初中英语八年级下册《unit6 how long have you been collecting shells》 section b_第1页
初中英语八年级下册《unit6 how long have you been collecting shells》 section b_第2页
初中英语八年级下册《unit6 how long have you been collecting shells》 section b_第3页
初中英语八年级下册《unit6 how long have you been collecting shells》 section b_第4页




八年级下册Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?Section B 教案【教材分析】本单元围绕“谈论人们做某事持续多长时间”和“谈论人们的业余爱好”这两个话题,设计了相关的语言情境来训练学生的听、说、读、写。本节课是在学生基本掌握 have /has+been+doing 目标语言的基础上,围绕 collect 这个词安排教学内容,通过听、说、读、写来加深对现在完成时态的正确理解,让更多的学生能正确的应用它,达到学以致用。我打算用两课时来完成 Section B。第一节课处理1a-2b,3a,3b,主要从听说、读写方面训练学生所掌握的知识。第二节课结合教材2c,4a,4b 和同步,进一步设计相关教学活动,让学生继续运用现在完成进行时态描述做某事情持续的状态,从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 【教学目标】1. Knowledge goals:1) Students can master the new words and phrases: kite, stamp, snow globe, store, run out of , anyone else, collectors club.2) Use The Present Perfect Progressive Tense to speak, listen, read and write. 2. Ability goals: To improve the students learning skills of English. 3. Emotional goals:Get the students to learn and use English freely and happily.Students can communicate better with each other and share their happiness with each other. 【教学重难点】Important points: Train the students ability of using The Present Perfect Progressive Tense .Difficult points: How to retell and how to write a short passage according to the given information.【教学方法】Task-based teaching method and cooperative learning in groups【教学工具】Multimedia; the tape recorder【教学过程】Play some collections and introduce myself before the class.Step1. Leading in and warming upLearn some new words by introducing my families collections. At the same time, review The Present Progressive Tense.(设计意图:通过介绍我的家人的收藏引出新的收藏品和本单元的重点句型,为下面的Group work 做好铺垫。)Step2. Group workGet the students to work in groups of four to practice.A: What do you collect? B: I collect .A: How long have you been collecting them? B: Ive been collecting them for/since.C: What does he/she collect? D: He/She collectsC: How long has he/she been collecting them? D: He/She has been collecting them for/sinceUseful words:stamps, coins, globes, kites, Mp3s, mobile phones, pens, photos, .for . years/since . years ago; since I was .years old/2006(设计意图:通过小组对话,既运用了所学单词,复习了重点句型,同时也为下面听力描述做好了准备。)Step3. Listening1. Listen and matchBob theater and movie ticketsLiam kitesMarcia stuffed animals2. Listen and fill in the chart.Who What How long How manyBobsince he was 1) years old2) Marciafor 3) years 4) Liamsince 5) 203. Describe the three peoples collections.(设计意图:由于听力速度快,担心学生跟不上,所以我设计了连线和填关键词,培养学生捕捉有效信息的能力及速度。 )Step4. ReadingTask1: Fast readingSkim the e-mail and find out “What does Ellen collect?”.Task2: Careful readingRead the e-mail carefully and fill in the chart.Ellens collectionWhat _How long For _How many _ So her mom says What a _The first snow globe she ever got When on her _Examplesloves best globes with _Plan start a _Task3: Reading aloudGet the students to listen to 3a to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then read it aloud in groups.Task4: Ask and answer according to the chart above.(设计意图:通过以上的速读、细读、朗读,学生已大概理解并熟悉了篇章,这时再让学生根据构建的表格内信息进行问答练习,一方面能进一步巩固对篇章的理解和掌握,同时也能检查学生朗读的效果,看学生能否准确完整地进行句子输出,为下面的复述做了铺垫,同时还为后面的写作奠定了基础。)Task5: Retelling Get the students to try to use their own words to retell the passage according to the chart.Ellens collectionWhat snow globesHow long for seven yearsHow many 226 So her mom says she has to stopWhat a birthday cake snow globeThe first snow globe she ever got When on her seventh birthdayExamplesloves bestglobes with animalsPlan start a snow globe collectors clubTask6: Understand the following sentences.1. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them.2. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.(设计意图:由于新单词在课下学生已经预习,在这里只点出重点的单词、短语和句型。 )Step5. WritingWrite a letter according to the following questions.1. What do you collect? 2. How long have you been collecting them?3. How many do you have now?4. What was the first one you ever got? When did you get it? 5. Which one do you like best?6. What would you like to do in the future?Subject: _ From: _ Dear Ellen,I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect _Love,Jack设计意图:以问题为支撑,降低了难度,让学生有了写作的依据和思路。评分标准: (词数在 60-80 之间,如果少于 60 词,应酌情扣分) 1. 内容充实,语言流畅,能恰当运用语法,拼写错误极少。 (13-15 分) 2. 较通顺完整,有少量语法,拼写错误。 (10-12 分) 3. 基本要点写出,有较多语法,拼写错误。 (6-9 分) 4. 篇幅不足,错误较多,语句不通顺。 (3-5 分) 5. 只写了个别句子或单词。 (0-2 分)Step6. Summary1. Words and phrases2. How to use The Present Progressive Tense to describe our hobbies.3.Share our happiness with others. Step7. Homework1. Correct your own letter and help to correct others letters. Then write your letter on the writing book.2. Make a survey about others hobbies and discuss the ques


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