高三英语应用文素材积累 ---- 中国传统文化_第1页
高三英语应用文素材积累 ---- 中国传统文化_第2页
高三英语应用文素材积累 ---- 中国传统文化_第3页
高三英语应用文素材积累 ---- 中国传统文化_第4页
高三英语应用文素材积累 ---- 中国传统文化_第5页
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1、中国传统文化,Chinese Traditional Culture,Traditional culture,traditional festivals,traditional foods,traditional arts,celebrations,expressions,traditional culture non-material culture 非物质文化 traditional festivals: 传统节日 the Spring Festival the Lantern Festival the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-autumn Festiva

2、l the Double - ninth Day Qiqiao Festival 乞巧节 traditional foods: 传统美食 noodles; dumplings; Jiaozi ; Zongzi traditional arts 传统艺术 琴棋书画: Guqin; chess; calligraphy; painting Chinese Chess 中国象棋 Chinese Go Terms 围棋 Chinese Painting 中国画 the Chinese calligraphy 书法 tea art shows 茶艺秀 Beijing Opera 京剧 paper-cut

3、ting 剪纸 Chinese knots 中国结,文房四宝 the Four Treasures of Study 毛笔 Chinese writing brush 墨 Chinese ink 宣纸 Xuan paper 砚台 ink stone 中医中药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 望闻问切:: 望诊 inspection 闻诊 listening and smelling examination 问诊 inquiry 切诊 palpation (切脉为 take the pulse) (脉象为 pulse condition

4、) 拔罐治疗 cupping therapy 中国的四大发明、四大名著Chinese classics、唐诗宋词、古代建筑艺术、文化遗址、中国武术,Celebrations (庆祝活动),getting together dinner 团圆饭 Throughout cleaning 大扫除 set off fireworks 放烟花 Lion Dance舞狮 the character Fu福字 Chinese New Year paintings 年画 倒贴福字: stick the character Fu upside down couplets 对联 lucky money压岁钱,1.

5、 离春节只有一个月了。 The Spring Festival _. 2. 这一习俗可以追溯到几百年前。 The custom _. 3. 随着中秋节的临近,我们班决定举办一个派对来庆祝这个重要的日子。 _ our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. 4. 中秋节时中国农历8月15日。 _ the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. 5. 新年快到了,我们在教室里张贴了一些新年饰品,增添了节日的气氛。 With the New ye

6、ar drawing near, we put up some decorations in the classroom, which added to _ 6. 除了这些传统活动,我们还有更丰富的选择, 比如旅游、探亲访友。 In addition to these traditional activities, we have _ such as traveling and visiting our relatives or friends.,1. 离春节只有一个月了。 The Spring Festival is only a month away. 2. 这一习俗可以追溯到几百年前。

7、The custom dates back hundreds of years. 3. 随着中秋节的临近,我们班决定举办一个派对来庆祝这个重要的日子。 As the Mid-autumn Festival was drawing near, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. 4. 中秋节时中国农历8月15日。 The Mid-autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. 5. 新年快到了,我们在教室里张贴了一些新年饰品,增添了节日的气氛。 With the New year drawing near, we put up some decorations in the classroom, which added to a festival atmosphere. 6. 除了这些传统活动,我们还有更丰富的选择, 比如旅游、探亲访友。 In addition to


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