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第二章 形容词形容词即 strong, attractive 等描述性的词汇,在句中主要作定语修饰名词,同时还可作表语、宾语补足语等成分第一节 形容词修饰名词形容词最主要的功能就是修饰名词,如:modern art, electric current, great responsibility;这一考点在 TOEFL 改错题占有相当的比例,几乎每套题都包含一道以上的题目考形容词修饰名词,主要形式是将本应该使用形容词的位置误用为名词、副词等 例题:(1) The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival.A B C D 答案:C应改为:certain. 解释:certainty 是名词, 意为确定性, 不能修饰名词, 改为形容词 certain, 表示某些 (2) Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities.A B C D 答案:C应改为:visual. 解释:vision 是名词, 不能修饰名词 qualities, 要用它的形容词 注意 1:大多数形容词既可以做定语也可以做表语, 有少数形容词一般情况下只能做表语, 比较下面两句话:The man was awake.There was an awake man. (此句错误, awake 不能做定语)这类形容词包括: alone, afraid, alike, alert, aware, alive, ashamed, content, unable 例题:(1) Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means A B Cof on-the-spot, alive reports. D 答案: D应改为:live (adj. 现场的, 实况转播的)解释:alive 不能做定语, 只能做表语,所以应该改为 live reports (现场报道) (2) Alike ethnographers, ethnohistorians make systematic observations, but they also A B Cgather data from documentary and oral sources.D答案: A应改为:like解释:alike 不能做定语, 只能做表语; alike/like 是 TOEFL 改错中常考的考点 注意 2:形容词词组修饰名词时要发生后置现象, 避免产生头重脚轻的感觉.如:a room bare of furniture, the form dependent of the contents 等, 注意 3:形容词修饰名词的语序也是 TOEFL 考点之一。 当多个形容词(甚至包括指示代词, 冠词和所有格)并列放置于名词之前时, 它们之间就存在着谁排在前面, 谁排在后面的问题, 一般来说:这个排序的规则是: 冠词(a, an, the)/所有格(my, your 等)/指示代词(this, that 等) + 数量形容词 + 描述性形容词 + 名词如: two young American studentsmy three red pencils第二节 比较级英文中形容词在进行比较时需变为比较级,主要有两种形式:在词尾加-er (单音节形容词),如:fast-faster, large-larger, busy-busier, big-bigger 等;或在词前加 more (多音节形容词),如:more useful, more complex 等少数词比较级形式特殊,如:good(well)-better, bad(ill)-worse, many(much)-more, little-less, far-farther(更远的)/further(更进一步的),考点一 含有标志词 than 1最常见的比较级句式是由连词 than 引导比较的对象,如:It takes less time to go there by air than by train.She possesses more books than I do.He is more intelligent than I expected.than 可视为比较级的标志词,在填空题中,空后含有 than 的, 通常空格处需要填比较级,空格前含有比较级的,通常空格处需要填 than 引导的从句。 例题:(1) Maine has - weather than most of the other states in the continental United States.(A) coolest(B) the coolest(C) cooler(D) the cooler 答案:A解释:标志词 than 意味着应用比较级,A, B 可先排除;D 多 the; 只有 A 正确 (2) Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has.A B C D 答案:A应改为:more解释:标志词 than 表明此句应用比较级,而不是最高级 2为避免重复,than 之后的从句中有些成分可以省略,只把相比的部分突出出来:情况 1: 用指示代词 that, those 来代替省略的部分, 如:The population of China is much larger than that of Great Britain.(that 指代 the population)His designs won more acclaim than those of his fellow colleagues.(those 指代 designs) 情况 2: 在省略的过程中,若 than 之后从句的谓语部分相同, 比较的是主语部分, 那么谓语部分通常用助动词 do 来代替, 并且习惯上将从句主语和助动词倒装 (do + 主语)如:The actors usually capture greater attention than do the playwrights who may probably contribute more to the success of a play. 例题: Mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain - other animals.(A) than do(B) that are having(C) which have(D) that do 答案:A解释:空格前出现了形容词比较级,空格后是比较对象,应由 than 连接,选项中只有 A 符合条件,其中由助动词 do 引起了一个小倒装考点二 (not) so /asas 比较级特殊句式(not)so/asas 表示“如同一样、不如”等意思,其结构和 than 句式相仿,但asas 之间的形容词必须用原形,而且 asas 必须搭配使用,如:It is as good as it looks.The boss is not so bad-tempered as you have described. 填空题中常给出句子的一部分(第一个 as),要求填出相搭配的部分(第二个 as),一定要形成对这种搭配句式的敏感。例题:(1) The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as -.(A) possibly little nourishment(B) nourishment possibly little(C) little as possible nourishment(D) little nourishment as possible 答案:D解释:空格处需要动词 have 的宾语,同时包含 asas 句式,A、B 都缺少与 as 搭配的结构,C 语序有误,均可排除。D 中 asas possible, 为固定用法, 意为“尽可能”. (2) There is evidence that prehistoric humans used fire - 400,000 B.C.(A) so early(B) the earliest(C) as early as(D) so early that 答案:C解释:依句意空格处需要“早在”这一意思的正确表达,只有 C 符合题意,用的是比较级特殊句式as.as考点三 the sameas 此句式也常用来表示“和一样”,the same 和 as 既可连用,也可分开使用,如:She looks just the same as before.I got the same feeling as you did.改错题中常将此句式误用为 the samelike /than, 要练就一双火眼金睛将其识别出来 例题:(1) Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, but they have heavier bodies, A B Cshorter tails, and longer bills.D答案:B应改为:as. 解释:the same as 是固定搭配, 表示“与一样” (2) Due to sophisticated transportation networks, people can now buy the same types of A B perishable goods in Toronto like in New York City.C D答案:D应改为:as解释:与 the same 相搭配的只有 as, like 不行考点四 the more,the more 此句式常表示“越越”,more 在此处泛指比较级,此句式的特点是前后两句以逗号隔开,句子结构平行,而且谓语动词一致时,为避免重复常进行省略,如:The more she slept, the less comfortable she felt.The greater the size, the easier it is for you to spot.填空题中常需填入两个分句之一,因此看到 the more 结构,要注意选与其结构相近的另一半 the more 句式 例题:(1) The greater the population there is in a locality, -for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.(A) the greater the need there is(B) greater need(C) is there great need(D) the great need 答案:A 解释:这是典型的 “the more,the more” 句式 , 意为 “越 , 越” 其逗号前后两部分结构要平行, 而且后一句可以不倒装, A 完全符合要求. C D 都缺少此固定句式所要求的第二个比较级; B 少定冠词 the. 此句亦可改写为: If there is greater population in a locality, there will be greater need for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. (2) The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, - to the body.(A) the stress it is greater(B) greater is the stress(C) greater stress is(D) the greater the stress 答案:D 解释:此句涉及比较级的特殊句式 the more., the more., 此句式要求前后结构平行,当谓语一致时,后面的可省略,符合要求的只有 D考点五 no longer /notany longer no longer /notany longer 和 no more/notany more 都表示“不再”, 如:He no longer smokes. / He doesnt smoke any longer.注意 no longer /notany longer 不要混用,no more /notany more 同理,这一句式在改错题中出现。例题:(1) Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the forties, radio A B continues to be a medium of essential communication, especially at the local level.C D 答案:A应改为:no longer. 解释:根据句意此处应为否定“不再是 ”,英文中有两种方式表达此意, no longer / not.any longer, 此句只能采用前者, 若用后者语序应为: it is not the big business that it was in the forties any longer第三节 最高级考点一 最高级的形式 一、英文中表示最的概念时,形容词要变为最高级,其形式主要有两种:在词尾加-est (单音节形容词), 如:low-lowest, late-latest, lucky-luckiest, fit-fittest;或在词之前加 most (多音节形容词), 如:most important, most sensitive少数词最高级形式特殊,如:good(well)-best, bad(ill)-worst, many(much)-most, little-least, etc. TOEFL 经常会出现这样的搭配: most highest, 这是不对的,hightest 已经是最高级,前面当然不能在加 most. 例题:(1) The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular A Bdish with a small pocket at the bottom. D 答案:A应改为:easiest. 解释:easiest 本身已是最高级, most 纯属画蛇添足, 应去掉 二、没有等级的形容词有些形容词本身就具有“比.年长”、“ 比.优越”等含义,因此也就没有比较级和最高级。比如: inferior, superior, senior, anterior。这些形容词往往和 to 连用,而不和 than 连用。 有些形容词本身就具备“最、极”的含义,所以就没有最高级和比较级。如:absolute(绝对的), unique(独一无二的), infinite(无限的), round(圆的), right(对的), correct(正确的), wrong(错误的), perfect(完美的),这类形容词往往被称为绝对形容词 例题:Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a - place in English literature.(A) most unique(B) unique(C) least unique(D)very unique 答案: B考点二 最高级前的限定词 (1) 形容级做定语时, 最高级前通常要加定冠词 the ,如:the most important thing, the biggest elephant但当最高级前有物主代词时,不需加 the, 如:my latest hobby, her most interesting experience (2) 形容词作表语时,最高级前通常不加限定词如:She looks happiest whenever you are around.Excuse me, but Im busiest at the moment. 例题:(1) Of all the Native Americans in the United States, the Navajos form largest group.A B C D 答案: D应改为: form the largest 解释: largest 是最高级, 作 group 的定语, 之前必须加定冠词 the考点三 范围词 伴随最高级出现的往往有表示范围的词或短语,常用 of 或 among 或 in 引导, 表示“在.之中”。 如:of all, in the world, in the country 等, 在填空题的题干中包含表示范围的词时,空格处需填最高级 例题:(1) The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2, 020 mile


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