



1、精品自学考试资料推荐浙江省 2019 年 4 月高等教育自学考试翻译试题课程代码: 10050i. 词语翻译201.将下列词语译为汉语:1) fellow countrymen2) artery3) harmony4) labor intensive industry5) fianc 6) toilet novelties7) profile of mountain8) internal combustion engine9) strip mining10) dialectical2.将下列词语译为英语:11)手语12)卖国贼13)故宫14)水产品15)井冈山16)祥林嫂17)腊月二十三18)

2、可持续发展19)有限责任公司20)自强不息 .改错题 10下列单句译文有差错,请加以改正。1.原文: the afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face.译文 : 午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚一层忍冬,落在我微微仰着的脸上。2.原文:yet there was a bigger movement in the air by 1750.译文:然而,到了1750 年,一场更大的运动已经在空中。3.原文: tombs and temple

3、s of ancient egypt follow the nile well into sudan.译文:古埃及的坟墓和寺庙跟着尼罗河一直深入到苏丹。4.原文: but british exports range far beyond services, important as they are.译文:由于出口在英国占重要地位,英国的出口已远远超出了服务业。5.原文: you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.译文:你决不要指望他们会欣赏你的公司。6.原文: he contrived an eager, ingratiati

4、ng smile, which he bestowed on mr. squires.译文:他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。7.原文: all of a sudden i became very conscious of my funny dress, and sure enough, there i was diving under my helmet again.译文:我突然强烈地感到自己这身衣服非常可笑。我真的又钻到了帽子底下。8.原文: a truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical con

5、trol of insects is available.译文:在用化学方法控制昆虫方面,有各种各样非常奇妙的方法可以利用。9.原文: this convention shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory states.1精品自学考试资料推荐译文:本公约将成为各签字国批准或接受的主题。10.原文: my wife and i, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful to your hospitality.译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都对你们的盛

6、情款待深为感激。 .填空题 20根据下列单句原文或课本中的翻译理论知识填充空白。1.at the end he got up, went over to the counter and got an ice-cream and he put it down in frontof me this is the prime minister you know!快到结束的时候,他站起来, 走到柜台前, 要了一个冰淇淋, 放在我面前_ 。2.这个文化运动,当时还没有可能普及到工农群众中去。_ to become widely diffused among the workers and peasant

7、s.3.阿德莱德属地中海型气候。adelaide _ a mediterranean climate.4.从 1980 年到 1992 年,人均国民生产总值平均增长率为7.6%。_ has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980 to 1992.5.这几年来,我因行动不便,整天过着“井蛙”的无聊生活。in recent years, unable to move about easily, i have been leading a dull lifelike that of“ _” .6.the conclusion we reached in

8、britain is that change simply cannot sensibly be put off.我们英国人得出的结论是,改革_.7.不响锣就不给钱,是那时的规矩。the rule in those days was: _.8.the hatching larvae are parasitic, feeding on the flesh of the host.幼虫在孵化过程中是寄生的,靠_为生。9.合营企业应凭营业执照开立外汇帐户。an equity joint venture shall, _ its business license, open a foreign exc

9、hange account.10.我们坚持和平共处五项原则。we adhere to _. .单项选择题20%在每小题的三个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。1.have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shutyou in? ()a. 不知你是否有过这样的经历在海上航行遇上了大雾,似乎一片白色的黑暗把你关了起来。b. 不知你是否有过这样的经历在海上航行遇上了大雾,周围一片白, 好像着实把你关在一个黑暗的地方。c.不知你是否曾经

10、在大雾的天气中在海上航行,好像你就笼罩在一片白色的黑暗之中。2.and the barges were not made to carry luxuries, but pots and pans and bales of cloth, boxes ofribbon, and all the common things that people buy by the pennyworth.()2精品自学考试资料推荐a. 而驳船也不是为了运送奢侈品,而是为了运送瓦罐铁锅,一包包的棉布、一箱箱的缎带,以及那些只花一个便士便能买到的各式日用品。b. 而驳船也不是为了运送奢侈,而是为了运送瓶瓶罐罐,成包的

11、棉布、成箱的缎带,以及那些只花个把便士便能买到的各式日用品。c.而驳船也不是为了运送奢侈品,而是为了运送瓦罐铁锅,成包的棉布、成箱的缎带,以及那些只花个把便士便能买到的各式日用品。3.下列说法哪种是正确的?()a. 英语散文一般把地点状语放在动词之前。把状语放在动词之后是汉语的说法。b. 汉语散文一般把地点状语放在动词之前。把状语放在动词之后是英语的说法。c.汉语和英语的散文一般都把地点状语放在动词之后。4.我国现存佛经中最早的译本是()。a. 四十二章经b. 四阿含c.金刚般若波罗蜜经5.能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。()a.it is a great honor to ask m

12、e to write a preface to this collection of his essays.b.to be able to write a preface to this collection of his essays is my great honor.c.i find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.6.傅雷不认为()。a. 我人重综合,重归纳,重暗示,重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折,挖掘唯恐不尽,描写唯恐不周。b. 最难应付的是原文中的长句

13、。c.翻译重在实践。7.which of the following is not true about tytler s three principles?()a.the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.b.the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.c.the translation should respect the geni

14、us of each language.8.sea creatures and plants were covered with huge deposits of mud, and by processes of chemistry,pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. ()a. 经过漫长的岁月,由于化学变化、 压力和温度等因素,海洋动物和植物上面覆盖着大量沉积的泥沙,变成了我们所说的石油。b. 海洋动物和植物上面覆盖着大量沉积的泥沙,由于化学变化、压力和温度等因素,经

15、过漫长的岁月,变成了我们所说的石油。c.由于化学变化、 压力和温度等因素,海洋动物和植物上面覆盖着大量沉积的泥沙,经过漫长的岁月,变成了我们所说的石油。9.合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。()a.allactivities of an equity joint venture shall abide by the provision of the laws, decrees andpertinent regulations of the people s republic of china.b.allactivitiesof an equity joint ve

16、nture shall observe the provision of the laws, decrees and3精品自学考试资料推荐pertinent regulations of the people s republic of china.c.all activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provision of the laws, decrees andpertinent regulations of the people s republic of china.10.中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优

17、良的历史文化传统。()a.china has formed its historical and cultural traditions in the long river of its development.b.in the prolonged course of its development, china has formed its fine historical and culturaltraditions.c.china,in the long timeofdevelopment, has formed its excellenthistoricaland culturaltra

18、ditions. .段落翻译301.将下列短文译成汉语:20britain wants to see china flourish in the world economy.we want china to join the wto, accepting the obligations that membership entails, as soonas possible.we willcontinuetoworktowardsthatgoal,includingwiththe europeanscommission, which represents the european union in these matters. the eu has recognizedchina s right to developing country status without diluting its wto obligations. we hope thatchina can sho


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