《新标准英语》三年级起点第四册 module2 unit1优秀教学案例_第1页
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新标准英语三年级起点第四册 Module2 Unit1 优秀教学案例一、 教学内容1、 新单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 新句子 London is the capital of England.And its very big.二、 教学目的1、 能听说、认读本课的七个单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 能朗读本课的对话。3、 使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。三、 教学重难点1、 本课的新单词。2、 本课句型的运用。四、 教学用具1、 教师自制的关于伦敦的书。2、 卡片、CAI 课件、录音机、录音带。五、 教学步骤 Warming upListen to the song “London Bridge is falling down.”(学生一边拍手一边唱) Presentation.(一) 老师手持一本自制的关于伦敦的书问同学们T: Whats this?Ss: Its a book.T: Yeah, its a book. Its a book about “London”.一本关于伦敦的书。出示单词卡片 a book about London 领读几遍,然后让学生个别回答,并给予表扬。 (You are very good at something. You are very clever. A clever boy or girl.)T: Do you know London?Ss: Yes.T: Who can tell me something about London? Please put up your hands.S1: 伦敦是英国的首都。T: Yeah, London is the capital of England.(电脑大屏幕出示伦敦的图片,老师指着图片上的文字领读。)T: Follow me, please.Capital, capital, London is the capital.T: Who knows anything else about London?Ss: London 很大。T: Yes, London is very big.T: And it is very beautiful.(大屏幕出示beautiful的单词卡片)Now please look at here and read after me. Beautiful, beautiful. Then ask some single student to read it one by one.T: Please follow me. London is the capital. Big and beautiful.(二)大屏幕呈现白金汉宫的图片。T: Oh, whats this? Do you know? It is a palace.Its Buckingham Palace. (领读)Now let have a travel in Buckingham Palace. This is Buckingham Palace Square. This is Buckingham Palace Gate. How do you feel about them?S1: Its very big.S2: Its very beautiful.T: Yes, its very big and very beautiful. But do you know whose house is it? Is it Amys house?Ss: No, it isnt.T: Its the Queens house.(Show the picture.) Read after me, please. The Queens house. The Queens house.T: Now look at the screen. Now look at another house and answer my question.(1) Is it big? Ss: No, it isnt. Its small.(2) Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.(3) Is it the Queens house? Ss: No, it isnt. Its Amys house.T: Yeah, Amys house is small, but its very beautiful. Buckingham Palace is big and beautiful, too. Now lets play a game. And lets see which group is winner?( a game- pass word 1 Its Buckingham Palace. 2 Its a book of London. 3 Its the Queens house. 4 Its the capital of England.)(三)T: Okay, boys and girls. Lets look at the screen again.PICTURE1: This is England. And this is London. London is the capital of England. Its very big.PICTURE2: This is Buckingham Palace. Its very big and very beautiful. Its the Queens house.PICTURE3: This is Amys house. Its small, but its very beautiful.T: Now, boys and girls try your best to talk about these pictures with your deskmates. (After a few minutes) Who wants to come to the front, to point and say?(四)1、T: Amy and Lingling are reading the book about London. Lets see what they are talking about. Watch the screen again.2、Now lets listen and point. I will read the dialogue, you point them.3、Now, lets listen, point and say.4、Act it in groups. SummaryNow boys and girls, lets look at the screen.A rhyme.Whats this? Whats this?Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace.Whats this? Whats this?The Queens house. The Queens house.Whats this? Whats this?Amys house. Amys house.Its small, but beautiful.Beautiful, beautiful.The most beautiful one is the capital. Homework1. 自己从网上搜索白金汉宫的资料。2. 设计一本 A book about 泉州的画册。一、 教学内容1、 新单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 新句子 London is the capital of England.And its very big.二、 教学目的1、 能听说、认读本课的七个单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 能朗读本课的对话。3、 使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。三、 教学重难点1、 本课的新单词。2、 本课句型的运用。四、 教学用具1、 教师自制的关于伦敦的书。2、 卡片、CAI 课件、录音机、录音带。五、 教学步骤 Warming upListen to the song “London Bridge is falling down.”(学生一边拍手一边唱) Presentation.(一) 老师手持一本自制的关于伦敦的书问同学们T: Whats this?Ss: Its a book.T: Yeah, its a book. Its a book about “London”.一本关于伦敦的书。出示单词卡片 a book about London 领读几遍,然后让学生个别回答,并给予表扬。 (You are very good at something. You are very clever. A clever boy or girl.)T: Do you know London?Ss: Yes.T: Who can tell me something about London? Please put up your hands.S1: 伦敦是英国的首都。T: Yeah, London is the capital of England.(电脑大屏幕出示伦敦的图片,老师指着图片上的文字领读。)T: Follow me, please.Capital, capital, London is the capital.T: Who knows anything else about London?Ss: London 很大。T: Yes, London is very big.T: And it is very beautiful.(大屏幕出示beautiful的单词卡片)Now please look at here and read after me. Beautiful, beautiful. Then ask some single student to read it one by one.T: Please follow me. London is the capital. Big and beautiful.(二)大屏幕呈现白金汉宫的图片。T: Oh, whats this? Do you know? It is a palace.Its Buckingham Palace. (领读)Now let have a travel in Buckingham Palace. This is Buckingham Palace Square. This is Buckingham Palace Gate. How do you feel about them?S1: Its very big.S2: Its very beautiful.T: Yes, its very big and very beautiful. But do you know whose house is it? Is it Amys house?Ss: No, it isnt.T: Its the Queens house.(Show the picture.) Read after me, please. The Queens house. The Queens house.T: Now look at the screen. Now look at another house and answer my question.(1) Is it big? Ss: No, it isnt. Its small.(2) Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.(3) Is it the Queens house? Ss: No, it isnt. Its Amys house.T: Yeah, Amys house is small, but its very beautiful. Buckingham Palace is big and beautiful, too. Now lets play a game. And lets see which group is winner?( a game- pass word 1 Its Buckingham Palace. 2 Its a book of London. 3 Its the Queens house. 4 Its the capital of England.)(三)T: Okay, boys and girls. Lets look at the screen again.PICTURE1: This is England. And this is London. London is the capital of England. Its very big.PICTURE2: This is Buckingham Palace. Its very big and very beautiful. Its the Queens house.PICTURE3: This is Amys house. Its small, but its very beautiful.T: Now, boys and girls try your best to talk about these pictures with your deskmates. (After a few minutes) Who wants to come to the front, to point and say?(四)1、T: Amy and Lingling are reading the book about London. Lets see what they are talking about. Watch the screen again.2、Now lets listen and point. I will read the dialogue, you point them.3、Now, lets listen, point and say.4、Act it in groups. SummaryNow boys and girls, lets look at the screen.A rhyme.Whats this? Whats this?Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace.Whats this? Whats this?The Queens house. The Queens house.Whats this? Whats this?Amys house. Amys house.Its small, but beautiful.Beautiful, beautiful.The most beautiful one is the capital. Homework1. 自己从网上搜索白金汉宫的资料。2. 设计一本 A book about 泉州的画册。一、 教学内容1、 新单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 新句子 London is the capital of England.And its very big.二、 教学目的1、 能听说、认读本课的七个单词 London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、 能朗读本课的对话。3、 使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。三、 教学重难点1、 本课的新单词。2、 本课句型的运用。四、 教学用具1、 教师自制的关于伦敦的书。2、 卡片、CAI 课件、录音机、录音带。五、 教学步骤 Warming upListen to the song “London Bridge is falling down.”(学生一边拍手一边唱) Presentation.(一) 老师手持一本自制的关于伦敦的书问同学们T: Whats this?Ss: Its a book.T: Yeah, its a book. Its a book about “London”.一本关于伦敦的书。出示单词卡片 a book about London 领读几遍,然后让学生个别回答,并给予表扬。 (You are very good at something. You are very clever. A clever boy or girl.)T: Do you know London?Ss: Yes.T: Who can tell me something about London? Please put up your hands.S1: 伦敦是英国的首都。T: Yeah, London is the capital of England.(电脑大屏幕出示伦敦的图片,老师指着图片上的文字领读。)T: Follow me, please.Capital, capital, London is the capital.T: Who knows anything else about London?Ss: London 很大。T: Yes, London is very big.T: And it is very beautiful.(大屏幕出示beautiful的单词卡片)Now please look at here and read after me. Beautiful, beautiful. Then ask some single student to read it one by one.T: Please follow me. London is the capital. Big and beautiful.(二)大屏幕呈现白金汉宫的图片。T: Oh, whats this? Do you know? It is a palace.Its Buckingham Palace. (领读)Now let have a travel in Buckingham Palace. This is Buckingham Palace Square. This is Buckingham Palace Gate. How do you feel about them?S1: Its very big.S2: Its very beautiful.T: Yes, its very big and very beautiful. But do you know whose house is it? Is it Amys house?Ss: No, it isnt.T: Its the Queens house.(Show the picture.) Read after me, please. The Queens house. The Queens house.T: Now look at the screen. Now look at another house and answer my question.(1) Is it big? Ss: No, it isnt. Its small.(2) Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.(3) Is it the Queens house? Ss: No, it isnt. Its Amys house.T: Yeah, Amys house is small, but its very beautiful. Buckingham Palace is big and beautiful, too. Now lets play a game. And lets see which group is winner?( a game- pass word 1 Its Buckingham Palace. 2 Its a book of London. 3 Its the Queens house. 4 Its the capital of England.)(三)T: Okay, boys and girls. Lets look at the screen again.PICTURE1: This is England. And this i


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