1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate【课前导学】1. Find out the difficult phrases and sentences from the text.(一)在短文中找出下列词组。1. 拜访左邻右舍_ 2.谢谢你告诉我关于_ 3. 用一些糖果招待我_ 4. 捉弄某人_ 5 .玩得开心_ 6. 在十月三十一日的晚上_ 7.举行一个特殊的晚会_ 8. 作弄一下杰克_ 9. 敲门 _ 10. 把我们的脸涂上颜色 _ 11.制作南瓜灯笼 _ 12. 打扮 _ 2. Read the text and recite Para 2& 3.【课堂学习】Task 1 . Duty r

2、eport :“围绕万圣节”Task 2. 知识点点击:1.Thank you /Thanks for doing sth. 意为“谢谢你做了某事”。for 是介词,在此表原因,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。e.g:Thank you for _ (give) me a flower. Thanks for _ (help) me.2.tell sb to do sth 意为是“叫(吩咐)某人做某事”。例:She often tells her son not to swim in the river. 练习:Please _ (tell) him _(come) to the hospital.

3、3. have lots of funhave (a lot of ) fun doinghave a good time 我们在公园里放风筝玩的很开心We _ a good _ _kites in the park.We have _ _ fun _ kites in the park.4、give us a treat,如果他们不招待我们,我们就可以捉弄他们。(1)句中give意思为给,后面可以接双宾语。give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. 表示给某人某物。但是当give 的直接宾语sth.是代词时,不能用give sb. sth.这种结构。改错:Can you

4、give me it? _e.g.他们给了我们一些糖果。They _ _ some _. /They _ some _ _ _.(2)句中treat表示款待、招待(可数名词)。1)常用短语:give sb. sth. as a treat=give sb a treat of sth 用招待某人e.g.他们用水饺招待了我们。They _ _ dumplings _ _ _.They _ them a _ _ dumplings. 2) treat 还可以作动词解释为对待、看待。常用短语:treat sb.= give sb. a treat 招待某人e.g. 你能招待我们吗?Can you _

5、 _ _ _? / Can you _ _?3)句中trick表示恶作剧 (可数名词)。 5:play a trick on sb.相当于play tricks on捉弄某人,开某人玩笑e.g. 不要捉弄老人。Dont _ _ _ _ old men.6 .knock on/at 意为“敲(门,窗,桌子等),练习: ( )She often _my door _ night.A.knock at;at B.knock on;in C.knocks at;at D.knocks on;on7 . paint our faces 有时我们把脸涂上颜色。8. make pumpkin lantern

6、s =make lanterns pumpkins 制作南瓜灯笼Task 3 topic (Group work)Talk about a festival with your group member (每个小组讨论不同的节日)【课后拓展】一根据首字母填空1 We celebrate many f in China.2 We are going to have a s party this Childrens Day.3 Kitty doesnt know anything about H .4 Andy wants to shout “t or t ” and get some candi

7、es.1. We _ (给涂色) our faces and dress up at Halloween.2. _ (十月) is my favourite month because my birthday is in this month.3. At the party, we use _ (面具) to cover our faces.4. You shouldnt _ (喊叫) in the library. Thats not polite.5. He eats too many _(candy )at the party.6. Thank you for _ (cook) the

8、nice food, Mum . I enjoy the food very much.7.He often _ (dress) up at Halloween.二选择题( ) 1. Please give _. A. our presents B. me a present C. a present me D. a present our.( ) 2. We have music lessons _ Thursday and Friday. A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 3. Swimming is good our health. A. at B. for C. i

9、n D. of( ) 4. _ do you get back every day? About 5.30. A. How B. When C. Where D. What ( ) 5. Thank you for _ me. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped三完成句子1.美国人庆祝万圣节。 The people in the _ _ Halloween.2.孩子们和里面的人玩“不招待就使坏”。 Children play _ or_ with people _.3.人们给他们一些糖果作为招待。 People give them _ _ as a

10、_.4.孩子们可以捉弄别人。 Children can _ _ _ _ people.5.他们装扮,戴面具,还做南瓜灯。 They _ _ and _ _ ,they also make _ _.四完形填空Thanksgiving Day is a _1_. People in the _2_ celebrate it every year. It usually lasts(持续)four days. People celebrate it _3_ the 4th Thursday of November. People usually go back home to meet all th

11、eir family _5_ and have a big dinner _6_. They eat turkey and other nice food. It _8_ a family meeting. Thanksgiving Day is also a day for _9_ to give thanks to their parents. People like Thanksgiving Day very _10_.( )1. A. festival B. Thursday C. busy day D. Chinese festival( )2. A. China B. Japan C. West D. Beijing( )3. A. in B. at C. on D. for( )4. A. students B. teachers C. friends


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