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1新目标初中八年级上册英语第二次检测题八年级(上)英语第一次检测题说明:1、本试卷分 A、B 卷,A 卷 100 分,B 卷 50 分,总分 150 分,答题时间为 120 分钟。2、请将所有试题答案写在答题卷上,答在试卷上无效!A 卷(100 分)A 卷 I(选择题,共 80 分)第一部分 基础知识运用一、选择填空(35 分)A. 从方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分 的选项。1. On weekends my mother usually goes to buy things .2. The students are having an English lesson at the moment .3. Whats wrong with you , Tom ? I have a sore throat .4. Mr. White often plays sports in the morning .B. 从各题的三个选项中选择正确答案。5. _homework, most students do it every day.A. To. B. As for. C. With. 6. -What do you do _? -I often go swimming with my classmates.A. now. B. yesterday. C. on weekends.7. -When did your headache start? -_A. In two days B. Two days ago. C. After a week. 8. -What about _sightseeing this weekend ? -Good idea !A. go . B. to go. C. going 9. She looks because she has a vacation.A. relaxed , relaxed B. relaxing , relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing 10. Are you late for class? _.A. Yes, never B. Yes, sometimes C. No, ever 11. Im hungry. I want _ to eat.A. anything delicious B. delicious something C. something delicious 12. -Whats the matter Tony? -He has a fever .A. the matter B. exercises C. now D. goes shopping2A. on B. with C. to 13. The doctor wants him _ hot water and _ down .A. to drink , lie B. drink , to lie C. drinking , lie14. - were you away from school last year? -About two weeks.A. How often B. When C. How long 15. Chinese is quite different English.A. from B. with C. to16. _ he is ill, _ he can go to school.A. Because, so B. Although, but C. Although, 17. _ an apple a day _ good for our health .A. Eat , is B. Eating , is C. Eating , are 18. How many _ does the baby have ? Only two .A. teeth B. tooth C. foot 19. He tries _ English. And he finishes_ homework every day.A. to learn, to do B. learning, doing Cto learn, doing 20. _ she _ a headache? I think she should see a doctor.A. Does,have B. Does,has C. Does, got 21. Students should sleep _ eight or nine hours every day _ .A. of , keep healthy B. / , to keep health C. for , to keep healthy22. They decided _ to the mountain.A. hiking B. on hike C. to hike 23. I think walking is_ our health. A. good at B. good for C. well in 24. -My mother is ill. -_ A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Im sorry to hear that. 25. - Im going to New York for my vacation. - .A. How good you are! B. Have a good time. C. Im sorry Im not 26. Lily has _ friends, so she is unhappy.A. few B. a little C. a few 27. - Im too tired after the long hiking. -_.A. You should have a fever B. You should have a rest C. You shouldnt eat too much 28. Today I have _ to tell you.A. important something B. something important C. anything important 29. - You know me? - Sorry I forget _ you somewhere. (某地)A. to see B. seeing C. sees 330. Its a little difficult for them _that work today. A. finishes B. finish C. to finish 31. We must eat _ junk food if we want to stay healthy.A. more B. less C. fewer C. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Hey , Bob , you arent looking well today . _32_B: No , I have a fever , a headache and a sore throat .A: Oh , you have a bad cold ! _33_ B: Thank you . It should bring my fever down .A: Yes . Here is some cold water .B: Thanks . Cold water will cool me down , too .A: Hope so . _34_ B: Youre right . ( An hour later )A: So , Bob , how are you feeling now ?B: Oh , _35_ . Thanks a lot .A: Youre welcome .二、完形填空(15 分)ACindy says she often feels _36_ . She should go to bed early . She _37_ watch TV too much in the evening . David says hes stressed _38_ . He should listen to some music . He shouldnt study late . Its not good for his _39_ . Sally looks kind of heavy . She may have bad eating _40_ . She should take more exercise and eat less meat .36. A. hungry B. tired C. angry37. A. should B. can C. shouldnt38. A, on B. for C. out39. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy40. A. habits B. habit C. wayBDick had a toothache. His mother _41_ him to the dentist. Before they saw the dentist. they _42_ wait. “ Please come in !” said a nurse in a _43_ dress.Dick looked afraid 44 he came into the dentists room. “ Whats the problem 45 you?” the dentist asked. “ I feel terrible. I think I have a 46 tooth.” said the boy.“well, let me have a 47 ,”said the dentist kindly. Dick 48 his mouth 49 the dentist began to examine his 50 .41. A. took B. wanted C. brought 42. A. win B. may C. must A. Are you OK ?B. I think I feel much better .C. Why dont you lie down and have a rest ?D. I have some medicine in my bag . Here .443. A. white B. black C. red 44. A. when B. if C. then 45. A. to B. about C. with 46. A. big B. good C. bad 47 .A. see B. look C. rest 48. A. closed B. opened C. saw 49. A. as B. or C. and50. A. teeth B. arm C. foot 第二部分 阅读理解(30 分)A、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误,正确的写 A,错误的写 B。The students of Class 6 , Grade 2 are going hiking on their trip . Hiking is good for exercise and fun . Many hikers like to hike in the countryside , in forests(森林), and in the mountains . Just walking for fun is the first kind of hiking . Many people like to hike in city parks or just on the sidewalks(人行道) .A hike can take a few hours or weeks . For most hiking , people just need clothing and shoes for one day . When you get stronger(强壮些), you can go on overnight(整晚)hikes . Later you can go on longer for days or weeks .To be safe(安全), hikers should hike with someone . You should always have one or two friends with you . It is also a good idea to have a map . Backpacking(背着背包徒步旅行)is one kind of hiking . People have food , clothes and other things on their backs in a pack . Backpackers can stay many days in a place without(没有)any food . They have what they need on their backs .51. The students of Class 2 , Grade 4 are going hiking on their field trip .52. People cant go hiking in city parks or just on the sidewalks .53. Backpacking is another kind of hiking .54. Youd better(最好)go hiking with some friends .55. You can go on overnight hikers if you are strong enough(足够).B、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。An old man visited a new doctor. He was very young. “I dont feel well, doctor.” He said, “Please find out whats wrong with me.”“Take off your clothes and lie on the bed. ”the young doctor said, “Ill examine(检查) you. “The old man took off his clothes and lay down on the bed, and the young doctor examined him. However ,he couldnt find anything wrong with the old man. He listened to his heart. He looked into his throat. He examined every part of him. At last he said “Im sorry, but I cant find anything wrong with you .Youre as healthy as I am.”“Thats very strange.” the old man said, “ Because I feel really bad.”“Come back tomorrow and see me again if you dont feel better.” the doctor said .5“All right , doctor.” the old man said . Slowly, he stood up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of the hospital. A few seconds later, the doctors nurse ran in. “Doctor! Doctor!” She cried,“ That man you said was healthy has just died outside the door.”56. The doctor was very_.A. famous B. clever C. young 57. The old man was very _.A. healthy B. strong C. ill 58. The doctor _.A. took the old man to the hospital B. thought the old man was healthyC. found something wrong with him 59. The doctor told the old man _A. not to come again B. to come again if he did not feel betterC. to stay in the hospital for a few days60. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The doctor was loved by people B. something was wrong with the old mans throatC. The doctor cried when he saw the man deadCJohn is a middle school student . He is sixteen years old now . He has a terrible cold today . He feels bad and cant eat anything . So he goes to see a doctor . The doctor gives him a bottle of medicine . This is the instruction(用法说明):61. John should take _ a day .A. 6 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfuls C. 2 teaspoonful62. John should keep the medicine in _ .A. any place B. hot water C. a cold place. 63. John should _ before he takes the medicine .A. shake the medicine B. eat nothing C. do some exercise64. Children who are _ years old cannot take the medicine .A. six B. ten C. twoCold medicineYou should shake (摇动)it before you take it . Take it three times a day after meals .Age : over 15 2 teaspoonfuls (汤匙)8-15 1 teaspoonful5-7 1/2 teaspoonfulThe children under 5 years old cant take this medicine . Please put it in a cold place . Take it before December 1st , 2011 .665. John should _ after December 1st , 2011 .A. begin to take the medicine B. not take the medicine C. take the medicine twice a day .A 卷 II 非选择题( 20 分)四、从方框中选出恰当的短语,用其正确形式填空,完成句子。 (5 分)1. Eating more vegetables and less meat can help us _ .2. We have a music lesson _ .3. Can you _about how to study English ?4. A good _ is good for our health .5. I _ because I had to finish much homework .五、看图说话,一空一词。 (5 分)1. How many people can you see ? I can see _ _ . 2. Where are they ?They are at the _ _ .3. What does the man do ?_ is a _ .4. Does the boy feel well ?_ , I dont _ so .5. Whats the matter with him ?He _ a _ .六、根据句意和所给首字母填单词。 (5 分)1. I dont b _ his words . He always tells lies (谎言).2. Surfing the I _ is a quick way to get news .3. Tom is very clever , a _ he is very young .4. The Spring Festival is the t _ festival in China .5. Im t _ . I would like something to drink .七、句型转换(5 分)1. She should ask him something he knows. (改为否定句)She _ ask him _ he knows.2. I have a toothache. (就画线部分提问)_ the _ with you?3. They are staying in Hong Kong for two months. (就画线部分提问)_ _ are they staying in Hong Kong?be stressed out stay healthy once a week give some advice eating habit74. It usually takes me about 20 minutes to get to school by bus.(改为同义句)I usually _ about 20 minutes in _ a bus to school.5. Mary exercises twice a day. (就画线分提问)_ _ does Mary exercise?B 卷(50 分)一、完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(10 分)Tom : Hey , David . where are you going for 1 ?David : Im going to Thailand 2 my parents . I 3 that its a good place to go4 .Tom : When are you 5 ?David : Next Sunday and were staying there 6 a week . How about you ?Tom : Im going to Xian . Its a 7 city with a 8 history .David : How are you going there ?Tom : We are going there by train 9 Saturday morning .David : How long are you staying there ?Tom : Just for two days . I dont like going 10 for too long .二、用下面方框中所给单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(10 分)All over the world people enjoy sports . Sports are good for peoples 1 . Many people like watching others 2 games . They buy tickets(买票) 3 turn on their TV sets to sit in front of 4 . Sports change(改变 )with the 5 . People play different games in different seasons . Sometimes they play inside the room . Sometimes they play 6 . We can watch sports here and there . Some sports are very 7 ,so people in the world like them . Soccer ball , for 8 , is very popular . People from different 9 cannot understand each other(彼此了解), but after a game they are often very 10 to each other .三、任务型阅读(10 分)A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。Eating habits are different in different countries . The Chinese have a saying “ Eat good things for breakfast , eat a big mea(一餐饭)for lunch , but eat les at dinner .” Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast , 1 Most Americans only give themselves(他们自己)a short time for lunch . So they eat a small lunch . 2 Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family is a way to have a good rest after a long hard day of work . 3 In China , people like to talk and laugh(笑). Very often you can hear people they , example , healthy , outside , or , it , country , play , friend , interest , season , and8talking and laughing loudly and they are just having a good time . 4 they want a quiet place . There they can eat a good meal far from the noises(远离噪声)of the outside world . If someone is talking too loudly , 5 if some people are talking too loudly , the manager of the restaurant may come out and ask them to be quiet .B. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺信息。答案词数不限。Do you know Garfield(加菲猫)? If your answer is “ No” , this article(文章)will help you to get to know this lazy , fat and funny cat a little better . He likes sleeping and watching TV . He loves food and doesnt do exercise ! “ Im fat and lazy , but Im proud of it !” says the cat . The American cartoon character Garfield is 30 years old . He has fans all over the world . People from all over the world can see it in the newspapers , on TV and in the cinema .“ Garfield the movie” was made in 2004 . The fat cat acts with real actors in the movie. He doesnt like walking , playing ball games , or any other sports . He often makes trouble for people around him and he likes to dance . He makes you laugh with his smart and funny words . People love Garfield , especially children .四、根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译句子。 (10 分)1、每天做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有好处。( do eye exercise , be good for )2、胃痛时,你应躺下休息一会儿。( when , lie down )3、不要考虑去法国了, 我们决定去加拿大了。( think about , decide on )4、我希望美丽的乡村有助于你忘记所有的烦恼。( hope, help , problems )5、至于说到健康的生活方式,保持阴阳平衡对我们而言很重要。( as for , its for sb. to do)五、书面表达 (10 分)根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文。怀特一家假期打算到大连去旅行。他们准备在那儿待上一周,计划去游泳,品尝可口的海鲜和大连食品,并且还希望交一些朋友。大连很美,天气也很好,在那儿他们将度过一个轻松愉快的假期。要求:1.条理清楚,语意连贯,标点正确; A. Eating at restaurant is different , too .B. But their ideas about lunch and dinner arent the same .C. In America it is not like this .D. The manager of the restaurant will look at him or her angrily .E. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner .6. Garfield is quite lazy and he _exercise .7. The American cartoon character Garfield was invented in the year of _ .8. The Garfield cat likes to _ and _ .9. Garfield makes people laugh with his smart and _ .9学校 班级 姓名_学号 _装订线2.要将提示内容全部体现在文章中;3.不少于 80 单词。八年级(上)英语第一次检测答 题 卷A 卷 I (选择题,共 80 分)A 卷 II (非选择题,共 15 分)四、从方框中选出恰当的短语,用其正确形式填空,完成句子。 (5 分)1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _五、看图说话,一空一词。 (5 分)1. _ _ 2. _ _ 3. _ _ 4. _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5152 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65105. _ _六、根据句意和所给首字母填单词。1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 七、句型转换。根据括号里的要求进行改变,一空一词,缩写词算一词。 (5 分)1. _ _ 2. _ _3. _ _ 4. _ _5. _ _B 卷(共 50 分)一、在空格处填入适当的单词,使对话完整正确,一空一词,缩写词算一词。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _二、选择方框中的单词并用适当的形式填空,使短文意思正确(每词限用一次) 。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _三、任务型阅读(10 分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _8. _ _ 9. _四、翻译句子。根据所给汉语和英语提示词翻译句子。 (10 分)1. 2. 3. 4.5. 五、书面表达。 (10 分)11说明:1、本试卷分 A、B 卷,A 卷 100 分,B 卷 50 分,总分 150 分,答题时间为 120 分钟。2、请将所有试题答案写在答题卷上,答在试卷上无效!A 卷(100 分)A 卷 I(选择题,共 80 分)第一部分 基础知识运用一、选择填空(35 分)A. 从方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项 。1. When was he born ? 2. John began cooking at the age of six .3. She toured the USA when she was fourteen .4. Tom began to swim when he was three years old .B. 从各题的三个选项中选择正确答案。5. How _ relish do we need for the shake?A. some B. much C. many 6. Cut _ the apples and then put them _ the blender.A. in, up B. on, up C. up, in 7. How _ your mother _ fruit salad?A. do, do B. does, make C. does, do 8. I want to watch the ball game. Can you _ the TV?A. turn on B. turn off C. open 9. Look! There are _ on the desk.A. four glasses of milk B. four glasses of milks C. four glass of milk 10. Which of the following is not a healthy drink?A. milk B. coffee C. shake 11.- Why not have a drink in the bar? - _.A. Right B. Its OK C. Good idea12. Are you _ for London this evening?A. leave B. leaving C. to leave 13. Put the ingredients in the bowl and _, please.A. mix them up B. mix it up C. mix up them 14. Would you like some yogurt? -_.A. traveled around B. at the age of three C. started D. was his birthday 12A. No. thanks B. Yes, I would C. Thank you 15. Bill Cates is an _ person.A. talen


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