牛津初中英语7b unit 5 abilities  单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第1页
牛津初中英语7b unit 5 abilities  单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第2页
牛津初中英语7b unit 5 abilities  单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第3页
牛津初中英语7b unit 5 abilities  单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第4页
牛津初中英语7b unit 5 abilities  单元分析、课时教案及课时练习_第5页
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7B Unit 5 Abilities 单元分析、课时教案及课时练习【教材分析】本单元的主要话题是能力。开篇部分以有趣逗乐的卡通漫画的形式引出文章的主题。导入部分向学生介绍了助人俱乐部的成员所做的好事,从而提出助人为乐的品质。阅读部分向学生介绍了一个勇敢的年轻人张华的舍己救人的事迹。词汇部分学习有关人的品质的一些单词。语法部分学习了 can和 could 的用法以及如何使用感叹句。综合技能部分通过吴老师所做的家长会笔记来学习介绍人物。学习技能部分帮助学生学会分析、检测,找到学习的最佳方法。中心任务部分通过推荐 Daniel 获得青年奖章的推荐信,学习如何写推荐信。检测部分通过填词和字谜,复习了 can/could,感叹句和一些描绘人的品质的形容词。【单元目标】1.知识与能力:本单元需要学生掌握与人有关的常用见词汇及表达法,学会一些形容词的反义词,以及使用前缀 un-和后缀 less 来构成反义词的方法。在掌握相关内容后,学生能熟练运用相关的语言知识。2.能力目标: 通过语言技能的训练以达到本单元的教学目标,不但会介绍人物。还要注重阅读能力的培养,学会自主学习。3.情感目标: 通过对课文的学习,鼓励学生学会在危境中善于思考,镇定自若,自我解救,做一个勇敢,智慧的人。【教学的重点和难点】1、词汇及句型。2、难点:1)在救人和逃离当中一些词汇的运用。2)can 和 could 的用法和感叹句的使用。【学情的分析和教学建议】1. 学情的分析:Can 和 could 是使用频率较高的词,正确的使用非常重要。由What 和 How 引导的感叹句是常见的句型,要学好它。2. 教学建议:在本单元的学习过程中,根据本年级学生的生理和心理特点和实际情况,通过设计情景,让学生通过观看总结实践的方法来学习相关的语言知识。通过合作、互助、分组学习等方式来教授本单元的语言内容,从而起到学以致用的目的。Comic strip 和 Welcome to the unit 主要是活跃课堂气氛,起着引导的作用。通过 Eddie 和 Hobo 这两个卡通人物妙趣横生的对话,提出文章的主题,然后介绍助人俱乐部的一些活动,从而提出助人为乐的品质。Reading 讲述的是一个叫 Daniel 的勇敢的年轻人舍身从火中救出一个 79岁老人的感人事迹。由于学生对这种英雄类型的故事非常感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段设置情景,有效的把单词和句型以及故事情节结合在一起,注重听,说,读的训练,使知识点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。Vocabulary 里面介绍了一些描绘人的品质的形容词,以及学习为这些形容词加上后缀或前缀变成反义词的方法。Grammar 是整个单元的核心部分,里面学习了 can 和 could 在谈论能力和可能性时的用法;以及 How 和 What 引导的感叹句的使用。建议在教授时让学生参与到其中,并适当地引导他们自己探索、总结,培养他们的自主学习能力,加快他们掌握的速度,加深他们的印象。Integrated skills 是整个单元的综合运用部分。本部分的内容是对听说读写能力的综合训练。本单元通过一次家长会上介绍同学的练习,从而使学生学习如何介绍人物。在课堂上让学生积极参与,尽量做到语言流畅,表达自然。Study skill 主要是帮助学生了解 Millie 是如何做学习笔记的。使学生学会分析、检测,找到学习的最佳方法。Main task、Checkout 是训练学生的写作能力和自我检测能力,本单元的主要知识点将在这部分里进一步地掌握和运用,最后练习巩固。在练习过程中认真检查学生的掌握情况,课后适当个别补差。五、课时的安排:新课程提出教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序等方面进行适当地调整和整合。本单元建议用 10 课时进行教学,具体安排如下: 第一课时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit第二课时 Reading (1)第三课时 Reading (2 ) 第四课时 Vocabulary 第五课时 Grammar(1)第六课时 Grammar(2)第七课时 Integrated Skills (Part A)第八课时 Integrated skills(Part B) may BWish; wishCHope; hope D. Should; may( ) 6.Its impolite to talk .A. at table B. at the table C. in table D .in the table( ) 7. -What is it? -He is a .A. drive B. driver C. drivers D. droverThe Second Period: Reading1- A brave girlTeaching aims:1. To introduce and expand vocabulary to describe dangerous situations.2. To guess context from the text type, the title and the picture.3. To infer general meaning from picture and actions.4. To identify the name of specific places and actions.5. To skim the text for overall meaning and scan for detail.Languages points and focus:Award for Bravery/ help somebody out of a fire/be alone/hear somebody shouting/a 79-year-old man/pour water over/put out the fire/be ill in hospital/help each other/be careful with/Fire can be dangerous.Teaching procedures:Step 1.RevisionRevise what the children learned in the last period.Be careful/Helping Hands Club/give seat to someone on the bus/ collect things for Project Hope/Clean up the park/playground /visit a home for the elderly/ plant trees /a Super dogStep2 Reading1. Warming up: Talk about danger and potential hazards at home. Ask if any students have an accident at home, what they should to do.2. Watch a set of pictures about a fire to present the new words:Neighbor, smoke, fire, rush, dangerous, burn, hurt, pour, rush, save, blanket, put out the fire3. Read the story and try to get some information. Then say T or F according to the text.5. Discuss any problems about the text.6. Game: Write the definitions fromPartB1 on the cards. Mix up the cards and let each group guess the word and read out the word. One who gets the most cards is the winner.7. Have an interview.First fill in the blanks and read the conversation. Then have an interview in groups. One is Wang Fang, the others are the reporters.8. Discuss in groups.What does the writer think of Wang Fang? What do you think about her?Why do you think so? What do you do when you meet the accident like this?Step3Assignment1. Recite the new words and read the text.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.3. Prepare the interview for the brave girl.课时练二 Reading 1一、翻译词组1.一个勇敢的年轻人_ 2.听见某人正在做某事_3.生病住院_ 4.小心谨慎_4.冲进去_ 5.互相帮助_7.烧伤胳膊_ 8.救某人的命_二、单项选择题( ) 1. When the postman walked past the house, he heard some one _ “help”.A. cries B. to ask C. shouting D. to shout( ) 2. The _ girl can play the piano. A. seven years old B. seven-year-oldC. seven year old D. seven years( )3We spent the whole day _ trees on the hill.A. plant B. to plant C. planted D. planting( ) 4. We all know _ important _ English well.A. it; to learn B. that; to learn C. it; learning D. that; learning ( ) 5. The brave young man jumped into the river _ the little girl.A. and save B. and saves C. saved D. to save( ) 6. Its hard for Daniel and_ to work without a car.A. I to go B. me to goC. I going D. me going( ) 7. The fire is very dangerous. It is very important _ with fire.A: to careful B: for careful C: to be careful D: be careful( ) 8. Please_ when the train leaves. Theyll go to Beijing tomorrow morning. A: look for B: look at C: find D: find out( ) 9.Its impolite to talk .A. at table B. at the table C. in table D .in the table( ) 10. -What is it? -He is a .A. drive B. driver C. drivers D. drover三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1 That man_ (quick) ran away . 2 Dont _(抽烟) here , please . 3 Jack fell_ (跌倒) off the ladder and (hurt) himself . 4 We should _ (study) hard. 5 Its important _ (learn) English well. 6 We went to visit Uncle Wang and _ (bring) some flowers to him. 7 The fire _ (burn) the house. 8 He can _ (swim) very well. 9 Suddenly I heard someone _ (shout) to the next room. The Third Period: Reading 2Teaching aims:1. Further understanding the text.2. To learn more about fire safety.3. To use different suitable adjectives to describe peoples behavior and character.4. Introduce the use of the prefix un- and suffix less to form opposites.Language points:Learn more about fire. Be careful with matches. Dont leave the stove on.Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin. Keep long hair away from fire. Recommend somebody for something/think of somebody/ tell somebody to do something/fall into water/ be grateful for something, Teaching procedures:Step 1.RevisionRevise the vocabulary in the text by giving the definitions.Ask students to read the text after the tape again.Let students ask and answer questions about the story.Revise the key words phrases and sentences.Help somebody out of a fire / help with something/help somebody (to) do something/be alone/feel lonely/hear somebody do (doing something) /see somebody do (doing) something/a 79-year-old man/hurt /6.pour over /put out the fire/put on (up/down, into, away)/ be in hospital/be in the hospital/It is important to be careful with fire. /keep ones life from danger/keep from /Thank you for joining us this evening,Step2. Visit Wang Fang in hospitalFirst read the task to understand it.Read the dialogue to find out and correct the mistakes.Read the conversation in pairs.Act it out.Step3. An interviewDo it in groups. In each group one student can be Wang Fang; the others can be reporters to interview her. Then choose some groups to perform.Step4. Fire safetyRead the sentences and match the right pictures. Read out the sentences.Step5. Homework: 1. Revise what we learned from P74-76 and remember the new words.2. Do some exercises.3. Write an article about help others.课时练三 Reading 2一、动词填空。1. Do you know what _ (happen) to Li Ming yesterday?2. _ (not leave) the stove on when you are away.3. Thank you for _ (join) us.4. _ (not play) in the street. Its dangerous.5. Why not _ (invite) your friends to this party?6. You cant _ (smoke) in the factory.7. Thank you for_(bring) me presents and cards . 8. He is a _(细心的)boy . 9. I saw a lot of smoke_ (come) from next door. 10. I poured some water over my jacket. Thats what I did for my _ (safe). 11. Fire can be very_ (danger). 12. The fire _ (burn) the house. 二、完成句子。1.我爷爷喜欢收集邮票。My grandpa _ stamps.1. 对他来说半小时完成作业是很有可能的。Its highly possible _ in half an hour.2. 我们应该让孩子远离火。We should _.3. 妈妈总是叫我不要玩火。Mum always tells me not to _.5我妈妈生病了,他将要在医院住两个月。My mother is ill. She _. 三、单项选择( ) 1. It is important the piano well.A. of him to play B. for him to pay C. of him playing D. for him playing( ) 2. The train stopped us from the sports meeting.A. holds B. to hold C. holding D. held( ) 3.You should do your homework .A. with yourself B .to yourself C. at yourself D. by yourself( ) 4.They can take care of .A. yourself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves( ) 5. Thanks for me so many nice presents for my birthday.A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave( ) 6. Were going to have a picnic this weekend. Do you want to us?A. come B. join C. invite D. seeThe Fourth Period: Vocabulary Teaching task: 1. To learn the use of prefixes and suffixes.2 To use suitable adjectives to describe peoples behavior and character.3. To understand the use of adjectives in different context. Teaching aids: Tape recorder and some picturesTeaching procedures: Step1. Warming upMake sure that students understand the concept of opposites. Give some similar examples.E.g. hot/cold; fast/slow; big/ small; old/new; tall/short; little/much; few/many Step2. PresentationExplain the concept of prefixes and suffixes. Tell students that when we add the prefix un- in front of some adjectives, it usually meansnot. Give some examples e.g. friendly/unfriendly, healthy/unhealthy, lucky/unlucky, and usual/unusual. When we add the suffix ful to the end of some adjectives, it meansfull of . E.g. the person or thing has that quality. When we add the suffix less to the end of some adjectives, it meanswithout or lacking. Step3. PracticeAsk students to look at the words in the left column of Part A and do the task on their own. Then check the answers.step4. ExercisesHave one student to read out a word from the left column and another student to give the opposite word from the right column. Write the correct answers on the board. Then all the students check the answers.step5. Games Explain the context of Part. You may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students knowledge about recommendation letters. step6. ReportsAsk students to read two reports on their own first. Then have them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports. step7. DiscussThen students read the first report again and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective. step8. Homework1. Conclude the rule of the prefixes and suffixes. 2. Find more words that the suffix is ful or the prefix is less.3. Look up at the dictionary or on the internet to find more suffixes or prefix.4. Finish the other exercises.课时练四 Vocabulary一、写出下列词的反义词。grateful_ quick_careful_ brave_rude_ able_helpful_ kind_二、根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 (其中有二项多余)A: Who do you like to recommend for the Youth Award.B: _1_A: Why do you recommend him?B: _2_.A: What else?B: He also helps do many things.A: _3_.B: Of course he is. He often makes lots of good ideals for us.A;_4_.B: Yes, he does. He plans everything well.A: Do all parents agree with you.B: _5_.A. Thank you very much.B. Yes, they quite agree to my recommend action.C. Does he work very carefully?D. Zhang JunE. Because he is a helpful and polite boy.F. Is he thoughtful?三、单项选择题。( ) 1. Do you know what happened _ Tom last night?A: with B: of C: at D: to( ) 2. Please dont put _ into the rubbish bin because its very dangerous.A: something hot B: hot something C: anything hot D: hot anything ( ) 3. Im not feeling _ this morning and my mother asks me to stay at home.A: well B: good C: nice D: badly( ) 4. My friend Bob is ill _now. I must go to the hospital to see him.A: in the hospital B: at the hospital C: in hospital D: at hospital( ) 5. Thank you _ us this evening and well have a good time together.A: join B: for joining C: to join D: for joinThe Fifth Period: Grammar A:Teaching Task: 1. Revise the use of positive, negative and question sentences.2. Make a list of things that the students can do by themselves now. Teaching Aims:To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to express ability.Teaching Procedures:Step1. Warming up1. Make a survey. Ask student A. T: What can you do now? Show the students answers on the screen. Then ask the student B. T: Can she / he ?2. Say the whole sentences: e.g.: A. He can ride a bike. He cant/cannot swim. (Write them down on the blackboard.) Get the students to repeat and talk about.3. Work in pairs. Ask the partner more questions like above and write down their answers, then report to the class.Step2. Presentation1. Ask student A and B again: Can you ride a bike? (Help them answer: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.)2. Get the students to ask the teacher about the past of A and B. Can he / she ? (Yes, he / she can. / No, he / she cant.)Step3. PracticeWe can use “am (is, are) able to “instead of “can”, and “was (were) able to “instead of “could“.Step4. ConsolidationSum up: The differences between can and be able to. Another use of can and could. E.g. Mike can sing more than 20 English songs. Mike is able to She could speak English when she was four. Can / could I help you?Step5. Extension1. Make up a dialogue between Jim and the headmaster according to the following hints.Jim wants to apply for(应聘 )an English teacher .Here are his brief introduction:Experience: taught Chinese and English in No.3 Middle School. Played football in the school team.Abilities: drawing, singing, playing with computers.Inabilities: dancing, teaching other subjects, such as math, play volleyball (now forgot)2.Write a letter to your friend and tell him / her about what you have learned since(自从以来) you came to secondary school.Step6. Homework1. Finish the letter.2. Do the Exercise on page 49 of the workbook.课时练五 Grammar (1)一、用 can/cant 或 could/couldnt 填空。1. It is raining outside. We_ go to a picnic.2. Jim_ ride a bike when he was six years old.3. We_ play football yesterday because we had our football shoes.4. Mr. Li _ run because he hurt his leg.5. Fire _ be dangerous if we are not careful.6. He is good at skating, so he_ skate well.7. Last year, he_ play badminton, but now he can.二单项选择,( ) 1. The sky is covered with dark clouds. It _ rain later.A. may B. can C. could D. should( ) 2. Computers_ work out difficult Math Problems very quickly.A. can B. need C. must D. should( ) 3. Mrs. Smith _ be at home now. S he flew to Hanna this morning.A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. neednt( ) 4. Excuse me, _ you show me the way to the station.A. must B. could C. shall D. need( ) 5. Mr. Wang _ be in Manning now. He went to Beijing this morning.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt( ) 6.We will _have a picnic tomorrow.A. can B. be able to C. likely D. possible ( ) 7.My father will come back _.A. an hour later B. after an hour C. in an hour D. for an hour( ) 8.Mary isnt a _girl. Her answers are all right.A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully( ) 9. I _buy the recorder because I had no money with me then.A. can B. can not C. could D. couldnt( ) 10. - Can I return the book next week? - _.A. No problem B. No way C. Im sorry D. Thats sad( ) 11.Ill go fishing_ boating.A. instead B. instead of C. because of D. instead to( ) 12.Listen! Can you hear someone _?A. whisper B. to whisper C. whispering D. whispered( ) 13.The house was _ fire last night. People put _the fire.A. at, down B. in, out C. on, out D. on, down( ) 14. It is important _ fire.A. to care B. is careful C. to be careful D. to be careful withThe Sixth Period: Grammar BTeaching Aims:1. To learn how to use “can” and “could” to talk about possibility.2. To recognize degrees of possibilities when using “may” and “might”Important and Difficult Points:The differences between May and might.Preparation:Get the students to prepare something that will or wont happen.Teaching Procedures:Step1. Guessing a riddleIt can live in water. It can breathe under water. It can swim. It can live in a glass bowl. People can feed and watch them every day. What is it? (A goldfish)Step2. RevisionMake different kinds of sentences with “can” and “could”.1. Simon can swim after a few weeks.2. -Can you work out the problems?- Yes, I can. / No, I cant.3. Could you tell me the way to the school?Step3. Presentation1. Show the sentences above on the screen and explain them to the students:We use “can” / “could” to say that something is / were possible to happen.2. Get the students to explain with “possible”.Step4. Practice1. Fill in the blanks.2. Work in pairs to talk about something that


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