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2012 届 本 科 生 毕 业 设 计某四线城市 110kv 变电站设计110KV Substation of a fourth-tier city学生姓名 吴迪 学号 201111315123所在学院 信息学院 班级 电气 1121所在专业 电气工程及其自动化申请学位 学士指导教师 张瑛 职称 讲师副 指 导 教 师 职称答辩时间 2016 年 6 月 4 日目 录目 录设计总说明 .IINTRODUCTION.III1 原始资料及其分析 .11.1 变电站基本情况与规模 .11.2 变电站负荷情况 .11.3 负荷计算 .22 电气主接线方式 .31.4 电气主接线基本要求 .32.1 电气主接线方案 .42.1 高压侧主接线方案 .42.1.1 单母线分段接线 .42.1.1 单母线分段带旁路母线接线 .52.1.3 高压侧主接线方案确定 .62.2 低压侧主接线方案 .73 变压器的选择 .73.1 变压器台数的确定 .83.2 变压器连接方式的选择 .83.3 变压器的选择 .84 短路计算 .94.1 计算步骤 .104.2 短路计算数据及结果 .104.2.1 短路点的确定 .104.2.2 基准值的确定 .104.2.3 电抗标幺值 .114.2.4 短路计算结果 .125 开断设备及母线 .135.1 最大持续工作电流 .135.1.1 110KV 侧 .135.1.2 10KV 侧 .145.2 断路器与隔离开关的选择 .145.2.1 110kv 侧 .14目 录5.2.2 10kv 侧 .155.3 电流互感器的选择 .175.4.1 110kv 电流互感器选择 .175.4.2 10kv 电流互感器选择 .185.4 电压互感器的选择 .195.5 导体的选择 .205.5.1 110kv 侧母线选择 .205.5.2 10kv 侧母线选择 .225.6 10KV 侧限流电抗器的选择 .255.6.1 额定值选择 .255.6.2 热稳定校验 .255.7 10KV 侧户内开关柜的选择 .256 防雷措施 .266.1 直击雷防护 .266.2 雷电波防护 .266.3 避雷器的选择 .277 总结 .28鸣 谢 .29参考文献 .30设计总说明I设计总说明本次设计为某四线城市郊区 110/10kV 降压变电站电气一次部分的初步设计,根据原始资料,以国家有关变电站设计的规程、规范及规定作为为设计依据,通过参考相关文献进行设计。在满足国家相关设计标准规程的前提下,尽量考虑当地轻工业较为发达,远期内新建工厂可能较多的实际情况。本次设计首先进行负荷计算与远景负荷预测,并通过远景负荷预测数据确定变压器可选变压器型号。然后从可靠性和经济性两个方面试选了电气主接线方案。之后通过标幺值法对变电所高压侧与低压侧进行三相短路计算,并以短路计算值为基础,选取符合使用的各种电气设备,最后简述了线路和变压器的防雷保护。本设计中待建变电站位于沿海四线城市郊区,轻工业较为发达且在远景规划期内有新建工厂计划。附近有甲乙两变电站供电,甲站距离待建变电站位置为 4.85km,乙站距离待建变电站 10.5km。各负荷同步率为 85%,线路损耗为 5%,通过统计,近期计算负荷为 44.52MVA,现有负载远景负荷为 58.78MVA,考虑到新建工厂计划,为变电站预留 15MVA 远景负荷余量,故最终远景计算负荷为 73.78MVA。110kV 侧入线是双电源供电,采用 4 条进线,其中两条为备用,接线方式采用单母线分段带旁路母线接线,母线材料选用 LGJ-400/95 钢芯铝绞线,最大持续工作电流为551.11A;开关电器选用 LW6-110/1500 SF6 断路器和 GW4-110D 隔离开关;测量仪器选用 LCWD-110 电流互感器和 JCC-110 电压互感器。10kV 侧大部分位于户内,出线处为 14 条出线,其中 2 条备用,接线方式为单母线分段接线,母线材料为 LMY12510 矩形铝导体,每相平行竖放三根导体,导体间距为 50mm。相邻相间道题间距为 125mm,相邻绝缘子跨距为 1250mm;为防止低压侧电流过大,低压侧母线加装有 XKDGKL-10/3000-5 限流电抗器;开关电器选择 ZN-12/3150-40 真空断路器与 GN10-10T/5000 隔离开关;测量仪器选用 LZZBJ8-10A 电流互感器和JDJ-10 电压互感器。室内部分的断路器,电流互感器以及避雷器均整合至 KYN28A-12高压开关柜中。变压器采用两台 SZ11-50000/110,容量为 50MVA,连接方式为YN/d11,中性点经避雷器接地。为减缓雷电波冲击带来损害,本设计中所有 110KV 母线处、10KV 母线处以及变压器高压侧中性点接地处都装有避雷器以防雷电波冲击本设计选取 Y5W-100/260 作为高压侧避雷器,Y1.5W-96/260 作为变压器高压侧中性点处避雷器,Y5WZ-17/45 作为低压侧避雷器。上述设备中,变压器的选择主要通过远景规划计算负荷进行。断路器与隔离开关的主要通过额定电压、额定电流、额定开断电流等参数进行选择,并进行动稳定、热稳定校验。电流互感器的选择通过额定一次侧额定电压,一次侧额定电流与准确级进行选择,并进行动稳定与热稳定校验。电压互感器通过一次侧额定电压进行选择。110kv 侧母线通过载流量进行选择,并进行热稳定与电晕电压校验;10KV 侧母线通过经济载流量与截面积进行选择,并进行动稳定、热稳定校验。10KV 侧户内开关柜主要根据额定电压、额定电流与额定开断电流、额定峰值耐受电流进行选择。避雷器根据额定电压进行选择。本设计中所有设备参数均符合上述选择标准。本设计仅为一次设计,并未考虑到二次设备以及继电保护相关内容;仅为理论设设计总说明II计,并未考虑到实际建设地具体地质情况。并且在设备选型方面存在设备过旧的情况,对于此类不足,在此表示诚挚的歉意。关键词:负荷运算;电气主接线;高压设备;三相短路电流;防雷保护;INTRODUCTIONIIIINTRODUCTIONThe design for a fourth-tier-city suburb of 110 / 10kV Substation buck once part of the preliminary design, based on the original information to the countries concerned substation design procedures, standards and rules as the basis for the design, the design by reference to the relevant literature. In the design criteria to meet the relevant national procedures as possible while taking into account local light industry is more developed, the new plant is far more likely during the actual situation. The design load calculation and vision were first load forecasting, and data to determine the optional transformer transformer load forecasting model by vision. And from the reliability and economy of both the test selected electrical main line scheme. Following the adoption of unit value method substation high voltage side and low side phase short circuit calculations and short circuit calculation based on the value, selected in line with the use of a variety of electrical equipment, and finally briefly lightning protection lines and transformers.The design of the substation to be built in the coastal suburb four-tier cities, light industry is more developed in the long-term planning period and have planned new plant. There are two nearby B substation power supply, A station is to be built substation location 4.85km, B station to be built from the substation 10.5km. Each synchronous load was 85%, line loss is 5%, by statistics, the recent calculation load 44.52MVA, existing load Vision load 58.78MVA, taking into account the new plant is scheduled for reserve 15MVA substation load balance perspective, it final vision computing load 73.78MVA.110kV side of the line is a dual power supply, the use of four line, including two in reserve, wiring using single busbar with bypass busbar, bus bar material selection LGJ-400/95 ACSR maximum sustained operating current 551.11A; switching equipment selection LW6-110 / 1500 SF6 circuit breakers and GW4-110D isolation switch; measuring instrument selection LCWD-110 JCC-110 current transformer and voltage transformer.10kV side mostly located indoors, at the outlet of the outlet 14, wherein two spare wiring for the single busbar connection busbar material LMY-125 10 rectangular aluminum conductors, each upright three parallel conductors, conductor pitch is 50mm. Adjacent alternate questions spacing of 125mm, adjacent insulators span of 1250mm; the low-pressure side to prevent excessive current, low-voltage side of the bus have to install XKDGKL-10 / 3000-5 current limiting reactors; electrical switches select ZN-12 / 3150-40 vacuum circuit breaker with GN10-10T / 5000 isolation switch; measuring instrument selection LZZBJ8-10A INTRODUCTIONIVJDJ-10 current transformer and voltage transformer. The indoor section of the circuit breakers, current transformers and surge arresters are integrated into KYN28A-12 in high voltage switchgear. Two transformers SZ11-50000 / 110, a capacity of 50MVA, connection of YN / d11, neutral point arrester ground.To mitigate the impact of lightning damaging the design of all 110KV busbar, 10KV bus bar and at the transformer high voltage side of the neutral grounding are equipped with lightning arresters shock waves this design Select Y5W-100/260 as a high pressure side of the lightning arrester , Y1.5W-96/260 as a high-pressure side of the neutral point of the transformer arrester, Y5WZ-17/45 as the low pressure side of the lightning arrester.The above device, the transformer, mainly through vision computing loads. The main circuit breaker and isolation switch through the rated voltage, rated current, rated breaking current and other parameters to choose, and thus stability operations, the thermal stability test. Selected by the current transformer rated primary side rated voltage, rated primary current and accuracy class selection, and further action to stabilize and the thermal stability test. Voltage transformer through a side rated voltage selection. 110kv side of the bus by carrying capacity to choose, and thermal stability of the corona voltage check; 10KV side of the bus through economic ampacity select and cross-sectional area, and thus stability operations, the thermal stability test. The inner side of 10KV indoor switchgear mainly based on the rated voltage, rated current and rated breaking current, rated peak withstand current selection. Arrester according to the rated voltage selected. The design of all device parameters are in line with the selection criteria.This design is only one design, not take into account the secondary protection devices and related content; only the theoretical design, not take into account the actual construction to the specific geological conditions. And outdated equipment in the presence of equipment selection terms, for such insufficient to express my sincere apologies.KEYWORDS: LOAD OPERATION;MAIN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION; HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPME;THREE-PHASE SHORT-CIRCUIT ANALYSIS;OVER-VOLTAGE PROTECTION;广东海洋大学 2016 届本科生毕业设计 1 某四线城市 110kv 变电站设计电气工程及其自动化,201111315123,吴迪指导教师:张瑛1 原始资料及其分析1.1 变电站基本情况与规模本次设计的变电所为 110kv 中小型降压变电所,地点位于在某四线城市城市郊区,向该市主要轻工业企业、近郊农业及生活用电供电,为终端变电所。年利用小时数 Tmax=2500 小时,在该市电力系统中主要承担三级负荷供电。该市轻工业发展较快,为此地区支柱产业,因此在设计中应考虑远景规划。附近电网分布如图 1-1 所示,由甲乙两变电站向待建变电站供电。其中甲站为220/110kv 降压变电站,系统容量 300MVA,短路容量 2000MVA。乙站位 35KV/110KV升压变电站,系统容量 73MVA,短路容量 500MVA。图 1-1 待建变电站附近电网分布图待建变电站电压等级:110/10KV,10KV 侧全部供给负荷。线路回数:进线 4 回,1 回接入甲站,1 回接入乙站,剩余两回备用;出线 14回,2 回为备用。1.2 变电站负荷情况低压侧负荷参数如表 1-1 所示。广东海洋大学 2016 届本科生毕业设计 2 表 1-1 负荷参数表负荷名称 近期最大负 荷(MW) 远景最大负荷 (MW) cos Tmax(h) 同时率 线损郊区一 2 3 0.8食品厂 2 3.5 0.8 4000变压器厂 4 5 0.78 4000棉纺厂二棉纺厂二 3 4 0.75 5500印染厂一印染厂二 4 5 0.78 5500柴油机厂一柴油机厂二 4 5 0.8 5500水泥厂 3 4 0.8 3500机修厂 3 4 0.75 3000汽修厂 3 4 0.885%备用一备用二 5%1.3 负荷计算按照表 1-1 给出的负荷数据,变电所负载侧计算负荷为 1:(1-1)%)(cosn1itapKSC同时率,资料中各负荷


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