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猩球崛起 中英双语字幕文本格式文件很好给你 Hey, okay . now. 再来一次 lets go again. - 这是哪一只,九号, Which ones this, number? - 没错,九号,慧眼 - Yeah, number . Bright eyes. 你看到了吗, Are you watching this? 太不可思议了 This, this is unbelieveable. 上帝啊 Oh, my God. 上帝啊 Oh, my God. - 一共多少步, How many moves was that? - 最优算法是步 The perfect score is . 天,你到底给她喂了什么, God, what, what are you giving her? 喂,把录像给我 Hey, give me that video! 九号黑猩猩,只注射了一支 Chimp number , just one dose. - 没见我忙着吗, Couldnt I see you later? - 我们准备好了 - Were good to go. 我一会儿给你打回去 Im going to call you back. Yeah, 嗯,谢谢,再见 all right. Thanks, Bye. 型药剂,成功了 , it works. - 就在一只身上成功了, On just the one primate? - 一只就足够了 - One is all we need. 智力完全复原 Full cognitive recovery. 我们准备好了 Were ready 你确定不会太冒进, Look, are you sure youre not rushing this? 我已经试验了五年半 Ive been working on this for five and a half years. 你一看数据便知,我们准备好了,史蒂芬 The data is clear. Were ready, Steven. 只要你同意人体实验即可 All I need is your approval for human trials. 这得要董事会同意才行 Oh, for this, youre going to need the Boards approval. 我们在这上面押了很多钱,威尔 Theres a lot of money riding on this, Will. - 你只有一次机会 You only get one shot. - 一次足矣 - One shot is all I need. 好,整理报告给我看 All right. Ill need to see all the research. 没问题 You got it! - 还有,威尔 Oh, and Will . - 嗯, - Yeah? 不要把个人感情带进来 Keep your personal emotions out of it. 老板们只看结果,别谈什么理想 These people invest in results, not dreams. 好 Okay! 这是九号黑猩猩,她正在做汉诺塔游戏 Meet chimp . Here shes tasking at what is called the Lucas Tower. 铁盘在柱子之间移动 The object of which is to move the tower from peg to peg 且大盘子不能压在小盘子上面 without placing a larger block on top of a smaller block. 跟我们预想的一样,她失败了 As expected, she was unable to complete the puzzle at all. 然后我们对她进行了基因治疗 Then, we gave her what we call, 药剂名叫 ALZ- ALZ-, a gene therapy 它能使脑细胞自我修复 that allows the brain to create its own cells in order to repair itself. 这在生物学上称为神经形成 In biology, this is called neurogenesis. 基因系统公司认为 Here, at GEN-SYS, 它能治愈老年痴呆症 we call it a cure to Alzheimers. - 唐尼,让她准备好,行吗, Donnie, you get her ready? - 她应该是怯场了 - Shes got stage fright. 真的吗, Is that what it is? 喂,猩猩 Hey, ape. 她会扯断我的胳膊的 Shes gonna break my arm! 慧眼放手 Bright Eyes! Let go! 没事吧, Are you all right? 我们已经准备好进入下个阶段 Were ready to move on to the next phase. 人体实验 Human trials. 给你,慧眼,你最喜欢的泡沫苏打 Here you go, Bright Eyes. Its your favorite fizzy soda. 准备好,唐尼 Come on, lets go, Donnie. 她应该出场了 We should have her downstairs already. 很好,乖 Okay. Good girl! 来啊,小姑娘,没事的 Come on out, girl, thats right. 给你的 Thats for you. 抓住了 Got her! 天呐 Jesus! 唐尼把笼子打开快打开 Donnie, open the cage! Open up! Open up! 我用镇定剂 Going to sedate her! - 天呐 No, no! - 快关门 - Get the door! 快抓住它,快 No, no! Hold it! Now! 快叫人唐尼,唐尼 Call help! Donnie, Donnie! 对于型药剂,我们没有发现任何副作用 There have been absolutely no side effects associated 只是观察到 with , with one exception. 猩猩的虹膜出现了绿点 the chimps irises exhibit flecks of green. 我们也是在九号猩猩身上首次发现的 Actually, we first noticed it in chimp , 所以我们叫她慧眼 hence her nickname, Bright Eyes. 待会儿你们就能看到她了 Youll see when we bring her in. 快跑 Move! 理论上,这种疗法可以治疗多种脑部疾病 In theory, this therapy can be used 可以说前途无限 to treat a wide range of brain disorders. 钱途也是无限 Its virtually limitless. As are the potential profits. 所以我们相信 which is why we are confident that 大家会同意人体实验的 you will vote to approve human trials. 天呐,快跑 No, no, no! 雅各布斯先生,我求你了 Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Jacobs I am begging you, 我求你了,别这样 I am begging you, not to do this. 听着,给这些猩猩都做一遍检查 Look, it costs a small fortune to 是要花不少钱的 run lab workups on all of those chimps 况且结果我现在已经知道 only to tell me what I already know, 它们被感染了 that they are contaminated. 这都是生命啊 There are lives at stake here. 这些动物是有灵性的 These, these are animals with personalities, 我们已经有了感情 with attachments. - 感情, Attachments? - 是的 - Yeah. 我是做生意的,不是开宠物乐园的 I run a a business, not a petting zoo. 用最省钱的办法把它们处理了吧 Find the most cost effective way to put those apes down. 我下不了手 I cant do that. 你就是负责处理猩猩的 Youre the chimp handler. 处理好 Handle it. 史蒂芬 Steven! 表演很不错 Well, that was fun! 他们拿走了药剂 Theyve taken the . 董事会拒绝了你的提议 Board has rejected your proposal. 他们决定投资其他项目 Theyve chosen to advance other programs. 你一定还有办法的 Well, there must be something that you can do. 没错,比如炒了你 Yes. There is, I could fire you. 相信我,都说好的 Believe me, we talked about it. 五年实实在在的数据 We have five years of conclusive data. 你就卖弄你的数据吧 Parade all the data you want, 没人再会投资一分钱了 you will never convince anyone to invest another dime. 这种药剂可能可以救人命啊 This drug has the potential to save lives! 我怎么觉得它只能让公司倒闭 Bankrupt this company, more like. 在我看来,你还是不了解人脑运作的机制 I swear, you know everything about the human brain 回到黑板前去吧 except the way it works. 再从分子重新开始研究 Go back to the drawing board on the . 别被别人抢先了 Start again in molecular development. 还有,给我收拾好实验室 Find a way to get therebefore someone else does.And, clean up this mess. 富兰克林 Franklin! 它还小,可能九号进来时已经怀孕了 Its very small. She must have been pregnant when we brought her in 所以她 . So thats why . 她并非突然狂躁,而是在保护孩子 She wasnt being aggressive. She was just being protective. 她以为我们要伤害她的孩子 She thought we were going to hurt her baby. 我本想带走它 I would take it myself, 但我姐夫是这里的保安,我不能害他 but my brother-in-law works for security. Hed rat me out in a seceond. 你想让我带回家, What, you want me to take it home? 我可照顾不了猴子 I cant take care of a monkey. - 他不是猴子,是猩猩 Hes not a monkey! Hes an ape. - 富兰克林 - Franklin . 你就照顾他几天 ou know, its just for a couple days until 我很快就会找到收留所,拜托了 I find a sanctuary. Thats all I need. 别啊,富兰克林 Franklin, no! 这不是我的职责 Look, this isnt my responsibility. 而且这是公家的东西 This, this is company property. 好吧 Okay . 实话跟你说,博士 I tell you what, Doc. 雅各布斯让我处理掉剩下的只 Jacobs made me put down the other . 我不干了 Im done. 悉听尊便 Be my guest. - 你很累的样子 Hey! - 嗯,他怎样, - Oh, hi. 老样子,时好时坏 You look beat. - Yeah. Hows he doing? - Well, he has good days and bad days. 今天虽然不是很好 Today, not so good, although he 但也说了几句莎士比亚的台词 has been quoting Shakespeare. 噢,养宠物了, Oh, you got a pet? 呃,只是临时收留 Uh, its just a temporary house guest. 也许能跟他做个伴 Well, maybe thatll be good for him. 晚安 Good night! (献给敬爱的音乐老师:查尔斯?罗德曼先discordant piano playing 生) 嗨,老爸 Hi, Dad! 爸, Dad? 威尔没听见你进来 Will! I didnt hear you come in. 是今天吧, Todays the day, right? 以为我忘了, You thought Id forget? 你今天有重要考试对吧, You have a big test today, right? 化学, Chemistry? 呃,爸 Hey, Dad . - 要不要看样东西, You want to see something? - 什么, - What? 怎么了,他受伤了, What is that? Is he injured? 不,应该是胎记 No, I think thats a birthmark. “可是对于凯撒,他只有跪伏惊叹的份” “As for Caesar, kneel down, (莎士比亚作品埃及艳后,第三幕台词) kneel down and wonder!“ 嗯,别玩出感情来了 Yeah, dont get too attached. 真可爱,是吧, Hes a cute little guy, isnt he? 我的车钥匙呢, Wheres my car keys? 你把我车钥匙放哪里去了, My car keys, whered you put em? 爸,你已经不再开车了 Dad, . you a, you dont drive anymore. 我知道 I know that. 给你 Here . 给他喂奶,你会吧, Why dont you feed him. Can you do that? 什么话,当然 Of course, I can. 威尔你来看 Will! . Look at this! 他几岁了,一天还是两天, How old is he? Like, a day old? Two days old? 嗯 Yeah . 他很聪明,是吧, Hes a smart one, isnt he? 你准备叫他什么, What are you going to name him? 我还没想过 I do not know . (三年后) Three years later 很快,凯撒就显示出超乎一般的智商 Right away, Caesar displayed signs of intelligence heightened intelligence, 于是我留下了他,同时把工作带回了家 so I kept him. And, brought my work home. 他十八个月时便认识了个单词 By months, Caesar was signing up to words. 两岁时,他已经在玩为八岁以上小孩设计的 By age two, 玩具 Caesar completing puzzles and models designed for children eight years and up. 三岁时 At age three, 凯撒的认知能力 Caesar continues to show cognative skills 已经完全超越同龄的人类 that far exceed that of his human counterpart. 家家 Home . home. 他步就能完成汉诺塔,最优算法 He completed the Lucas Tower in moves, a perfect score. 对此我认为,他虹膜里的绿色 I maintain my hypothesis that: A. The green in his eyes indicate 表明他从母亲身上遗传了 ALZ- that the ALZ- was passed genetically from mother to son 并且在没有受损脑细胞需要修补的情况下 and, B. That in the absence of damaged cells that need to be replacing 这种药剂能够极大加速正常脑细胞的发育 the drug in his system has radically boosted healthy brain functioning. 另外 And, . 他棋下得很好 he plays chess pretty well. 爸 shouting Dad! - 不好意思 Im sorry. - 我受够了 - I cant do this, anymore. 他应该去养老院 He belongs in a home. 他活不了多久


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