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概 述石油开发到一定阶段后,油层压力下降,油井停止自喷,因而采用机械采油方法继续开采。世界各产油国都广泛应用有杆泵抽油的方法进行采油。有杆泵抽油装置是由地面的抽油机、井下的抽油泵及抽油杆柱所组成。抽油机是有杆泵采油装置的重要地面设备,是一种把动力机的连续圆周运动变成抽油杆柱及抽油泵柱塞的往复直线运动,从而将地下原油开采出来的机械设备。所以说抽油机是有杆泵采油中十分重要的设备之一。抽油机的种类较多,概括起来可分为以下几种:按有无游梁可分为游梁式抽油机和无梁式抽油机;按结构型式可分为常规型游梁式抽油机、前置型游梁抽油机、偏置型游梁抽油机和异相型游梁式抽油机。本篇论文设计的便是 CYJY10-4.2-70BH 型异相型游梁式抽油机。异相型游梁式抽油机的设计思路有三个方面:首先,扩大抽油机冲程长度以提高泵效。异相型游粮式抽油机由于用变径圆弧形的后驴头代替了常规机的游梁后臂,游梁与横梁之间采用柔性件连接,使其主结构在常规机四杆机构的基础上发生了质的飞跃,而变成了“变参数四杆机构” 。这种特殊四杆结构工作时,其游梁后臂有效长度、连杆长度随其曲柄转角的变化而变化,不但改善了四杆机构的异型机工作中受“死角”制约的程度放宽,因而可以采用适当增大游梁摆角的方法来实现抽油机的长冲程;其次,改善平衡效果以降低能耗。异相型游梁式抽油机是以常规机为基础模式,从改变抽油机的扭矩因数入手,通过改变抽油机的结构,实现“加强抽油机的平衡效果以降低净扭矩峰值和能耗;扩大抽油机的冲程以提高泵效和综合技术指标” ;再次,能够满足不同粘度原油开采的需要。异相型游梁式抽油机设计时,在考虑和优化“变参数四杆机构”动力特性、传动特性的同时,巧妙地考虑了悬点上下冲程所占用曲柄转角的问题,从而使异型机在曲柄正转时上冲程曲柄转角大于 180,曲柄反转时上冲程转角小于180即靠改变曲柄的转向可实现“慢上快下”和“慢下快上”两种工作方式。summaryOil development get sure stage, the reservoir pressure drops, the oil well stops blowing, adopt machinery recover the oil the method continue and is exploited. World produce oil national capital use and have pole pump release method of oil recover the oil extensively each. Have pole pump to pump oil device by to pump oil machine, releasing oil pump and pump pole post of oil make up in the pit ground.Release oil machine have pole pump recover the oil the important ground equipment of the device , it is one that turn continuous circular motion of generator into and pump oil pole post and release oil pump to be that post fill to reciprocate rectilinear motion, thus the mechanical equipment exploiting the underground crude oil out. So say that there are pole pumps one of the very important equipment while recovering the oil to pump the oil machine. There is more kind of pumping oil machine can be divided into the following several kinds: According to visit roof beam can divide into person who visits roof beam release oil machine and have roof beam type release the oil machine; According to structure pattern can divide into routine visit roof beam pump oil of, the leading type to visit roof beam last oil, setovering type visit there arent roof beam .Page this that thesis design to visit CYJY-4.2-70BH roof beam type release the oil machine different looks type. Different looks type visit roof beam type mentality of designing of releasing oil machine have 3: First of all, expand the length of stroke of the oil pumping machine in order to improve the pump result. Different looks type visit grain type pump oil machine because with horse head replace to visit arm after the roof beam routine machine behind turning into foot-path circular, visit roof beam and crossbeam adopt flexibility pieces of connection, make his main structure the qualitative leap has taken place on the basis of four organizations of the routine machine, and has turned into “ turning into four organizations of parameter “. Such special four structure when working, it visit arm effective length, length of connecting rod vary with its crank of corners after the roof beam, Improve four abnormal shape machine of organization degree that work is limite by “ dead angle“ relax, Can adopt proper to increase and visit roof beam method to put angle realize the long stroke of the oil pumping machine; Secondly, improve the balance result in order to reduce energy consumption Different looks type visit roof beam type release oil machine to based on routine machine mode, from change torsion factor of oil releasing machine start with ,Through changing the structure of the oil pumping machine, realize that “ strengthens the balance result of the oil pumping machine in order to reduce the net torsion peak value and energy consumption; he stroke of expanding the oil pumping machine is in order to improve the pump result and comprehensive technical indicator “; Moreover, can meet the need not exploited with the viscidity crude oil . When design the different looks type visit roof beam type pump oil machine, in consider and optimize while “turnning parameter into four organization “ power characteristic, drive characteristic, consider and hang some about stroke crank issue of corner taken ingenious, so Go to the crank corner of the stroke to greater than 180 in the natural rotation of the crank in abnormal shape machine ,Crank pay stroke corner lighter than 180 when overturning ,namely by change transformation of crank can realize “ slow to have and lay soon “ and “ slow to lay and go to soon “ two kinds of working ways.目 录1.前言 -2.原始数据 -3.抽油机主要零件尺寸的设计计算 -4.运动学计算-5.油机主要零件的强度校核 -6.参考文献 -第一部分 前言1.抽油机的一般知识随着油田开发的推移,我国大多数油田都己进入开发的中后期,逐渐丧失自喷能力,基本上已从自喷转入机采。80 年代初,我国拥有机采油井 2 万口,占油井总数的 573,机采原油产量占总产量的 27。到 80 年代末,我国拥有机采油井 3 万口,占油井总数的 85,饥采原油产量占总产量的 80。在这些机采油井中,采用抽油机有杆式抽油占 90,采用电潜泵、水力活塞泵、射流泵、气举等其它无杆式抽油只占 10。美国拥有生产油井 50 万口,是世界上拥有油井数量最多的国家,其中 927为机采油井,有杆式抽泊占机采油井的85。目前,美国拥有抽油机 40 万台,原油产量近 4 亿 t,其中机采原油产量占 91。前苏联拥有生产油井 7 万口,其中 846为机采油井,有杆式抽油占饥采油井的 80。随着油田进一步开发,机采泊并的比重将进一步加大,其中主要采用有杆式柏油。由此可见,抽油机在石油工业中具有举足轻重、非同小可的重要地位。抽油机是构成三抽”系统的主要设备,是有秆式抽油的地面动力设备。在抽油机的驱动下,通过抽油杆带动并厂抽油泵往复运动,实现石油的采收。一、抽油机的分类抽油机主要分游梁式抽油机和无梁式抽油机两大类。游梁式抽油机的具体分类如下:按结构型式可分为:常规型、前置型、偏置型、斜井式、低矮式、活动式按减速器传动方式可分为:齿轮式、链条式、皮带式、行星轮式;按驴头结构可分为:上翻式、侧转式、分装式、整体式、旋转式、大轮式、双驴头式、异驴头按平衡方式可分为:游梁平衡 Y,曲柄平衡 B、复合平衡F、天平平衡 T、液力平衡、气动平衡、差动平衡;按驱动方式可分:普通异步电机驱动、多速异步电机驱动、变压异步电机驱动,大转差率电机驱动,超过转差率电机驱动、天然气发动机驱动、柴油机驱动。无游梁式抽油机因其机理不同,结构各异,尚无确定的分类方法和准则,一般可分为:低矮式:其特点是整机低矮;滚筒式(沉入式):其持征是无曲柄连杆机构,以绞车滚筒为主体其上缠绕柔性件,一端悬硅杆泵,一端悬挂平衡重。悬绳器和平衡重均沉没于地下故这种抽油机又称沉入式或鼠洞式抽油机;塔架式:其特点是具有高耸的立架,类似钻机井架。塔架高度与冲程长度相谐;常规式:其特点是具有带传动、减速器的曲柯连杆机构,以实现悬点的往复直线运动及换向;缸式抽油机:其特点是以压力油缸或气动柱塞来驱动杆系上下往复运动增程式(又称增距式):其特点是具倍升机构,以实现悬点冲程的放大,链条式:其持点是以链条传动来传递动力;皮带式:其特点是以皮带传动来传递动力;绳索式:其持点是以钢丝绳来传递动力;此外还有许多其它型式的无游梁抽油机。二、抽油机的工况条件抽油


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