已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




第 1 页Unit 1 This is my day.Part A Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、认真听录音并跟读三遍下列短语,用记号笔标出你不会读的词语。1. have English class. 2. do morning exercises. 3. eat breakfast. 4. eat dinner. 5. play sports.(方法、时间预设:独学对学群学展示 4 分钟)二、看图说话我很棒!(用短语或句子描述均可)1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.(方法、时间预设:合作学习展示 8 分钟)三、学以致用:连词成句我会写。1. when, play, sports,do, you, (?)_ 2. usually, I, eat, at, breakfast, 7:00(.) _3. go, bed, I, at, to, 9:00 (.) _(方法、时间预设:独学、问答对学、书写交流、展示 5 分钟)四、创新应用我能行!1、运用所给的短语做一份自己的时间表:1. get up _ 2. go to school _3. do morning exercises _ 4. eat dinner _ 5. go to bed _ 6. eat breakfast _7. do my homework _ 8. have English class _2、读问句,选答语:When do you play sports? A. Usually at 4:30p.m. B. Usually at 4:30a.m.(方法、时间预设:独学、对学、合作交流、展示 10 分钟)五、我收获我开心:1. 回顾一下,本节课你完成了哪个学习目标?在相对应的目标上打对号。2. 设计完成对话并熟练朗读:A: _ do you get up ?B: At 6:30. What _ you?A: I usually _ at 6:00. When do you eat _?B: At 7:00.(方法、时间预设:把本节课学到的短语、句型写下来或背下来,展示一下你的风采吧!10-12 分钟。).Unit 1 This is my day. Part A Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、认真听录音并跟读两遍 p6 对话中的句子,用记号笔标出问答句子。(方法、时间预设:跟读录音自读对读组内练读 5 分钟)二、用心发现问和答(听或读问句选出合适的答语)( ) 1. What do you do ? A. Im a policeman . B. Im Amy.( ) 2. When do you go to work? A. At 9:00a.m. B. At 9:00 p.m. ( ) 3. When do you get up? A. Usually at 12:00 noon. B. Usually at 6:00a.m.( ) 4. Can I ask you some questions? A. No. B. Sure.(方法、时间预设:独学 对学勾画展示 4 分钟)三、语篇理解我很棒!(认真读对话两遍后,圈出下列问题的答案)1. When does the policeman eat dinner?A. At 7:00 in the evening. B. At 9:00 in the evening.2. What does the policeman do at 3:00 in the afternoon?A. Go home. B. Play sports.3. What does the policeman do at 6:00 a.m.?A. Eat breakfast. B. Go to bed.(方法、时间预设:默读朗读对读展示 3 分钟)四、小荷初露尖尖角 学习目标:1.我要学会听说读写 A 部分的 5 个短语;2.我会运用本部分的重点句型进行对话;3.我能熟练背诵本部分的对话并学着编新对话。学习目标:1.我能够借助听录音跟读并理解对话的意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的词汇和句型简单对话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。第 2 页A. 我会给下列图片配上合适的句子并大声读出来。1. 2. 3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) a. Then I go to bed .b. I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.c. I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.d. I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.B. 开心阅读,准确判断。(根据理解打)In the morning I get up at 6:30. I eat breakfast at 7:00 and then I go to school. I get to (到达)school at about 7:20. Our classes begin at 8:05. I have lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon ,classes are over(结束) at 4:30. And I go home at about 5:00. I eat dinner at 6:00p.m. In the evening , I do my homework .Sometimes I watch TV,but I like reading books. I go to bed at 9:30 .This is my day!( ) 1. I get up at 6:00 a.m. ( ) 2. I have lunch at noon. ( ) 3. I eat dinner at 7:00p.m. ( ) 4. In the evening I do my homework and read books. Unit 1 This is my day. Part B Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、认真听录音并指读三遍 p7 的短语和句子,用记号笔标出你不会读的词句。1. climb mountains 2. go shopping 3. play the piano 4. visit grandparents. 5. go hiking(方法、时间预设:独学对学群学展示 4 分钟)二、看图说话我很棒!(用词、语、句描述均可)1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 语言支架:A: What do you do on the weekend?B: I often. How about you? A: I often.Usually I.|Sometimes I.(方法、时间预设:自主学习、合作学习展示 6 分钟)三、耳聪目明:先听后读 (Lets talk),圈出答案。1. What do you do on the weekend, John? A. I often play football. B. I often do my homework.2. What do you do on the weekend ,Chenjie? A. I often watch TV. B. I often go hiking .(独学、对学、选择 4 分钟)四、创新应用我能行!(读一读写一写)I usually _ on the weekend. Sometimes I _. I often _ with _. Lets _ together next weekend.Unit 1 This is my day. Part B Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_1、仔细听并认真跟读 p9 Read and write 句子三遍,将你不理解或不会读的词和句用记号笔标在课本上。 (自主学习 5学习目标:1.我要学会听说读写 B 部分的 5 个短语;2.我要学会运用本部分的重点句型进行对话;3.我能熟练背诵本部分的对话并学着编新对话。学习目标:1.我能借助听录音跟读并理解对话的大体意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的句型简单对话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。4.我能规范书写对话中的粗体句。第 3 页分钟)2、边听边思:听读对话两遍后,为下列图片找出合适的短语,并写在横线上。1. 2. 3 4. 5 (独学、对学、书写展示 5 分钟) 三、语篇感知:A.回顾对话,补全单词。B.1. of_ _n 2. s_ _ et_mes. 3. r_ _ n. 4. sh_ _ping 5. w_ _kend.B.我会连词成句。1. on, do , you, what, weekend, the, do , (?) _2. I , sometimes, my, visit, grandparents(.) _3. watch, together, lets ,TV(.)_(独学、对学、书写、展示 6 分钟)四、快乐阅读我很棒! Zip: What do you do on the weekend?Zoom: I usually play sports.Sometimes I go shopping.What about you?Zip: I often climb mountains with my friends. But not this weekend.Zoom: Why?Zip: Its going to snow this Saturday. I dont want to go out of the room.Zoom: Really? I cant play sports ,either. Zip: Then come to my home. Lets play computer games together.Zoom: Good idea! (读后我会判断正误 )( ) 1. Zoom uaually plays sports on the weekend.( )2.Zip often climb mountains with Zoom.( )3.Its going to rain this Saturday.( )4.Zoom and Zip are going to watch TV together this weekend.Unit 2 My Favourite Season. Part A Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_1、听读练习:认真听录音并跟读 p16-p17 词句三遍,用记号笔在课本上标出自己不会读的词句(指读课本自学 5 分钟) 。二、看图说话我很棒!(读一读并连线 )1.spring winter summer fall2. windy and cold windy and cool sunny and hot windy and warm句子模仿秀:A:Whats your favourite season?(Which season do you like best?)B:.A:Whats the weather like in .?B:Its.and. I like ./I dont like .(方法、时间预设:独学连线对学展示 5 分钟)三、边读边思:(读句子写答案)1. There are _ seasons in a year. A. five B. four 2. Which season do you like _? A. better B. best3. can, snow, I, with, play,(连词成句)_ (方法、时间预设:回顾对话-对子交流- 展示 4 分钟)四、情景感知:天气变化我知道。windy 多风的 cloudy 多云的 clear 晴朗的 overcast 阴天的 foggy 多雾的 snowy 多雪的 rainy 多雨的 wet 潮湿的学习目标:1.我要学会听说读写 A 部分的4 个季节词;2.我要学会运用本部分的重点句型进行对话;3.我能熟练读(背诵)本部分的对话并学会编新对话。第 4 页dry 干燥的 hot 炎热的 cold 寒冷的 warm 温暖的cool 凉爽的 showers 阵雨 snowstorm 暴风雪 sandstorm 沙暴(自读拼读对读 5 分钟)五、我收获我快乐!1. 回顾一下,本节课你完成了哪个学习目标?在相对应的目标上打对号。2. 试着把 p16 的四个季节词认真写下来并编一个对话读给家长听一听。相信你会展示出自己最优秀的本色奥!_Unit 2 My Favourite Season. Part A Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、仔细听 p18 对话并指着跟读三遍:把自己不会读的句子用记号笔标在课本上(自主学习 5 分钟) 。2、边听边思:(听读对话两遍后,选出答案)( )1. Which season do you like best,Mike? A. Spring B. Fall.( )2. Why do you like fall in Canada, Mike? A. Its beautiful.B. Halloween and Thanksgiving!三、语篇感知:回顾对话,读句子写答语。1. Its hot.I can swim in the sea.What season is it? Its _.A. summer B. spring2. The leaves are colourful.The sky is blue. Its _.A.winter B. fall3. A:_?B: I like winter best.(根据答句写出问句)4. Fall is my f_ s_.(根据首字母写出单词 )(独学对学书写展示 5 分钟)四、快乐阅读,准确判断(正确写 T,错误写 F)A: Whats your favourite season, Mike?B: I like winter best. I can play with snow and make a snowman.A: My favourite season is summer.B: Why do you like summer, Amy? Its too hot. A: Because I like swimming. I can swim in the sea.B: I like fall ,too. Its a golden season.A: Thats right. Everything is golden in fall.I like fall, too.( ) 1. Mike likes winter best.( ) 2. Amy likes fall best.( ) 3. Amy and Mike like spring,too.( ) 4. Fall is a golden season.( ) 5. Summer is too hot.Amy doesnt like summer.(独学、对学、交流展示 5 分钟) 五、我收获我快乐!1. 回顾一下,本节课你完成了哪个学习目标?在相对应的目标上打对号。2. 试着把 p18 的对话读熟练并给家长说说颜色句的意思。向家长和老师展示一下你漂亮的书法吧!请规范书写对话中的颜色句并译成汉语。Unit 2 My Favourite Season.Part B Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、认真听录音并指着跟读 p19 的词语和句子三遍,在课本上圈出你不会读的短语或句子。 (自主学习 5 分钟)二、耳聪目明。 1.听录音两遍后,给下列图片排序并连线。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )学习目标:1.我能借助听录音跟读并理解对话的大体意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的句型简单会话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。4.我能规范书写对话中的粗体句。学习目标:1.我要学会听说读写 B 部分的 5 个词语;2.我要学会运用本部分的重点句型进行简单对话;3.我能熟练背诵本部分的对话并能创编新对话。第 5 页swim plant trees make a snowman skate fly kites 2.看图说话我能行! A:Which season do you like best?B: . I can.A:Why do you like.?B: Because I can.(独学、对学、交流、展示 4 分钟)三、读问句选答语。 (Lets talk 听对话两遍后圈出正确答案)1. Whats your favourite season Sarah? A. Spring B. Summer2. Which season do you like best, Chenjie? A. Fall. B. Winter. 3. Why do you like spring ,Sarah? A. I can swim. B. I can plant trees.(独学、对学、交流展示 3 分钟 )四、创新应用我很棒!(填入合适的词并大声朗读)A: _ your favourite season?B: Summer.A: _ do you like summer?B: Because I _ swim in the sea.五、我收获我快乐!1. 回顾一下,本节课你完成了哪个学习目标?在相对应的目标上打对号。2. 通过学习,你一定能规范书写 p19 的词语,并用他们各编一个句子。快来试试吧!例:swim I can swim in the sea. Unit 2 My Favourite Season.Part B Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听录音跟读 p21 短文三遍,将你不理解或不会读的词和句标在课本上。(自主学习 5 分钟)二、短文理解我很棒!(读对话两遍后,为图片选出合适的句子)1. 2. 3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Its summer. Zoom and Zip swim in the lake.B. Winter comes. Zoom and Zip sleep.C. Its fall. Zoom and Zip go hiking .They eat a lot.D. Spring comes. Zoom and Zip fly kites.(自学、对学、交流展示 5 分钟)三、语篇感知:读问句选答语1. Why do you like summer,zip ? A. Because its hot. B. Because I can swim.2. Why do you like winter, Zoom? A. Because I can sleep. B. Because its cold.四、我收获我快乐!通过本节课的学习,我能够规范书写文中的颜色句:我能大声、熟练地把短文读给家长听!(我努力我成功!)学习目标:1.我能借助听录音跟读并理解对话的大体意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的句型简单会话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。4.我能规范书写对话中的粗体句。第 6 页Unit 3 My Birthday. Part A Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、认真听录音并跟读 p28 词句三遍,在课本上找出下列人物的生日并连线:in Oct. in Mar. in Dec. in Feb. in Jan. 二、耳聪目明。1. 听 Lets talk 两遍后,填上所缺的单词。M: _is your _?A: My birthday is in_. Is your birthday in February,too?M: No, my birthday is in _.What about you, Zhangpeng?Z: My birthday is in_.2.读对话选答案。When is Mikes birthday? A. In February. B. In December.When is Zhangpengs birthday? A. In December. B. In October.(独学、对学、组内交流、展示 5 分钟)三、学以致用我很棒!(我会看图读写 )1. When is_?Its _.2. When is _?Its _.(自主、合作、探究有关节日的话题并展示 6 分钟)四、达标过关我能赢!(根据对话内容,补全下列单词。 )Mar_ _. b_ _thday. Octob_ _. _ _ ril. Ju_ _.Au_ _st. D_ c_ mber. S_ pt_mber. Jan_ _ry.五、快乐运用。 (我能连词成句,规范书写)1.is your when birthday (?)2.your in is birthday February (?)3. Childrens is when Day (?)Unit 3 My Birthday. Part A Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:听 录 音 跟 读 p30 Read and write 对 话 三 遍 , 将 你 不 理 解 或 不 会 读 的 词 和 句 用 记 号 笔 标 注 在 课 本 上 。 (自主学习 5 分钟)二、耳聪目明(听录音两遍后选出答语) 。( )1. What are you doing ,John? A. Im making a birthday cake. B. Im making a birthday chart.( ) 2. When is your birthday ,grandma? A. Its in May. B. Its in March.( ) 3. There are _ birthdays in June. A. four B. Three.( )4. Uncle Bills birthday is _. A. in July B. in June.(听读、领读、自读、回味交流 5 分钟)3、语篇感知:(我会选词填空并大声朗读。 )(in , too, June, November, making, April)Hello! Im John. Im _ a birthday chart for my family. My grandmas birthday is _ May. My mothers birthday is in May_. My grandpas birthday is in _.Uncle Bills birthday is in June, oo. Aunt Marys birthday is in _. Cousin Alices birthday is in _.四、学以致用。 (我会连词成句,规范书写)1. is in my birthday June (.)2. too is in birthday Uncle Bills June (.)学 习 目 标 : 1.我 要 学 会 听 说 认 读 A 部 分的 12 个 表 示 月 份 的 单 词 ; 2.我 要 学 会 运 用本 部 分 的 重 点 句 型 进 行 简 单 对 话 ; 3.我 能熟 练 朗 读 ( 背 诵 ) 本 部 分 的 对 话 并 学 会 实际 运 用。学习目标:1.我能借助听录音跟读并理解对话的大体意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的句型简单会话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。4.我能规范书写对话中的粗体句。第 7 页五、快乐阅读,准确判断。 (打)A: What are you doing, Sally ?B: I am sending an e-card to my cousin.A: Is her birthday in May?B: Yes.A: When is her birthday?B: May 11th.A: Who has a birthday in May?B: Hmm. My mothers birthday is in May, too.A: Oh. Lets make a birthday card for them!B: Good idea! Lets do!( ) 1. Sallys birthday is in May.( ) 2. Sallys cousins birthday is May 11th.( ) 3. Sallys mothers birthday is in March.( ) 4. Sally is making a birthday chart for her cousin.六、紧张忙碌的一节课过去了,你一定有收获(或疑问)吧!赶快写下来吧!Unit 3 My Birthday.Part B Lets learn,Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:认真听录音并跟读 P31 词句三遍,然后读一读连一连。 (自主学习 6 分钟)second eighth first twentiethninth twelfth third fifth二、 读问句选答语。1. When is National Day? A. October 1st. B. September 1st.2. When is Independence Day? A. June 4th. B. July 4th.3. When is Teachers Day ? A. October 9th. B. September 10th.(独学、对学,合作、探究有关节日的话题 6 分钟) 三、耳聪目明。 (听 Lets talk 两遍后,我会回答)1. Who has a birthday in October?A. B.2. When is Sarahs birthday? A. May 12th. B.March 12th. 四、达标过关我能赢!(先读再选 )( ) 1. My birthday is _ April. A. in B. on ( ) 2. _ is Childrens Day? A. What B. When( ) 3. Whats the date today? A. Its Tuesday. B. Its March 12th.( ) 4. Who _ a birthday in October? A. have B. has.(独学、对学交流展示 4 分钟 )五、 回顾整理。1. 我能规范书写:2.我能熟练读、背:_ _Unit 3 My Birthday. Part B Read and write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听录音跟读 P33 Read and write 对话三遍,将你不理解或不会读的词和句用记号笔标在课本上。 (自主学习 5 分钟)学习目标:1.我要学会听说认读 B 部分的 9 个数词;2.我要学会运用数词准确表达生日和节日。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能创编新对话。学习目标:1.我能借助听录音跟读并理解对话的大体意思;2.我能运用本部分所学的句型简单会话。3.我能熟练朗读本部分的对话并能拓展朗读类似的对话。4.我能规范书写对话中的粗体句。第 8 页二、边听边思。 (听到问句选出答语)1. What are you doing,Zoom?A. I am sending an e-card. B. I am making a birthday card.2. When is her birthday? A. June 9th. B. July 9th.3. Does she have a computer?A. No,she doesnt. B. Yes, she does.(独学、对学交流 3 分钟)三、语篇感知:听、读 Read and write 两遍后,我会选。( ) 1. 当我们提建议制作一张生日卡片时可以这样说:A. I like making a birthday card. B. Lets make a birthday card.( ) 2. 赞同某个建议可以这样说:A. Very good! B. Good idea!(合作、探究交流 2 分钟)四、学以致用我最棒!(我会读短文并准确判断正误)Hello!Im Lisa.I am an active girl.Today is National Day. And its my birthday, too. I get up early and clean my room. I invite(邀请)my friends Amy,Joy and Sarah to my home. We have a birthday party. I know Amys birthday is in next month.Joys birthday is in December. Sarahs birthday is January 1st. ( ) 1. Today is October 1st.( ) 2. Lisa is a quiet and strict girl.( ) 3. Lisas birthday is in December.( ) 4. Amys birthday is in November.( ) 5. Sarahs birthday is New Years Day.(自主选作 5 分钟)五、回顾整理。 (自评与互评)1. 本节课你在哪个环节做的好请打。预习 合作 探究 创新 展示 2. 我能规范书写对话中的颜色句: 第 9 页Unit 4 What are you doing? Part A Lets learn& Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:认真听录音并跟读 P46 词句三遍,试着读出下列词组,并圈出不会读的词组。drawing pictures doing the dishes cooking dinner reading a book answering the phone二、词语理解:把图片与相应的短语连线。drawing pictures doing the dishes cooking dinner answering the phone三、句型体验:听读对话(Lets talk)两遍后,我会连词成句。1you are what doing (?)2book Im reading a ( ? )四、读后感悟:(我会给句子排序) 。( )Im drawing pictures. What are you doing?( )Hello.( )Hi, Chen Jie .What are you doing ?( )Hi, Amy . Its Chen Jie .( )Im reading a book.Unit 4 What are you doing? Part A Read and Write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、 听读练习:认真听并跟读 Read and write 文章,将你不理解或不会读的单词或句子用记号笔标在课本上。 (自主学习 5 分钟)二、句型体验:听读对话两遍后,我会连词成句。1. is this Zhang Peng (.)2. dishes Im the doing (.)三、语篇感知:读后理解我会选。Where do Zhang Peng and John want to go? _A. The nature park. B. The Children Center.四、课堂百宝箱:1.搜集有关打电话的礼仪知识。2.写出你知道的常用的打电话用语。Unit 4 What are you doing?Part B Lets learn & Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:认真听录音并跟读读 P49 短语、句子三遍,然后试着读出下列词组,圈出你不会读的词组。listening to music washing the clothes cleaning the roomwriting a letter writing an e-mail二、词语理解:把图片与相应的短语连线。listening to music washing the clothes cleaning the room writing a letter writing an e-mail三、句型体验:听、读 Lets talk 两遍后我会连词成句。1. speak your to mum can I please ( , ? )2. cooking shes dinner (.)四、情景感知:理解对话我会选。( )1. A: There is a call from _.B: _A. Nina B. mom( )2. A: What is Chen Jies mom doing ? B: Shes _A. doing the dishes B. cooking dinner第 10 页Unit 4 What are you doing? Part B Read and Write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:认真听并跟读 Read and write 句子两遍,将你不理解或不会读的单词或句子用记号笔标在课本上。(自主学习 5 分钟)二、句型体验:听读对话两遍后,我会连词成句。1. is grandpa writing letter a (.)2. an e-mail hes in the study writing (.)三、语篇感知:理解句意,我会判断(打)1. Brother is doing housework. ( )2. Mike is cleaning the room. ( )3. Dad is writing an e-mail in the living room. ( )四、学以致用显身手:以 My Family 为主题介绍自己的家庭成员以及他们现在正在做的事情并试着写一写。There are _ people in my family. _ is _. _ is _._ is _. Im _.Unit 5 Look at the monkeysPart A Lets learn & Lets talk学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、听读练习:认真听录音并跟读 P58 词句三遍, ,然后试着读出下列单词,圈出你不会读的单词。flying walking running jumping swimming 二、单词理解:把图片与相应的单词连线。flying walking running jumping swimming 三、句型体验:听读对话两遍后,我会连词成句。it is what doing(? )四、情景感知:理解句意我会选。( )1. A: What is the mother elephant doing ?B: _A. Shes jumping. B. Shes walking.( )2. A: What is the baby elephant doing ?B: _A. Its running. B. Its swimming. Unit 5 Look at the monkeysPart A Read and Write学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_一、 听读练习:认真听并跟读 P60Read and write 对话两遍,将你不理解 或不会读的用红笔标在课本上。(自主学习 5 分钟)二、句型体验:跟读对话两遍后,我会连词成句。eating bananas its (.)三、语篇感知:理解句意我会选。1. What is the monkey doing ? _A. Its eating bananas. B. Its jumping.2. What is the baby kangaroo doing ? _A. Its walking. B. Its sleeping


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