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smile 的第三人称单数smile 的第三人称单数:smilessmile 的用法:smile 的用法 1:smile 基本意思是“微笑”,指通过明亮的目光和嘴角向上弯曲的动作以表示善意或恶意的高兴或快乐。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作不及物动词时,其后可跟动词不定式作状语; 用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。smile 的用法 2:smile 用作及物动词时,还可表示“用微笑表达”,接名词作宾语,也可引出直接宾语,意为“笑着说” 。smile 第三人称单数例句:1. she smiles coyly when pressed about her private life.当人们追问她的私生活时,她羞涩地笑了笑。2. he smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。3. the girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。4. “its a thrillim in no hurry for,“ he smiles.“我可不想要这种刺激, ”他笑着说。5. smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。6. she was startled when lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。7. she gave him another of her winning smiles.她又给了他一个动人的微笑。8. his solemn little face broke into smiles.他严肃的小脸蛋上突然绽放出笑容。9. the staff wear big sunny smiles.员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。10. he smiles at you, yes?他在对你笑, 对 吗 ?11. his face was wreathed in smiles.他满脸笑容.12. the childrens faces beamed with happy smiles.孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容.13. ones face is wreathed in smiles.笑逐颜开14. his jokes elicited no smiles.他的笑话没使人发笑.15. smiles froze on their faces.笑容在他们脸上僵住了.smile 的第三人称单数:smilessmile 的用法:smile 的用法 1:smile 基本意思是“微笑”,指通过明亮的目光和嘴角向上弯曲的动作以表示善意或恶意的高兴或快乐。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作不及物动词时,其后可跟动词不定式作状语; 用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。smile 的用法 2:smile 用作及物动词时,还可表示“用微笑表达”,接名词作宾语,也可引出直接宾语,意为“笑着说” 。smile 第三人称单数例句:1. she smiles coyly when pressed about her private life.当人们追问她的私生活时,她羞涩地笑了笑。2. he smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。3. the girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。4. “its a thrillim in no hurry for,“ he smiles.“我可不想要这种刺激, ”他笑着说。5. smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。6. she was startled when lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。7. she gave him another of her winning smiles.她又给了他一个动人的微笑。8. his solemn little face broke into smiles.他严肃的小脸蛋上突然绽放出笑容。9. the staff wear big sunny smiles.员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。10. he smiles at you, yes?他在对你笑, 对 吗 ?11. his face was wreathed in smiles.他满脸笑容.12. the childrens faces beamed with happy smiles.孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容.13. ones face is wreathed in smiles.笑逐颜开14. his jokes elicited no smiles.他的笑话没使人发笑.15. smiles froze on their faces.笑容在他们脸上僵住了.smile 的第三人称单数:smilessmile 的用法:smile 的用法 1:smile 基本意思是“微笑”,指通过明亮的目光和嘴角向上弯曲的动作以表示善意或恶意的高兴或快乐。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作不及物动词时,其后可跟动词不定式作状语; 用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。smile 的用法 2:smile 用作及物动词时,还可表示“用微笑表达”,接名词作宾语,也可引出直接宾语,意为“笑着说” 。smile 第三人称单数例句:1. she smiles coyly when pressed about her private life.当人们追问她的私生活时,她羞涩地笑了笑。2. he smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。3. the girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。4. “its a thrillim in no hurry for,“ he smiles.“我可不想要这种刺激, ”他笑着说。5. smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。6. she was startled when lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。7. she gave him another of her winning smiles.她又给了他一个动人的微笑。8. his solemn little face broke into smiles.他严肃的小脸蛋上突然绽放出笑容。9. the staff wear big sunny smiles.员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。10. he smiles at you, yes?他在对你笑, 对 吗 ?11. his face was wreathed in smiles.他满脸笑容.12. the child


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