Unit7(1)How do you make a banana milk shake_第1页
Unit7(1)How do you make a banana milk shake_第2页
Unit7(1)How do you make a banana milk shake_第3页
Unit7(1)How do you make a banana milk shake_第4页
Unit7(1)How do you make a banana milk shake_第5页
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1、Unit7How do you make a banana milk shake?,SectionA 1a-2b,制作人:洪小芸,用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.They have as _(long) hair as us. 2.She does _(well) in math than her brother. 3.They have _(much) homework to do today than they did yesterday. 4.Wu Xi _(go) to a movie with her parents this weekend. 5.Her mother-in-law

2、has a _ (stomach) and she has to _ _(take) her to the hospital.,longer,better,more,is going,stomachache,take,watermelons,strawberries,apples,bananas,How many can you see?,yogurt,How much can you see?,four cups of yogurt,milk,a glass of milk,bread,one bottle of cola,two slices of bread,a glass of wat

3、er,How much can you see?,Two cups of coffee.,How much coffee can you see?,shake is it?,What kind of the,strawberry shake,banana milk shake,apple shake,banana milk shake,What do we need to make a banana milk shake?,yogurt,milk,ingredients,blender,How do you make a banana milk shake?,_ the bananas.,Pe

4、el,_the bananas.,Cut up,_the bananas and yogurt in the blender.,Put,_the milk into the blender.,Pour,on,turn on,off,turn off,打开,关闭,_the blender.,Turn on,_the milk shake,Drink,peel,cut up,put,pour,turn on,drink,_ Turn on the blender. _ Cut up the bananas. _ Drink the milk shake. _ Pour the milk into

5、the blender. _ Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. _ Peel three bananas.,1,2,3,4,5,6,1b,Listen and put the instructions in the correct order.,再次播放听力,帮助自己填写下列空格。 用心去写,能写几个写几个。 说话人使用了First, _,Now,_, _及_6个词巧妙地将制作 香蕉奶昔的工序很有条理地讲述给了听者。,Then,Then,Next,Finally,Finally, drink the milk shake,first

6、, next, now,then, finally,First, peel the bananas.,Then, cut up the bananas.,Now, put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.,Then, pour the milk into the blender.,Next, turn on the blender.,请在课本42页的范围内(包括题目)搜寻到下列词组的 英语翻译。 水果沙拉_; 原料的名称_ ; 多少_; 多少_; 在图表中_; 在正确的数目旁边_ ; 一茶杯酸奶_; 可数名词_; 不可数名词_;,fruit sa

7、lad,the names of the ingredients,how many,how much,in the chart,next to the correct amount,one cup of yogurt,countable nouns,uncountable nouns,仔细观察2a中的图片,翻译下列单词。 然后小组核对答案并大声朗读、识记它们。 茶匙_;西瓜_; 蜂蜜 _; 香蕉_;苹果_; 橘子_;酸奶_。,teaspoon,watermelon,honey,bananas,apples,oranges,yogurt,Listen to Maria and Katie mak

8、ing fruit salad. Write the names of the ingredients under the following chart.,Listening,watermelons,apples,honey,oranges,Listen again and write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.,yogurt,apples,watermelon and orange,honey,bananas,根据所填图标,我们可以发现“how much”后边跟了 “yogurt、honey”这两个词,而“h

9、ow many”后边 跟了 “bananas、watermelon、oranges”等词。 思考:“yogurt、honey”与“bananas.”的区别在 哪 里? 请根据思考结果,我们可以得知: How much +_; How many+_.,不可数名词,可数名词,根据所听到的听力,我们可以知道: 一杯酸奶_; 两茶匙蜂蜜_ 。 那么,以此类推,我们可以知道: 两公斤鸡肉_; 三篮子洋葱_ ; 六盒月饼_; 四瓶牛奶_; 三碗饭_。 (注意:公斤kilo,篮子basket,盒box,瓶bottle,碗bowl。),a cup of yogurt,two teaspoons of hone

10、y,two kilos of chicken,three baskets of onion,six boxes of mooncakes,four bottles of milk,three bowls of rice,选择题。 1.Please _ some water into my milk. A. cut B. pour C. peel D. Make 2._ the lights before you leave the room. A. Turn on B. Turn down C. Turn off D. Turn against 3.Please _ the TV. Id li

11、ke to see the TV play. A. turn up B. turn on C. turn down D. turn off 4._ talking! Dont you see its time for class? A. Stops B. Stopping C. Stop D. To stop,B,C,B,C,你知道如何制作香蕉奶昔吗?填空完成下列说明。 1._ ,_three bananas. 2._, _ _the bananas and _ the bananas and ice cream_ the blender. 3._, _the milk _the blende

12、r. 4._. _ _ the blender. After a while, you can _ the milk shake,.,First,peel,Then,cut up,put in,Next,pour into,Finally,turn on,drink,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.How many _(banana) do we need? Three . 2.How _(many) is the pen? Twenty yuan. 3.In my opinion, pour two _(cup) of yogurt into the blender. 4.It usually takes you half an hour to pick a basket of _(apple). 5.There is onl


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