七年级英语上册 unit3-1 学案 牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册 unit3-1 学案 牛津版_第2页




1、7AUnit3 Welcome to our school! (Welcome to the unit )学习目标:1. 学习中学常见的几门课程的名称。2. 使用适当的语言谈论学校生活。四会内容:词汇:which best so biology geography history date meeting oclock OK gate词组:School Open Day the parentsmeeting at the school gate句型:Which of the subjects do you like best? Whats the date today? What time i

2、s it?【课前预习】一、翻译短语。1.学校开放日_ 2.家长会 _3.在2点钟_ 4.喜欢历史_5.在学校大门口_ 6.10月9日_【课堂交流展示】Step1 Presentation1. 呈现图片引出单词:biology geography historyLook at the picture :What subject does Millie learn?2.Finish PartAStep2 Presentation1. 利用学生的课程表,呈现新知识。Whats the date today?Its Here is your schedule .What lessons do you

3、have today?Whats the date tomorrow?What lessons do you have tomorrow?2.What time is your Maths lesson?What time does your Chinese lesson begin? Do you have a class meeting every week?Do you have a parents meeting?Step3 PartBListen to tape and answer the questions.1. Whats the date of the Open Day in

4、 Millies school?2. Can Millies mother go to her school?3. What time does the parents meeting begin?4. What else do parents do after the meeting?5. Where does Millie meet her mother?Step4 Practice1. Read the dialogue.2. Act out.Step5 Comic stripWhich is your favourite subject?Why do you like this sub

5、ject?Step5 Listen and answerEddie is a lovely dog.Do you know his favourite subject? Which is his favourite subject?Why can Eddie learn Maths well?Step6 Act out.Step7 Homework1.记忆本节课所学的词、词组和句型。2完成导学与评价P48【课堂检测】一、 根据句意或首字母提示完成句子。1.-Whats the _today?-10 May.2.Look! The students are having a _(生物)lesson in the garden.3.Chinese National Day is on 1 _.4.Most schools usually have class _ (会议)on Mondays.5.Hurry up.Your mum is waiting for you at the school_(大门口).二、根据所给汉语完成句子。1.家长会下午2点开始。_begins at 2 oclock _.2.地理和生物,你更喜欢哪门科


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