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1、高考英语 人物描写类作文指导,人物描写类文章的基本特点。 人物描写包括外部特征,性格特征,思想状况,行为语言等方面,勇于表现人物精神面貌,披露人物内心活动,揭示人物性格变化,借以突出作品主题。,此类写作要求抓住人物特征的具体细节进行描写,分清主次,可以采用先总体,后局部的描写顺序。一般来讲,人物类描写文章常由三部分构成:开头应有简明的介绍,如出生情况,家庭情况或总体概括等;文章的主体部分可按时间或事件的主次进行描写;结尾可进行评论或谈感受。,二. 人物描写的常用短语和句型: 人物外貌,穿着 be handsome/ good-looking/beautiful/ lovely/charming

2、/attractive is a small boy with big eyes. has shiny eyes and short hair and wears a blue school uniform. a typical Chinese,2. 家庭生活和家庭关系 Life was hard for him/her in his /her childhood. His family has a great influence on him. was born in / into a poor/ rich family Her father was very strict with her

3、. live a happy/ hard life,3. 教育情况 He had to leave school because of His family managed to send him to receive little/ no/much schooling teach himself/herself English be admitted tocollege After that, I got the admission to When at college, he majored in receive a masters / bachelors/doctors degree,4

4、. 学习,工作或生活中的一些相关情况 be good at be poor/ weak in stay up late till midnight get first place in break the national/world record His hard work brought him great success. devote his lifetime/himself to concentrate himself on do research about /into make up ones mind to do sth.,do sth. with great determin

5、ation and perseverance make rapid progress in become a member of go through hardship overcome many difficulties have a gift/talent for language/.,人物评价 be one of the greatestin history/ in the history of learn (a lot) from him /her make a difference to. be regarded as make a great change to the world speak /think


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