



1、Agree or disagree:Schools should be more focused on improving facilities(libraries,computer center,or labs)for students rather than hiring famous professors.a. The quality of prof directly influences the education quality that determines studentsacadamic performance and future.Knowledge:professional

2、 and pioneeringPerspectives:profound and positiveB.renowned professors attract not only resources but also outstangding students.Farmous professor:funds,grants,financial support from successful alumni/accomplished entreprenuers(企业家)Famous professor:research capacityachievements(researches and papers

3、) appeal to government and science community to provide them with equipments.个人事例:A.1-2句交代时间地点人物事件等主要信息。In the past few years, in order to further develop our college and cope with increasing number of students, our school has spent a lot of money attracting and hiring some of the most famous schola

4、rs and professors in our region.Their arrival competely changed our school in many ways.B.2-4句话从某一个侧重点着手继续描述例子的细节内容(侧重点即我们需要说明或者证明的道理)Thanks to their fame and great influences in their own fields , many large corporations started to donate money to our school and established stronger ties with us. T

5、he resources enhanced our on-campus facilities such as our classroom buildings, our labs and our stadium At the same time, the close relationships these well-known professors helped built with big companies offered many great opportunities for our students to get valuable working experience and even

6、 employment. Hence, we can easily see that the powerful influences that famous professors have aren often unimaginable.In order to attract more students, universiities should invest more in social activities.Why?多数的学生希望自己大学更丰富interesting;社会活动带来的好处all-round development让步:although various social aciti

7、vities ensure that college students have a colorful and fulfilling college life. Moreover, students are able to obtain social experience and practical skills through participating in diverse activities. Nonetheless, when students are trying to decide what king of university they want to attend, they usually consider many other more significant factors than oonly the social activities the school can provide. To appeal to the top students, a university ought to invest their limited money and resourses in some substancial areas such as outstanding facilities and career prepara


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