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2018 牛津英语六年级英语下册期中测试题听力部分(40 分)一听录音,请按照录音顺序在图片下面的括号内填上相应的数字序号( 110 ) (10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,请判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在图片下面的括号内写“T” ,不相符的写“F” 。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三听下面的二段小对话,请根据对话内容选择相应的答案,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号内。(每段对话读两遍)(10 分)听第一段对话完成 12 小题( )1.Juliets favourite subject is _ .A. PE B.art C.English( )2.Why does she like the subject? Because _ .A. its fun and she can draw her family and friends.B. She loves run a lot for exercise. C. It makes her so healthy.第二段对话完成 35 小题( )3.Nick doesnt eat _ .A. chips B.fast food C.candies.( )4.Nick _ every day.A.do a lot of exercise B.ride my bike C.run in the park( )5.Nick sleeps for _ every night.A.8 hours B.9 hours C.8 or 9 hours四听短文,请根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号内。 (短文读两遍) (10 分)( )1.Jack is a pupil in _ .A. Class One B.Grade Six C. Class Two ( )2.Jack gets up at _ in the morning.A. five B.six C.seven ( )3.After class they often play _ on the playground.A.volleyball B.basketball C.football ( )4.Jack often watches TV on _ .A.Monday B.Thursday C.Sunday ( )5.Jack is very _ at weekend.A.tired B.happy C.angry笔试部分(60 分) 一、读单词,请从每小题中选出与其他单词不同类的一个,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1、A.happy B.tired C.angry D. beutiful( ) 2、A.carrot B. grapes C. celery D string beans( ) 3、A.hamburger B. chips C. juice D.bread( ) 4、A.farmer B.policeman C.parents D.teacher( ) 5、A.Australia B. Argentina C.England D.Chinese二、读句子,请根据句子内容选择正确的答案,将对应的字母序号填入题前括号内。 (10 分)( ) 1、I want to _ a teacher.A. am B. is C.are( ) 2、I _ a cake for my mother yesterday.A.buy B.bought C.is making( ) 3、There _ two yellow sweater on the bed.A.is B.are C.am( ) 4、What _ you do tomorrow?A.will B.do C.did ( ) 5、They work at _ hospital.A.different B.same C.the same( ) 6、Bill cant _ English.A.speak B.speaks C.speaking( ) 7、I want to eat some food _ healthy protein.A.in B.with C.at ( ) 8、He writes about his _ .A.feel B.feels C.feelings( ) 9、He should _ some juice every day.A.drink B.drinks C.drinking( ) 10、We all like _ story books.A.read B.will read C.reading三、图文配对,请选择与图片内容相符的句子,将对应的字母序号填入图片下的括号内。 (10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A、Yuan Long ping is Chinas Father of Hybrid Rice.He is famous around the world.B、Robin wants to help his father. C、Australia is the worlds sixth biggest country. D、 Her eating habits are not healthy!She likes eating pizza,hamburgers, and ice cream.E、Fruit is good for your health.We should eat more vegetables. 四看问句选答语。 (10 分)( )1.Whats Toby doing? A. Shes a nurse. ( )2.Where does Mary live? B. He is reading a book.( )3.What does your mother do? C.In Scotland.( )4.Whats Simon going to do this Sunday? D.I ride my bike.( )5.What sports do you usually do? E.He is going to play table tennis.五、读短文,请判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的在题前括号内写“T” ,不相符的写“F” 。(10 分)Mr. And Mrs. Green have two children, a son and a daughter.The sons name is Jim. He is fourteen. He likes playing football very much.Every day , when school is over, he puts on his red football clothes and white football shoes and white football shoes, then goes to play football with his friends.Their daughter, Kate ,goes home on time after school. She is twlve.She often helps her mother clean the room. She likes wearing a yellow blouse and blue trousers. Look! She is washing clothes at home now. Whose clothes are they? The green dress is Mrs. Greens. The white shirt is her fathers. Whose white shoes are those ? They are very dirty. They are Jims .Kate is washing them carefully. What a good girl!( )1.Mr. And Mrs.Green have a son and a daughter.( )2.When school is over, Jim plays football with


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