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boycott 的过去式和用法例句boycott 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: boycotted过去分词: boycotted现在分词: boycottingboycott 的用法:boycott 的用法 1:boycott 作“抵制” “拒绝参加”解时,通常指一群人拒绝与某人、公司、国家等交往或通商,也可指拒绝处理或购买货物或拒绝参加会议等。boycott 的用法 2:boycott 还可用作名词。例如:they imposed a boycott on all imports.他们对一切进口货都实行抵制。boycott 的过去式例句:1. when america boycotted the moscow olympics it cheapened the medals won.美国抵制莫斯科奥运会的行为使金牌的含金量降低了。2. the main opposition parties boycotted the election, saying it would not be conducted fairly.主要反对党联合抵制这次选举,认为该选举将缺乏公正性。3. opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters.反对党派抵制了该议程,声称政府在大会上安插了亲信。4. athletes from several countries boycotted the olympic games.有好几国的运动员抵制奥林匹克运动会.5. the opposition party earlier boycotted the diet agenda, demanding miyajis resignation.反对党曾杯葛国会议程, 要宫路下台.6. therefore, reputable and qualified scientists in this field are boycotted a priori.因此, 正是该领域中有信誉的称职的科学家在阻止一种经验.7. the boycotted the olympics in moscow while he was president.他任总统期间,美国抵制了莫斯科奥运会.8. should the olympics in china be boycotted?是否应该抵制中国举办奥运会?9. one country has boycotted winter olympics.曾有国家抵制冬季奥运会.10. in protest, many colonists boycotted english products.为了反抗, 许多殖民者抵制英国商品.11. boycotted as part of a labor union action.作为工会行动的一部分而被工会抵制的.12. they boycotted the meeting.他们拒绝参加那个会议.13. and they boycotted the buses.而且他们联合抵制了公共汽车.14. the al screamed foul, boycotted the election and called its thugs onto the streets.“人民联盟”大呼犯规, 抵制选举,把狂热的支持者召集到街上.15. for more than two decades, the peoples republic boycotted olympic movement to protest rival taiwans participation.为了抗议竞争对手台湾的参与,共和国抵制奥运长达二十多年时间.boycott 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: boycotted过去分词: boycotted现在分词: boycottingboycott 的用法:boycott 的用法 1:boycott 作“抵制” “拒绝参加”解时,通常指一群人拒绝与某人、公司、国家等交往或通商,也可指拒绝处理或购买货物或拒绝参加会议等。boycott 的用法 2:boycott 还可用作名词。例如:they imposed a boycott on all imports.他们对一切进口货都实行抵制。boycott 的过去式例句:1. when america boycotted the moscow olympics it cheapened the medals won.美国抵制莫斯科奥运会的行为使金牌的含金量降低了。2. the main opposition parties boycotted the election, saying it would not be conducted fairly.主要反对党联合抵制这次选举,认为该选举将缺乏公正性。3. opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters.反对党派抵制了该议程,声称政府在大会上安插了亲信。4. athletes from several countries boycotted the olympic games.有好几国的运动员抵制奥林匹克运动会.5. the opposition party earlier boycotted the diet agenda, demanding miyajis resignation.反对党曾杯葛国会议程, 要宫路下台.6. therefore, reputable and qualified scientists in this field are boycotted a priori.因此, 正是该领域中有信誉的称职的科学家在阻止一种经验.7. the boycotted the olympics in moscow while he was president.他任总统期间,美国抵制了莫斯科奥运会.8. should the olympics in china be boycotted?是否应该抵制中国举办奥运会?9. one country has boycotted winter olympics.曾有国家抵制冬季奥运会.10. in protest, many colonists boycotted english products.为了反抗, 许多殖民者抵制英国商品.11. boycotted as part of a labor union action.作为工会行动的一部分而被工会抵制的.12. they boycotted the meeting.他们拒绝参加那个会议.13. and they boycotted the buses.而且他们联合抵制了公共汽车.14. the al screamed foul, boycotted the election and called its thugs onto the streets.“人民联盟”大呼犯规, 抵制选举,把狂热的支持者召集到街上.15. for more than two decades, the peoples republic boycotted olympic movement to protest rival taiwans participation.为了抗议竞争对手台湾的参与,共和国抵制奥运长达二十多年时间.boycott 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: boycotted过去分词: boycotted现在分词: boycottingboycott 的用法:boycott 的用法 1:boycott 作“抵制” “拒绝参加”解时,通常指一群人拒绝与某人、公司、国家等交往或通商,也可指拒绝处理或购买货物或拒绝参加会议等。boycott 的用法 2:boycott 还可用作名词。例如:they imposed a boycott on all imports.他们对一切进口货都实行抵制。boycott 的过去式例句:1. when america boycotted the moscow olympics it cheapened the medals won.美国抵制莫斯科奥运会的行为使金牌的含金量降低了。2. the main opposition parties boycotted the election, saying it would not be conducted fairly.主要反对党联合抵制这次选举,认为该选举将缺乏公正性。3. opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters.反对党派抵制了该议程,声称政府在大会上安插了亲信。4. athletes from several countries boycotted the olympic games.有好几国的运动员抵制奥林匹克运动会.5. the opposition party earlier boycotted the diet agenda, demanding miyajis resignation.反对党曾杯葛国会议程, 要宫路下台.6. therefore, reputable and qualified scientists in this field are boycotted a priori.因此, 正是该领域中有信誉的称职的科学家在阻止一种经验.7. the boycotted the olympics in moscow while he was president.他任总统期间,美国抵制了莫斯科奥运会.8. should the olympics in china be boycotted?是否应该抵制中国举办奥运会?9. one country has boycotted winter olympics.曾有国家抵制冬季奥运会.10. in protest, many colonists boycotted english products.为了反抗, 许多殖民者抵制英国商品.11. boycotted as part of a labor union action.作为工会行动的一部分而被工会抵制的.12. they boycotted the meeting.他们拒绝参加那个会议.13. and they boycotted the buses.而且他们联合抵制了公共汽车.14. the al screamed fo


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