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如何能让你的面试与众不同1.别看上去利益熏心 dont ask: how long before i get a promotion?不要这样问:我要多久才能升职? do ask: what are the opportunities for advancement, and do you typically promote from within?应该这样问:在公司里晋升的机会是怎么样的?公司一般会不会在内部提升员工职位?2.别让面试官难堪 dont ask: is there anything about me that would prevent me from getting this job?不要这样问:你觉得有什么缺点会让我得不到这份工作? do ask: what qualifications are you looking for in the person who fills this job?应该这样问:你们觉得什么样的人适合这个工作岗位?3.别太八卦 dont ask: i heard the ceo was involved in scandalous activity; is that true?不要这样问:我听说你们的 ceo现在丑闻缠身,是不是真的啊? do ask: while researching your firm i learned that the company recently fill in the blank. can you tell me a little bit more about this development?应该这样问:在我对贵公司进行调查了解的时候,我发现贵公司正身陷,你能不能多给我一点关于这件事情的消息呢?4.别问得太细 dont ask: can you break down my day in terms of hours spent doing a, b, c, d, etc.?不要这样问:你能不能把我每天要做的事按照一二三四地给我详细说说? do ask: can you tell me what my average day would be like?应该这样问:你能否给我介绍一下我的日常工作安排?5.别看上去贪婪成性 dont ask: what kinds of perks do you get around here?不要这样问:你们公司有什么福利? do ask: what do you enjoy most about working here?应该这样问:你觉得什么是你在公司里感到最享受的?6.别关注负面问题 dont ask: whats the worst part about this job?不要这样问:这份工作最糟糕的是什么? do ask: given my background and experience, what do you think will be the greatest challenge for me in the beginning?应该这样问:根据我的背景和经验,你认为我刚开始从事这份工作会遇到的最大的挑战是什么?7.别问没必要的问题 dont ask: how many other applicants are you interviewing?不要这样问:你们一共面试了多少候选人? do ask: how soon do you expect to make a decision?应该这样问:你们大概需要多久可以做出决定?1.别看上去利益熏心 dont ask: how long before i get a promotion?不要这样问:我要多久才能升职? do ask: what are the opportunities for advancement, and do you typically promote from within?应该这样问:在公司里晋升的机会是怎么样的?公司一般会不会在内部提升员工职位?2.别让面试官难堪 dont ask: is there anything about me that would prevent me from getting this job?不要这样问:你觉得有什么缺点会让我得不到这份工作? do ask: what qualifications are you looking for in the person who fills this job?应该这样问:你们觉得什么样的人适合这个工作岗位?3.别太八卦 dont ask: i heard the ceo was involved in scandalous activity; is that true?不要这样问:我听说你们的 ceo现在丑闻缠身,是不是真的啊? do ask: while researching your firm i learned that the company recently fill in the blank. can you tell me a little bit more about this development?应该这样问:在我对贵公司进行调查了解的时候,我发现贵公司正身陷,你能不能多给我一点关于这件事情的消息呢?4.别问得太细 dont ask: can you break down my day in terms of hours spent doing a, b, c, d, etc.?不要这样问:你能不能把我每天要做的事按照一二三四地给我详细说说? do ask: can you tell me what my average day would be like?应该这样问:你能否给我介绍一下我的日常工作安排?5.别看上去贪婪成性 dont ask: what kinds of perks do you get around here?不要这样问:你们公司有什么福利? do ask: what do you enjoy most about working here?应该这样问:你觉得什么是你在公司里感到最享受的?6.别关注负面问题 dont ask: whats the worst part about this job?不要这样问:这份工作最糟糕的是什么? do ask: given my background and experience, what do you think will be the greatest challenge for me in the beginning?应该这样问:根据我的背景和经验,你认为我刚开始从事这份工作会遇到的最大的挑战是什么?7.别问没必要的问题 dont ask: how many other applicants are you interviewing?不要这样问:你们一共面试了多少候选人? do ask: how soon do you expect to make a decision?应该这样问:你们大概需要多久可以做出决定?1.别看上去利益熏心 dont ask: how long before i get a promotion?不要这样问:我要多久才能升职? do ask: what are the opportunities for advancement, and do you typically promote from within?应该这样问:在公司里晋升的机会是怎么样的?公司一般会不会在内部提升员工职位?2.别让面试官难堪 dont ask: is there anything about me that would prevent me from getting this job?不要这样问:你觉得有什么缺点会让我得不到这份工作? do ask: what qualifications are you looking for in the person who fills this job?应该这样问:你们觉得什么样的人适合这个工作岗位?3.别太八卦 dont ask: i heard the ceo was involved in scandalous activity; is that true?不要这样问:我听说你们的 ceo现在丑闻缠身,是不是真的啊? do ask: while researching your firm i learned that the company recently fill in the blank. can you tell me a little bit more about this development?应该这样问:在我对贵公司进行调查了解的时候,我发现贵公司正身陷,你能不能多给我一点关于这件事情的消息呢?4.别问得太细 dont ask: can you break down my day in terms of hours spent doing a, b, c, d, etc.?不要这样问:你能不能把我每天要做的事按照一二三四地给我详细说说? do ask: can you tell me what my average day would be like?应该这样问:你能否给我介绍一下我的日常工作安排?5.别看上去贪婪成性 dont ask: what kinds of perks do you get around here?不要这样问:你们公司有什么福利? do ask: what do you enjoy most about working here?应该这样问:你觉得什么是你在公司里感到最享受的?6.别关注负面问题 dont ask: whats the worst part about this job?不要这样问:这份工作最糟糕的是什么? do ask: given my background and experience, what do you think will be the greatest challenge f


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