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高中出国留学的好处有哪些高考临近,很多即将毕业的高中生都跃跃欲试,准备去国外留学。那么高中毕业生出国留学有哪些好处呢?接下来,就和小编一起来看看出国留学的 5 个惊人的好处吧。5 Surprising Benefits of Studying AbroadMost young people dream of seeing the world and experiencing cultures vastly different than their own. While traveling is a great opportunity to do this, it pales in comparison with actually living abroad, which is a tad bit more complicated than organizing a journey as tourist. What most students in the US dont realize is that studying abroad is a very real and very affordable solution.大多数年轻人梦想看到的世界和经历的文化和他们自己的截然不同。旅行时是一个这样做的很好的机会,它就像是真正生活在国外,这点比组织一次出国旅行更加复杂。在美国,大多数学生没有意识到的是,出国留学是一个非常现实和负担得起的解决方案。Studying abroad, especially when seeking higher education, is a solution with a lot of benefits.出国留学,尤其是寻求高等教育,这是一个很好的解决方案。So what are the positive aspects of studying in a foreign country?那么什么是在国外学习的积极方面吗?It may seem like sending a son or daughter abroad to get an education is a tremendous strain on the family budget, but when you do some number crunching, things stop looking so grim. First of all, tuition costs in the USA are very high for higher education institutions, especially for those that are considered to be the best. Parents dish out around $60,000 per year to provide their children with a proper degree. After all, statistics show that almost 50% of people in the UK ?are struggling with debt. The situation isnt all that peachy in the US either, being that the average credit card debt is $15,706 and the average student loan debt is $32,953. These, and other financial struggles, are things most households experience first hand. Hence, its easy to understand why alternative solutions need to be available.似乎送出一个儿子或女儿在国外接受教育是一笔巨大的家庭预算,但当你做一些数据处理,事情不会变得这样恐怖。首先,学费在美国高等教育机构非常高,尤其是对那些被认为是最好的学校。 父母每年拿出 60000 美元左右,为他们的孩子提供一个合适的学位。毕竟,统计数据显示,几乎 50%的英国人正艰难应对债务。情况并不全出现在美国,在美国普通的信用卡债务是 15706 美元,平均学生贷款债务是 32953 美元。和其他金融的斗争相比,这些东西是大多数家庭的第一手经验。因此,很容易理解为什么需要提供替代解决方案。In Germany and many other European countries, the government covers most of the costs, and their schools provide great programs in English for graduates and undergraduates, including testing. There are 900 programs to pick from just in Germany. This is just the peak of the iceberg, and if you do your research you are going to realize that the cost of studying abroad is actually quite affordable for a lot of American families.在德国和其他欧洲国家,政府提供大部分的资金,并且他们的学校为毕业生和本科生的英语提供伟大的项目,包括测试。仅仅是在德国就有 900 个项目。这仅仅是冰山一角,如果你做研究你要意识到出国留学的费用对于很多美国家庭来说都是非常便宜的可负担的。We all learn a second language at school, but due to the lack of a proper language-learning environment most of us end up with only a rudimentary understanding of another language. Only those talented enough, or motivated to do extra work on their own, manage to hold on to a more tangible skill-set. This is why moving to a foreign country and being exposed to a foreign language on a daily basis will give any individual an opportunity to bring their language skills close to native. Learning a new language can seem frightening to a lot of people but if youdo your research and prepare for the process it will go quite smoothly.我们都在学校学习第二语言,但由于缺乏适当的语言学习环境我们大多数人最终只有一个对另一种语言的基本的了解。只有那些足够优秀,或者自己有动力去做额外的工作,设法抓住更多实实在在的技能。这就是为什么搬到国外,任何一人每天接触一门外语会把他们的语言技能提高到接近本地人。学习一门新的语言可能会让很多人觉得可怕,但是如果你在过程中研究和做足准备就会相当顺利。People who speak two or more languages are highly valued at most companies, and this kind of skill can provide young students with an edge when scouting for a job.说两种或两种以上语言的人在大多数公司里有很高的价值,并且这种技巧可以为青年学生在寻找工作时提供优势。There are few things that can prepare you for living alone and looking after yourself, like actually living alone and looking after yourself. I mean yes, there is a transitional period which can be stressful and annoying, but youll get used to it soon enough. Not having anyone else to blame for your dirty room, laundry, smelly sheets or whatever chore you choose to disregard on a regular basis really helps strengthen your character. And you need these things in order to gain the confidence to make important life decisions. In some cases parents may be concerned about their childrens safety while studying abroad but truth be told a lot of European cities that have a “reputation” are actually quite safe, Amsterdam being the prime example.很少有事情可以让你独自生活和照顾自己,就像真正的独自生活和照顾自己。我的意思是,都会有一个过渡时期你可能充满压力和厌烦,但是你很快就会习惯的。没有任何人责备你的脏的房间,洗衣、臭鞋子或者无论你选择无视的任何日常家务,这真的有助于增强你的特点。为了获得作出重要的人生决定的信心你需要这些东西。在某些情况下,父母可能会担心孩子在出国留学期间的安全,但说实话很多欧洲城市的“声誉”实际上是相当安全的,阿姆斯特丹是典型的例子。Being abroad means no friends, no parents, no neighbors and a completely new culture that demands you adapt. It is a big change, and it will move you to the core, but once you manage to surpass these differences youll come out a different person, ready for any new challenge thrown your way. Getting organized and focusing on your studies is something you need to get under control as soon as possible, so you can adapt quicker. There are more than a few things that can help you out. Once you get things under control and adapt to the educational system of your school of choice, then you can use your spare time to explore the interesting culture you are exposed to.在国外意味着没有朋友,没有父母,没有邻居,你需要适应一个全新的文化。这是一个巨大的变化,它将让你到达核心,但是一旦你能超越这些差异你就会成为一个不同的人,准备迎接任何新的挑战。组织和专注于你的学业是你需要尽快掌握的,因此你可以更快的适应。有几件事情可以帮助你。一旦你把事情处理好和适应你选择的你们学校的教育系统,然后你可以用你的空闲时间去探索和接触有趣的文化。You will develop connections all over the world. Chances are, if there are students from the US attending that school, there are students from other countries as well. It is an invaluable business asset for any professional to have business connections in their own niche, spread out across the globe. It gives these young souls the chance to play off each others environments and broaden their understanding of the work they pursue. It can also open up some pretty great business opportunities in the global job market.你将从世界各地发展自己的关系。很有可能的是,如果有学生从美国来就读那所学校,那么学校里肯定有来自其他国家的学生。对于那些在自己的领域有业务上的联系并在全球范围内展开的任何专业的人来说,这是一个宝贵的商业机会,。它给这些年轻人机会去与环境抗争和扩大他们对所追求的工作的理解。它也可以在全球就业市场上开放一些非常伟大的商业机会。中国人首次获得诺贝尔医学奖Eighty-five-year old Chinese pharmacologist Tu Youyou became Chinas first medicine Nobel laureate when it was announced she was one of three scientists awarded the XX Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in developing effective drugs against parasitic diseases.XX 年度诺贝尔生理医学奖已经公布,85 岁高龄的中国药理学家屠呦呦和其他两位科学家共获这一殊荣,以表彰他们在研发对抗寄生虫疾病药物方面做出的贡献。William C. Campbell and Satoshi ?mura were recognized for their novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites.威廉坎贝尔和大村智的成就在于蛔虫寄生疾病的创新疗法。While Tu was honored for developing Artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute disclosed on its website on Monday.周一,诺贝尔委员会在卡罗林医学院上介绍道,屠呦呦研发的青蒿素应用于疟疾治疗,拯救了全世界数百万人,尤其是发展中国家患者。Tu, a Chinese trained pharmacologist and a researcher at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, would like to go to Oslo, Norway in December to receive her award in person, according to Cao Hongxin, the science and technology department head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and former director of the academy.国家中医药管理局局长曹洪欣称,屠呦呦是一名资深药理学家,在位于北京的中国中医科学院担任研究员,她将在 12 月份到挪威奥斯陆领奖。曹洪欣此前也在中国中医科学院担任院长。“She sounded calm and said she has received lots of congratulatory calls,“ Cao told China Daily on Monday after he telephoned Tu to congratulate her. “Its an overdue honor for Tu and the worlds recognition of TCM,“ he said.“她很平静,并称收到了许多贺电, ”周一曹洪欣同屠呦呦通完贺电后告诉中国日报记者:“这对她来说是个迟到的荣誉,同时也是世界对中医的认可。 ”Tu was honored for her work in isolating the active ingredient from the plant Artemisia apiacea Hance that protects against the malaria parasite and developing an extraction method for its therapeutic use.屠呦呦从青蒿中提取活性成分,来对抗疟疾寄生虫,并发明了一种提纯方法应用于治疗。“It was inspired by the ancient TCM classic Manual of Clinical Practice and Emergency Remedies by TCM master Ge Hong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317- 340),“ Cao said.“这是从中国古代东晋时期中医大师葛洪的经典著作肘后方中获取的灵感。 ”曹洪欣说道。The book says coldly squeezed southernwood juice could treat malaria.书中提到,挤压出来的青蒿汁能够治疗疟疾。Her great findings spearheaded the exploration for the modernization of TCM as well, he added.她的伟大发现同时也开辟了中医药现代化的探索,他补充道。In 1969, Tu started to chair a government project aimed at eradicating malaria.1969 年,屠呦呦主持了一项旨在根除疟疾的政府项目。Tu and her colleagues experimented with 380 extracts in 2,000 candidate recipes before they finally succeeded in obtaining the pure substance qinghaosu, later known as artemisinin, which became the standard regimen for malaria in the World Health Organizations catalog of essential medicines.屠呦呦和同事在 XX 多例临床病例中试验了 380 多种提取物,最终成功获取提纯的青蒿素,也就是之后的青蒿抗疟药,成为世界卫生组织基本药物目录中的标准抗疟疗法。In XX, Tu was awarded the Lasker Debakey Clinical Medical Research Award, commonly referred to as “Americas Nobel Prize“.早在 XX 年,屠呦呦就获得了美国拉斯克临床研究奖,拉斯克奖素有“美国诺贝尔奖”之称。来源:纽约时报中文网大多数单身独立的女人不会告诉你的 8 个秘密8 Secrets Most Single And Independent Women Wont Tell YouJust take a look around, and youll see more single, independent, and successful women than ever before. Were working hard on our careers and education, instead of marrying the first guy who comes along. Weve got our eyes out for that special guy, but were too busy to just sit around and wait. Were hoping to meet that special someone, but most of us are busy working and spending time with friends.看看周围,你会看到有比之前更多的单身、独立、成功的女人。我们在事业和教育上努力工作,而不再是嫁给第一个来到我们身边的男人。我们在努力寻找那个特别的家伙,只是我们太忙了,不能坐在那里干等。我们希望遇到那个特别的人,但我们大多数人都忙于工作和把时间花在和朋友在一起身上。With the trend toward marrying later, weve got lots of company, and were enjoying the freedom that comes with our independence. Going it alone has its downsides, but we dont dwell on them. People have some misconceptions about us, though. Hopefully, the list below will give you some insight into what we want to say, but dont.随着晚婚的趋势,我们得到了许多陪伴,也享受着独立给予我们的自由。单身有其缺点,但我们不会老想着这些。尽管人们对我们有些误解。但愿下面的清单能让你们察觉出一些我们想说却不会说的。We wish people understood that our friends are just as important as husband and boyfriends. When you dont have a significant other, your close friends share your heartbreaks and joys, are there for you when the chips are down, and make you laugh till you choke.我们希望人们明白,我们的朋友就像丈夫和男朋友一般重要。当你还没有重要的另一半时,你的密友会分享你的心痛和快乐,当形势危急时会在你身边,逗你笑个不停。Different than a boyfriend or husband, these friends are just as important, and provide support thats different, but no less valuable, than we get from our blood relatives.尽管和男朋友或丈夫不同,这些朋友却一样重要。提供给你不同但是和我们的亲人一样无价的支持。We wish men would tell us, once and for all, if its ok to call first. Ditto on women asking men out. Just because were independent doesnt mean weve got this dating thing figured out.我们希望男人们一次了结地告诉我们是否应该先打电话。女人邀请男人出去同样如此。我们独立并不意味着我们已经弄懂了这些约会的事情。How about a “singles shower”? Dont get us wrong, were genuinely happy when our friends get engaged, married, pregnant, and we (mostly) dont mind buying all of the shower gifts that go along with these happy events.来一场“单人的派对”怎么样?不要误解我们,当朋友订婚、结婚、怀孕的时候我们会真心为他们高兴,我们不介意买下所有与这些快乐事情相关的派对礼物。But after weve been single and taking care of ourselves for a while, we think it would be nice if our friends and family reciprocated and threw us a party to celebrate our making it on our own. After all, single women need toasters, too!但是当我们单身照顾自己一段时间之后,我们会想如果我们的朋友和家人回报给我们举办一场聚会,庆祝我们靠自己成功做到这些,这种感觉会很好。毕竟,单身女人也需要烤面包机!Were independent and in control at work, but we still want to feel like a woman. We have to compete with men at work, so we want to let our feminine side out when were with a man were attracted to. So dont worry that well be offended if you treat us like a lady (hint: flowers are always welcome).我们独立并在工作中自控,但我们仍然想要看起来像个女人。我们必须要在工作中与男人竞争,所以当我们和我们被吸引的男人在一起时散发出女人味。所以不要担心因为你们把我们当作女士对待我们而让我们感到受冒犯。We wish people would stop asking us if were “still single,” and assuming that getting hitched must be our first priority in life. The same goes for comments about our biological clocks. Single doesnt mean desperate: for us, it means having standards for who we couple up with. Wed rather be single than married to the wrong person.我们希望人们停下问我们是否“仍然单身” ,并假定结婚是我们生活中最迫切的事。对我们生物钟的评论也是如此。单身并不意味着绝望:对我们来说,这意味着我们我们对我们将与之相伴的人有着标准。我们宁愿单身,也不愿嫁给错的人。We wish those same people understood that being single can be more fun than being coupled up with the wrong person. The freedom to stay out all night with friends having fun instead of being stuck at home watching sports (when you hate sports) with someone who bores you senseless is a definite upside to going solo.我们希望这同一批人明白单身会比和错的人一起更有乐趣。我们会有自由整晚在外与朋友玩乐而不是呆在家里和让你厌烦的人无意义的看体育比赛(当你讨厌体育时),这就是单独一个明确的好处。Making it as a single woman makes us resourceful, capable, competent, and interesting. We cant depend on someone else to handle everything for us, so we learn how to take care of ourselves. Flat tires, leaky pipes, work conflicts: we learn how to handle them like the strong, capable women we are. When things get tough, we keep going.成功作为一个单身女人让我们足智多谋,有能力,能够胜任,和有趣。我们不能依靠别人来处理,所以我们学习如何照顾自己。轮胎破了、漏水的管道,工作冲突:我们学习如何像坚强、有能力的女人一样处理这些。当事情变得艰难,我们会继续走下去。Were proud of our independence, but sometimes we wish someone would step in and help with that flat tire, help us put together that Ikea bookcase, and most importantly, be a shoulder to rest on when life gets overwhelming. Sometimes we just want to be taken care of. The most independent woman has times when she wishes for a significant other to lean on.我们为我们的独立感到骄傲,但有时我们也希望有人会来帮助我们弄好漏气的轮胎,帮我们把那个宜家书架放在一起,最重要的是,当生活变得无法承受的时候,我们可以有一个肩膀依靠来休息一下。To sum it all up, were interesting, intelligent, and living full lives. Were open to the possibilities that singledom gives us, and are having a great time working and playing while we audition candidates for The One. All in all, its a great life!总得来说,我们有趣、聪明,充分享受生活。我们拥抱单身生活给予我们的可能性,并能在约会时有一个愉快的工作玩耍时光。总之,这就是超棒的生活!孩子学外语 掌握好时间段想让孩子更加优秀,拥有别人没有的优势,走向更加广阔的天地,学习外语(课程)很有必要。学好外语,孩子能够多一种交流的途径,能通过一种更加广阔的方式来获得各方面的知识,视野更加开阔。现在的父母为了孩子的教育可以说是不遗余力,什么都是要趁早。孩子的外语学习也是早早就开始了,孩子太早学习外语究竟好不好?孩子学习外语太早了会不会对孩子学习母语有影响呢?这也是很多父母的担心。孩子学外语到底什么时间段最好?最近,有美国语言专家研究表示,人出生后到 7 岁时期,大脑最易接收第二语言的声音和模式,特别是婴儿具有与生俱来的能力,能区别各种语言的发音,但这种能力在 1 岁左右就开始退化了,等到了成年后再学习语言,想要说一口地道外语的希望就会变得非常渺茫。美国专家甚至还认为,在双语环境中长大的孩子,与只学一门语言的孩子相比,花同样的时间便可以掌握两门语言。他们还引用意大利的一项实验结果来 “证明” ,双语宝宝不仅不比单语宝宝学习语言花费的时间多,而且双语教学还能使孩子的大脑变得更灵活,即便两者都是 1 岁左右开始说话的,但到 1 岁半时,双 语宝宝已经大约能够学会说 50 个外语单词了。人的语言掌握程度是与其知识面甚至世界观相关联的,单纯地掌握语言码是无意义的,对一个幼儿来说,学第二语言的关键问题还不是在“早点好”或是“晚点好” ,而是要看他们是否有学习的兴趣以及这样的兴趣究竟能够维持多久,此外还要看他们是否真正有学习非母语的需要。如果在一个跨国婚姻组成的家庭,或者一年中有一段时间是呆在国内而另一段时间要到国外生活的家庭,让他们的孩子早点接触第二语言,就会是件自然而然的事情,孩子有这样的实际运用需要,周遭的真正双语环境也会逼迫他们尽早尽快适应和运用不同的语种。现在国内双语早教班不断涌现,有时教得太早,反而会挫伤他们的学习积极性,再加上方法失当的话,还会对他们将来真正学好外语起相反的作用。现行的幼儿园教育大纲并未列入外语的教学内容,相反让孩子学说正确的母语却是“必修课” ,对于孩子来说,让他们多接受一点世界上的新知识、新鲜事,让他们通过 经常性地参观展览、观摩演出、外出旅游等方式,多感受一些异域文化,这远比迫使他们多背几个单词或多学几句口语要重要得多。一个学霸的非典型外语学习经验高中时候英语考试曾经 25 道题做错 21 道,本科专业是化学,最后却无知无畏地拿了一个外语系的博士,目前的语言状况是口语一塌糊涂,但笔译能做的不少,翻译整本书的有英语童话、梵语戏剧、梵语语法书,目前正在翻一个德语小词典,零散的 MOOC 课程简介或字幕在果壳英法德也都翻过了。我同学通常把这叫做缺啥学啥不过还是应玛雅蓝鼓励,来分享一下学习外语的一些体会。学语言的重点之一是阅读。不管曾经经过什么阶段的学习或者考试,我假设大家都有一定词汇量和阅读能力,提高语言水平在于扩大阅读量,这方面我的建议是:读自己喜欢的内容。我有一个表哥,从小教导我打游戏可以学英语,后来他现在靠打游戏买装备为业,不过打英文游戏确实没有什么障碍上大学的时候要出国的同学都打 Diablo,据说里面都是 GRE 单词,这个因为我没想要出国以及不喜欢会死人的游戏所以没打过,但考四级之前看了 Harry Potter 1-3 英文版,于是四级优秀了。有一个朋友特别喜欢 FF 系列游戏,于是在某次官方出小说之后花了一个星期把全文日译中发在了论坛上,当然她


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