



1、,Modal verbs,1. shall 用于疑问句与第一、三人称连用,表示征求意见或请求许可。 1) Shall we go out for a meal together? 2) Shall the newcomer have a try?,1.- The room is so dirty ._ we clean it? - Ok. A will B Shall C Would D Do,(2)用于肯定句与二、三人称连用,表示说话人的 允诺,决心,威胁,警告,命令,或法律、文件的 规定 。 Nothing shall stop me from going there. You shall

2、 be sorry for what you have done, I tell you.,决心,威胁/警告,3.You shall get an mp5 as your birthday present this year. 4.The fine shall be paid in cash. 5. Persons under 18 shall not be employed.,(允诺),(规定),(规定),“The interest(利息) _ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement,” declared the judg

3、e. may B. should C. must D. shall,2. should 表示惊讶、遗憾、“竟然,居然” Its strange that he should fail again. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. should D. would,3. must - Must I do it at once? - Yes, you_. / -No, you _. (=No, you _,must,neednt,dont have t

4、o),You mustnt waste any more time. You must not smoke here. 禁止,不可以,千万别,2) 肯定推测,“一定,准是”(只能用于肯定句) 1. She must be tired after such a long walk. 2. He must be sleeping now.,-Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is? -She _ in the classroom. I saw her there just now. A shall be B should have been C must be D migh

5、t have been,3. must 表示固执,不满,意为“偏偏,偏要,非得” - May I smoke here? - If you _, choose a seat in the smoking section. A. should B. could C. may D. must,John, look at the time, _ you play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need,Would的用法,1. would是will的过去式,但它也是一个情态动词.(would+动词原形) (1)would you表示委婉,客气的说法 a) Would you like to have a cup of tea? b) Would you mind my smoking here? c) Would you tell me the way to the park?,(2).表示愿意,宁愿,肯,He would eat nothing I told him not to go, but he would not listen He would do in spite of our warnings.,(3)


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