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1、unit 4 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 语言知识点拨1. 语言功能 学会谈论被允许做的事情和表达同意及反对。2. 目标句型 i think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.i disagree. they talk instead of doing homework.sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.i agree. they arent serious enough

2、at that age.do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?no, i dont.3. 词汇掌握be allowed to do, go out with ones friends, part-time job, get sth. done, need to do sth. , instead of, instead, enough, be strict with, concentrate on, design, get noisy, volunteer, be good for, clean up

3、, choose, at least, perform a play, take time to do sth. , have friday afternoons off, reply to, agree with sth.(sb.), material things, the latest jeans, chat online, include, make ones life easier, send text messages, give sb. direction, build ones life on hard work, be proud of, beijing youth dail

4、y, (1 ) instead 和instead of instead是副词,一般放在句末。instead of是介词短语,其后要接名词,代词或短语。 如: why not play football instead? he is going to england instead of france.(2)have to 和must情态动词have to 表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”“不得不”。其后跟动词原形。它主要用在一般现在时和一般过去时中。have to 和must在一般情形下是通用的。have to 用的场合比较多,尤其在美国。如:we must(have to) do as

5、you are telling. i always have to (must always)work hard. 但二者用法上还是有一定区别的。 a) 在肯定形式中must表主观的必要。have to则表客观义务。 如:i have to take care of my brother.我必须照看我的弟弟。(父母的要求 we must obey(遵守)our teachers.我们必须服从教师。(主观意愿) b) 在否定形式中must表“决不可以”“不允许”,而have to表“不必”。 如:you have not to say that.你用不着那样说。 you mustnt say t

6、hat. 你决不可以那样说。(3) spend和take这两词都有“花费”的含义,但在使用时spend的主语只能是人,宾语可以为金钱、时间、精力等。常用句型为:spend. on sth.或spend. (in) doing sth. 如:he spent five yuan on that book. 那本书他花了五元钱。he and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. 他和他的一些朋友花费了很多时间用这台(电脑)做一些不寻常的事。而take的主语多是it作形式主语,也可是人或某活动,宾语大

7、多是金钱、时间,常用句型为:it takes sb. some time (to do sth.)。由于两词描述的内容相同,因此含有spend和take的两种句式相互替换。如itll take you about half an hour. = youll spend about half an hour. 你们将要花费大约半小时的时间。it took the workers three years to build the bridge. the workers spent three years (in) building the bridge. 工人们花费了三年时间建造那座桥。(4)ge

8、t sth. done get sth. done意为“让/使某事被做”,过去分词表示一个被动的动作。如:ill just get these dishes washed and then ill come. 我把盘子洗了再过来。i must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。get, have, make, keep等动词后接过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“致使某人或某事被”。如:we should keep them informed of what is going on here. 我们应当让他们随时了解这儿发生的情况。 jane got h

9、er bad tooth pulled out at the dentists. 简在牙医诊所里让医生把自己的坏牙拔掉了。 they are going to have the entrance hall painted white. 他们将让人把门厅粉刷成白色文化背景简介美国中学校规美国每个学校都制定了一系列规章制度。有反作弊准则、全封闭校园准则、着装准则、迟到、旷课处理准则等等。对学生的处理也有非常明确和可操作的规定,如在什么情况下对学生“拒之教室门外”,停课,停学,取消学分,甚至开除都有具体的规定。校纪管理以校规为准。美国的校规十分具体,从学分要求、选课注册、考勤请假、课堂学习、课后作业


11、原则。其中还为家长提供了可操作的方法,即:倾听孩子的诉说;为孩子作业提供时间;检查作业的完成情况;让孩子只做自己的作业;怎样与老师取得联系等等。 part two :听力自测a.listen and choose what you hear听力热身:选出你听到的内容。( ) 1. a. pierce b. experiencec. serious( ) 2. a. comfortableb. dictionaryc. volunteer( ) 3. a. wildb. boredc. instead( ) 4. a. comma b. gum c mall( ) 5. a.animation

12、b. experience c. comfortableb.listen and choose the answers.听力理解:听录音并选答案。( )6. what does jack think of danielles job? a. bad.b. good.c. great. ( ) 7. how long can danielle work at a time? a. twenty minutes.b. an hour.c. 8 hours. ( ) 8. what kind of people does jacks wife often meet? a. tiring.b. exc

13、iting.c. interesting. ( ) 9. danielle doesnt make a lot of money every month, does she?a. yes, she does.b. no, she doesnt. c. we dont know. ( ) 10. how many people are there in jacks family?a. two.b. three.c. five. part three : 单元知识巩固 语音练习 a1 choose the words which has different sound from a,b, or c

14、. 从 a、b、 c 或d里选出划线部分读音不同的单词。( )1. a. allowb. growc. throwd. cow ( ) 2. a. primaryb. sillyc. licensed. driver ( ) 3. a. performb. teacherc. personald. spider ( ) 4. a. stuffb. valuec. punctuationd. gum ( ) 5. a. youthb. proudc. shoutd. group 词汇语法练习b1 choose the right answer from a, b,or c 从a , b ,c或d

15、 里选出正确答案( )6. the boy often makes her _, but this time he was made _ by her.a. cry, cry b. to cry, to cryc. cry, to cryd. to cry, cry( )7. a: i have been to your hometown. i think its really a beautiful place. b: _.a. so have i b. i do so c. i have so d. so do i( )8. i have spent _ time in reading t

16、han in writing. a. much more b. many more c. lot of more d. a few( )9. the sick man should _ well. a. look after b. be taken care of c. be looked after d. take care of( )10. the hole must be _ for the tree. a. large enoughb. too large c. very large d. enough large( )11. give me this _ that.a. to ins

17、tead b. instead c. instead for d. instead of ( )12. - did you have trouble with your car this morning-yes, but i finally managed to get it_ a started b starting c start d to start( )13. the house needs to _ right now. acleanbbe cleanedcbeing cleaningdcleaning( )14. is john coming by train? he should

18、, but he _not. he likes driving his car amustbcancneeddmay( )15. our classroom _every day. ashould cleanbshould be cleaned cshould kept cleandcleansb2 complete the words according to the first letter given and the context.根据所给的首字母完成下列句子。16. all of you should stop w_ that silly earrings.17. in fact m

19、any schools in america have s_ rules.18. i d_ with len-he said the picture was good and i said it was bad.19. i think teenagers should c_ more on their studies than material things.20. we shouldnt get n_ in public places.21. to be a volunteer is a good e_ for a student.22. most youth like to c_ a po

20、pular and successful lifestyle.23. i hope my parents can give me some d_ when i feel confused.24. our dreams can be realized through our great e_.25. every childrens day our school have a party and we p_ many plays. 能力再现d1 cloze.when some americans were getting ready to be sent to the moon for the f

21、irst time, a frenchman was watching them 67 tv in a restaurant. there was an englishman there, too, and he said to the frenchman, “the americans are very 68 . its a very long way 69 our world, you know.” “oh, thats nothing,” the frenchman said, “we are going to send some men to the sun 70 . thats mu

22、ch 71 away than the moon.” the englishman was very 72 . “oh, yes, it is,” he said, “but the sun is too 73 for the people to go to.” the frenchman laughed and answered, “well, we wont go to the sun during the day, of 74 , we 75 go there during 76 night.”26. a. on b. at c. with d. in27. a. big b. tall

23、 c. clever d. strong28. a. on b. from c. by d. around来29. a. quick b. fast c. late d. soon30. a. far b. farther c. farthest d. father31. a. surprised b. happy c. glad d. angry32. a. warm b. cool c. hot d. cold33. a. then b. course c. all d. that34. a. could b. would c. will d. should35. a. the b. a

24、c. at d. oned4. read the article,then choose the right answers do you ever feel unfashionable? have you ever wondered how to keep up with new trends(潮流)?if you answered “yes”, then dont worry! many people feel they have to dress a certain way.fashion is a reflection(反射) of your character. dont let o

25、ther peoples opinions(观点) influence(影响) how you dress! its important not to feel forced into the fashion choices you make. you may be able to carry-off a new look if it doesnt suit your character. fashion should be fun, so dont be afraid to try out new styles. if you dont feel brave enough to try a

26、whole new wardrobe, accessories are the answer! by changing only your accessories, youll be saving money and then youll be able to keep up with the newest trends. adding accessories such as a bag, a belt, a hat, scarf or jewellery can really change your look. for example, a pair of jeans and a t-shi

27、rt can be made into several different outfits for different events. currently, the sporty look is very popular. you may want to accessorize yourselves with a baseball cap and sweatbands or carrying a sports bag. to add some glamour, you could wear a silk-scarf as a belt. you could also wear jeweller

28、y such as wire bracelets and some dangling earrings. these will transform your look into a glamorous gypsy style. whatever style you choose to follow, remember that fashion should be fun and most importantly it should be about you!1. the writer of the passage mainly wants to tell us _.a. accessories

29、 can influence ones character a lotb. fashionable clothes are able to help you keep up with new trendsc. the style you choose to follow had better be completely different from your classmatesd. accessories play an important part in your everyday life2. the word “accessories” in the passage means _.a.零件 b. 流行物 c. 饰品 d. 礼品3. from the passage we know that _.a. its not good to try out new styles.b. fashion


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