



1、七年级英语下册unit 2 wheres the post office period 2 section a grammar focus-4教学案(无答案)设计: 审 核: 备 课 日 期: 班级: 学生姓名: 教师查阅情况: 课 题:unit 2 wheres the post office? period 2 (p8-9/section a: grammar focus-4)学习目标1.本课时,我们继续学习怎样用英语在街上问路。2.怎样用英语给别人指路。3.我们还要学习用英语询问和表达一个地方的位置。4.重点词汇和语句: neighborhood/ just/ straight/ tur

2、n/ left/ down/ right/ on the right 1. excuse me. is there a hotel in the neighborhood?2. just go straight and turn left. 3. its down bridge street on the right. 4. is it next to the library? yes, it is.学 习 程 序知识宝库学习内容与方法1. 词语辨析:in front of与 in the front of这两个短语都表示“在-的前面”, 但前者表示“在-(外部)的前面”,而后者表示“在-(内

3、部)的前面”。例如:the hotel is in front of post office.旅馆在邮局前面。there is a desk in the front of the classroom.教室前有一个课桌。step 1 课前反馈。1.put the following sentences into english.把下列汉语句子译成英语。有一个银行在这附近吗?是的,有。/ 不,没有。投币式公用电话在图书馆旁边。超市在哪儿?超市在图书馆后面。2.warming-up.热身练习。(通过自主学习,你能熟练读出p8-9的生词,并知晓它们的汉语意思吗?)step 2 self-study.

4、 自学&交流讨论。1. preview the text in p8-9and translate the following words and phrases.预习p8-9的课文,并就下列单词和短语英汉互译。 附近街区 直走 向左转 向右转 on the left on the right just _ excuse me _ 2. learn the sentences in grammar focus. 学习语法聚焦中的句子。 1) can you translate the english sentences into chinese in grammar focus? 你能把语法聚

5、焦中的英文翻译为中文吗? 2) learn and write down the language points.学习并写下知识点。学习内容与方法知识宝库3. read the conversation and find paul and nancy in the picture of 3a. (p9:3a)4. look at the picture above and complete the conversations. (p9:3b)5. take turns to choose a place in the picture in 1a. your classmates ask que

6、stions and then guess the place. (p9:4)step 3 showing. 展示提升。 就步骤二里的内容进行分组展示。step 4 consolidation. 知识巩固。 谈谈你本节课的收获吧!本节课我们主要学到了 。step 5 test. 达标检测。一、单项选择。1. there is a boy _ the car.a. in front b. in front of c. in the front d. in the front of2. _ the bank? its on fifth avenue.a. whats b. whos c. hows

7、 d. wheres二、选词填空。there on doing around library across frombetween where interesting straight1. theres a _ on center street.2. _ is the fruit shop?3. _ is a pay phone in the neighborhood.4. the park is _ bridge street.5. what are you _?6. the bank is _ the post office.7. the supermarket is _ the bank and the park.8. just go _ and turn left.9. is there an _ park in the neighborhood?10. is there a school _ here?2.excuse me的用法:向陌生人问路。例如:excuse me. can you tell me how to get to the post office?向别人询问情况时。例如


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