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encourage 的用法和短语例句encourage 有鼓励;促进;支持等意思,那么你知道 encourage的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习关于 encourage的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!encourage的用法encourage 的用法 1:company 在表示“同伴,朋友,客人”的意思时,主要指想法相似,但没有深交的“同伴” “朋友” 。作此解时,是不可数名词,常用于人数比较多的场合,还可表示“交际,交往,陪伴” 。encourage 的用法 2:company 表示“一群,一队,一伙”时,用作可数名词,往往有强烈的贬义。encourage 的用法 3:company 作“公司,商号”解时,属可数集合名词。表示“某公司”时,可用单数也可用复数,用单数表示一个公司整体,用复数强调各个成员。encourage 的用法 4:company 用作名称时,前面可用一个姓,也可用两、三个姓。encourage的常用短语用作名词 (n.)a company offall into company withfor companyin company (with)in the company ofinflict ones company uponkeep companykeep company withpart companyencourage相关词汇辨析encourage,inspire,excite,stimulateencourage 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。inspire 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。excite 主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。stimulate 尤指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。encourage的用法例句1. the idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.其目的是促使人们结识邻居。2. how can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?3. the papersprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。4. he bought me records to encourage my liking for music.他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。5. there are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。6. this is no way to encourage a love of literature.靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。7. encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。8. we want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。9. i encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。10. the government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。11. he said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourageinvestment.他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。12. their task is to help encourage private investment in russia.他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。13. various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。14. do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth.不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。15. what can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?pencourage 有鼓励;促进;支持等意思,那么你知道 encourage的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习关于 encourage的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!encourage的用法encourage 的用法 1:company 在表示“同伴,朋友,客人”的意思时,主要指想法相似,但没有深交的“同伴” “朋友” 。作此解时,是不可数名词,常用于人数比较多的场合,还可表示“交际,交往,陪伴” 。encourage 的用法 2:company 表示“一群,一队,一伙”时,用作可数名词,往往有强烈的贬义。encourage 的用法 3:company 作“公司,商号”解时,属可数集合名词。表示“某公司”时,可用单数也可用复数,用单数表示一个公司整体,用复数强调各个成员。encourage 的用法 4:company 用作名称时,前面可用一个姓,也可用两、三个姓。encourage的常用短语用作名词 (n.)a company offall into company withfor companyin company (with)in the company ofinflict ones company uponkeep companykeep company withpart companyencourage相关词汇辨析encourage,inspire,excite,stimulateencourage 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。inspire 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。excite 主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。stimulate 尤指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。encourage的用法例句1. the idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.其目的是促使人们结识邻居。2. how can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?3. the papersprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。4. he bought me records to encourage my liking for music.他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。5. there are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。6. this is no way to encourage a love of literature.靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。7. encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。8. we want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。9. i encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。10. the government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。11. he said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourageinvestment.他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。12. their task is to help encourage private investment in russia.他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。13. various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。14. do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth.不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。15. what can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?pencourage 有鼓励;促进;支持等意思,那么你知道 encourage的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习关于 encourage的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!encourage的用法encourage 的用法 1:company 在表示“同伴,朋友,客人”的意思时,主要指想法相似,但没有深交的“同伴” “朋友” 。作此解时,是不可数名词,常用于人数比较多的场合,还可表示“交际,交往,陪伴” 。encourage 的用法 2:company 表示“一群,一队,一伙”时,用作可数名词,往往有强烈的贬义。encourage 的用法 3:company 作“公司,商号”解时,属可数集合名词。表示“某公司”时,可用单数也可用复数,用单数表示一个公司整体,用复数强调各个成员。encourage 的用法 4:company 用作名称时,前面可用一个姓,也可用两、三个姓。encourage的常用短语用作名词 (n.)a company offall into company withfor companyin company (with)in the company ofinflict ones company uponkeep companykeep company withpart companyencourage相关词汇辨析encourage,inspire,excite,stimulateencourage 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。inspire 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。excite 主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。stimulate 尤指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。encourage的用法例句1. the idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.其目的是促使人们结识邻居。2. how can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?3. the papersprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。4. he bought me records to encourage my liking for music.他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。5. there are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。6. this is no way to encourage a love of literature.靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。7. encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。8. we want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。9. i encourage oboe and clarine


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