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条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员A1.1 RED The facility does not use any type of forced prison, indentured, or bonded labor.工厂没有任何形式的强迫劳工,监狱工,契约工或债务工。A1.2 ORANGE Are labor contracts signed with workers, where legally required?工厂是否依法与工人签订劳动合同 ?A1.3 YELLOW Do workers have a copy of their signed labor contract?工人是否有一份已签好的劳动合同副本?A1.4 YELLOWThe facility / labor agent (if applicable) does not withhold workers government-issued identification (passports or work permits) upon hire.工人受聘时 ,工厂没有扣押工人的身份证(护照或工作许可证)。A1.5 YELLOWThe facility / labor agent (if applicable) assures that its workers are free to quittheir job and leave upon reasonable notice, with no penalty.工人如有合理的离职通知,工厂保证其自由离职的权利,且无需罚款。A1.6 YELLOW Workers are not required to pay a deposit upon being hired.工人受聘时, 不需要缴纳押金。A1.7 YELLOWThe facility assures that its workers are free to enter and exit the facility andhousing during their non-work hours except as required by law.除法规要求外, 工厂保证员工在非工作时间能自由出入厂区和宿舍区。A1.8 YELLOW Are workers free to choose and use external medical facilities?工人是否能自由的选择和使用外部的医疗设施?A1.9 YELLOW Are workers allowed access to basic liberties?工人是否有基本的人身自由?EICC体系审核检查表A: LABOR 劳工A1 Freely chosen employment 自由选择职业A2 Child labor avoidance 用童工条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表A2.1 RED There are no workers below the minimum age working at the facility.工厂工作的工人应达到或高于法定最低工作年龄。A2.2 YELLOWThe facility reviews, validates and keeps on file legal proof of age documentationupon hire for all potential workers.工厂招聘时,审查、验证所有雇员的有效年龄证明,并保留相关复印件。A2.3 YELLOWThe facility has a procedure to respond to discovery of workers below the legalage.工厂建立童工的补救程序。A2.4 YELLOWDoes the facility consider access to basic educational needs for workers belowthe age for compulsory education?工厂是否有考虑童工接受义务教育的基本需求?A2.5 YELLOWFacility does not allow that workers under the age of 18 to perform work that islikely to jeopardize the health or safety of these young workers.工厂不允许未成年工从事可能损害他们健康与安全的工作岗位。A2.6 YELLOWDoes the facility have a clear program for hiring, training, and promotingapprentices?工厂是否有学徒工的招聘,培训和晋升的程序?A3.1 YELLOWIs there a written procedure in place to determine, manage and control workinghours including overtime?工厂是否有书面的监测, 管理和控制员工上班时间含加班时间的程序?A3.2 ORANGEAre workers allowed legally mandated breaks, holidays and vacation days towhich they are legally entitled?工人是否能得到合法的休息时间以及假期 ?A3.3 YELLOW Are legal working hours and facility working hours communicated to all workers?是否有与工人谈论法合法的工作时间及工厂的工作时间?A3.4 RED Does the facility keep reliable records of workers standard and overtime hours?工厂是否有保留工人有效的正常和加班工作时间记录?A3 Working hours 工作时间条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表A3.5 REDThe average hours worked in a work week over the last 12 months at this facilitydoes not exceed 60 hours or the legal limit (whichever is stricter).工厂在过去 12个月中,工作周的平均上班时数不超过 60小时或法律规定(取决于哪个更严格)。A3.6 RED Are workers provided with at least one (1) day off per every seven (7) days onaverage? 工人是否有平均每七天至少有一天休息?A4.1 YELLOWAre wage calculations clearly communicated to workers using pay stub or similardocumentation?工厂是否与工人谈论清楚工资结算是用工资单还是其它类似文件方式?A4.2 RED Is legal compensation for regular hours paid to all workers?合法的正常工作时间报酬是否有支付给所有工人?A4.3 RED Is the overtime wage calculated and paid at the premium as legally required?加班工资是否依法计算和支付给员工?A4.4 YELLOW Does the facility provide social insurance scheme as required by local law?工厂是否依当地法规提供社会保险计划 ?A4.5 YELLOW The facility does not delay or withhold payments to workers.工厂不拖欠和扣押工人工资。A4.6 ORANGE Disciplinary wage deductions are not employed by the facility.工厂没有使用扣除工资的方式作为纪律处分的手段。A4.7 YELLOW Are deductions or withholdings calculated correctly?扣款和扣交的工资是否正确计算?A4.8 ORANGEAre deductions or withholdings submitted to the appropriate government agencywithin the time frame specified in the applicable local labor law?工资中的扣交部份是否依法在指定的时间内上交给当地政府机构?A4 Wages and benefits 工资与福 条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表A4.9 ORANGEIf the facility employs indirect workers, do indirect workers receive legallymandated benefits in addition to their wages?如果工厂聘请了临时工,临时工是否有得到除他们工资外的合法的福利?A5.1 YELLOWDoes the facility provide workers with written rules and regulations regardingdisciplinary procedures?工厂是否提供员工书面的有关纪律措施的规章制度?A5.2 YELLOW Are the disciplinary procedures humane?纪律措施程序是否人道?A5.3 YELLOW Are disciplinary actions tracked and consistent with the procedures?纪律措施是否符合程序要求并可追溯?A5.4 YELLOW Are managers and supervisors trained on appropriate disciplinary measures?管理层和主管是否受过关于适当的纪律措施程序的培训?A5.5 YELLOWDoes the facility have procedures to investigate reports and, if appropriate, todiscipline those that commit acts of harsh or inhumane treatment againstworkers?工厂是否有相应的程序调查员工所受到的不合理的行为 ?适当的情况下, 将采取纪律措施?A5.6 REDThere is no evidence of sexual harassment or abuse, corporal punishment,mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse or intimidation occurring at the facility.无证据显示工厂发生任何形式的 (性 )骚扰或虐待 ,体罚,精神或身体压迫,口头辱骂或威胁行为。A5.7 YELLOW Are workers permitted time off when ill or for maternity?工人是否可请病假或产假?A6.1 YELLOW Facility has written policies that ban discrimination. 工厂有书面的反歧视政策。A5 Humane Treatment 人道的待遇A6 Non-Discrimination 歧 视条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表A6.2 REDThere is no evidence of discrimination based on grounds of race, color, age,gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, politicalaffiliation, union membership or marital status. 工厂不得有任何形式的歧视, 包括种族,肤色,年龄,性别,性取向,国籍,残疾,怀孕,宗教,政治观点,联盟团体和婚姻状况。A7.1 YELLOWDoes the facility communicate to workers their rights related to freedom ofassociation?工厂是否与工人谈论他们有自由结社的相关关权力?A7.2 YELLOWAre there procedures and opportunities for workers to communicate openly withmanagement regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal or intimidation?工厂是否有沟通的渠道和机制,以便工人可以公开地与管理层沟通工作条件而不用担心被报复或威胁。A7.3 RED Does the facility respect the legal rights of workers for free association?工厂是否尊重员工合法的结社自由的权利?A7.4 YELLOWThere is no evidence of unequal treatment between employee representative(s)and other workers.工人代表和非工人代表中没有不平等的待遇。A7.5 YELLOWDoes the facility refrain from interference with or finance of labor organizationswith the objective to place such organization under the control of the facility?工厂是否制止干涉或向工人团体提供资金以达到控制这个团体的目的?A7.6 YELLOWWhen the workers automatically enroll in union or other forms of workerrepresentation when being employed, are they been informed regarding to thisenrollment?当工人被聘用时,自发组建团体或其它形式的工人代表,关于入会他们是否被知会到?B1.1 YELLOWHas the facility implemented programs to identify, evaluate and control workerexposure to safety hazards?工厂是否有建立程序来识别,评估以及控制工人安全方面的风险?A7 Freedom of Association 自由结社B: HEALTH & SAFETY 健康与安全B1 Occupational Safety 职业安全条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表B1.2 REDHas the facility effectively controlled worker exposures to safety hazards (e.g.electrical shock hazards, forklifts, etc.)?工厂是否有效地控制员工安全方面的风险 (如触电风险,叉车和空气质量等)?B1.3 YELLOWDo worker interviews reveal that production workers have a basic understandingof the workplace safety hazards, hazard control programs and safe workprocedures?员工对生产场所的安全风险,风险控制方案和安全生产规定是否有基本的了解和认识 (员工面谈)?B1.4 YELLOWIf the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses, safetyshoes and hardhats, is required to control safety hazards, is the equipmentconsistently and correctly used where required?如果要求使用个人劳保品( PPE)来控制风险 ,如保护眼镜,劳保鞋,头盔,这些劳保品是否与要求一致且被正确使用?B1.5 YELLOW Workers are not disciplined for raising safety concerns.员工没有因提出安全问题受罚。B2.1 REDAre fire detection and suppression systems adequate for the nature of thefacilitys operations?是否有充分的火警探测和灭火系统?B2.2 ORANGEHas the facility adequately identified the likely types of emergencies that couldaffect the site and implemented appropriate preparedness and responseprograms to address them?工厂是否充分识别紧急情况的可能类型,并制定相应的预防和应急B2.3 REDAre emergency exits, aisles and stairways adequate in number and location,readily accessible, and properly maintained?紧急出口,通道和楼梯数量是否足够,并能便于到达和适当维护?B2.4 YELLOWCan the responsible person(s) adequately explain the facilitys emergencypreparedness and response program(s), including their responsibilities?负责人是否能充分解释工厂的紧急预防和应急方案以及他们的职责?B2.5 YELLOWDid the worker interviews reveal that workers know what to do in the event of afire or other emergency situation?员工是否了解火警和紧急情况下的处理方式 (员工面谈 )?B2 Emergency Preparedness and Response 应急准备条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表B2.6 ORANGE Is the facilitys program of emergency evacuation drills adequate?工厂的紧急疏散演习方案是否足够?B2.7 YELLOWDid the worker interviews confirm that there has been an emergency evacuationdrill for all work areas and shifts in the last 12 months?过往 12个月中,工厂是否举行了覆盖所有区域和各班次员工的消防演习 (员工面谈)?B2.8 REDDoes the facility have an adequate set of written emergency response plans andprocedures in the event of a release of a chemical or material which could pose ahazard to the environment?工厂是否制定了书面的防止化学品或对环境有影响的原材料的泄露的紧急反应计划和程序?B2.9 YELLOWDo workers involved in the control, clean-up and disposal of hazardous materialsreceive regular training on emergency response plans and actions?接触危险物质的员工是否定期接受有关紧急事故应变计划及行动的培训。B3.1 ORANGEIf there were work-related injuries in the past three years, did the facility performinvestigations to determine root cause(s) and implement corrective actions?工厂是否对过去 3年内曾发生的工伤采取适当的纠正和预防措施?B3.2 YELLOWIs injury/illness and incident data analyzed and utilized to reduce accidents?工伤和意外伤害是否进行登记和分析以预防和防止意外伤害的再次发生?B3.3 ORANGEDoes the facility have a process in place to provide medical treatment for injuredor ill workers?工厂是否提供急救处理给受伤或生病的员工?B3.4 YELLOWDid the worker interviews reveal that they know what to do in the event they areinjured or become ill on the job?员工是否了解工伤的处理程序 (员工面谈)?B3 Occupational Injury and Illness 职业伤害与疾病B4 Industrial Hygiene 工业卫生条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表B4.1 YELLOWHas the facility implemented a program to identify, evaluate and control workerexposure to chemical, physical and biological agents?工厂是否建立相应的方案,以识别,评估和控制员工接触超过法定要求的化学品,物理及生物方面的风险?B4.2 YELLOWDoes the responsible person have a clear understanding of the need for industrialhygiene sampling, including the applicable legal requirements?负责人对工业卫生抽样需求包括适用的法规要求是否有清楚的了解?B4.3 REDHas the facility implemented appropriate controls for worker exposures tochemical, biological and physical agents that exceeded legal requirements?工厂是否适当控制员工接触超过法定要求的化学品,生物及物理方面的风险。B4.4 YELLOWIf the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respirators andhearing protection, is required to control worker exposures, is it consistently usedwhere required?使用 PPE, 如呼吸器,护耳罩减轻员工风险, 是否符合使用标准和B5.1 YELLOWHas the facility implemented an adequate program to identify, evaluate andcontrol worker exposure to physically demanding work, such as manual handling,heavy lifting, highly repetitive tasks, and other physically demanding jobs toprevent work-related injuries?工厂是否建立相应的程序, 以识别, 评估和控制员工暴露危险岗位的风险 如手工操作,举重,高空作业和其它造成意外工伤的危险作B5.2 REDHas the facility effectively controlled worker exposures to the hazards ofphysically demanding work (e.g. use of mechanical lifting aids, power hand tools,process automation, etc.)?工厂是否有效控制员工接触危险岗位的风险 (电梯的使用, 电动工具,自动加工处理的机器)?B5.3 YELLOWDid the worker interviews reveal adequate efforts by the facility to controlergonomic hazards, including training for workers?工厂是否有对员工关于工作岗位风险进行培训 (员工面谈)?B6.1 YELLOWCan the responsible person explain the applicable legal requirements andregulations for machine safety?负责人是否了解机器设备安全操作方面的法律法规?B5 Physically Demanding Work 体 需求高的工作B6 Machine Safeguarding 机器防护条款号 缺陷性质 审核内容 检查记录 判定(CAR编号) 审核员EICC体系审核检查表B6.2 YELLOW Does the facility have a machine safeguarding program?工厂是否建立机器安全保护装置方案?B6.3 REDAre points of operation and other potentially dangerous parts properly guarded.isolated and maintained?危险岗位和其它具有潜在风险的工作岗位是否被适当防护,隔离和维护?B6.4 REDDo workers operate machinery safely, including proper use of machinesafeguards and emergency stop switches?员工是否安全地操作机器, 包括适当使用保护装置和紧急停机装置?B6.5 YELLOWDo maintenance records verify that safety devices are included in a routinepreventative maintenance program?安全设备的维修记录是否可以证明有相应的方案对安全设备进行日常保养?B7.1 YELLOWAre workers provided with ready access to clean toilet facilities and potablewater?是否提供干净卫生的盥洗室和饮用水给员工?B7.2 REDAre dormitories clean, safe and well maintained, including adequate heat, lighting,hot water for bathing or showering, and emergency exit facilities?宿舍是否干净,安全,设施维护包括温度是否适宜,光线是否良好,是否有冲凉热水供应及是否有紧急出口设施?B7.3 YELLOWDo worker interviews reveal that dormitories provide workers with sufficientpersonal space?员工面谈是否反映宿舍提供足够的个人空间给工人?B7.4 YELLOWCan workers enter or leave the dormitory during or after working hours withoutunreasonable restrictions?工人在上班时间或下班时间是否可自由进,出宿舍?B7.5 ORANGEAre canteens (cafeterias) clean, well maintained, and managed in compliancewith local health regulations?餐厅是否干净,是否维护良好,是否按当地法规经营?B7.6 YELLOWDoes the facility ensure tha


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