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14AM1U1 Meeting new people 单元设计(主备人:) 单元任务分析该单元的主题为 meeting new people,要求学生掌握的核心词汇是数词:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,可根据不同学校的具体情况拓展至 hundred。主要句型是 HisHer name is 而 hisher 的用法也是本单元的重点。能从外表、能力等方面描述自己的朋友,班级里的新同学,并通过介绍朋友、新同学掌握 hisher 的用法。除了核心词之外,本单元的新词汇和新词组难度比较大,包括 student number, live near, walk to school,be going to 这些单词和词组虽然不是核心词汇,但是在做介绍以及日常交流中实际使用价值较大,可结合学生的实际情况进行教学,使学生可以做到运用这些词汇进行简单交流。对自己的朋友和新同学的介绍是本单元的重点。学生已经可以用简单句型进行介绍,比如 HeShe is.HeShe can.在这样的基础上引导学生更加全面有顺序的进行介绍,从姓名、外表、能力、爱好等方面入手,使语段更加丰满。并能正确使用物主代词 hisher 来描述姓名、外貌、学号等。可以引导学生珍惜身边的好朋友,善待新同学并学会相互尊重和欣赏。 单元教学目标通过本单元的学习,学生能:1 掌握数词 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,能认读一百以内的整数;2 复习招呼语的各种表达;3 能使用 hisher 等物主代词描述一个人的名字,外表,学号等等,如 his haireyes 4 正确使用词组:student number, live near, walk to school,be going to5 了解和感知-sk 在单词中的发音,并能正确发【sk】 。6 了解世博会部分展馆的名称 pavilion 以及简单描述展馆内部的内容7 从姓名、外表、能力、爱好等方面入手,对朋友和新同学全面有顺序的进行介绍。 教学设计思路根据本单元的的教学内容和要求,制定了单元计划,特别是根据教学内容的不同、教学要求的不同、课型的不同,调整了教材的顺序。我们将本单元分为三个课时,第一课时解决单词数字 11-19,掌握 hisher 的用法,能简单介绍新同学;由于学生刚进入新学期,从学生暑假去过的地方入手,再切入主题,介绍新同学;第二课时:在第一课时给出基本信息,以及对信息提问的基础上,进行简单的人物介绍。并引出 what about you?的教学,在此基础上引导学生自我介绍。把 P2 和 P4 的内容作为介绍 Peter 和 Jill 的介绍材料,再通过各种来巩固所学。P6 listen and enjoy 作为巩固 what about you?的一个儿歌。本课时安排的容量较大第三课时整合课文内容,并提出本单元的情感主题:New classmates, New friends. 让学生在学习中更多地了解班里的新同学,并且友好对待班里的新同学,与他们做朋友。文本 1:Nice to meet you too. Welcome to Shanghai. My Names _. Im 文本 2:Hello, My name is Peter. Im ten years old. My student number is eighteen. I like playing.I can play football well. This is my sister. Her name is Sally. Shes twelve. And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He is only six. We are going to the park. 单元课时划分词汇、句型学习运用 教材内容 综合运功用能力第一课时1. pavilion2. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen3. HisHer name is .1. 学生用书:P1Look and say P2 Look and learn2. 再构文本 11. 能说出几个展馆的名称,并简单进行描述2 掌握数词 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,并拓展至hundred3.能与外国朋友进行简单的交流2第二课时 1.walk to, live near, be going to2.HisHer name is .P3 Say and actP4 Look and read从姓名、外表、能力、爱好等方面入手,对朋友和新同学全面有顺序的进行介绍。第三课时 dsk, mask, ask, laugh, put onP4 Say and actP6 Learn the sound补充:You can call me/ him/ her_.1) 能利用课本提供的简单句型进行对话。2)能够掌握句型 You can call me_.并运用。3)掌握-sk 的发音,熟练认读发音部分出现的生词。能快速流利的朗读小语段。第四课时 单元练习M1u1 Meeting new people(Period1)Book: Oxford English Book(Shanghai Edition)4AM1U1Topic: Meeting new peopleTeaching aims: 1. Words: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteeen.2. Structure: HisHer name is.HisHer student number is .Main points: The usage of nouns to identify animals.Difficult points: Using possessive pronouns to introduce ones name and gesture.Materials: Students Book4A, Cassette player, powerpoint.Procedure:Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Preparation:1. Greetings2. Ask and answerGood morning.Nice to meet youHello.1. How are you?Im fine, thank you.2. Where do you go?I go to .通过问答了解同学们暑假都去了哪些地方,从而引入主题While-task Procedures: 1. pavilion2. Meet new people3. In the zoo1). Learn: pavilionChina Pavilion, Australia Pavilion, Singopore Pavilion 2).I go to _ pavilion with my_.1). Introduce:If you meet a foreinger, what will you say.2). Show a foreinger, and show what she says.Hello, my names Marine. Im from America. I like Shanghai. Its so beautiful. Nice to meet you! 1)In the zoo, what can you see?I can see .2)Describe the animals介绍几个世博馆馆名,并让同学说说自己知道的世博馆的名字为学生创设一个在世博园遇到外国人的情景,让学生自由发挥第二个大家经常去的是动物园分别对动物的单复数形式进行描述,复习前面所学学习数字 11 到 10033.New classmatesI can see a _.Its _.It likes _.I likedont like it.3)Learn the numbersEleve, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen.1).Ask:How many new classmates are there?There are2). Do a surveyAsk questions:Whats your name?How old are you?What can you do?3)Student numberRead the new phrases.My student number is.4) HisHer student number is.新学期开始,班里来了几位新同学做了小调查,了解一下新同学的情况说说自己的学号,然后了解新同学的学号,并且说一说Post-task activity:Say and write 1.Talk about the new classmate:This is our new classmate.HisHer name is _.HeShe is_.HeShe can _.HisHer student number is .2. Write down the introduction.介绍一下学生调查的新同学并将它写下来Assignment: TalkWrite1.Introduce your new classmate to your father or mother.2.Copy the numbers.将班级新同学介绍给自己的父母抄写数字,巩固课堂所学教后反思Period 2ContentsWords: live, near, walkNames: Sally, Paul, Jill, Poe and RosePhrases: be going to , walk to, play _ well, every daySentences: What about you?Aims4Knowledge aims1. Can read and spell the words and names correctly: live, near, walk, Sally, Paul, Jill, Poe and Rose2. Can say the phrases fluently: be going to, walk to, play well, every day3. Can read the sentences correctly and fluentlyAbility aims1. Can use the modeled sentences to ask and answerWhat about you, _? Im _.2. Can use modeled sentences to make a new dialogue about different persons3. Can use formulaic expressions to describe their friendsEmotional aimsHelp the students introduce their friends, classmates or parentsMain poins1.Reading and spelling the words and phrases correctly2. Using wh-questions to find out different information3. Using modeled sentences to ask and answer about fancyDifficult points1. Saying and using the phrases correctly and fluently2. 2.Using modeled sentences to describe the one they like bestTeaching aids: Multi-mediaProceduresStep Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparation Information about Kitty 1. Ask some questions about Kitty. 2.Describe Kitty use the information that I have given.观看四季的录像,复习四季名称,诵读儿歌,提高学习兴趣While-task procedure What about you,_?Im _.Be going to1.Elicit1)Describe themselves.2)Then ask: What about you ,Peter?Hello, My name is Peter.Im ten years old.My student number is eighteen.I like playing.I can play football well. This is my sister. Her name is Sally.Shes twelve.And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He is only six.We are going to the park.2.Read the passage.3.After school, I am going to the supermarket.What about you?4. True or false通过问答操练新句型,调动学生积极性拓展 like best 句型,拓宽知识面,也为反馈环节做准备live , near, walk 1. Enjoy a story and elicit 引出故事,让再构文本以5the new words and phrases2. Let the pupils say :I live near Hao You Duo Supermarket.3. I walk to there every day.4. What about you?(1) Read the sentence. (2) Make new sentences故事的方式呈现,为新知铺垫让学生说说春天里看见的,能做的事情,提高说话能力,同时自然引出新授Post-task activities 1 Listen and finish it2 Ask and answerJill We have a new _,Jill.Shes _ years old.She lives _our school.She _ to school every day._ hair is _.She can _and_.She likes _.This is Jill.让学生选择自己喜欢的季节进行表达,提高连续说话的能力Assignment 1. Listen and read P2 and P5 after the tape2. Introduce your new classmate注意作业的听说与写的结合,把作文作为课堂输出的延伸教学反思Period 3ContentsWords: mask, ask, laugh ,smile Phrases: put on ,welcome to Sentences: you can call me/ her/ him_.Aims Knowledge aim1. Can read and spell the words correctly: mask ,ask , laugh, smile2. Can say the phrases fluently: put on, welcome to3. Can make a short dialogue with the sentences that the text gives.4. identifying the pronunciation of “-sk” in words such as desk and mask.Ability aims1. Can use the modeled sentences to introduce somebody.2. Can use modeled sentences to make a new dialogue about different persons 63. Can use formulaic expressions to describe their friends.Emotional aimsHelp the students introduce their friends, classmates or parents.Main points1.Reading and spelling the words and phrases correctly2. Using wh-questions to find out different information3. Using modeled sentences to ask and answer about fancyDifficult points1. Saying and using the phrases correctly and fluently2.Using modeled sentences to describe the one they like bestTeaching aids: Multi-mediaProceduresStep Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparation Review the numbers with the different methods.1. Read and spell the numbers. 2.To compute.3.How old is _?通过不同形式调动学生的积极性,并创设英语课堂气氛。While-task procedureHow old is Jill?You can call her Jill.mask, ask, laugh1.Elicit1)Who is Jill?She is Kittys new classmate.2)Jill is a new student. She has a new teacher. She is Miss Fang.Miss Fang brings Jill to the class, and says”_”Good morning, class.This is your new classmate.You can call her Jill.Shes ten years old.Her student number is sixteen.2.Read the passage.3.give some examples and ask the students to make a new sentence.4. What do you say to Jill?5. Kitty and Jill are classmates now. what do they talk?6. listen and fill in the blanks.1.Guess who is Jills friend ?to elicit Martin.Jill has a good friend.通过 Who is Jill?引起学生对旧知的回忆:She is Kittys new classmate.在本课时,用不一样的回答 Jill is a new student. She has a new teacher. She is Miss Fang.Miss Fang brings Jill to the class, and says”_”吸引学生的注意力。引出本课时的新授:You can call me/ him /her_。在认识 Jill 的基础上,鼓励学生把自己介绍 给 Jill. 学会完整的表达自己。在课文文本重构、拆分讲解后,整合并通过练习巩固所学,听力材料就用书本内容。完成填空后再听一听,读一读,演一演课本内容。通过一段小谜语,猜一猜 Jill 的朋友是7Put onHe is a boy. He is a student too.His hair is short, very short.He likes making masks.Who is he?“-sk” /sk/ mask, ask2. Ask some questions to elicit the passage.(1). Where is Martin?What s in his hands? (2). put on the dressput on the T-shirtput on the _谁。引出 P6 语音教学教学内容。Post-task activities Reading comprehension read and answer the questions 把前面所涉及到的人物,语段糅合成一个大语段,读一读,做一做。巩固所学。Assignment Homework 1. Listen and read P4and P6 after the tape.2 Introduce your new classmate.注意作业的听说与写的结合,把作文作为课堂输出的延伸.教后反思4AM1U2 Abilities 单元设计(主备人:)单元任务分析本单元的教学主题为 abilities (能力) ,要求学生掌握的核心词汇是动词:paint, draw, read, write, swim, jump, fly 以及程度副词:fast, well, high 等. can 句型已在之前学过。教材通过歌曲、supergirl, superdog 的故事和采访supergirl 的梦来进一步强化和巩固 Can she / he? What can you / she / he do?并在新的语境中加以运用。本单元的新动词 paint, 其他动词均为接触过。与其相关的一些动词(词组)有:dance, sing, run, skate, hop, ice-skate, ski, count, climb a tree, ride a bicycle, skip a rope, plant a tree, play football / basketball / pingpong / cards.可结合 like doing 的句型以及 M1U1 中的介绍。根据 Supergirl 的特定人物和以后的学习任务,在动词方面可让学生了解一些关于职业的动词词组。如:drive a bus, put out the fire, cook food, help sick people, teach children things.在动词的学习和复习过程中,可进行文本的编制、再构,丰富教学内容。单元教学目标通过本单元的学习,学生能:1 会用表示能力的动词 paint, draw, read, write, swim, jump 及表达能力的程度。2 激活以前所学动词和词组:dance, sing, run, skate, hop, ice-skate, ski, count numbers, climb a tree, ride a bicycle, skip a rope, plant a tree, play football / basketball / pingpong / cards,并在新的情境中正确使用。83 能用 can 句型的各种人称,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句来询问他人的能力及能根据实际情况作出回答。4 通过资料收集或阅读,感知小动物的能力并作交流。5 了解和感知-sp 在单词中的发音,并能正确发【sp】 。6 初步感知采访过程和采访的常用语。教学设计思路根据本单元的内容可以分成五个教时,第一课时是 Listen and enjoy 的内容以及动词的教学及巩固。通过介绍Supergirl 的小故事,增加了动词后副词的使用,run fast, swim well, fly high,以及在 can 的基础上,熟练运用 She can,but she cant 句式来谈论个人的能力。第三课时则是以讲述 A dream interview,用 Kitty 的梦作为主线,以在梦中进行采访的形式,将前两个课时所学的内容进行适当的整合。而第四课时是以 Do a survey.,的形式,在班级中进行一般疑问句 Can you?的肯定与否定回答,并要求编写谜语并让同学们进行猜测。第五课时主要解决 Learn the sound 中的-sp 的发音。词汇、句型学习运用 教材内容 综合运功用能力第一课时1. paint, pony2. draw, read, write, swim, jump3. Can your? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.1. 学生用书:P7Look and learn P11 Ask and answer1. 能理解区分 paint, draw 的含义。2 学生能听、读动词,并结合Can your?句型表达个人能力。第二课时 1. very, well, fast, high, 2. She can well, but she cant1. 学生用书:P8 Look and say 2. 练习册:A B E1. 掌握动词词组:run fast, swim very well, fly high.2. 理解区分: She can run. But she cant run fast.She can run fast. But she cant swim.第三课时1. interview, guest, welcome to, both2. I can swim very well, and I can fly very high.1. 学生用书:P9 Look and say3. 练习册:C G1. 通过采访活动,提高阅读和说演的能力。2. 养成待人接物的良好习惯。第四课时 复习词汇、句型1. 学生用书:P10 Look and readP11 Learn the sound2. 练习册:F1. 以调查的形式,进行 can 句型一般疑问句的使用。2调查之后自编谜语。 3学习-sp 的发音,以及含有这个发音的单词。第五课时 单元练习Module1 Getting to know youUnit 2 Abilities (period1)Topic: Listen and enjoy& Look and learnLanguage aims:Using the key words in contexte.g. paint, draw, read, write, swim, jumpUsing yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative responsee.g Can your pony sing?Ability aims:Students can introduce the friends abilities.Key points:9paint, draw, read, write, swim well, jump highDifficult points: Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative responsee.g Can your?Materials:Students Book 4A( P7)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProcedures Contents Methods PurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily Talk Ask and answer:1. Nice to meet you.2. What is your friends name?3. What can he/she do?4. What does he/she like doing?5. What is your students number?教师和学生互相问答,理解学生情况,也作为下面步骤操练的素材。通过提问和回答的方式复习前一个单元的内容。II. While-task procedureponyCan your?Yes, he can.No, he cant.paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jump1.Have the students listen to the rhyme in Listen and enjoy on page 7 of the Students Book.2.Introduce the picture.Hi, my name is Tom. I have a pony. He cant sing. I have a fish.He cant read. I have a cat. He can climb a tree. I have a brother.He can count to three.3. Ask some questions about Tom.T: Can your pony sing?S: No, he cant.4.Work in pairs.Can your_?(your father, your mother, your friend, your classmate)Yes, he/she can.No, he/she cant.T: I have a friend. He can paint a picture. He can draw a picture. He can read a book. He can write. He can swim well and jump high.1. Introduce the words:paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jump2. Practice the sentence:Can ?Yes, he/she can.No, he/she cant.学生整体感知 listen and enjoy 的内容,让学生了解这一课时的教学内容。 在整体感知的基础上,以语段的形式介绍 Listen and enjoy 中的内容。增加更多的人称进行操练 Can ?的句型。以语段的形式引出单词教学,本课的单词都是三年级时学过的动词,主要是增加动词短语的运用。10III. Post-task activitiesIntroduce their new friends.Have the students change the words of Listen and enjoy.e.g. Can your friend swim well?No, he cant.No, he cant.Can your friend paint a picture?Yes, he can.Yes, he can.将本课中的动词词组与 Listen and enjoy的内容相结合,自编新的内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。IV. Assignment1. Listen to the tape and read P72. Write the new words and phrases作业是课堂教学的延续,作业体现分层。板书: paint a picture draw a pictureread a book writeswim well jumpCan your?Yes, he can.No, he cant.教后反思:Unit 2 Abilities (period2)Topic: Look and sayLanguage aims:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiese.g. She can swim.Using the adverbs to modify a verb.e.g. She can run fast.Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Can she swim? Yes, she can swim very well.Ability aims:Students can say the dialogue.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Have the Ss exchange information in pairs by asking and answer yes/no questions.Materials:Students Book 4A( P8)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProcedures Contents Methods PurposeI. Pre-task preparationRhyme. 1. Read P7Listen and enjoy2. Encourage students to make a new rhyme using their own abilities让学生在说儿歌的同时自己编儿歌,培养学生创新思维和语言运用能力。11Daily talk.T-P1-P2II. While-task procedureNew word:SupergirlSuperdogrun fastswim wellfly highCan you swim?Yes, I can.I like swimmingvery much.Dialogue.1. Point to the picture and introduce SupergirlRead:Supergirl Superdog2. Have the Ss read the passage of Supergirl.3. Ask the questions about Supergirl.e.g. What can Supergirl do?She can run fast.4. Have the Ss answer the questions.Can Supergirl ?Yes, she can.No, she cant.Can Superdog?Yes, he can.No, he cant.1. Have the Ss answer the questions about own.2. Let students ask and answer by use this sentence in pairs.1. Have the students look at the picture and listen to the tape. 2. Ask them some questions.Eg: Who is he/she? What can Supergirl do?What can Superdog do?Can Alice swim?Does Alice like swimming?3. Listen to the tape again and have the students repeat after the tape整体了解对 Supergirl,Superdog 的介绍,再以特殊疑问句与一般疑问句两种句子对 Supergirl, Superdog 的能力进行提问。让学生听录音熟悉课文内容。教师根据课文内容提问题,让学生回忆课文内容,也同时培养学生听力。读对话帮学生巩固所学内容。III. Post-task activitiesDialogueExercise.1. Practice the dialogue in groups.2. Act out the dialogue in groups.1. Have the students do Part F Read, choose and write on page12 of the Work book. 2. Then check the answers with them.让学生在熟悉课文的基础上让学生以小组形式表演,培养兴趣和语用能力。配套练习,检查所学,及时检验学生对知识的掌握程度。IV. Assignment1. Read P12 after tape and write it from memory.2. Try to write about your friends.读写并重,让学生尝试写话。12板书:SupergirlSuperdogrun fastswim wellfly highCan you swim?Yes, I can.I like swimmingvery much.教后反思:Unit 2 Abilities (period3)Topic: Look and readLanguage aims:Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g. Can Superdog fly too?Using wh-questions to find out specific informatione.g. What can you do?Using the connective and to link idease.g. I can swim very well, and I can fly very high.Ability aims:Have the Ss role-play a talk show about abilities in groups of three.Key points:Using the modal verb can to express abilitiesDifficult points: Encourage the Ss to use the words and sentences to act out the interview.Materials:Students Book 4A( P9)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProcedures Contents Methods PurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily TalkDaily talk.1. Have the students introduce themselves using the key patterns.e.g. I can_. I can _, and I can _.I am super.2. Encourage students to make a new rhyme using their own abilitiesT-P1-P2让学生根据自己的能力进行说话训练。II. While-task procedureWhat can you do?I can,and 1. Have the Ss answer the questions.2. Work in pairs.3. Talk about Supergirl and Superdog.T: What can Supergirl do?同桌问答练习操练 I can,and句式。加深 and 连词的使用。13bothNew word:dreaminterviewguestS1:She can run very fast.She can swim very well.She can fly very high.4. Supergirl and Superdog are both super.Read: both1.Have the students look at the pictures and talk about the picture.T: Whos this girl?Ss: Shes Kitty.T: Kittys sleeping. Shes having a good dream. In her dream, where is she?Ss: Shes on TV.Read: dream interview guest2.Have the Ss read the text for Look and read.3.Do Read and write on page9.4.Check the answers with them.通过 Supergirl 与 Superdog 的能力提问,引出 both 这个单词的学习。以 interview 的形式将情景融入教学,吸引学生的学习注意力,提高学生的学习兴趣。III. Post-task activitiesA role-play 1.Have the student


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